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上海版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . He can sing many songs _ English.AinBorCatDfor2 . Her grandmotherin 1997. She hasfor 13 years.Adead, deadBdied, been deadCdied, diedDdied, dead3 . Dont turn on(打开)the TV. Grandmanow.Ais sleepingBis sleepCsleepingDsleeps4 . -Do you know the young lady over there?-Yes, she is a famous writer. She has written many novels SunshineAunder the name ofBthat is calledCknown5 . Im very _ because its a _trip.Apleased, pleasantBpleasant, pleasedCpleased, pleasedDpleasant, pleasant6 . We are going to play sports _ tomorrow afternoon.AinB/Con7 . What should I buy for Toms birthday?How about _ camera? He loves taking photos.AaBanCtheD/8 . Be_TheiceisthinYoumustskate_Acare;carefullyBcareful;carefullyCcarefully;carefullyDcareful;careful9 . I wondered _ he would go abroad for further study next year.He said he would go.AwhetherBthatCwhyDwhen10 . (2016福建)_ he was very tired, he continued working in his office.ABecauseBSinceCAlthough11 . Millie looks good _ red and this blue coat also looks nice _ her.Aon; onBin; inCon; inDin; on12 . _ I swim here?Im sorry. Children _ swim alone here.AMust , cantBMay , mustCCan, mustntDCant can13 . Where is Tom?He _ the USA. He _ back in two months.A.has gone to; comesAhas bee to; will beBhas been to; comesChas gone to; will be14 . - Sit down please.- _.AThank youBGood afternoonCIm sorryDGoodbye15 . When I got home, I was angry to find my room.Ain a good messBin a bad messCon a good messDon a bad mess二、完型填空(题文)When I was in the third grade, I was chosen to be the princess in the school play. For weeks my mother had helped me practise my words. But once on the stage, every word_from my head. Then my teacher asked me to change my role to be a narrator (解说者) for the play._I didnt tell my mother what had happened that day, she noticed my_and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the garden.It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions (蒲公英) coming out_the grass in bunches (束). I watched my mother bend down by one of the bunches. “I think Ill remove all these weeds (野草),” she said. “From now on, well_have roses in this garden.”“But I like dandelions,” I said. “All flowers are_ even dandelions!”My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesnt it?” she asked thoughtfully. I nodded(点头). “And the same as_,” she said.When I_that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth. “But you will be a wonderful narrator,” she said,_me of how much I loved to read stories aloud.Thanks to my mothers encouragement, I got to know everybody had his or her own_in the world. I felt proud of the role in the play.16 . (小题1)AdevelopedBleftCfailedDdisappeared17 . (小题2)AIfBBecauseCThoughDSince18 . (小题3)AdifficultyBmistakeCdangerDunhappiness19 . (小题4)AthroughBpastCbeyondDbehind20 . (小题5)AhardlyBonlyCstillDalso21 . (小题6)AharmlessBhealthyCbeautifulDfresh22 . (小题7)AstudentsBpeopleCflowersDteachers23 . (小题8)ArememberedBrealizedCexplainedDpromised24 . (小题9)ArepresentingBcomplainingCrecommendingDreminding25 . (小题10)AprizeBprogressCvalueDinterest三、阅读单选In many English families people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is at about half past seven. There is a lot of food at the dinner. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges.But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. They eat a lot at the dinner. But their suppers are very simple. They only have some vegetables, rice and soup.26 . Many English people have _ meals a day.AtwoBthreeCfourDfive27 . People usually have their breakfast _.Abefore sixBat any timeCafter nineDat any time from seven to nine28 . English people dont have _ for dinner.AporridgeBmeat or fishCbananas and applesDsoup and meat29 . Do English people usually drink coffee or juice at breakfast?AYes, they do.BNo, they dont.CThey drink juice.DThey drink coffee.30 . _of the English people have their dinner in the middle of day.AFewBSomeCMostDLotsAMES Australia-Flagstaff is glad to offer you a place in Certificate (证书) in Spoken and Written English. This course is part of the Adult Migrant English Program, founded by the Australia Government Department of Education &Training.Course dates are: 03.10.2017-14.12.2017TimetableDAYSTIMEROOMMonday9:00 am 11:00 am11:15 am 1:15 pmLevel 4 Room 5Level 4 Room 5Tuesday9:00 am 11:00 am11:15 am 12:15 pm12:15 pm 1:15 pmLevel 1 Room 2Level 2 LibraryLevel 1 Room 2Wednesday9:00 am 11:00 am11:15 am 12:00 pm12:00 pm 1:15 pmLevel 4 Room 5Level 4 Room 5Level 2 Computer RoomThis is 12 hours per week.If you