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人教版七年级上学期期中联考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . 下列字母与字母C含有相同音素的一组是。ABDFBDEGCADEDBEH2 . Where are his keys?_ on the chair.AItsBTheyreCThey3 . 在下列字母组合中含有相同的因素的一项是.AI Y ABM X SCA H GDJ G T4 . Look at that girl! _ name is LindaAMyBYourCHerDHis5 . In the evening, I either watch TV _ play chess.AofBandCorDnor6 . -_ you very much.-Youre welcome.AThatBThank forCThankDThanks7 . All eggs look similar _ one another,but not two eggs are the same _ each other.Ato;toBas;asCto;asDas;to8 . brother is in Grade Seven.ALisas and LindasBLisa and LindaCLisas and LindaDLisa and Lindas9 . What are you busy _?I am busy _ the plan for the sports meeting.Ain; to makeBwith; to makeCin; makingDwith; making10 . We have _ soccer game for every month.AanBtheC/Da11 . Could you please take my picture? Here is my _.AprinterBradioCplayerDcamera12 . If I have time, I will _you _ my hometown.Atake; roundBshow; aroundClook; atDlet; to see13 . Its reported that the government hasnt found the missing planes black box yet._.AI dont think so BIm sorry to hear thatCIm afraid notDI hope so14 . -Tomorrow is my _ birthday. Would you like to come? -Sure, I _ .Atwenty, would likeBtwentieth-first, would love toCtwentieth , will goDtwenty-first, would love to15 . “What time is it now? Its _ to twelve.”AfiftyBa quarterChalf二、完型填空When I had something difficult to do, I used to ask my mother for help. But she always said, “Do it yourself,dear.” I was not_at all. I thought she was the_mother in the world!For example,one day,I decided to_ some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were everywhere. And I didnt make the bed. I asked mymother to help me clean it,_she still said, “Do it yourself, girl.”Because of my “lazy mother”,I have to_ my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents_ I even have to go to the dentist by myself. It is really hard for me to do everything well,but I have learned_.As time goes by, I understand my mother. She makes me clever and diligent._ a great mother! Agood mother is worth one hundred teachers! Dont you think so?16 . AoldBgladCthin17 . AtallestBmost foolishClaziest18 . AleaveBinviteCvisit19 . AorBwhenCbut20 . AwashBleadCknock21 . Ado houseworkBgo swimmingCgo camping22 . Aon showBby mistakeCa lot23 . AWhichBWhatCWho三、阅读单选Im Liu Li. I am a middle school student now. It seems that my life has changed a lot in the last few years. For example, I used to have short hair, but now it grows long. I used to be afraid of the sea because I didnt know how to swim, but now I am a good swimmer in our school. I used to be short but now Im tall. As for eating, I used to eat meat but now I eat more vegetables than meat. When I was younger, I didnt use to read any books, but now I like reading storybooks. When I was in primary school, I used to play football after school, but now I have to go right home and do homework, I didnt use to like math and I used to be terrified of tests, but now I like all the subjects and never mind tests any more. In the past, I used to have time chatting with my parents, but now I hardly ever chat. I have to study. I miss the old days.24 . What does Liu Lis hair look like now?AIts short.BIts long.CIts straight.DIts curly.25 . Why did Liu Li use to be afraid of the sea?ABecause there were many sharks in it.BBecause there were always strong waves in the sea.CBecause she couldnt swim.DBecause she had met an accident in the sea.26 . What kind of books does Liu Li like to read now?AEnglish books.BFamous books.CPicture books.DStorybooks.27 . What did NOT Liu Li use to do?ASwim.BChat.CEat meat.DPlay football.After the Spring Festival, I found some of my mom s daily habits have changed.Her cooking way was different. Vegetables that had been cooked crisply(酥脆地)became very tender and soft. Fish that had been fried became soup. Her old shredded(切成细条的)potato turned into diced(切成丁的)potato.Feeling strange, dad and I asked mom the reason for the change. But all she said was, Just trying a different taste. Then she was silent.But it wasnt just her cooking way. Mom also changed other habits. After dinner, instead of watching films on TV as usual, she would put on her newly-bought sports clothes and asked Dad to go out for a walk. After they came back home, mom would lose herself in magazines or newspapers about healthcare. Mom almost never gets sick. Why was she suddenly interested in medicine?I couldt understand her abnormal behavior. Then one day I came across her micro blog.While visiting my parents during the Spring Festival, I suddenly realized that they are in their 70s now, my mom had written. They move slowly and it is hard for them to do the housework. I should visit them more often.Some cooking should be changed to keep them healthy. They like fish soup, diced potato, tender and soft vegetables.I must also keep fit by doing physical exercise. If my parents are too weak to move around, I can be strong enough to take care of them. When I am old, my son can also pay less attention to taking car of me.When I read this, I felt very sorry. I used to complain that mom didnt understand me and couldnt give me everything I wanted. I always thought there was a wide gap between us. But now I completely understand her. How great she is! She always thinks of others before herself. Everything she does is help the people she loves live better lives. How unselfish her love is!28 . Which one of the following is one of mothers abnormal behavior?AWatching films on TV after dinner.BBeing interested in sports clothes.CReading more about healthcare.DNot taking medicine when getting sick.29 . Why did mom change her cooking way?ABecause she wanted to try different delicious tastes.BBecause she wasnt interested in the old cooking way.CBecause she wanted to make her children healthier.DBecause she tried to find a way suitable for her parents.30 . What does the writer want to show us readers by talking about this story? AMoms love is selfless and