2020年(春秋版)牛津版英语七年级下学期模块四测试 (不含听力)(II)卷

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2020年(春秋版)牛津版英语七年级下学期模块四测试 (不含听力)(II)卷_第1页
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2020年(春秋版)牛津版英语七年级下学期模块四测试 (不含听力)(II)卷_第3页
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2020年(春秋版)牛津版英语七年级下学期模块四测试 (不含听力)(II)卷一、听长对话回答问题听对话,回答下列各题。1 . Whats the good news for Tom?AHe has a new friend.BHe has a new job.CHe has a new company.2 . When does the woman ask Tom to arrive?ABefore 8 oclock any day.BOn July 1st.COn June 1st.听对话,回答下列各题。3 . Whats the mans job?AA waiter.BA part-time teacher.CAn assistant.4 . What does the man do the job for?AFor money.BFor fun.CFor experience.5 . What is important to find a part-time job?AInterests.BWorkplace.CSalary(薪酬).二、听短文回答问题听独白,回答下列各题。6 . How does he feel when he stays with students?AYoung.BHappy.CFree.7 . Why does he want to be a teacher?AHe can get knowledge.BHe can never be old.CHe can develop hobbies.8 . Why does he feel proud?AHe makes progress.BStudents make progress.CHe makes students happy.三、单选题9 . AbreadBseaCmeatDmean10 . AcalledBborrowedCenjoyedDhelped11 . AaloudBshoutCmouthDgroup12 . -Are you good at playingbasketball or playingpiano?-BothAa;aBthe;theC;the四、完型填空One morning when Officer Vogel was having coffee in a restaurant, he saw a little kid_ a car down the street. He felt _ and jumped into his police car at once. When the car stopped, Vogel find the driver _ a five-year-old little boy. His name was Rocco. In the back seat was his two-year-old sister. Both of_ were crying.Then Vogel drove them to the police station_ called their mother. They asked, “ _did you get the car keys?” Rocco answered, “From _ top of the fridge.”At seven at the morning Roccos mother was sleeping. Rocco saw the keys_ his mothers car. He climbed on a chair and _ the keys. And then he got into the car and started the engine(引擎). His sister wanted _ with her brother so she ran to the car too.Some reporters heard the story of the little boy, so they went to Roccos house. Rocco told them that he dreamed of being a driver when he grew up.13 . AdrivesBto driveCdrivingDto driving14 . AsurprisingBsurpriseCsurprisedDsurprisingly15 . AisBwasCareDwere16 . AtheyBthemCtheirDtheirs17 . AbutBorCsoDand18 . AWhereBWhatCWhenDWhy19 . AtheBaCanD/20 . AofBwithCatDto21 . AgetBgettingCgotDgets22 . AgoBto goCwentDgoing五、阅读单选You can see Pizza Hut(必胜客) every some blocks, so it must be a very big business. Indeed it is. But believe it or not, the business was started in 1958 by two college students with aloanof 600 dollars.The Carney brothers were trying to make some money .so that they could pay their way through college. They borrowed the money from their mother and sold pizza in a small house in their neighborhood. Thats how they got the name of the business. On the first day of business, they gave away pizza to draw(吸引) customers(顾客).Year after year, their business grows and now they often give free meals and work chances to those in need.23 . Pizza Hut has been set up for about _ years.A21B31C58D10024 . The word “loan” here in the story means _.Amoney the brothers borrowed from othersBmoney the brothers lent to othersCsomething bought for nothingDsomething given away25 . What do you think of the two students from the last paragraph?AThey are clever.BThey are hard-working.CThey are generous.DThey are smart.Exercise not only improves your appearance,but also improves your health.Health experts advise people to choose physical activities that they find fun.So,what are some of the most popular forms of exercise in the USA?Walking tops the list.It is considered to be the way to get exercise.Walking is also said to be the least harmful to the knees and feet.So,its a perfect choice for the old.Another popular form of exercise is jogging.In the 1970s,Bill Bowerman brought jogging to the USA.He did so after seeing the popularity of the activity during a trip to New Zealand in the 1960s.He started the first jogging club in America.He also helped found Nike.Swimming is also very popular.It was the second most popular sporting activity in America in 2008.Top activity was walking.When one is swimming,the whole body is put to work.It is said that swimming is good for people with special needs,like pregnant(怀孕的) women.Dancing can also be a fun way to exercise.This is especially true for those who see exercise as something that they should do.A dance fitness programme called Zumba has grown in popularity in recent years.It was created by Alberto Perez in Colombia in the 1990s.In 2001,he brought the programme to the USA.Since then,it