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人教版九年级5月模拟测试(二模)英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its raining even _than yesterday. So we could only stay at home.Amore hardlyBheavilyCheavierDharder2 . _ young trees have been planted in this area.AMillion ofBMillions ofCSeveral millionsDMillions3 . will everyone study at home?In twenty years time.AHow manyBHow longCHow soonDHow often4 . They will arrive _our town_ the evening of February 22.Ain; inBon; inCin; onDat; on5 . I from Beijing University in 2010 and now I am working in Mianyang.AgraduateBgraduatedCwas graduatingDhas graduated6 . What _ if he fail the exam again? I dont know.AhappenBhappensCwill happenDhappened7 . Jenny, I have a sore throat.You talked _ just now. Please drink more water.Amany tooBtoo manyCtoo muchDmuch too8 . I _ very hard on English since I came to another school three years ago.Ahave workedBworkedCworkDare working9 . The farmers are_ trees over there and many trees are _ on the mountain.Aplanting; plantingBplanted; plantingCplanting; plantedDplanted; planted10 . When I met her in Italy, she _ a photo of the tower of Pisa.Awas takingBwill takeCtakesDis taking11 . When I was taking a walk yesterday,an old woman stopped me and asked me to do _a favor.AsheBherChersDherself12 . 一Waiter! Id like some beef and a vegetable salad.一Sorry,madam. They only for lunch. Why not consider something else?Aserved; to orderBserved; orderingCare served; orderingDare served; to order二、完型填空Bunny rabbit lived in the forest. He had many friends. He was proud _ his friends.One day Bunny rabbit heard the loud barking (狗叫) of wild (野蛮的) dogs. He was very_ .He decided to ask for help. He _ went to his friend deer. He said, “Dear friend, some wild dogs are running after me. Can you help me to let them away? The deer said, “That is right, I can. _ now I am busy. Why dont you ask bear_ help?”Bunny rabbit ran to the bear. “My dear friend, you are very strong. Please help me. Some wild dogs are after me, Please let them away,” he requested to the bear. The bear replied, “I am sorry. I am _ and tired. I need to find some food. Please ask the monkey for help.”Poor Bunny went to the monkey, the elephant, the goat and all his other _. Bunny felt sad that nobody was ready to help him. He understood that he had to think of a way out by himself. He hid_ a bush (灌木). He _ very still. The wild dogs did not find the bunny. They went chasing other animals, Bunny rabbit learnt that he had to learn to survive by_, not depending on (依赖) his unhelpful friends.13 . AofBinCtoDwith14 . AhappyBafraidChelpfulDexcited15 . AslowlyBgraduallyCquicklyDstep by step16 . AButBAndCSoDBesides17 . AtoBwithCforDin18 . AhungryBsadCdelightedDthirsty19 . AanimalsBdogCfamilyDfriends20 . AonBunderCinDabove21 . AliedBlyingClainDlay22 . AhimselfBhimChisDhe三、阅读单选What happens to a teenage kid when the world he thought he knew suddenly changes? Find out in LittleBrother by American author Cory Doctorow. It is a fascinating book for a new generation of science fiction readers.Marcus Yallow, 17, from San Francisco is much more comfortable in front of a computer than obeying the rules of society. Smart, fast and wise to the ways of the networked world, he has no trouble outwitting his high schools monitoring(监控) system. This way he and his friends get to head off to play a popular online game in real life.While they are playing, a bomb explodes on the Bay Bridge. Marcus stops a military vehicle to get help for his injured friend, but this simple act throws him into a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secret prison. There he is treated as a possible terrorist. He is eventually let go after four days, but his injured friend disappears.When he returns, Marcus discovers that there are many “security measures” in place and that now all citizens are treated like potential terrorists. While some consider this government action necessary for public safety, Marcus sees this as a complete destruction of the rights he is supposed to have as a citizen.He knows that no one will believe his story, which leaves him with only one thing to do: to take down the DHS (数字处理系统) himself. He helps organize a large network called Xnet to spread the truth, anonymously (匿名地)The book presents a young man who is irresponsible, but learns about himself, and grows, in the course