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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试(不含听力材料)英语试题A卷(模拟)一、听短对话回答问题1 . AHes cleaning his room.BHes playing a game.CHes watching TV.2 . Whats the matter with Cindy?AShe has a fever.BShe has a headache.CShe has a toothache.二、听长对话回答问题听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。3 . What does Jim want to be?AA teacher.BA doctor.CA pilot.4 . Who is taller and heavier?ABob.BJim.CLinda.5 . What does Bob like watching?ANews.BCartoons.CSitcoms.三、听短文回答问题第三节:听下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。6 . When did Gina come to Los Angeles?ALast Sunday.BTwo weeks ago.CThree weeks ago.7 . Who taught Gina English when she first learned it?AHer aunt.BHer mother.CHer father.8 . What does Gina usually do to improve her English?AShe reads English books.BShe listens to English news.CShe watches English films.9 . What kind of music is Ginas favorite?ARock music.BPop music.CCountry music.10 . How does Gina feel now?ALonely.BTired.CExcited.11 . Which city is Maggies favourite?ABeijingBShanghaiCHangzhou12 . When did she go there?AIn January.BIn May.CIn October.13 . What did she do?AVisited friends.BVisited her teacher.CVisited grandparents.14 . How was the weather?AHot and wet.BSunny and hot.CSunny but cool.15 . How did she like her vacation?ATiringBInterestingCExciting.听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(听两遍)16 . Where does Kate work?AIn a shop.BIn a school.COn a bus.17 . What does she have for breakfast?ASome bread and milk.BSome cakes and milk.CSome chocolates and Coke.18 . How does she go to work?ABy bike.BOn foot.CBy bus.19 . How many hours does she work on a weekday?ANine.BEight.CSix.20 . What does she like?ANew shoes.BNew clothes.CNew school.四、单选题21 . What can I domy dream?Ato make; come trueBmake; come trueCmake; comes true22 . A new high-speed railway will be built to _ my hometown to Shanghai.AcompareBcontactCconnectDcommit23 . The students are picking _ rubbish at the beach.AoutBupCforDat24 . Im so happy _ delicious soup for you.AmakeBmakingCmakesDto make25 . Sally,could you clean the chalk off the blackboard?_. Ill do it right now,Miss Smith.AI agreeBWith pleasureCNo way26 . It _ hard _ he got to the cinema yesterday evening.Arained; whileBwas raining; whenCwas raining; whileDis raining; when27 . Our class has already collected much on how to save energy so far.AideaBinformationCsuggestionDway28 . Linda is_ at playing the guitar, and she can play it very_.Agood; goodBwell; wellCgood; wellDwell; good五、补全对话7选5请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容补上所缺的句子,使对话通顺合理、意思完整。A: 29 . ?B: I have a bad headache and cough.A: 30 . ?B: Yes, I have a fever. I feel cold.!A: Let me see You have a coldB: Do I need to stay in hospital?A:.31 . , you can stay at home and have a good rest.B: Should I take any medicine?A: Yes, take this medicine three times a day. 32 . .B: OK. Thank you, doctor.A: 33 . .AYes, you need to stay in hospital.B. B. Whats the trouble with you?BYoure welcome.D. D. No, you dontCWhere can I buy the medicine?DYoull be all right soon.EDo you have a fever六、补全短文7选5Some people seem to be born happy. Nothing seems to get them down. However, some people seem to have everything going well but they still do not seem to be happy.34 . Listen to music Music is good for people.35 . Light music can help us relax; some pop music can make us feel happy. You can listen to it, or take up playing an instrument in your spare time. Have a petYou may not have a pet of your own, but pets are so good at making people happy.36 . Some pets are lovely and some need exercise, which is helpful to you, too. Stay fit and healthyTry to keep fit and healthy by exercising every day.37 . The great thing about exercise is that it helps release (释放) chemicals and these chemicals make you feel happy! 38 . Often it is the small things that make people happy. Being kind and smiling at people in your daily life can make others happy, and at the same time, it will also build happiness for you. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。ABe kind and smileBBe active and happyCExercise can keep you happy.DThere are different kinds of it.EMany reasons can explain why people like to have pets.FOne thing is for sure that money cannot make a person happy.GNo matter who you are, you can build happiness by doing the following .