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人教版2020版九年级上学期期末考试英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -_ is your grandmother?-Shes fine,thanksAWhatBHowCWhereDWhat color2 . My cousin had just graduated from college then. He didnt know _.Ahow can he attract a would-be bosss attentionBwhat he should do to attract a would-be bosss attentionCwhether he will get the offer from his would-be bossDthat he could get the offer from his would-be boss or not3 . Her grandfather a car in 2007. He the car for 10 years.Abuy; has boughtBbought; has hadCbuys; has hadDbought; has bought4 . _ great fun the Water Festival is! Yeah! I hope we can come back next year.AWhatBHowCWhat aDHow a5 . How dirty your room is! You must _.Aclean up itBclean them upCclean it upDclean them up6 . (题文)Teenagers _ to look after themselves from a young age.Ashould educateBshould be educatedCshouldnt be educatedDnot should educate7 . -Henry, please call us as soon as you _ Hawaii.-OK. Ill do that, Mom.Aarrive inBare arriving inCwill arrive in8 . May I take a photo here?No, you _. Look at the sign. It _ “No photos!” here.Amustnt,writesBcant , tellsCcant, talksDmustnt, says9 . Amy and Frank went to the concert, but_ of them enjoyed the performance.AbothBallCneitherDnone10 . Tomorrow is Fathers Day. Whats your surprise for your father?The first thing_ I will do is to make a card for him.AwhoBwhereCwhoseDthat二、完型填空My mother always breaks my dream. I feel very sad and unhappy.One day, I was doing my homework _ my mother was surfing on the Internet. I was_because my good friend had just called me and said that I might be a singer in the future! I was realty nappy that she could say so. And my dream is to be a singer too. But Ive never said it to my mother because she doesnt like it. She wants me to be a flute(长笛)player! Oh! How boring!After long thought, I raised my head and turned to my mother. I told my mother _ I really want to be._ your idea! Its impossible! You should pay more attention to your studies, not pop music! If you dont study hard, you will _ be an excellent student! her voice went up, and I was afraid.But Mum, I really want to be a singer! I was expecting that my mother could change her _ at once, but I failed. My heart was badly hurt. But that time I said to myself, Dont give up! Nothing is impossible. Ill never give it up although my mother doesnt stand on my side, even try to break my dream.In a word, dont let anybody break your dream, especially those teenagers of my age. Its your own dream.11 . AwhatBwhereCwhileDwhich12 . AafraidBangryCworriedDexcited13 . AwhenBwhatCwhichDwhy14 . AKeep onBStudy withCThink overDGive up15 . AalwaysBoftenCneverDsometimes16 . AjobBideaCplaceDtime三、阅读单选Why do earthquakes happen?Scientists explain that the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates(板块)For example,at San Francisco the Pacific(太平洋的)Plate which is moving towards the northwest meets the North American Plate. The Pacific Plate is moving very slowlyat 5.3 centimeters a year. Sometimes these two plates stop and do not move for years. Then suddenly,they jump and an earthquake is felt. As a result of the movement of these plates,West America near the sea has always been a bad place for earthquakes. When the 1906 earthquake happened,the Pacific Plate jumped 56 meters to the north.We cannot stop earthquakes,but we can do things to make sure they dont destroy(毁坏)the whole cities. First,it is not a good idea to build houses along the lines,where two of the earths plates join together. Second,if you think there may be an earthquake,it is better to build houses on rock not on sand. Third,you must make the houses as strong as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake,but strong ones may stay up.17 . An earthquake can be felt _Awhen two plates push each otherBwhen one plate becomes a bad placeCwhen one plate meets the seaDwhen two plates dont move for years18 . An earthquake shook San Francisco in the past because _ASan Francisco stands along between the Pacific Plate and the North American PlateBSan Francisco stands near the PacificCthe plate of San Francisco always moves slowlyDthe city of San Francisco wasnt built very well19 . What can we do to make sure earthquakes dont destroy the whole cities?Build houses far from the earthquake lines.Build houses on rock not on sand.Make the houses as strong as possible.Stop weak earthquakes.ABCD20 . Where can we find the passage?AIn a history book.BIn a science book.CIn a tour guide for America.DIn a safety guide for common people. 