外研版英语九年级下册module 1模块测试卷

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外研版英语九年级下册module 1模块测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . As a doctor, I know _ what to do for the sick people. I can try my best to save them.AexactlyBeasilyCinsteadDreally2 . Why are there _ people over there?Because there _ lots of water.Aa lot of; isBlots of; areCa lot; isDa lot of; are3 . The doctor worked hard and carefully,so he received _ praise from his patients.AhighBhighlyCdeepDdeeply4 . You must make your classroom _.Ato clean and tidyBclean and tidyCcleaning and tidyingDto clean and to tidy5 . They are making _ along the Yellow River.Aa travelBa journeyCtripDway6 . kind girl Nancy is! Yes, she is always ready to help others.AHow aBWhatCHowDWhat a7 . This is the best way I can think of _ the problem.AsolveBto solveCsolvingDsolved8 . _ surprised he was to see his stolen bicycle again at the gate of the park.AHowBWhatCWhat aDWhat an9 . Suzhou is famous _its beautiful gardens and this garden is know _one of the best.Afor;forBfor;asCas;forDas;as10 . Nearly _ of working mothers in China dont want to have a second child.Athree-fifthBthree fifthsCthree-fifthsDthree fifth11 . We have _ English class _ Monday morning.Aan; inBa; on Ca; inDan; on12 . Hes getting _ fat because of eating _.Atoo much; too muchBmuch too; much tooCtoo much; much tooDmuch too; too much13 . -What do you think of the book?-I dont think its _ useful book.AtheBanCaD不填14 . Liu Xiang is the first Chinesethe championship in the track events of OlympicsAwinsBto winCwinDwinning15 . _ the book?Its great!AWhat do you think ofBDo you likeCDo you wantDWhere do you buy16 . Dont worry _ yourself . Drink some hot tea _ honey . Thank you .Aabout ; inBabout ; withCwith ; aboutDwith ; in17 . In Thailand, the white elephant is a _ of good luck.AsouthBdangerCsymbolDflag18 . The old toy car remind me my childhood and my grandma.AonBofCwith19 . My uncle is going to_ Dalian next year.AmovesBmove toCliveDlives in二、完型填空Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文): Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary(必需的). We must rest from _ for a week or two weeks every year. “If it is possible,” they say, “we must leave our homes and go to another _ of the country. We must go away for a holiday. Then after the holiday, we are _ home happily and ready for another year of work.”This seems(似乎) to be right for most adults but not for children. For young kids it is usually quite _. They dont like to leave their homes to stay in strange places. They dont like to go _ homes. Children like their homes best of all. _ you are a parent with young kids, please think about their feelings for the holiday.20 . AworkingBplayingCswimmingDrunning21 . AschoolBtownCvillageDpart22 . AawayBbackCoutDat23 . AdifficultBeasyCdifferentDinteresting24 . Aon the back ofBclose toCfar away fromDin front of25 . ABecauseBSoCButDIf三、阅读单选Last summer, my family and I went on a trip to the China Dinosaur Park in Changzhou by busThe journey took us about an hourWe arrived at the park at about 9 amThere were many fun places for us to choose fromWe first went to the Crazy Firedrake(喷火龙) DrillWhen I looked at the large yellow machine, I wasnt afraid at all, But when I was really on it, I felt a little nervousFirst, the machine took us to the highest pointWe all screamed “Ah” with our eyes closedThen the machine turned around fast and moved very quickly at the same timeI felt as if I would fall downI kept screaming through the whole rideIt only moved for only a few minutes, but it seemed to be manyhoursWhen the game ended, I was too afraid to walkLater we took part in the game called “Crossing Jurassic(侏罗纪)”We got into a boatThe boat went into a tall buildingIt was dark around usThere were many model dinosaurs on both sidesThey looked like the real onesSometimes the model dinosaurs made some frightening shouts, which sounded terribleThe game ended with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big poolWhat an exciting day!26 . When did the writer get on the bus?A9 a.mBAbout 8 a.mCAbout 9 a.mDAbout 10 a.m27 . When the writer looked at the large yellow machine, he was Anot afraidBtoo afraidCvery excitedDso nervous28 . What did the writer do when the machine took him to the highest point?AThe writer laughedBThe writer screamedCThe writer looked downDThe writer did nothing29 . From the text, we can know that the game called “Crossing Jurassic” is a tripAbusBtrainCcoachDboat30 . Which of the following is TRUE?AThe yellow