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人教版英语七年级上册同步练习Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball?SelfCheck姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Good morning. My name _ Zhang Jia. I am a middle school student. _ phone number (电话号码) is 282-9586. Whats this _ English? Its a _. This is a map of China and _ am in China. I have a _. Her name is Cindy Brown. Cindy is her _ name. Brown is her last name. She is _ English girl. She is 13. This is her jacket. Its yellow _ white. That is _ pen. Its black.1 . AamBisCareDbe2 . AIBMeCMyDIt3 . AtoBinCatDfor4 . AmapBpenCquiltDcup5 . AIBmyCsheDher6 . AnameBphoneCnumberDfriend7 . AfirstBlastCEnglishDfamily8 . AaBanCtheD/9 . AandBbutCtooDof10 . AtheirBhisCherDyour二、阅读单选Owen Howkins was born with a very unusual illness. According to Owens father, Will Howkins, at present there are only around 30 people in the world with the illness. Owen always needs a wheelchair to get around. Not surprisingly, people are always looking at him, and that used to make the young boy nervous and uncomfortable. Owen became lonely and even stopped going outside his house. That, however,was all before a dog named Haatchi came into his life!Haatchi had a very difficult start in life too. When he was just five months old,the dog was hit by a train. His tail and a leg were hurt so badly that both had to be cut off. Luckily,his story was posted online and was seen by Owens father and mother. They fell in love with Haatchi and decided to keep him,thinking that they were helping him. In fact,it was Haatchi who helped them. By always staying with Owen,he became the boys best friend. Slowly,Owen liked going out. Now he proudly walks around the neighborhood,showing off his dog and telling anyone Haatchis story. Haatchis influence on the young boy is great. In October 2012,the International Fund for Animal Welfare gave Haatchi a special award(奖),The amazing friendship between the two has been shown in a short film called A Boy and His Dog. It has not only won several awards,but also been watched by millions of people. British writer Wendy Holden has also written their story in a heart-warming childrens book.11 . Owen stopped going out of his house because_.Ahis wheelchair didnt work wellBhe disliked always being looked atChis father was too busy to take him outsideDhe felt uncomfortable to see the 30 sick people12 . Both Haatchi and Owen_.Ahad a hard start in lifeBwas hit by a trainCfound a five-month old boyDfell in love with their neighbor13 . Which of the following is TRUE about A Boy and His Dog?AIt is a popular film.BIt made several children rich.CIt was created by Owens father.DIt got special help for millions of people.14 . What is the best title of the passage?AA Kind Family.BA Brave Dog.CAn Unusual Illness.DA Special Friendship.三、用所给单词的正确形式填空五、动词填空15 . My parents _ (be not) at home at 12 p.m. on weekdays.16 . My sister always _ (do) some reading in the morning.17 . One of my friends _ (like) playing football very much.18 . _ (not open) the door. Its cold outside(外面).19 . Its not late now. What about _ (go) shopping?20 . Its nine thirty. Its time _ (go) to bed.21 . There _ (be) some good news in todays newspapers.22 . Some boys often _ (fly) kites in the playground on Sundays.23 . Look! Tom _ (have) his lunch now.24 . Let him _ (meet) my teacher Mr. Wang.四、选用适当的单词补全对话. 用方框内的单词补全对话what on no ball please thank,sport play question manywhat on no ball please thank,sport play question manyA:Good morning,Jack!B:Good morning,Bill!A:Can I ask(问) you some 25 . ?B:Yes,26 . .A:Do you have any 27 . equipment(器械)?B:Yes,I do.A:28 . do you have?B:I have eight soccer 29 . and five volleyballs.A:Do you have pingpong balls?B:30 . .But I have 31 . pingpong bats.A:Well,do you like to 32 . sports?B:No,I dont.I only like watching sports 33 . TV.A:OK.34 . for your answers.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、选用适当的单词补全对话1、


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