of the story. As part of this learning and growing he becomes aware of very serious issues about his society.23 . What kind of article does this passage belong to?AA fascinating storyBA news reportCA book reviewDA TV programme24 . The underlined word “outwitting” in the second paragraph means _.Adestroying in a wise wayBbuying in a wise wayCcheating in a wise wayDhelping in a wise way25 . Marcus Yallow was sent to prison because _.Ahe killed his friendBhe bombed a military vehicleChis injured friend disappearedDhe did something that a possible terrorist could do26 . From the second paragraph we can infer that _.AMarcus Yallow is expert at the network worldBMarcus Yallow is smart, fast and wise in real lifeCMarcus Yallow always plays online games in real lifeDMarcus Yallow is much more comfortable obeying the rules of societyMy husband has been working in Beijing for five months. Our 7-year-old daughter Polly missed him very much. When I told her we would visit her father, she was so excited.We left for Beijing after Polly finished her exam. She couldnt wait to tell her father about her good grades. The train was pretty full. Because I did not get the tickets online early, Polly and I were separated. We could not sit together. Polly was nervous about trips and depended on my reading to her. But this time it seemed impossible at all.When the two passengers who shared my row found their seats, I asked if they could change places with Polly or me. They both refused.At the same time, a mother and her two children several rows ahead of us also met the same problem. The mother could hold her baby, but her 6-year-old son had to sit with strangers. She was worried about her son. But nobody offered to help her.At that very moment, I saw a group of teens. One of the teens stood up and said to the mother, “ Aunt, we can help you. ” He then rearranged their seats. Then there was space for the family to sit together. The mother was thankful to the teens.Polly was still upset. However, I could do nothing. Suddenly, the passenger next to me, turned around and asked, “ Would you and your daughter like our seats? ” We changed seats. Being together made our trip much better.From this experience, I do know that kindness is contagious(传染的), and good deeds cause more good deeds!27 . Polly was_when her mother said they would visit her father.AsurprisedBexcitedCproud28 . Why couldnt Polly and her mother sit together at first?ABecause her mother didnt buy the tickets.BBecause two passengers were sitting in their seats.CBecause her mother did not get the tickets online early.29 . Who helped the mother with two children in the end?AA group of teens.BThe passengers next to Polly.CNobody.30 . What does the underlined word “ rearranged” mean?A重新调整B重新开始C重新准备31 . We can infer(推断)from the passage that_.ARome wasnt built in a dayBa barking dog seldom bitesCno act of kindness is too smallChoose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案填入空格内)Dear Lili,Thank you for your letter. Now let me tell you something about my hobbies.I like swimming. I swim every day in summer. You know summer in England is not very hot. I also like reading. I read all kinds of books. I read two or three books a week. I enjoy writing, too. I want to be a writer in the future.I also like to play with my dog, Mickey. He is big and needs a lot of exercise. So at weekends we often go for long walks around the lake near my house. Mickey likes to jump into the water. He is a good swimmer.Well, those are my hobbies. Please write and tell me about yours.Yours,Mary32 . This is a letter aboutMarys_.AfamilyBschool lifeChouseDhobbies33 . Mary_ every day in summer.AswimsBreadsCwritesDgoes for a walk34 . Mary reads _every week.Amany booksBtwo or three booksConly one bookDnothing35 . Mickey is _.Aa mouseBa catCa dogDa duck36 . Which one isTrue (正确) according to the passage?ASummer is very hot in England.BMary wants to be a teacher in the future.CMickey is small and needs lots of exercise.DMary often goes for a walk with Mickey at weekends.I will think of it.It is easy to say this, but do you know what great things have come from thinking? Though we can not see, or hear, or feel our thoughts, they have great power (力量) !Isaac Newton was seated in his garden on a summer evening when he saw an apple fall from a tree. He began to think, and tried to find