2020年秋)八年级英语上册(人教版) 期中综合检测

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2020年秋)八年级英语上册(人教版) 期中综合检测_第1页
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2020年秋)八年级英语上册(人教版) 期中综合检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _?She likes to play the guitar, so she wants to join the music club.AWhat club does Sue like?BIs Sue in the music club?CWhat club does Sue want to join?DWhat instrument does Sue want to play?2 . - Do you have a baseball?- No, but my brother has_.AitBthatCone3 . AbedBletterCshe4 . The sunlight goes_the window.AthroughBatCalongDacross.5 . Hell_ most of his fortune(财富)to the poor after his death.Agive awayBgive inCgive outDgive up6 . Hows it going with you?.AThank you.BNot good.CIts windy.7 . Chen Xiang trained hard that he hurt his foot.AenoughBtooCveryDso8 . My parentslives were harder 10 years ago becausethem had a job.Aneither ofBneither didCneitherDboth of9 . Who is _ of the three young men?AcleverBclevererCcleverestDthe cleverest10 . -There is no salt left. Jim, why not buy _ together?-OK, mum!AitBoneCanyDsome二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。A: Hello,Jane! 11 . B: ImwatchingTV.A: HowstheTVshow?B: 12 . I dontlikeit.A: 13 . B: Goodidea.A: LetsmeetatHappySupermarketat 4:20.B: OK. 14 . A: We can get there by bus.B: OK. The bus stop is not far from there.A: Yes. Youre right.B: 15 . A: Hes at home. He is helping his mom do housework.B: Oh, I see. He cant go with us.三、完型填空A Frenchman went to visit New York.He didnt know English.When he _ New York,he _ a bus to a hotel.It was Sunday.The Frenchman went out _ a walk.When he went _ the street,he suddenly _ his way back.On the wall near the corner of the street,he saw some English words.He _ them down in his notebook.“Now I know the name of this street,” he said to _“Itll be easy for me to _ the hotel.” He walked for a long time in the city.Then he felt tired and wanted to go back.He took the notebook out of his pocket and_ the name of the street to a young man._ he did not know what the Frenchman wanted.He stopped an old man,but the old man did not understand him,_Then the Frenchman saw _ young woman.The young woman knew_ French.When she _ the words in his notebook,she_,for in the Frenchmans notebook,there were only three words “One Way Street”16 . Areached atBgot toCarrived atDgot in17 . AhadBtookCsatDcaught18 . AtoBforCofDwith19 . AalongBawayCoffDover20 . Athought ofBthink ofCthinks ofDis thinking of21 . AwritesBwriteCwroteDwritten22 . AhimBherCheDhimself23 . AbackBcome backCcome back toDback to24 . AreadBshowedCtookDgave25 . AButBAndCOrDBecause26 . AeitherBtooCalsoDneither27 . AaBanCtheD/28 . AfewBa fewCmanyDsome29 . AreadBseeClookedDfound30 . AcriedBlaughed(笑)CshoutedDsaid四、阅读单选Last year Mr. and Mrs. Smith with their two children went to the beach for a weeks holiday. There were a lot of interesting things to do at the beach.The two children played games on the sand. Sometimes they built small houses with sand. Sometimes they played beach volleyball with other children. There were swimming pools. The water was very clean and the children swam happily in these pools. They also went to an island by boat. There were many toys in the shops there. They also watched famous films in the island.There was an esplanade (滨海大道)a long road by the beach. There were a lot of shops and restaurants on the esplanade. There was also an interesting park near the beach. Children could ride a bike and a horse. They could also ride an elephant.The Smiths stayed at a hotel. They had the same room. The room was in the front of the hotel. The sights from the windows were good.The children were a little sad when the holiday was over because they didnt want to leave.31 . Mr. and Mrs. Smith stayed at the beach for _ with their children.Aa weekBtwo weeksCmany weeksDa year32 . The two children didnt _ at the beach.Aplay beach volleyballBswim in the poolCbuild small houses with sandDtake photos33 . Children could not ride _ in the park near the beach.Aa bikeBa horseCan elephantDa motor bike34 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThere were lots of shops and restaurants on the esplanade.BThe Smiths stayed in a room in the front of the hotel.CThe children played football on the island.DThe children felt a little sad when they left the beach.Hi, everyone! Im Jack. Do you want to keep healthy? Here are my ideas.Take lots of exerciseSome students like watching TV or playing computer games. But they cant