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冀教版中考一模调研英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Li Ming, you are listening to Jay Chous songs again.-Jay Chou is my favourite . I like him so much.AplayerBdancerCsingerDwriter2 . They quarreled with each other. Finally, they ended up _. The teacher punished them for what they did.AfightBto fightCfightingDfought3 . Chiang Mai (清迈) has been one oftourist places for Chinese since the movie Lost in Thailand (泰囧) was shown.AhotBhotterChottestDthe hottest4 . Is _ ready for the trip?No, we still need to buy a map before we start the tripAanythingBsomethingCeverythingDnothing5 . -When did you come back to Enshi?-_the aftemoon of May lst.AOnBAtCIn6 . - What time do I have to leave, Dr Li?- _, dont stay here _ visiting hours.AUsually; overBRegularly; aboveCAnyway; beyondDMostly; during7 . Miss Green didnt tell us _in 2002.Awhere does she liveBwhere she livesCwhere did she liveDwhere she lived8 . - Do you mind my smoking here?- _ . Look at the sign. It says“No smoking.”AYoud better not.BIt doesnt matterCYes, pleaseDNo, I dont9 . -Look! That man looks like Mr. Brown. -It _be him, for he _to America.Acant; has goneBmay not; has goneCmustnt; has beenDcant; has been10 . - Whats three and four?- _.AIts seven.BTheyre seven. CIts nine. DHes seven.11 . A student in Fudan University was killed by his roommate because of small things in daily life. Its important for students to learn how to_each other.Astay away fromBcall the policeCget along withDmake fun of12 . She doesnt send emails_ watch movies on computer.AandBorCsoDbut13 . When_by lovely flowers and wonderful wedding gifts, the bride is immersed in great happiness.Aare surroundingBsurroundingCare surroundedDsurrounded14 . The country life he was used to _ greatly since 1992.AchangeBhas changedCchangingDhave changed15 . - Can you guess _ his new sports shoes?- Yes, maybe he asked his elder sister to pay for them, I think.Awhere he boughtBhow he paid forCwhen he paid forDWhy he bought二、完型填空Many people enjoy going to the beach during the summer. But besides swimming and sunbathing (日光浴), _ else can we do there? To make beach trips more _, the Normandy region of France set up 12 seaside _ this summer.The libraries are small wooden houses on the sand. Open from July 7 to August 26, each of the houses has 1,000 books in it. Anyone is welcome to borrow a book there, but readers _ stay in the chairs near the library. They cant take them _ to the sea. Otherwise (否则), the books could be damaged (损坏) by the sand and _.“Its a perfect break for _ and relaxing,” said 12-year-old Isabelle, a tourist at Normandy. She was reading The Secret Garden. “This is my _ every afternoon.”The libraries are part of the Normandy “Read at the Beach” _. It started in 2005, with only three libraries at that time. _ last year, more than 3,800 people borrowed books from the libraries. Its reported that two more libraries will be built in the future.16 . AwhenBwhereCwhatDwho17 . AexpensiveBinterestingCimportantDlovely18 . AlibrariesBcinemasCrestaurantsDhotels19 . AwillBwontCmustDmustnt20 . AupBdownCinsideDon21 . AfireBwoodCwaterDsunshine22 . AexercisingBswimmingCeatingDreading23 . AtreatBtrickCtreasureDtrip24 . AshowBprojectCsubjectDstudy25 . AAndBSoCOrDBut三、阅读单选There are about 6,000 languages that are spoken around the world. But 43 percent of these languages are dying out, according to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,联合国教科文组织).If no action is taken,some of these languages will become extinct (灭绝的).Languages become endangered for many reasons. One is that some communities of native speakers of the endangered languages no longer exist (存在),HuffPost reported. These people leave their communities and move to cities or towns.In addition,the languages of “dominant (占主导地位的)” cultures may drive other languages into extinction. To get better education and jobs, young people have to focus their attention on learning dominant languages rather than their own languages. Dominant languages include English,French and Mandarin (普通话).Once a language dies, it rarely conies back to life. Governments across the globe are taking action to prevent this. In September, the US state of Alaska announced that the loss of indigenous (土著的)languages was an“emergency”(紧急事件). It is now working to give new life to such languages, Quartz reported.In New Zealand,the government has said it wants over 20 percent of the countrys population to be able to speak Maori, an indigenous language, by 2040. It plans to provide Maori lessons in all New Zealand schools by 2025, The New York Times reported.China is also trying to protect its languages. About 130 languages are spoken in China, even more than the number of ethnic groups in the country. In 2015, the government started a project to record all the languages spoken in China, Xinhua reported. Universities like Minzu University of China have created minority language majors (专业)for their students.26 . How many languages worldwide are in danger of dying out?AAbout 2,580 languages.BAbout 3,420 languages.CAbout 4,300 languages.DAbout 6,000 languages.27 . According to the