七、完型填空Qian Lei is a student of Class Two, Grade Seven. He is twelve years old. He often wastes (浪费) _at home and at school. The teacher worries about him and asks his father _with him.One evening, _supper his father asks him, How do you like the vegetables and the meat? Oh, they are just so so. They _delicious.They are delicious, I think, says his father. When I was at your age, I went to school _every day. It was ten kilometres from my home to the school. I had _bike, no pencil box. I couldnt eat ice cream. There werent TV sets, fridges, washing machines _any other electrical appliances (电器) in my home. After school I had to do a lot of housework _my parents. When your grandparents were at your age, they couldnt go to _because they were very poor. They had only a little food and they had to do a lot of hard work. There was no light, telephone or radio in their home.Didnt they have a telephone or a radio? says the boy. Why didnt they _some money from the bank to buy these things? I dont believe you.The father doesnt say anything.39 . AwaterBfoodCtime40 . Ato tellBto talkCtalks41 . AafterBforCwith42 . AdontBcantCarent43 . Aby bikeBby planeCon foot44 . AnoBanyCmany45 . AorBandCbut46 . Ato helpBhelpChelping47 . AfactoryBfarmCschool48 . AbringBgetCcarry八、阅读单选Hello! Im Peppa. Many people love me. I have a lovely pink face and a little round body. My favorite things are playing games, dressing up and jumping in muddy puddles(泥坑)!I live with my dad, mom and little brother George. There is always laughter in our house!This is my mom. She does her work on a computer. She makes good meals for all of us. She always talks to George and me. Her voice is very soft.This is my dad, He always wears glasses. Without them, he can see clearly. Dad knows a lot of things. He even knows how to make bubble water(泡泡水). So cool!This is George. We often play in the garden. George loves juice. But sometimes, he drinks it too quickly and gets the hiccups(打嗝). Oh, George likes to cry.This is my family. Do you like my family?49 . How many family members are there in Peppas family? AthreeBfourCfiveDsix50 . What does Peppas mom do at home?AShe makes good meal for the family.BShe wears nice clothes.CShe jumps in muddy puddles.DShe makes bubble water.51 . Who likes to drink juice?APeppa.BGeorge.CMom.DDad.52 . Peppa has a _family.AhappyBboringChealthyDsmallHave you ever heard an echo of your voice?An echo is a reflected(反射)sound. Stand in a very large, empty hall with nothing on the walls. Then shout. The sounds you make will hit the walls and come back to you. The walls reflect the sounds. These reflected sounds are called “echoes”.We can use reflected sound to make sound travel farther. Hold a watch about fifty centimeters from your ear. You cannot hear it. The sound of the watch travels a short way in all directions. It does not travel as far as your ear. You can make it travel to your ear by using a roll of cardboard(纸板筒).Make the roll of cardboard about fifty centimeters long. Put one end over your ear and hold the watch at the other. Now you can hear the watch because the sound has not gone in all directions. It is reflected down the roll to your ear.A megaphone(喇叭筒)works in the same way. It makes sound travel farther. It reflects the sound into a beam which can travel a long way. In the ship, the sailor uses the megaphone to make his voice travel. Without the megaphone, his voice cannot travel far.We use reflected sound in many ways. We use it to measure the depth of the sea, for example. Among the animals, bats and whales use reflected sound to tell them where they are and what things are near them.53 . What is called “echo”?AVery loud voices.BVery loud voices that are made by man.CVery loud voices that are made by animals.DThe sound that is made by man or animals comes back from some place.54 . We can hear our echoes if we.Ashout in a small roomBshout in a large house full of thingsCshout in narrow valleys(山谷)Dshout in the open air55 . Which is the right order of hearing our echo in a very large, empty hall?a. We hear the reflected soundb. The sound returns to usc. The sound hits the wallsd. We make a soundAc, b, a, dBc, a, b, dCd, c, b, aDd, b, c, a56 . From the text we learn that _ .Areflected sound is useful only to blind peopleBpeople havent made use of reflected sound yetCbats use reflected sound to fly and get foodDwhales dont use reflected sound as they live in the sea57 . If you havent got a megaphone, _ will help you to make your voice travel farther.Aa long piece of woodBa roll of cardboardCa thin threadDa long piece of silkIts a fine day. The White family gets up at seven oclock. They have breakfast at seven forty. And then they go to the park. They take a basket of food and a carpet (地毯). The park is not far from their home, so they ride bikes there. When they get to the park, its half past eight. Mr. and Mrs. White are talking with each other. Their son, Ted, is playing with a ball. Their daughter, Jenny, is taking photos.After about an hour, Ted and Jenny sit down to relax. At that time, they see a_eating a pine nut (松子) in a big tree. When they see the squirrel eating, they feel hungry. They go to help their parents take the food out of the basket. Ted has a hamburger. Hamburgers are his favorite food. Jenny has an apple. Mr. and Mrs. White have some bread. They have a great time in the park.58 . What do the family take to the park?AA basket of food