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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期第一次月考英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Have you _ Hangzhou?- No, I havent _ there yet.Abeen; beenBbeen; been toCbeen to; been toDbeen to; been2 . My father the housework on weekdays .AdontBdoesntCdont doDdoesnt do3 . They are _ delicious cakes that I want to eat _ two.Asuch; otherBsuch; anotherCso; otherDso, another4 . - Shall we go on a trip to the Amusement Park? -_.AYes, we should.BThats a good idea.COf courseDNot bad.5 . Have you ever heard of the old saying “ or west, home is best”?AEastBWestCSouthDNorth6 . My grandpa is getting so forgetful - I have to remind himhis medicine.AtakeBtakesCto takeDtaking7 . Its raining now. Please take _ umbrella.AaBanCtheD不填8 . The computer is used not only to play games but _a tool for learning.AbyBasCforDto9 . Everyone _ supposed _ a seat-belt (安全带)in the car to keep safe.Ais; wearingBis; to wearCare; wearingDare; to wear10 . -The sun comes out.It wont rain.-_.I want to go for a walk.AWell doneBGood ideaCHurry upDI hope so11 . When I go out in the evening, my dog never goes to bed _ I come back.AafterBlaterCtillDif12 . Hehasnochoicebut_thedifficultyAfaceBfacingCtofaceDfaced13 . is the act of doing or saying the same thing many times.ADevelopmentBSolutionCRepetition14 . He tried to catch what his mother told his teacher. He didnt hear anything, _.AthoughBalthoughCyetDbut15 . _ delicious beef!Well.You can eat more if you like it.AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a二、补全对话6选5根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。John: Mary, what are you doing?Mary:51.16 . .John: Oh, no! You made Emmas room untidy. When she sees this, shell be very angry. Mary: 52.17 . ?John: Very easy! Clean her room.Mary: Shell be back soon. 53. 18 . . John: No problem. 54. 19 . .Mary: First help me to clean her desk. Then help do tidy up her books.John: OK. 55.20 . .Mary: Oh, no! Please help me first.John: OK. ACould you please help out with a few things?BIm playing with my pet dog in Emmas room.CWhats the matter?DBut could I finish my homework first?EWhat do you want me to do?FWhat should I do?三、补全短文5选5(题文)Dora loves her mom. (小题1)Shell buy her a present(礼物).(小题2)She wants a card that says the right(正确的)thing.(小题3)The card must say,“I love you,Mom.”It must say,“Mom,you are the best mother in the world( 世界).”It must say,“Im so happy that you are my mom.”(小题4)But there is one more thing the card must say.It must say,“(小题5)”AWhat is the right thing?BHappy Birthday !CHer mothers birthday is next Sunday.DThose are all the right things for the card to say.E.She wants to buy a nice birthday card.四、完型填空完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。For two years my life was a complete mess because I was addicted to(对上瘾)drugs. I took my mothers trust and forgiveness for granted. Despite(尽管)all the times I_from her, lied to her, and begged her to give me money, she_left me. Not once did I stop to take her feelings into consideration. I was never _for any of the things she did for me.Then one night, while wandering(闲逛)through the streets, I got pulled over by two police officers. I was _and they found drugs in my pocket. That night I should have been put into_,but they called Child Protective Services and I was placed in a foster home instead.That night reality hit me hard. Away from my mother, I cried myself to sleep. I _everything she had done for me. I_her so much. I started thinking about the sound of her voice, the music she listened to, the _and taste of her food, even the clothes she would wear.I started_at all the times she would be singing and I would shout at her to “shut up”,_when shed hug me and say “I love you” and I would_her away. I took all these things for granted and it was then that I felt _a big part of my life she really was.That night I prayed_in eight years. I prayed to God for forgiveness for all the things I had done before. But most importantly I prayed to him for turning my life around.My_has turned around now. I have stopped taking drugs and am living with my family in Baldwin Park. My relationship with my mother is_than ever. Now I know the feeling of my mother and I know how to thank her.21 . AheardBstoleCescapedDhid22 . AneverBalwaysCever Deven23 . AsuitableBreadyCworriedDthankful24 . AhitBquestionedCsearched Dinvited25 . AbedBprisonCroomDhospital26 . Aremembered BforgotCfound Dexpected27 . AhatedBdiscouraged CmissedDhurt28 . AshapeBsmellCweight Dsize29 . Acalling back Bbringing back Cturning back Dlooking back30 . AorBbutCyet Dsince31 . AputBtakeCpush Dkeep32 . AwhatBhowCthat Dwhich33 . Afor the last timeBfor the first timeCfor a short timeDfor a long time34 . AhobbyBattitudeCideaDlife35 . AnicerBbetterCworseDFurther五、阅读单选For most teenagers, the kitchen may be a mysterious(神秘的) place. But Flynn McGarry is already able to take charge of(掌管) a kitchen.At the age of 15, he was already a well-known teenage chef in the US. He has opened his own dining club at home and works with some of the best restaurants in his country.McGarrys love for cooking started at the age of 10. He practiced his knife skills after school and taught himself from books and the Internet. In his room, there are no video games, basketballs or movie posters, but pots, cutting boards and pans(平底锅).When he was 11, McGarrys parents helped turn his bedroom into a monthly supper club called Eureka. Each month, he hosted his mothers friends and soon won the title of “culinary prodigy(烹饪神童)”. Now, people pay $160(979 yuan) per person to eat at Eureka.McGarry does not stick with just simple types of cuisine(菜肴). He likes creating interesting dishes. “I could take a carrot and raise it to this amazing level that youd never think youre eating a carrot,” he said. The New York Times described his meals as “creative enough to make an experienced chef inferior(逊色的).”As for the future, McGarry dreams of being a Michelin-starred chef. He plans to open his own restaurant by 19 and make it, as he puts it, “the best restaurant in the world.”36 . If Martin go to Eureka with his parents for dinner, how much do they pay in total?A$160.B480 yuan.C$2,937.D2937 yuan.37 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?APeople can eat at Eureka for free.BMcGarrys parents supported his hobby.CMcGarry hosts Eureka for his friends.DMcGarry started Eureka four years ago.38 . According to The New York Times, McGarrys dishes are _.AstrangeBcheapCinferiorDdelicious39 . What is McGarrys dream for the future?ATo become a wealthy cook.BTo open his own restaurant.CTo cook for movie stars.DTo work at a famous restaurant.There is a new trend(趋势)letting kids choose their punishments when they do something wrong. Sallys mom has admitted(承认) that she uses the method, and her daughter once chose having her computer taken away for a month as her punishment. Do you think this is a good way to encourage better behavior? “They should! Im tired of the unfair punishments that my parents have chosen!”Reader Alice“Its not so good. I think kids would make up the punishment, so that they can avoid something.”Actress Mary“The point of punishment is for kids to learn what they did was wrong. If they choose it in their own way, they wont take it seriously.”Singer Jenny“I think its a good thing for kids to choose punishments. It can help give them a bigger sense of responsibility. And it teaches them valuable lessons.”Writer Tony“Of course not. Whats the use of even punishing someone if they can choose their own punishments as they like?”Doctor David40 . thinks kids should be allowed to choose their own punishments.ADavidBAliceCMaryDJenny41 . What punishment did Sally once choose?AShe didnt play computer for a month.BShe didnt buy a computer a month ago.CShe couldnt stay at home for a month.DHer mother didnt play computer for a month.42 . From the article we learn that .Achildren like punishmentsBall the children refuse to choose their own punishmentsCparents always punish their children in their own wayDparents like punishing their kids43 . What does Tony do?AHe is an actor.BHe is a singer.CHe is a doctor.DHe is a writer.44 . of the five people disagree(s) with this new punishment method.AOneBTwoCThreeDFour六、阅读判断The old name for films was moving pictures. In America, they still call them movies and they say, “Shall we go to the movies?” while we way, “Shall we go to the cinema?”A boy once said to his friend, “Do you like moving pictures?” His friend thought that he was going to ask him to go to the cinema, so he said, “Yes, please. I like moving pictures very much.”