has spread around the world.26 . Which of the following can be put in ?AeasiestBmost helpfulCmost difficultDmost expensive27 . Bill Bowerman .Awent to New Zealand in the 1970sBstarted New Zealands first jogging clubCfounded Nike on his ownDbrought jogging to the USA28 . From the fourth paragraph,we can learn that .Aswimming was not popular in 2008Bswimming was more popular than walking in 2008Cwalking was the most popular form of exercise in 2008Dits not good for pregnant women to go swimming29 . According to the last paragraph,we know that Zumba .Ahas a very long historyBis the name of a dance clubCwas created in the USADbecame popular not long ago30 . What is the passage mainly about?A. The advantages of exercise.B. Some popular forms of exercise in the USA.C. The history of some forms of exercise.D. Advice on how to choose the best form of exercise.Choose the best answerHow does your lunch taste? Students at the Philips Academy Charter School in the US say their lunch taste fresh and “proud”.From grades 6 to 8 students in the school had to grow their own lunch. On the small farm inside their kitchen, they grew crops like broccoli and many kinds of Asian greens.To most students, it was the first time for them to see how food is produced (生产). The greens grow under artificial lights (人造灯). Each month, students from different grades come to observe (观察) and water them. The farm produced about 8 pounds (3.6 kg) of leafy greens every three weeks. The fresh food was soon on the studentstable. “We harvest it and then its used in the kitchen and the salad bar. And were eating it during lunch, and its fun,”said Yves Millien, 14.And this organic (有机的) project is not only for teaching science. It really helped change studentseating behavior. Catkin Flowers, 13, hated green food before. She thought they tasted bad. However, aft er she grew her own crops, Catkin changed her mind.“I made this and I want to eat it because its good and I am proud of it,”said Catkin.31 . The students say their lunch tastes “proud” because _.Athey grow their own lunchBtheir lunch tastes deliciousCthey cook their own lunchDtheir lunch is good for their health32 . The students grow vegetables _.Ain their classroomsBin their school kitchenCon a nearby farmDon the playground33 . The farm takes _ to produce about 8 pounds of leafy greens.Aone monthBtwo weeksCa weekDthree weeks34 . According to Catkin Flowers, the project has changes her _.Aattitude toward scienceBeating habitsCwork styleDlearning habits35 . What can we infer from the story?AThe school doesnt have enough money to buy food.BStudents in the US enjoy growing vegetables.CThe project is part of the schools science class.DThe project aims to change studentseating habits.六、听短文填写表格听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。A few tips to help you be happyFirstEnjoy the simple things, such as reading a good book, _, or spending time with close friends.AnotherBe _, such as doing sports.FinallyHelp others, such as helping friends or the elderly, or _.36 . Aclimbing the mountainsBplaying the pianoClistening to music37 . AactiveBbraveCpatient38 . Adoing some houseworkBdonating some moneyCdoing sports七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据所提供的句子意思,填入适当的单词,使句子意思完整。39 . A lot of vegetables help you to keep h_40 . The movie was very b_. I slept when I watched it.41 . He brushes his teeth t_a day.42 . We can find lots of information on the I_.43 . Who gets up_(早的), Lucy or Lily ?44 . Theyre twins, but they are d_ from each other.45 . We should take it s_.46 . Nearly everyone knows Jacky Chen . He is a_著名的)actor .47 . Dont_(忘记) to lock the door when you leave the room .48 . I think it_(有必要的)for children to know the history of China .八、完成句子根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词49 . 从现在开始,你应该多学点英语。_,you should learn more English.50 . 现在成千上万的学生在找工作。_ students are _ jobs now.51 . 贝蒂每天上学都很匆忙。Betty goes to school _ every day.52 . 我想买一副手套送给妈妈。I want to buy _ for my mum.53 . 那就是她擅长英语的原因。_ she is good at English.九、材料作文54 . What do you like to do in your free time? Have you got any hobbies? Write about your hobby in no less than 60 words.Use the following points as a reference:* What is your hobby? * Do you really like it?* How did you start to like it at first? * How long have you had this hobby?_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、听长对话回答问题1、2、二、听短文回答问题1、三、单选题1、2、3、4、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、六、听短文填写表格1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、完成句子1、九、材料作文1、


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