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UNIT 1Short conversations1 Q: What advice does the man give to the woman?D Do whatever she can to exercise.2 Q: What can we know about the woman?A She may have some social events to attend.3 Q: What can we learn about the smoking rules in South Africa?B People can smoke in the designated areas of pubs and bars.4 Q: What are the two speakers talking about?C Impacts of family violence on children.5 Q: What is recommended for a healthy breakfast?C A piece of wholegrain bread.Long conversation1 Q: What has made the man sweat all over the floor?C Running in a park.2 Q: Why doesnt the woman go to practice tai chi with her mom?B Because getting up early is too difficult for her.3 Q: What does the woman normally do on weekends?D Sitting before her computer.4 Q: Why does the man suggest the woman get a zoo membership?A For exercise like jogging in the zoo.Passage 11 Q: What tasks does the speaker tend to do first every day?A The quick tasks. 2 Q: How to work more efficiently according to the speaker?C Make use of your most productive time of day.3 Q: How does the speaker deal with emails now?D He opens his inbox only when its necessary.4 Q: What is the purpose of the talk?C To give some tips on how to manage time.P assage 2 1) distressing2) desperate3) urge4) acquire5) are totally unaware of 6) are isolated from7) affirm8) interact with9) impulse10) are convinced ofUNIT 2Short conversations1 Q: What are the two speakers talking about?A What the man will do after graduation .2 Q: What does the woman think of Linda?D She looks younger than she is.3 Q: What makes the woman afraid of getting old?C Lack of someone to depend on.4 Q: What does the man like best about being in his early 20s?B Having plenty of opportunities.5 Q: What does the man say about age discrimination?D People may have different opinions on the court decisions.Long conversation1 Q: What are the two speakers talking about?C What to wish for in life.2 Q: According to the man, why is true love important for a happy life?B It makes couples appreciate each other.3 Q: What difficulties did the man experience in his life?A He lost his job and house and was sick for years.4 Q: What is the man doing in the talk?D Giving the woman advice on important things in life.Passage 11 Q: In what way are the Adventists different from ordinary people?B They live their whole lives in a mountain.2 Q: How much longer do Adventist women expect to live than other Californian women?C About three years.3 Q: What is characteristic of the Adventists diet?D It is high in fruit, vegetables and whole grains.4 Q: What is the main idea of the passage?A Diet and lifestyle are crucial to good health.Passage 2 1) proportion2) estimated3) have profound impacts on4) potential5) economically6) pensions7) originate from8) residential9) poses a challenge to10) be transformed intoUNIT 3Short conversations1 Q: What is the woman going to do over the semester break?D Going camping with friends.2 Q: Why did the woman quit her swimming lessons?D Because she couldnt fit two programs into her schedule.3 Q: Why doesnt the woman want to leave on Friday?C Because she will have a visitor.4 Q: What does the woman suggest the man bring for the camping trip to the park?B Warm clothes.5 Q: What will the woman probably do before the vacation?A Confirm her hotel reservation.Long conversation1 Q: What makes Big Sky Park a nice vacation place for the couple?D It has nice paths and camping sites.2 Q: How can the couple get all their camping stuff on the bus?D By using both their cart and backpack.3 Q: What will the woman probably do before their trip?B Bake a chocolate cake.4 Q: What does the couple long to do at the park?C Walk together in the beauty of nature.Passage 11 Q: Why should visitors be hurried if they want to see the exhibits in the new museum in Colombias capital? B Because the exhibition will last for no more than a week. .2 Q: What are exhibited in the new museum? C Beds and sofas that you can try out.3 Q: What is the purpose of the exhibition? A It provides a practical experience for us to think about laziness.4 Q: What did the museums founder advise us todo?C Sit down, relax and be lazy for a while.Passage 2 1)resorts2) sprung up3)dramatically4) having an adverse effect on 5) combat6)wilderness7)unspoiled 8)streams of 9) guidelines 10) auction offUNIT 4Short conversations1 Q: What does the man think the government could do? C. Provide financial help for homeless people. 2 Q: What does the man suggest to change the situation? A. Holding some social activities.3 Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? B. Use the subway to avoid heavy traffic.4 Q: What does the man think we all should do? C. Extend a helping hand and give love to poor people. 5 Q: What are the two speakers talking about? D. How to reuse items to live a green life. Long conversation1Q: Why does the man look upset? B. Because he has too much work to complete.2Q: How does the woman say she can help the man? A. To help him do his work in her free time.3Q: What advice does the woman give to the man? B. He should have confidence in himself.4Q: Why is the restaurant called 365? D. Because it offers seasonal foods.Passage 11Q: What negative effect can be caused by workers discontent?A. Less innovation efforts.2Q: What percentage of American workers are satisfied with their jobs as found by the survey? D. 45.3 percent. 3Q: Why is it that people aged 25 to 34 are most satisfied with their jobs? D. Because they see more opportunities for promotion as baby boomers retire. 