cant attend on the first day, you must tell us. Please contact the office on 99264717.If you neither contact us nor attend on the first day, you may lose your place in the class.If your children need care, please contact us.If you need to give up the course, you must tell both your counselor and your teacher.31 . How long will the Spoken and Written English course last?AAbout three days.BOver 2 months.CAbout 11 months.DLess than 2 months.32 . Whats the Chinese meaning of counselor in the passage?A顾问B班主任C辅导员D考官33 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the course?ARoom 5 is only for Level 4 students.BPeople of all ages can take this course.CYou can have lessons in Room 2 on Monday.DYoure sure to lose your place unless you attend on the first day.“Whos Terry?” said Mum as she unpacked her shopping.“Terry? I dont know,” said Tim. He had made a large jam sandwich and was just about to bite into it.“Maybe he goes to another school, not Arkwright,” said Mum. “I heard some mothers talking about him in the supermarket today. He sounds awful. Hes damaged property(财产) and hes stolen things. They think hes the mugger(抢劫犯) on all those posters.” Tim didnt want to eat his jam sandwich any more.“What else did they say?” said Tim.“They blamed(责备) it on his parents,” she said. “They must be doing something wrong. I agree with them.” She glanced at Tim. “Are you all right, darling? You look a bit pale.” “Im OK,” he said.“Youre working too hard on your project,” said Mum. She closed the fridge door. “Come here and give me a hug,” she said. She put her arms around Tim and squeezed him tightly. “You are such a good boy”, she said. “I know it wasnt easy for you after Dad and I divorced(离婚), but youre the best. You really are. You look after me. You look after Auntie Ruby, and you look after your uncle Frank. Im so lucky to have a son like you. Poor Terry. His parents are probably very disappointed in him”.By the time Tim reached his room, he had tears in his eyes. He sat on the edge of his bed. He couldnt tell his mum. He just couldnt. He was so afraid of disappointing her. “Hello Tim,” said a voice. “Or should I say Terry?”It was Auntie Ruby. “Guess what?” she said. “Your uncle Frank says he wants a dog for company(陪伴). What do you think? Is that a good idea?”Tim didnt speak.“Tim?” said Auntie Ruby. “Youre crying.” “No, Ive got something in my eye,” said Tim.Auntie Ruby sat down next to him. She put her arm around his shoulder. “Whats the matter? You can tell me.”Tim wiped his face with the back of his hand. Everybody is talking about Terry. Theyre saying what a bad person he isand hes me. “Tim, I love both of you,” said Auntie Ruby, “but stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop telling lies. You cant go on being two people. Just be yourself.”34 . According to what some mothers said, Terry did the following things EXCEPT _.Ahe damaged propertyBhe was a thiefChe was the muggerDhe blamed it on his parents35 . Tim looked a bit pale when hearing his mom talking about Terry because _.Ahe worked too hard on his projectBhe was afraid of TerryChe was Terry actuallyDhe often damaged some property36 . The underlined word “disappointed” in Paragraph 9 means _.AproudBstrictCsurprisedDunhappy37 . Why did Tim have tears in his eyes?ABecause he has got something in his eye.BBecause he didnt want to let his mother down.CBecause Terry was bad to him.DBecause his mother disappointed him.The students of Class Three are going hiking on their fieldtrip.Hiking is good for peoples health.Many hikers like to hike in the countryside, forest(森林) and mountains.Just walking for fun is the first kind of hiking.Many people like to hike in city parks or just on the sidewalks.A hike can take a few hours or weeks.For most hiking, people just need clothes and shoes that are good for the weather.At the beginning hikers should start with walks that they can do in one day.As you get stronger, you can go on overnight hikes.Later you can go longer than that.You can make your hiking last(持续) a few days or weeks.For safety(安全), hikers should hike with someone.You should have one or two friends with you.It is also a good idea to carry a map.Backpacking is another kind of hiking.People carry food, clothes and other things on their backs in packs.Backpackers can stay many days in the places where there is no food to buy.They carry what they need on their backs.Now put on your hiking shoes and take a hike.38 . How many kinds of hiking are there in the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.39 . _ is a good idea for hiking.ACarrying a