great.BMom has changed her daily habits.CA misunderstanding between mom and me.DHow to cook food in a healthy way.Dear Addie,Greetings from New Jersey, how is New Zealand? Im very excited to have you as my pen pal. I guess its my turn to tell you about myself.First off, I live with my parents, two sisters, and our pet dog Brighty. Our town is called Whippangong. It is only about a half-hour away from New York City. My oldest sister, Ingrid, just turned 17, that means she now has a drives license. She drives us to the mall. Do you have a mall near you in Te Awamutu? My other sister is 11 and her name is Lucy. I guess I would say that she is my best friend. We still fight, though. She rides horses and takes lessons every Saturday morning. I have to go with her sometimes, and that is truly the most boring thing in the world. Do you like horses?I take tap dancing classes. I like to practice in the food store. The sound of my feet stepping on the hard floors echoes(发出回声). I play scores in the fall; Im on the swim team during the summer. I like swim, but I am really looking forward to diving this year. Next year I will start music lessons in school. I think I am going to play the piano.Our house has eight rooms and a small backyard where every year we try to grow vegetables. We mostly get zucchini because the rabbits eat everything else. I guess rabbits dont like zucchini. I have a bike and mum allows me to ride up and down our street, but nowhere else. I hope that I will get to ride it to school someday. Right now I ride the crowed and yucky bus.Well, that is enough about me for now. I look forward to hearing from you again soon. I hope your surfing lessons went well. And I hope your mum does let you learn to play the drums.Write soonLove,Jessica31 . In this letter, Jessica doesnt talk about .Aher family numbersBher spare timeCher houseDher ambition32 . what does the underlined word “fall” mean here? .A跌倒B降落C秋天D瀑布33 . JessicA、thinks riding horses is very.AdifferentBfoolCexcitingDfrightening34 . Zucchini is likely to be a kind of.AanimalsBvegetableCflowerDfruit35 . Which of the following is TURE? .AJessica likes Lucy very much but they dont always get along.BPeople below 18 cant get driving licenses in New JerseyCJessica usually goes to school by bike, but sometimes by bus.DIngrid gets to take riding lessons and JessicA、wishes she could, too.36 . What might be Addies problem?AShe cant take surfing lessons.BShe wants to play the drums.CThere are no malls near her house.DShe has no family.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空.根据首字母的提示补全单词。37 . His father is r_ his bike, because it doesnt work.38 . I found it difficult to fall a_ last night.39 . They went to the beach i_ of climbing mountains.40 . If you have problems, you shouldc_ with your parents or teachers.41 . Can you l_ your English book to me? I left mine at home.五、填写适当的句子补全对话Reporter : Excuse me. Im doing a survey for a magazine Hobbies. Can I ask you some questions?You: Sure.Reporter:42 . ?You: My names Peter.Reporter:43 . ?You: Yes, I have many hobbies.Reporter: Uh-huh. 44 . ?You:My favorite hobby is watching TV.Reporter: Well, why do you like it so much?You:45 . .Reporter: Thank you. You:46 . .六、填空阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格,每空限填一词。Two days ago, I had taken a test in Biology, and I knew that I would get my scores in the same class today.After the bell rang, every student sat in his or her seat impatiently. Then, one by one, the teacher called our names.As each paper was given back to the correct student, the front of the answer paper would always be turned to face the ground and the paper itself would be slightly folded (折叠) to prevent anyone from seeing.In fact, folding each test paper is a way to make sure that each student sees only his or her own scores. The scores are seen as private information not to be announced or shown to others. As a way to keep the students score records secret, each student is given an online account (账号). Each student can use it to check his or her grades on the official school website.Protecting students private information always comes first in US schools that want to free students from unnecessary pressure(压力). School reports are guarded closely to prevent poor grades from damaging a students dignity and reputation (尊严和声誉), which are for himself or herself only.However, some insist that although students feelings and self-dignity are easily hurt, they cannot be forever protected. They say that school also teaches their students to make themselves stronger in mind, and the classroom should show the reality of competition in society. Scores that everyone can see might better encourage students to work harder to be better than others.Protect students private information in US schoolsThe writers 47 . After the bell rang, its 48 . of students to sit and wait for their scores for a test in Biology. The teacher called 49 . names and handed out the papers. He 50 . test papers that faced down and was slightly folded.Other way takenEach student is even 51 . with an online account with which to check his or her grades on the official school website.52 . Schools want to free students from unnecessary pressure. Schools are trying to 53 . poor grades from damaging a students personal dignity and reputation among his or her classmates.Different ideas Some think students are 54 . too much. Schools should teach their students to be stronger in mind and try to make greater 55 . than others. The classroom should show the reality of 56 . in society.七、材料作文57 . 提示:假设你是黄冈(Huanggang)中学的一位学生(student),名叫李锐(Li Rui),你有一个快乐的大家庭,这里有你的一张全家照.你的电话号码是838-5219,你的e-mail是lirui2013163.com,可以打电话或发e-mail联系。请根据以上提示和下面照片中的相关信息,写一篇介绍家庭和自己的英语短文。要求:1.以上信息不可缺少,不能逐词逐句地翻译,应适当发挥;2.词数不得少于50;3.短文开头句已给出,不计人总词数。参考词汇:big大的;happy快乐的;hereis这里有;photo照片;or或者Hello,everyone! Im a student in Huanggang Middle School._.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、填空1、七、材料作文1、


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