make you healthy. Playing sports can. I often get some exercise with my friends in the park. Exercise makes me strong.Eat healthy foodI like eating fruit and vegetables. They can help us stay healthy and strong. But my brother likes eating candy and chocolate. Its not good to eat too much because theres a lot of sugar and fat (脂肪) in them. Drink lots of water and milkWater is good for us but fizzy drinks (碳酸饮料)arent, because fizzy drinks have lots of sugar. Too much sugar is bad for our teeth. Milk is good because it has lots of calcium (钙). The calcium can help keep our teeth strong.35 . Jack tells us _ ideas to keep healthy.A3B4C5D636 . Where does Jack get some exercise?AIn a park.BAt a station.CIn the playground.DIn the sports hall.37 . Which food does Jacks brother like?AFruit and vegetables.BCandy and chocolate.CFizzy drinks and milk.DSugar and fat.38 . Fizzy drinks are bad for us because _.Athey arent cleanBthey have much calciumCthey have lots of sugarDthey have lots of fat39 . This passage is about _.Afamily tripsBchoosing presentsCschool lessonsDkeeping healthyTimeMel Gibsons experienceJanuary 3rd, 1956Mel Gibson was born in New York,1968Mel Gibson and his family moved to Australia.1977Mel Gibson acted in his first film.1979Mel Gibson had great success in Australia with the movie Mad Max1980Mel Gibson married.1984Mel Gibson became a famous film star.1987Mel Gibson made his first film in Hollywood.1993Mel Gibson starred in The Man without a Face and directed.2004Mel Gibson wrote, directed and produced The Passion of the Christ.2005Mel Gibson celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary (结婚周年纪念) with his wife.40 . What does Mel Gibson do?AScientist.BResearcher.CActor.DDoctor.41 . Mel Gibson and his family moved to Australia in his _.Aeight years oldBten years oldCtwelve years oldDfourteen years old42 . Mel Gibsons first film is _.AMad MaxBThe Man without a FaceCThe Passion of the ChristDnot mentioned43 . Mel Gibson had great success with the movie Mad Max in _.AAustraliaBNew York,CHollywoodDAmerica44 . According to Mel Gibsons experience, we know that _.Ahe is a good fatherBhe loves his wife very muchChe is a very popular singerDhe is fifty-eight years old now五、根据首字母、中文提示填空45 . My_ (生日)is on March 26th.46 . _(十月)1st is an important festival for Chinese.47 . Does a _(月) have 30 days?48 . F_is between(在之间)January and March.49 . J_comes after June.六、完成句子根据句意及提示完成句子50 . 他忘记关灯了。He _ turn off the light .51 . Ruth comes from New York. (同义句) Ruth _ New York.52 . Steve,your shoes are _(脏的)Brush them now.53 . There are sixty m_ in an hour.54 . Seventy and e_ is one hundred and fifty.55 . Miss Liu often tells us some f_ stories in class,and we all like her.56 . Is your grandmother with you?No,she_ (居住) with my aunt in Shanghai.57 . The boy is from J_. He speaks J_.58 . She has to cross the long b_ over the river to work every day.七、单词填空综合填空(2017山东莱芜)More than 95% of the people in the world have phones today.They help us easily make contact(联系)with others.It means that we 59 . write letters now.But a TV show,LettersAlive,is bringing60 . this old habit.The show is loved by people around China.It invites a famous actor or actress who walks up to a microphone(麦克风)and reads a61 . .People wrote the letters from different times in history.We can experience the real lives and62 . of the writers.Besides it,another TV show,Readers,is also63 . .It invites different people to read aloud on the stage,and64 . the touching stories behind them.They can read anything,like poems and books.Now the65 . gives people a special place,a reading pavilion(朗读亭),to read all over China.Reading pavilions are now in some66 . like Shanghai,Hangzhou and Xian.The pavilion is quite67 . .Only one person can come into it each time.A microphone in it records peoples voices.Some of the readers will be picked and invited to68 . on TV.Cultural values and true feelings are the keys to winning praise.Both shows are leading Chinese people to enjoy reading.In fact,this is also what our country is trying to do now.八、材料作文69 . David是宁夏大学的一名留学生,现在,他想写封信将这里的生活情况告诉在英国的父母。请你根据以下提示,帮助David 完成这封信回信提示内容:1. 与中国学生互相学习,友好相处,向他们介绍了很多学习英语的好方法,经常帮助他们练习英语口语; 2. 上个月游览了沙湖和贺兰山,品尝美食;3. 来宁夏5个月了,和很多中国人交了朋友,喜欢这里的生活;4. 希望尽量多学点汉语,并去游览更多的有趣的地方要求:开头已给出,不计入总词数。省略部分请合理补充。Dear Dad and Mum,Hows it going? I hope youre in good health._Yours,David第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、材料作文1、


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