machine turned around fast and moved quickly at the same timeBThe first game moved for a long timeCThere were many real dinosaurs in the parkDThe second game began with a sudden rush from a very high place into a big lakeLin Yue, 15:I want to be the cook. First of all, I will prepare some delicious food with barbecue (烧烤) sticks. Its easy for us to grill(烤) food. Second, oil, pepper, and soy sauce (酱油) are important .They will make food more delicious. Lastly, I will bring enough water for my friends. Im sure we will have a good time!Zhang Zhijuan, 14:Ill take cards. It will take us a long time to grill food. So playing cards games with friends is a good way to kill time. We can also make a rule in the game. Whoever loses the game has to cook the food! Sounds interesting! Su Junyu, 14:Well, I will make a fruit salad for this party. Barbecues make people feel hot. And eating too much meat is not so good for us. So I think fruit salad will make the barbecue party healthy. Im sure my friends will love it! Liu Fangyue, 14:I will bring some paper. I can use it to fold fun paper hats for my friends. And sometimes we have to sit down on the ground. We could put the paper on the ground to keep our clothes clean. How smart I am!31 . What are the four students going to do?ATheyre going to make a rule.BTheyre going to have a barbecue party.CTheyre going to play a game.32 . Lin plants to _.Abring some paperBcook foodCpaly card games33 . The underlined words “to kill time in the 2nd paragraph probably means _.Ato save time in order to do something more importantBto carefully plan time needed for doing somethingCto make time pass quickly by doing something34 . Why does Su want to make fruit salad?AHe thinks it is healthy.BFruit salad is his favorite food.CHe doesnt like eating meal.35 . Liu is going to _ for his friends.Amake paper hatsBmake chairsCmake clothesLast Saturday was Childrens Day. I went to the nature zoo with my mother. The weather was fine. There were many people there and everyone was happy.I saw many animals in the zoo, like elephants, tigers, lions, giraffes, monkeys and some other animals. My mother and I liked the elephants very much,because they were very friendly. We gave them some bananas to eat and they liked them very much. The giraffes were very tall, and they were a little quiet. The lions and the tigers were kind of scary, but they wore beautiful. I think the monkeys were cute and clever. People always gave them some fruit to eat. They were very happy. I liked them best.In fact, all the animals are our friends. We must love and help them.36 . How did the writer spend (度过)Childrens Day?AHe went to the mountains.BHe visited the museum.CHe went to the zoo.DHe went to the movies.37 . How was the weather last Saturday?AIt was fine.BIt was cloudy.CIt was windy.DIt was rainy.38 . The writer gave some to the elephants.AgrassBwaterCcakesDbananas39 . How did the writer like the giraffes?AThey were clever.BThey were quiet.CThey were beautiful.DThey were scary.40 . What kind of animals did the writer like best?AThe elephants.BThe tigers.CThe giraffes.DThe monkeys.Learn Chinese about 2010 Shanghai Expo(世博会)Want to learn Chinese and travel around China.Mandarin Morning Center will help you move a step closer to the Shanghai Expo!Course time: Every Saturday morning from 9:00 to 12:00And now, we offer you a 1-hour free lesson. What a great chance!Please contact: 138*260.E-mail:mia.cashmeregmail.comLearn Chinese about 2010 Shanghai Expo(世博会)Want to learn Chinese and travel around China.Mandarin Morning Center will help you move a step closer to the Shanghai Expo!Course time: Every Saturday morning from 9:00 to 12:00And now, we offer you a 1-hour free lesson. What a great chance!Please contact: 138*260.E-mail:mia.cashmeregmail.comTianyigu Taijiquan Club recruiting new members!Tianyigu Taijicquan Club now offers special taiji training courses.Course time: Every morning from 7:00 to 9:00Location: Green Park in BeijingPlease call Bruce Zhao at 1340*533 or visit www.tianyigu.com to find more.Tianyigu Taijiquan Club recruiting new members!Tianyigu Taijicquan Club now offers special taiji training courses.Course time: Every morning from 7:00 to 9:00Location: Green Park in BeijingPlease call Bruce Zhao at 1340*533 or visit www.tianyigu.com to find more.Part-time English teacher neededChaoyang English Coaching School,4 or 5 classes each week.Location: Close to Yonganli Subway StationStudents from Canada/America. Good salary.Please enclose(附入)your photo in