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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Last year I went to_on business. I had a birds eye view of the whole city at the top of the Eiffel Tower.Athe USABFranceCAustraliaDItaly2 . On no-car day, _ students _ teachers are allowed to drive to school.Aeither; orBnot only; but alsoCneither; norDboth; and3 . The first thing _ we should do is to tell him the news.AwhoBwhichCthatDwhom4 . Boy students are interested in sports. Some like running, or swimming, and _like ball games.Athe othersBothersCthe otherDother5 . Why not go to_ bed? Its 11:00.Id like to, but I have to prepare for_ Chinese exam tomorrow.Aa, theBan, /C/, theDthe, /6 . Merry Christmas!_.AGood byeBCongratulationsCThe same to youDIm sorry7 . Nancy can speak English.She can _ speak Chinese.AorBtooCalsoDbut8 . Were happy that the air in our city is getting than a few years ago.AcleanBcleanerCcleanest9 . Susan is talking _ me _ her trip to Tokyo excitedly.Awith forBto aboutCto withDwith of10 . - Happy birthday to you! -.AThe same to youBMe tooCThank youDYoure welcome11 . What kind of structure is the sentence “The girl showed her classmates some photos.”?AS+V+OBS+V+PCS+V+IO+DODS+V+DO+OC12 . convenient it is to communicate with each other through Wechat!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a13 . _they are twin brothers, _they dont look like each other.AAlthough; /BAlthough; butCBut; although14 . Tuesday is the _day of the week.AthirdBfirstCsecond15 . You _return the book right now.You may keep it till next week.AshouldntBneedntCcantDmustnt16 . _ are the English dictionaries?_on the desk.AWhere; ItsBWhere; TheyreCWhat; TheyreDWhat; Its17 . When _ the 24th Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing?In 2022.Ais; heldBwill; holdCdo; holdDwill; be held18 . The hospital is _ the police station.Ain front ofBin the front ofCof front ofDon the front of19 . I left my dictionary at home. I have to use _ .AhimBhesChisDhe二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项。W: There are many things in the lost and found box. Look at the watch. 20 . M: No, it isnt. 21 . W: What about the English book?M: Its Jennys. 22 . W: Is the basketball Peters?M: Yes, it is. 23 . W: Whose tapes are these?M: Theyre Linglings. 24 . W: Please tell them to be careful with their things. M: OK. Thanks.AHe likes playing basketball.BIs this yours, Tom? CHe likes playing football.DHeres her name.EI think its Lilys.FShe often listens to her favourite songs after class.GI think its hers.三、完型填空Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud. urning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store you see that Huawei smartphones are_ .But youre not in Chinayoure in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see _ things in many other cities. Chinese products have been_ worldwide.Chinese food has been enjoyed in western countries for a long time. To_ local peoples tastes, Chinese restaurants have made some changes to the_. Unlike Chinese, Australian people dont like to eat meat with the bone _ .So Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, _ for fish.Some Chinese brands(品牌)are also becoming more _ In many cities in Europe stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers. And more than half of US-owned drones (无人机) are Chinese models. Theyre not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the _ .In the past, most western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable. But now, things have changed greatly. Made in China becomes cool. More and more people_ Chinese brands.25 . Afor funBat workCon saleDin use26 . AsimilarBdifferentCcommonDunusual27 . AstoredBcollectedCreceivedDaccepted28 . AmeetBcopyCspreadDanswer29 . AkitchensBdrinkCdishesDservices30 . AupBoutConDin31 . AjustBevenCyetDstill32 . AtraditionalBexpensiveCpracticalDpopular33 . AcountryBcircleCfieldDtown34 . AsellBtrustCimproveDquestion四、阅读单选Once upon a time, there was a man with a fine house healthy animals and fertile land. He was also blessed with a handsome, loving son. But the man was worried about his son, because the boy had grown up knowing only good times