“Good,” said the boy. “My father has a picture shop. He sells pictures. This evening I must move the pictures from one room into another. You like moving pictures, so I think you will enjoy moving pictures for me. ”45 . In the old times, people called films moving pictures.46 . When the Americans ask their friends to go to see a film, they always say “Shall we go to the cinema?”47 . The boys friend liked pictures very much.48 . His friend didnt understand the meaning of the question “Do you like moving pictures?”49 . The boys friend liked going to the movies.七、填写适当的单词补全句子词汇运用50 . I know that _ (win) hat is made of cotton.51 . His parents want him to be a great _ (music) when he grows up.52 . Our teams _ (lose) of the last game made us very sad.53 . There are so many _(choose) and I dont know which one to take.54 . Didnt you find this thing was so _ (amaze) ?55 . These _ (cowboy) from the US all like rock music.56 . As we cant all agree on this matter, lets _ (投票)on it.57 . We hope the trainers have _ (真实生活的)experience.58 . Sandy blew hard to make the paint run in all _ (方向) .59 . Folk was first created in a _ (传统的) style, and has strong local color.60 . Its _ (超过)my control to deal with everything.61 . The dogs are always rubbing against the wall and making _ (污迹).八、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空.62 . My aunt helped to keep our cat and it_(take)good care of while we were away on holiday.63 . Have you worked out the problem? Not yet. My teacher_(explain) it to me.64 . It is reported that the new bridge_(complete) at the end of this month.65 . Did you see a man in black pass by just now?No,sir,I_(reply)to Want Bings question.66 . The sunlight we are used to_(include) seven different colors.67 . My grandma has much dificulty _(hear) what people say.68 . The earthquake_( influence) this country a lot, hasnt it?九、单词填空(A) 请根据上下文完成短文,每空一词。We need69 . musician for our school music festival, Can you 70 . the piano? Can you play the 71 . ? Can you play the violin? Can you play the drums? Come72 . join us. Please call us 73 . 87563539. Our e-mail address is butterflyxjschool.com.cn.十、回答问题Do you ever wish you were as thin as a model(模特)or as strong as your favourite football player? Maybe you wish you were taller or just thinner a little. Those thoughts are a natural part of growing up.But learning what you can and cant change about your body is part of growing up, too. It can be hard to do. But when people accept the way they look, they often feel happier.Some children worry that theyre not growing and developing as fast as their friends. Its important to know that puberty(青春期) doesnt happen at the same time for every child. And there are no special medicines that can make it happen sooner!Eating healthy food and exercising more can make all children feel better. Why? Because they will help you feel energetic(精力充沛的) and keep your body working just the way it should be.Watching TV and playing computer games can be fun, but they dont do much for your body because you sit when you do them. But when you move your body - by playing, dancing, taking part in sports, or even cleaning your room-you exercise your muscles(肌肉). When you exercise the muscle, it gets stronger. And when you have strong muscles you can do whatever you want to do.74 . When do people often feel happier about their bodies according to the passage(答题不超过10词)_75 . What can make all children feel better?(答题不相过10词)_76 . How does your muscle become when you exercise it?(不超过5词)_十一、讲稿77 . 书面表达在即将举行的中学生国际文化交流活动中,你将代表学校介绍中国的传统节日,请你从所给的卡片中任选一张,用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍该节日。The Spring FeitivalTime:in January or FebruaryActivities: welcome the new year, visit relatives, got togetherMeaning: the biggest day of year, a new startThe Mid-Autumn FestivalTime:in September or OctoberActivities: express wishes and hopes, have mooncakes, enjoy the moonMeaning: symbol of being together, missing family members far away注意:1. 发言稿中必须包含卡片上的信息,并适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、学校名称等信息;3. 词数80左右;4. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. _Thats all. Thanks for listening.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、补全短文5选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、填写适当的单词补全句子1、八、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、九、单词填空1、十、回答问题1、十一、讲稿1、


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