2019 marks the first year of the global commercial use of 5G. China is running ahead in this field. In March, 2019, the Shanghai Hongqiao Train Station became worlds first “5G train station”. Whats more, with the technology, it takes only 20 seconds to download a long movie. China is hopeful that we can even experience driver-less cars in daily life soon. However, the great technology is still new to most of us. What are the advantages (优势) of 5G? Here are some ideas. It is faster, for sure. It is expected to be at least 10 times faster than 4G. The first 5G modem (猫,调制解调器) of the IT company Qualcomm supports (支持) speeds of up to 5 Gigabytes (千兆字节) per second. Most of us have never experienced anything close to that speed. And we are only talking about the first generation of 5G modems. Future modems are likely to be even faster. But 5G is not all about speed. Have you ever been to a large event where your data (数据) connection slowed down? That is because 4G networks can only support a certain number of devices (设备) per square (平方) meter. 5G networks can do much better. They can support up to a million devices per square kilometer. Are you looking forward to that 5G world now? Get ready for the amazing future.21 . If we put the passage into 3 parts, which is the best?A/B/C/D/22 . Paragraph 4 shows the advantage of 5G by _.Agiving adviceBhaving a large eventCcomparing (比较) 5G with 4GDtalking about our prediction23 . What can we infer (推断) from the passage?AShanghai is the first city to use 5G.B5G will help us live and work better.CDriver-less cars will be much cheaper in the future.D5G networks can support up to a million devices per square kilometer.24 . After reading the passage, we can know the writer _ 5G technology.Adoesnt mindBis worried aboutCdislikesDlikesThe *Cartoon *CatsGarfieldGarfield is *fromAmerica. He is *fat. He always likeseating very much .He likes eating meat.Hello KittyWe knows Hello Kitty. This nice cat is from *Japan. She has a sister Mimmy.Captain Black CatCaptain Black Cat isfrom China. He is avery *clever cat.We like him verymuch.TomTom is from *America. He is interesting but not clever. He often wants to *fool Jerry butalways cant.25 . How many(多少) cats can we see in the passage(文章)?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.26 . Which cat is from China?AGarfield.BHello Kitty.CCaptain Black Cat.DTom.27 . What is Garfields favorite food?AVegetables.BFruits.CSalad.DMeat.28 . From the passage, we know that _.AKitty is clever.BKitty is fat.CKitty has a sister.DKitty is from America.29 . Which is TRUE(正确的)about Tom?ATom is interesting.BTom is clever.CTom is from Japan.DTom can fool Jerry.四、单词填空根据下面短文内容,在短文空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。What can you do to keep healthy? Perhaps for children, healthy eating is one of the most important things. Here are some ideas about30 . to eat healthily.Having breakfastA good breakfast is very important to children. Its necessary to have it in the morning. But some children often go to school without breakfast (不吃早餐),31 . they want to sleep a little longer. Remember that a good breakfast will help you study better.Having milkMilk is also very important to childrens health. It makes children grow stronger. Its better for you to drink a glass of warm milk32 . going to bed. As 33 . as you drink milk every night, you will have a good sleep.Having healthy foodHaving healthy food is the most important. That means eating lots of different 34 . of food, especially(尤其) fruits and vegetables. Dont eat too much chocolate35 . ice-cream, because 36 . of them are unhealthy food. Some of you like eating fast food, but in 37 . , it is not good for your health. Have healthy eating habits, and you will have a strong body.五、多任务混合问题Today it is found that most middle school students pay littl eattention to sports. Its because they have no interestin sports. It may not be the fact.They of ten say they have other more important things to do. What are these important things?Exams!They spend over ten hours a day revising for exams. So many of them almost become bookworms. In the summer holidays they could hardly do anything they like. Books stop them from going in for sports. Because of the stress from their parents and teachers, they have to work harder.As for the students themselves, they want to get good results so that they can go further for their studies. They dont have to put all their time into studying and give up all the sports and hobbies. In fact, education can not go without physical exercise, because a quick mind hardly goes along a week body.All the students should remember:Without a strong body, you can never achieve anything.38 . 根据处内容,完成下面的句子。(每空一词)_the mover ten hours a day to revise for exams.39 . 将处翻译成汉语。 _。40 . 根据处内容,完成下面句子。(每空一词)If you_a strong body, you can never achieve anything.六、将所给单词连成句子Make up sentences(连词成句)41 . together, walk to, they, school_42 . Green Market, have, you, in Sunny Town, been to_43 . English, good at, or, you, maths, are_44 . fun, it is, to play, on Lucky Island_七、话题作文45 . 健康的生活习惯对于成长中的我们是非常重要的。你认为健康的生活习惯应当是怎样的呢?请根据下面的信息提示,写一篇短文,首句已给出。信息提示:健康饮食;早睡早起,不熬夜;参加运动,强身健体。要求:1、根据信息提示,把握要点,适当发挥,不逐字翻译。2、字数在80词左右,短文的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。I think healthy habits are very important for us. .第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、单词填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、将所给单词连成句子1、七、话题作文1、


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