and good fortune (命运). “What will happen when something goes wrong for him?” wondered his father. “How will he know what to do?”So one day, the man asked the boy to go into the forest and collect wood. To help him carry the wood home, the man gave the boy an old cart (手推车) and two horses. As he was leaving, the man said to his son, “If the cart breaks down while you are in the forest, dont worry. Necessity will teach you what to do.”The boy collected as much wood as he could load onto the cart. But when he turned to come home, the cart broke under the weight of the wood. “I hope that fathers friend lives nearby,” thought the boy, and he started crying out, “Necessity! NE-CESS-ITY! Where are you?” The boy called and called, but no one came so he decided to fix the cart himself.When he arrived home he said to his father, “You said Necessity would teach me to fix the cart, but I couldnt find him anywhere. I had to fix it all by myself.”The man smiled to himself and thought, “Necessity really is the best teacher.”35 . Why was the boys father worried?AHis son was lonely.BHis son was not smart enough.CHis son was always getting lost.DHis son knew only good times and good fortune36 . Why did the father send his son into the forest?AHe wanted to punish his son.BHe wanted his son to learn.CHe was too old to go himself.DHe was fighting with his son.37 . What did the boy do first when the cart broke?AHe called for help.BHe waited for his father.CHe gave up the cart.DHe walked back home.38 . Which word best describes the boys father in this story?ALazy.BSilly.CWise.DFunny.39 . What can we learn from this story?ATake care of the environment.BFamily is the most important.CWorking hard makes you a better person.DOne should learn how to solve problems.五、阅读判断阅读下面内容,根据其内容判断正误,正确的选T,错误的选F。Dear parents,Do you want a tutor (家教) for your daughter or your son? Think about me! My name is Wang Ting. Im a student of Wuhan University. I study math. And Im good at this subject. I can help your kids with it. Im good at English, so I can also teach them some English. Im fun. Your kids will enjoy my classes for sure.I have time in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday. My class is 100 yuan an hour. And it is usually two hours.Do you need my help? Call me at 662-3347. You can write me an e-mail too. My e-mail address is ChineseWT163 com.Best wishes!Wang Ting40 . Wang Ting can only teach math.41 . Wang Ting is free on Tuesday afternoon.42 . Wang Ting can get 200 yuan every class.43 . If you need some help in Chinese, you can call Wang Ting.44 . Wang Ting writes the ad ( 广告) to find a part-time job (兼职).六、用所给单词的正确形式填空词汇运用根据句意,用括号中所给的汉语提示或单词的适当形式填空,使句意完整,每空一词。45 . Being hurt by the _ is better than comforted by the lies. (true)46 . With the help of the policeman, the traffic is moving_ again. (smooth)47 . The young couple are happy to wait for their _ babys coming. (two)48 . Now more and more people are used to _ things online. (buy)49 . Wearing red may help when you are having difficulty making a _. (decide)50 . I hope what I have _will be helpful to some teenagers.(写)51 . Mother went to the market to buy some beef, eggs and _ for dinner. (西红柿)52 . Alice _and said “Hello” to me when I entered the hall last night. (点头)53 . Dragon-boat Racing is a _ custom in Dragon Boat Festival in China. (传统的)54 . I dont take medicine when I have a cold for Im sure the body can fight it by_. (自己)七、完成句子完成句子55 . 从那时后,他就不在懒惰了。_, hewasntlazyanymore.56 . 我将看报纸而不是看电影。Illreadnewspapers_ afilm.57 . 我们学校学生的数量是823人。_thestudentsinourschoolis 823.58 . 在我们学校的图书馆里有几千本书。Thereare_ booksinourschoollibrary.59 . 很久以前,在这个村子里有一个聪明的年轻人。_,therewasawiseyoungmaninthevillage.60 . 中国好声音以这种方式吸引越来越多的观众。Voice of China attracts more and more audience _.61 . 他努力学习以便能通过考试。Heworkedhard_hecouldpasstheexam.八、话题作文62 . 书面表达阅读丰富人生,是我们获得知识的源泉。请以“Reading Is a Wonderful Time”为题,写一篇80100词的作文(文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。要求条理清晰、语句连贯,内容包括以下要点,并作适当发挥。要点:1.很多学生不像以前那么爱阅读了,忙于写作业,没有时间阅读;2不少学生花费太多时间看电视、上网;3其实,好书就像朋友,当你(适当发挥12点);4你的建议12点。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、话题作文1、


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