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人教版2020年广州中考英语压轴专题练习卷:名词(选择题)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Is that your_?Yes, two pencils, an eraser and a ruler are in it.Apencil boxBmodel planeCtape player2 . Beijing is _ China.Ain the north ofBto the north ofCin the south ofDto the south of3 . Japanese usually put money into a white _ to celebrate their friends wedding, but people in Taiwan always do that with money in a red one.AenvelopeBpostcardCwalletDumbrella4 . These _ come from Europe.AwolfBwolfsCwolvesDwolvs5 . -Lets go out to play football, shall we? - OK, I _.Awill comingBam coming CcomeDbe going to come6 . Its a bad _ for a man to smoke in public places where smoking is not allowed.AmannerBbehaviorCexperienceDpractice7 . In class, its important for us to make _when we are listening to the teacher.AplansBfriendsCmistakesDnotes8 . - Hi, Im Frank. Whats your _?- Gina.AfatherBnumberCnameDfamily9 . (题文)Did you make a decision at the meeting?No.Everyone had a different _ about the plan.We need to have another discussion.AopinionBinterestCmemberDrelation10 . Our school held an activity called “Recommend (推荐) Books to Students”. The teachers made a _ of 100 books!AnoteBdifferenceClistDwish11 . (题文)If you visit Italy, you can go to_and take photos there.AMount FujiBThe Tower BridgeCThe Statue of LibertyDThe Leaning Tower of Pisa12 . Mom, this is my _ Anna. We are in the same class.AteacherBcousinCclassmateDsister13 . I really love_dog. It often_a hat on its head!ATom and Jerrys; hasBToms and Jerrys; haveCTom s and Jerrys; hasDTom and Jerrys; have14 . Why do you call it “_”?Because it runs under the ground.AcarBbusCundergroundDbike15 . What is the first day of the week?AMondayBFridayCSaturdayDSunday16 . -Its late. Shall we go back to the _ for the night?-Good idea. I am also tired now.AhospitalBrestaurantCtheatreDhotel17 . Im worried about the _ of the product. I think it may be dangerous.ApriceBserviceClicenseDsafety18 . -The dishes in this restaurant seem very expensive.-Dont worry. You can enjoy yourself. Its my _.AtimeBtaskCtreatDtaste19 . Theon your face told me that you were happy to help us.AexpressionsBsentencesCconversationsDpattern20 . Lily, could you please pass me the_? I want to cut the apple.Sure, here you are.ApenBpencilCbookDknife21 . People in the south of China like eating _.AricesBnoodlesCdumplingsDrice22 . - Judy, I guess you are only 25 years old. Is that true? - Oh, thats a _.AsuggestionBsecretCreasonDproblem23 . When it is winter in China, it is _ in Australia.AhotBsnowingCcoldDcool24 . Id like some _ for dinner.AnoodleBbeefCpotato25 . The policeman gave us muchon how to protect ourselves when we are in danger.AexampleBtipCnoteDadvice26 . _ is a unit for measuring weight.ADollarsBKilometresCGrams27 . Nowadays some _ made in China are both good and cheap,such as Xiaomi mobile phones,Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.AtoolsBproductsCmaterialsDinstruments28 . “Shower” rhymes with “_”.AbrownBsnowChowDflower29 . Whats this in English?Its an _.AquiltBeraserCmapDruler30 . I can use my _ to take high-quality images.AradioBwatchCtelevisionDcamera31 . Every Monday morning, all the teachers and students watch the _ of the national flag.ArisingBraisingCincreaseDspread第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、

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