mapBWalking aloneCCarrying foodDCarrying a pack40 . To walk for fun, many people like to walk _.Ain a place where there is no food to buyBwith backpacks on their backsCin the parks or on the sidewalksDin the parks or in the zoo41 . The hikers often hike with somebody to _.Abuy some foodBexercise for funCtalk withDbe safe42 . Many hikers like hiking in the _.AmountainsBforestCcountrysideDall the above四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词43 . Linda is my _(同班同学).44 . These two notebooks are the _(相同的)color.45 . I _(爱)my parents very much.46 . My brother _(只;仅)plays basketball after school.47 . I play soccer _(和在一起)my friends.48 . I like watching TV because its r_.49 . I think ping-pong is easy,but tennis is d_.50 . Gina doesnt play sports. She only w_ them on TV.51 . 一Lets play basketball!一That sounds i_,Lets go!52 . I dont like baseball. Its b_.五、单词填空Daphne Selfe is 87 years old now.She is one of the worlds oldest m53 . She began to be a model m54 . than 60 years.Miss Selfe says she likes walking on the catwalk and she always e55 . it.But many of todays young models dont smile on the stage.They always pretend(假装)to be c56 . .”I dont think you should always smile,but you should look pleasant.It is a pity(遗憾)that we cant find the pleasure on their f57 . .”she says.Miss Selfe believes that one should eat properly,t58 . exercise,think good thoughts,be positive(乐观),t59 . he/she can be healthy and good-looking.She n60 . eats junk food or goes shopping at the market.She d61 . lots of water every day.She always takes her make-up off(卸妆)before g62 . to bed.Miss Selfe says,”Ill go on modelling.I love it.Its fun and keeps me young.六、信息归纳请认真阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中第5665小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为5665的相应横线上。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。Most of us get our earliest life lessons from fairy tales (童话故事), like “True love can overcome (战胜) anything” and “Even a frog can turn into a prince”. However, when we grow up, we start to learn new things about life, especially that love doesnt always win, and that a frog is just a frog. Even so, our love for fairy tales never dies. Just look at cartoons like The Lion King and Frozen which have millions of fans young and old.“Fairy tales are always there because they are the stories of our lives in the purest (纯粹的) form,” wrote US writer Laura Packer. “They are stories of love and loss, happiness and sadness, riches and dreams.”Fairy tales are all about the real world. But if children only see just one side of life, adults usually see the other. For example, in the 2014 film Maleficent, were told the tale of Sleeping Beauty from the views of the evil (邪恶的) queen. Unlike the childrens version (版本) of the story, we see that the queen wasnt born evil. Instead, she experiences great lossers, leading to her “evil” side. And in US writer James Garners bedtime story books, he tells the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood (小红帽), but with a modern touch: When the wolf tells Red Riding Hood that it isnt safe for a little girl to walk through the woods alone, she calls the wolf sexist (性别歧视者), which connects with todays womens rights movement.It looks like fairy tales arent just stories our parents read us at bedtime. They may usually start with “Once upon a time ”, but as we grow older, we learn that every story doesnt always need a “Happily ever after” to be a good one.Learning From Fairy TalesIntroductionWe get our 63 . from fairy tales at our early age.Fairy tales are mainly stories that come from our daily 64 . .Fairy tales are 65 . among millions of people young and old.Different 66 . Children think the queen in Sleeping Beauty is a 67 . evil.Adults think that the queens experience 68 . her evil side.The wolf thinks it 69 . for Red Riding Hood to walk through the woods alone.James Garner thinks of the wolf 70 . a sexist.ConclusionFairy tales are 71 . than stories our parents read us at bedtime.Not every fairy story needs a 72 . ending.七、汉译英:整句. 情景交际73 . 姐姐告诉Jim那一定很有趣,她会这样说:_74 . 听到Ann弹奏的美妙钢琴曲,你会这样表达自己的赞美之情:_75 . 你想知道Mary昨晚七点在干什么,可以这样问她:_,Mary?76 . 你表示不同意别人的看法,可以这样说:_77 . 你想知道Tom的爷爷过去是做什么的,可以这样问Tom:Tom,_八、材料作文78 . 书面表达76. 绿城外国语学校九年级一班就“环境问题”召开了一次班会,并且以“Our Environment in Ten Years: for Better or Worse?”为题进行了一次讨论。许多同学对未来表示乐观,但也有些同学对未来有所担心,请根据表格中的内容提示,用英语写一盘作文。乐观者的观点越来越多的人将成为环保主义者政府将采取更多的措施改善环境担心者的观点大量的树木仍将被砍伐私家车将越来越多你的观点及你的打算自拟(至少两点)要求:1. 短文中不得出现真实的人名和地名;2. 书写工整、语句通顺、连贯,词数100左右。第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、


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