your resume(简历). Tel:136*170E-mail:tomanngmail.comPart-time English teacher neededChaoyang English Coaching School,4 or 5 classes each week.Location: Close to Yonganli Subway StationStudents from Canada/America. Good salary.Please enclose(附入)your photo in your resume(简历). Tel:136*170E-mail:tomanngmail.comPerzina piano looking for a buyerI am looking for a buyer for my Perzina piano. The piano was bought on April 26, 2008. The same kind of piano is now sold at 30,800 yuan. Since I am moving abroad, I need to find a buyer for it. I am selling the piano at 21,800 yuan now.Please call Ms Wu at 139*617(before 10 pm).Perzina piano looking for a buyerI am looking for a buyer for my Perzina piano. The piano was bought on April 26, 2008. The same kind of piano is now sold at 30,800 yuan. Since I am moving abroad, I need to find a buyer for it. I am selling the piano at 21,800 yuan now.Please call Ms Wu at 139*617(before 10 pm).根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。41 . If you want to _, Mandarin Morning Center can help you.Alearn taijiBbuy a second-hand pianoClearn ChineseDbe an English teacher42 . If you join Mandarin Morning Center, you will have courses for _.Ano less than twelve hours a monthBjust three hours a monthCless than twelve hours a monthDabout two hours a week43 . If you want to be an English teacher, you can _for more information.Acall 138*260Bphone 1340*533Csend e-mail to tomanngmail.comDvisit www.tianyigu.com44 . Ms Wu wants to sell her piano because_.AShe doesnt like playing the piano nowBShe will go abroadCher new house is too smallDShe wants to buy a new one45 . From the passage, we know that _.AMandarin Morning Center can help you travel around Shanghai for freeBTianyigu Taijiquan Club offers taiji courses at Green Park in BeijingCChaoyang English coaching School needs an English teacher who is from AustraliaDMs Wu wants to sell her piano at 30,800 yuan四、句型转换按要求完成下列各题46 . They would like the tomato and egg noodles.(对画线部分提问)_ they like?47 . Mary would like a bowl of soup.(改为一般疑问句)_ Mary _ a bowl of soup?48 . There is some beef on the table.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)Is there _ beef on the table?No, _.49 . Would you like to go to the shop with us?(作肯定回答)_,Id _.50 . My sister wants a new skirt.(改为同义句)My sister _ a new skirt.五、填写适当的单词补全句子在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处写。51 . There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall.52 . This is _ useful book. Ive read it for _ hour.53 . _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse.54 . _ doctor told him to take _ medicine three times _ day.55 . Lets go out for _ walk.56 . Its too hot. Open _ door, please.57 . There is _ woman over there, _ woman is Meimeis mother.58 . _ sun rises in _ east.59 . _ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China.60 . Are you going to do it _ second time?六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空61 . There are many _(different)between them.62 . Her _(fly)number is HU7382.63 . Edison invented many _(invent)during his life.64 . The medicine should be taken _(two)a day after meals, George.65 . I live on the _(twelve)floor of the building.66 . Brad is my younger brother. We had a special party for his _(five)birthday yesterday.67 . Lots of people surf the Internet to look for some _(information)about the missing plane.68 . There will be a composition contest named “My Good teacher” to celebrate the _(30)Teachers Day.69 . There are six _(French)talking loudly in the room.70 . We should be brave when we meet illness and _(difficult).七、完成句子按所给汉语,用英语完成下列句子71 . 和写信相比,大多数年轻人更喜欢发电子邮件。Most young people prefer _ letters.72 . 他情绪低落。我不知道是否有人可以让他振作起来。He is in a bad mood. I dont know _.73 . 你真聪明,做出了这样的一个决定。Its really clever _.74 . 爸爸周末宁愿睡觉也不愿陪妈妈购物。Father_ with Mom at the weekend.75 . 这张照片使他们想起了在部队的日子。This photo _when they were in the army.76 . 有了导航的帮助,我们毫不费力地找到了他的家。With the help of GPS, we _ his home.八、材料作文77 . 书面表达习近平总书记在2019年新年贺词中指出“我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人。”心怀梦想,奋力追梦!同学们,作为即将面临中考的初三学子,你们有什么计划和行动呢?请浏览下面一张思维导图,以“A Plan for the Following Months”为题,写一篇英语作文。My planimprove my weak subjectlearn from mistakecare about healthtry some new learning methodsuse time well.注意:(1)短文必须包括所有要点,并做适当发挥;(2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;(3)词数:80100(短文首句已给出,不计入总词数)。A Plan for the Following MonthsAs a Grade 9 student,_ _ _ _第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、材料作文1、


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