and a book.BA carpet and a dog.CA basket of food and a carpet.DFood and clothes.59 . When do they get to the park?AAt 8:30 a.m.BAt 8:00 a.m.CAt 7:40 a.m.DAt 7:00 a.m.60 . What is Jenny doing in the park?AShe is reading a book.BShe is taking photos.CShe is playing with a ball.DShe is drawing pictures.61 . What does the underlined word “squirrel” refer to (指)?AA kind of fruit.BA kind of sport.CA kind of drink.DA kind of animal.There was a new restaurant in the street. The restaurant said it had the longest menu in the world. The manager also said that the restaurant could provide any dish, no matter how unusual it was. If they couldnt offer it, people could choose any prize from the restaurant. A man was happy to hear it and walked into the restaurant.The man studied the menu carefully and decided to make sure if (是否) it was true. He would like to order a very unusual dish.When a waiter came up to take his order, the man said, “You say you can provide any dish. Really?”“Of course, sir. We never disappoint our customers (顾客).”“Well,” the man said, “I want to have a sandwich with apples from a giants house.”The waiter wrote down the mans order. “Very good, sir,” he said. “That shouldnt take long.” The waiter walked away quickly. A few minutes later, the man became happy again as he saw the waiter return with nothing in his hand.“You disappoint me this time, dont you?”The waiter made an apology. “Im so sorry, sir. We have fewer waiters today,” he said, “so Im afraid you need to join us to take your food out of the kitchen.”62 . Why did the man walk into the restaurant?ABecause the man was very hungry.BBecause the manager was friendly.CBecause he wanted to challenge the restaurant.DBecause the dishes were free in the restaurant.63 . What does the underlined word “disappoint” mean?AMake . feel unsatisfied.BMake . feel pleased.CKeep . off.DDrive . away.64 . How might the man feel when the waiter took his order and walked away?AUnhappy.BAngry.CRelaxed.DNormal.65 . Why did the waiter make an apology?ABecause the restaurant couldnt offer the dish.BBecause the restaurant offered the wrong dish.CBecause the customer had to help take the food.DBecause the restaurant offered the dish too late.66 . What can we NOT know from the passage?AThe man ordered an unusual dish in the restaurant.BThe waiter took the mans order quickly.CIt didnt take so long for the man to have the dish.DThe waiter said sorry to the man for not offering the dish in the end.九、听短文填写表格请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个空格不超过3个单词。67 . John did some washing, because his mother was_.68 . Linda was_in her own room.69 . Jack wants to be a _ when he grows up.70 . Tim was doing his homework at 7:30 yesterday evening because he went to see his grandparents during the_.71 . The speakers brother is interested in _ and wants to learn it well, so she was helping him with it.十、单词填空. Choose 10 words out of 12 given in the chart and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. prepare lonely experience although depend braveryshe appear complain but invite heprepare lonely experience although depend braveryshe appear complain but invite heA boy lost his arms in an accident. Since then, he 72 . on hisyoungerbrotherAIn order tolook afterhim, his younger brother became his shadow (影子), never leaving him73 . for many yearsAExcept for writing with histoes, he never thought of doing anything74 . Then one day, his younger brother had to work far from him, living his own life, as many normal people do. So he was heart-broken and didnt knowwhatto do. A similar misfortune (不幸) happened to a girl. One night her mother 75 . after arguing with her father. So her father went out looking for her mother. She tried to76 . meals for her parents, but only to catch a big fire,whichtook her hands awayA77 . her elder sister said she could help her, she refused.One day, the boy and the girl 78 . to a television interview program. They were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote: My younger brothers arms are my arms; while the girl wrote: Broken wings, flying heart.They hadboth 79 . a terrible disaster, but their different attitudes showed the nature of their livesAIf you only choose80 . aboutit, it will always follow you wherever you goABut if you decide to face it 81 . , the hardship will turn out to be a fortune on which new hopes will ariseA十一、材料作文82 . 书面表达假如你是Mary,你的朋友Ann最近身体不适,总感到很累,你知道后很挂念。请根据下列的提示内容给Mary写一封邮件,告诉她应该做什么,不应该做什么。80词左右,开头与结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。提示:1.多喝热水;好好休息;最好去看医生;2.不要熬夜;压力不要太大Dear Ann,Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Yours,Mary第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、二、听长对话回答问题1、三、听短文回答问题1、2、3、四、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、五、补全对话7选51、六、补全短文7选51、七、完型填空1、八、阅读单选1、2、3、4、九、听短文填写表格1、十、单词填空1、十一、材料作文1、

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