out why the apple fell. Then he discovered how the earth, sun, moon, and stars are kept in their places.James Ferguson once saw the inside of his fathers watch, and he wondered, Why should I not make a watch? This set him thinking and it led to a wooden clock which kept good time.Walt Disney, the famous American film-maker, was often thinking of new ideas. One day, when he was in a meeting, he suddenly stopped talking, deep in thought. He looked and looked at a place high up in the room. This continued for a long time, end then he got an idea for a new cartoon.Ideas come at any time, end the important thing is to think. When you meet with any difficulty, dont lose heart. Try to think of it before asking someone to help you. Think and by thinking you will learn how to think creatively.37 . Newton wanted to find out _.Awhen the apple hit himBwhy the apple fellCwho made the apple fallDwhere the apple fell38 . Walt Disney was _ when he got an idea for a new cartoon.Amaking a filmBtelling a storyChaving a meetingDsitting in a garden39 . From the passage we can learn that _.Awe should always ask others for helpBeveryone of us likes thinkingCit is easy to see and hear our thoughtsDthinking helps to get new ideas四、回答问题Hanging Gardens of Babylon(巴比伦空中花园)The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built in the 7thcentury BC and are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were amazing not only because of their beauty, but also because of their location.In the 7thcentury BC a king named Nebudchadnezzar II created the gardens as a sign of love for his wife, Amyitis. According to legend, Amyitis, the daughter of the king of the Medes, was homesick. She missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland.Upon marrying Nebudchadnezzar II, Amyitis moved to the ancient chief city of Babylon. The area was in the Mesopotamian desert, and the climate there was totally different from where she had left. So the new queen was very sad about the flat and the sun-baked desert. To make Amyitis happier and more comfortable the king decided to build her a series of magnificent gardens.Many think of the gardens as an otherworldly creation that hung in the air somehow. But experts agree that the gardens were actually built on a mountainside, rather than actually “hanging”.The hanging Gardens of Babylon are famous. Stories of them spread throughout the ancient world, and ancient writers recorded a large number of descriptions of the gardens, but some wonder whether this paradise of the past ever existed. There are no historical records of it except stories. Whatever may happen, even the idea of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is amazing. They were essentially impossible to create because of the climate, but they were kept in the minds of many as a botanical beauty created in the middle of unattractive desert scenery.40 . Hanging Gardens of Babylon are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, arent they?41 . What makes the Hanging Gardens of Babylon so amazing and famous?42 . Why did the king Nebudchadnezzar II create Hanging Gardens of Babylon?43 . What made the Hanging Gardens of Babylon essentially impossible to create?44 . According to the experts, were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon really hanging or built on a mountainside?45 . Did Hanging Gardens of Babylon really exist? What makes you think so? (In no more than THREE sentences)五、材料作文46 . 近年来,英语中考开始采用听力口语自动化考试,即人机对话(man-machine conversation)的方式检验学生的口语和听力。特别是对于口语测试(以前的中考对口语没有要求),学生们有不同的看法。我校就“你喜不喜欢用人机对话的形式来检验你的英语口语?”进行了调查,结果如下。请你根据表格内容,用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你的态度及理由。态度理由85%的学生喜欢1.spoken English is important;2. make students pay more attention to their spoken English;3.teachers will let them speak English more in class.15%的学生不喜欢1.spoken English is poor;2. cant answer all the questions correctly;3. computers break down suddenly.你注意:(1)文章必须包括表中的全部内容,可适当增加细节;(2)你的理由至少两条;(3)文章开头已给出,你可以抄用此开头,但不计入总词数;也可以自己写开头,则计入总词数;(4)词数:80100。Do You Like to Have Tests in the Man-machine Conversation?Several days ago, we did a survey about whether you like to take your spoken English tests in the man-machine conversation. Here are the results._第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、回答问题1、五、材料作文1、


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