4Q: What can we conclude about the reasons behind job dissatisfaction? C. The reasons for job dissatisfaction are found to be various.Passage 2 1) prevalent 2) scary 3) be classified as 4) epidemic 5)ratio 6) diagnosed 7) keeping track of 8) was still associated with 9) affirm 10) in terms ofUNIT 5Short conversations1 Q: What does the man say about the singer?C Her music style is unique.2 Q: What are the two speakers mainly talking about?D What to do on their tour of Rome.3 Q: Whats the mans area of study?B Modern opera.4 Q: How long does the exhibit open on Saturdays?C 7 hours.5 Q: What is special about the movie?D The actors remain silent throughout it.Long conversation1 Q: What is the womans impression of San Francisco when visiting this time?B She finds many sites stay unchanged.2 Q: What does the woman suggest they do before going to the Golden Gate Bridge?D Viewing the bridge from a hill.3 Q: What does the man want to do?C Eat before continuing their tour.4 Q: What does the woman consider to be the best way to enjoy culture?A To truly experience it in no rush.Passage 11 Q: Who is the person painted in the Mona Lisa?C The wife of a wealthy merchant.2 Q: What made it possible for the Mona Lisa to survive for centuries?A The use of a wood panel.3 Q: What is mentioned as one of the techniques used for painting the Mona Lisa?D Drawing the subject with accurate details.4 Q: What does the passage mainly discuss?B The reasons for the fame of the Mona Lisa.Passage 2 1) anticipation2) glamorous3) be conferred upon4) collective5) nominate for6) exceptions to7) accomplished8) absolute9) recipients10) is entitled toUNIT 6Short conversations1 Q: What does the man think of todays newspapers?B They are disappointing.2 Q: What is the woman probably doing?A Hosting a radio program.3 Q: What does the man say about reality TV?B It makes viewers feel superior.4 Q: How do young people socialize today according to the man?D By communicating on the Internet.5 Q: What does the man think of modern communications technology?C It is bringing families closer.Long conversation 1 Q: Why is the son required to turn off his computer while his father is not?C Because the father is meeting with his colleagues online.2 Q: Why doesnt the son want to turn off his cell phone? D Because he wants to check the news about a golf player.3 Q: What rule does the mother decide to set for the family?A Having dinner without any electronics.4 Q: What can we learn from the conversation?C Electronics sometimes cause family disagreements.Passage 11 Q: Why is celebrity news prevalent in our media?D Because it gives us a break from the harsh realities.2 Q: What can we learn about celebrities from the conversation?C They do their utmost to gain attention.3 Q: Why are celebrities lifestyles attractive to people?D Because they contain things desired by common people.4 Q: What should we keep in mind when watching or reading celebrity news?B Celebrities lives are similar to those of common people.Passage 2 1) differentiate themselves from2) frown upon3) concise4) combat5) severe6) is geared up for7) embraced8) compact9) is supplemented with10) sensationalUNIT 7Short conversations1 Q: What is the problem with driving schools?B They need more supervision over the high charges and bribes.2 Q: What can we learn from the conversation?A More food assistance programs are needed for ill nourished people.3 Q: What does the man expect his report on old people will achieve?C Help people change their understanding and feelings about old age.4 Q: What can we learn from the man about the issue of climate change?B Governments should cooperate more to solve the problem.5 Q: What is implied in the womans words?D She often gives up what she tries to do.Long conversation1 Q: What will the couple do to prepare for the storm?D Go to a store to get more emergency items.2 Q: What things do they have at home for emergency situations?B Flashlights and cash.3 Q: Why does the woman suggest they bring cash with them?D Because the credit card machines may not work properly.4 Q: Whats their budget for clothing every month?A $200.Passage 11 Q: What problem is commonly faced by retail businesses?B The stealing of retail items from their stores by thieves.2 Q: What may retailers do to compensate for the losses caused by shoplifting?A Sell goods at higher prices than they normally do.3 Q: According to the speaker, who can usually better absorb the losses caused by shoplifting?D Larger retailers.4 Q: What prevention method against shoplifting is mentioned by the speaker?C Putting security devices on products.Passage 21) motivations2) hazard3) develop an appetite for4) associated with5) contribute to6) follow suit7) consensus8) authorities9) inadequacies10) exaggerationureUNIT 8Short conversations1 Q: What does the woman say about good novels?D They enable readers to have different experiences.2 Q: Why does the woman like going to a book club?C Because she can meet people with similar interests.3 Q: What are the two speakers complaining about?B People today are too distracted and read little.4 Q: What does the woman imply?A She doesnt do much reading to her children.5 Q: What is an important feature of a classic novel according to the man?C It remains popular all the time.Long conversation1 Q: What does the man want to know about the song “Starry Starry Night”?B The writer of the song.2 Q: Why did Don McLean write the song?C To show his respect for Van Gogh.3 Q: What can we learn about Van Gogh from the conversation?A He wasnt popular during his lifetime.4 Q: What did Van Gogh and Don Mclean have in common?D They both showed persistence in their pursuit of art.Passage 11 Q: What does the program of Reading Recovery intend to do?A To help first-grade students overcome reading problems.2 Q: How do teachers in the Reading Recovery program teach?C They help students find the best way to learn.3 Q: When will students stop taking Reading Recovery lessons?B When they have reached the average level of the class.4 Q: What is considered by some critics as a disadvantage of the program?D It costs more than other programs.Passage 21) refugee2) desperate3) entitled4) became informed of5) are confronted with6) spokesperson7) seek out8) profiles9) stayed loyal to10) virtually


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