story, why might a language go extinct?ABecause no one wants to speak it.BBecause it is too difficult to learn.CBecause it is used less in daily life.DBecause schools don5t offer lessons for it28 . What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?AThe learning of dominant languages.BThe extinction of languages.CAction taken to save the languages.DThe movement of giving new life to the languages.29 . What do we know from the last two paragraphs?AAll languages are disappearing in New Zealand.BMaori lessons are already offered in all of the schools in New Zealand.C130 languages are endangered in China.DMaking recordings is a way to protect languages.30 . Which is the best title of the passage?ALosing our languagesBThe importance of EnglishCLearning a new kind of languageDIndigenous languagesUmbrellas are certainly one of lifes necessary helpers. But as anyone ever caught in a heavy rain will tell you, theyre far from perfect. So, many creative designers made efforts to challenge. Here are three unusual umbrellas that can solve the rainy day problems:Senz Problem: Common umbrellas love to invert(翻转) when its windy.The Senz umbrella changes the found shape into the one that is long in the back and short in the front. The design is much stronger against even strong against even strong winds, and according to their tests, it won t invert in a windy stormKazbrellaProblem: Once closed, umbrellas drip(滴水)all over everything and they need a lot of room to open up.The Kazbrella tries to solve this problem. It opens in a special way. When closed, it looks like the common umbrella upside down, but when it opens, it is similar to the common one. The design allows the wet side of the umbrella to be inside once you fold it. As a result, getting in and out of your car is not a problem. You can close Kazbrella into the smallest space of a car door, remaining dry.Rain shieldProblem: Rain can hit you from all directions.In the face of a heavy rainstorm, a little more surface area would be a big help. So the Rain Shield has been given an extension(延伸)to one side, giving the protection from the side way rain and lowering the risk of being invert. And its bendy (弯曲)design means it is easy to take.Dont you think that these umbrellas are fascinating? The good news is that you can buy Sen and Kazbrellas in London now.31 . According to the first paragraph, we know that the common umbrellas_Aare useful but not perfect enoughBcan only be used in a heavy rainCcan protect us very well in a heavy rainDare challenges for creative designers32 . Senz will not invert because of the_AsignBweightCshapeDcolor33 . Picture_ shows the right way to open the KazbrellaABCD34 . If you use Rain Shield in a heavy rainstorm,_Ait will not drip all over everythingBit can protect you from sideway rainCits easier to get in and out of the carDits not convenient enough to takeOnce upon a time there was no tea at all in England. People there used to drink a light beer. No coffee or milk but large glasses of beer stood on the breakfast table!When tea was first brought to England, an old couple got some as a special treat. But they did not know how it should be used. They cooked the leaves in hot water, and spread them on a piece of bacon(培根) which they were going to have for dinner. They ate the leaves, and threw the tea away! However, tea is becoming as popular as coffee and milk in England today.Tea is the leaf of a plant which grows widely in China, Japan and some other countries. Tea farmers usually grow a great many tea plants on a large piece of land. When the tea leaves are ready to be picked, it is the busiest time for tea farmers in a year. They pull off the leaves and dry them. In their spare time, they pick out the best leaves and get them ready for market. In China, whenever a visitor comes into a house, he is served with a cup of tea.35 . What was served for breakfast in England long ago?ABeer.BTea.CCoffee.DMilk.36 . How did the old couple deal with the tea leaves?AThey sold them.BThey ate them.CThey burnt them.DThey threw them away.37 . Tea farmers are the busiest in a year when theyAserve visitors at homeBsell tea in the marketCpick and dry tea leavesDlook for a piece of land38 . Ais usually served with a cup of tea.AcoupleBfarmerCkingDvisitor39 . In which part of a magazine can we read the text?ANature.BCulture.CEnvironment.DTechnology.Do you know what Oscar is? When did it start? Maybe you can find the background of the awards in the following passage.The awards started in 1929. Their full title is “The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Awards”. The Academy is a group of people who have worked in the film industry for many years. They decide who will receive the awards. The awards are often referred to as the “Oscar”. This is a nickname given to the awards by a lady called Margaret Herrick. She was once the director of the Academy and she once said that the little gold statue reminded her of her uncle Oscar!The Oscar is always an exciting event. Each year, at least one unusual thing happens. When the Italian actor and director Roberto Benigni won an Oscar for best foreign film, he danced on stage! When Gwyneth Paltrow, the star of Shakespeare in Love won the Oscar for best actress, she could not make her acceptance speech because she was crying so much with happiness!In 1987, Roberto Benigni won the award for best director for a film about the last emperor of China. Since then, Chinese film and actors have started to make an impact at the award. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was a huge success and it won the award for best foreign language film in 2001. It also won several technical awards for its amazing “flying” people. We expect to see more awards for Chinese film in the near future.Its time for the Oscar again. Once more, the stars will dress up in their finest and go to Kodar Theater. There, they will find out who had won the awards for best actor, best actress and best director. Millions of people watch the awards every year to find out who the winners are. Some people watch it to see the stars crying and laughing as they receive their awards.40 . Who give the awards?AIn 1927.BOscar.CThe Academy of Nicknames.DA group of people who have worked in the film industry for many years.41 . What did Gwyneth Paltrow win an Oscar for?ABest Director.BBest Foreign Film.CBest Actress.DBest Actor.42 . Which Chinese film won an award for best foreign film?ACrouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger.BCrouching and Hidden Dragon and Tiger.CCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.DCrouching, Dragon, Hiding Tiger.43 . Where are the Oscars held?AAt the Academy.BIn a Los Angeles restaurant.CAt Oscars house.DAt Kodar Theater.44 . Why do some people watch Oscars?ATo see the restaurant.BTo see the fashion.CTo see a film.DTo see the stars crying and laughing.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词45 . My parents buy two _(小提琴)in the store.46 . In China many young _(人们)like the star very much.47 . I have breakfast at_ (家)every day.48 . Mr. Green is our teacher and he_ (教)us English.49 . You can come to the Students Sports_ (中心)五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填词)50 . Mikes hobby is playing basketball. _is listening to the music.(I)51 . Congratulations! You are the _ visitor today and you can get a big prize. ( hundred )52 . Our teachers often say, “The more practice you do, the _mistakes you will make”.(few)53 . Why not take an umbrella with you? The weather in spring is very _.(change)54 . Mr. Smith wanted to travel _ to know more about the world. (wide)55 . Peter is such a _ person that nobody wants to make friends with him. (honest)56 . They discussed the problem again and again, but they didnt work out a _.(solve)57 . Jerry _ in winning the race at the school sports meeting last week. (success )六、选用适当的单词补全对话根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确.farthest took part in possible took place cheer forA: Hi, Andrew. I hear your school sports meeting58 . last Friday.B: Yes. We held it in the Olympic Sports Center. Lots of parents cameto 59 . us.A: Wonderful. Which event were you in?B:I60 . the 400-meter relay race.A: Whats the result?B: Our class ran61 . , so we came first.A: Congratulations! I know you are really good at running. It is 62 . for you to win a prize in the marathon race next month.B: Thank you. I will try my best.七、单词填空缺词填空根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词)My name is Huckleberry Finn. I live in the town of St. Petersburg in the state of Missouri. Its a small town but its near a very b63 . river called the Mississippi. This is the story of a journey that I made down that river on a raft.Tom sawyer and I found $12,000 in a cave which made us rich. We got $6,000 e64 . . Judge Thatcher put it in the bank.I didnt have a f65 . or a home. My mother died a long time ago and then my dad, Pap, disappeared. I didnt go to school like the other boys of my a66 . . I lived on the streets and in the woods.Then a kind old lady called Widow Douglas invited me to live with her and my life c67 . . She gave me a bed to sleep in and bought me new clothes. She sent me to school every day. I didnt like going there at first b68 . learning was very difficult. But when I could read and write a bit, I didnt m69 . going. For me, eating my meals at the table and sleeping in a soft bed were the h70 . things. I missed my old life. Sometimes I ran away and spent a few days in the woods. I felt f71 . there and I was happy. I fished and hunted all day. At night I slept under the stars.The months passed and w72 . came. The weather got cold. One morning I saw some footprints in the snow outside the widows house. There was a cross on the heel of the left one. My heart jumped. Only one person wore boots with a cross on the left heel! Pap!八、填空Waste can be seen everywhere, and it can bring a lot of problems. Though China is rich in some resources(资源), we are short of others, for example, fresh water. It is said that we will have no coal or oil to use in 100 years. Also there is not enough food in some areas. So if we go on wasting our resource, what can we use in the future and where can we move? Think about it. I think we should say no to the people who waste things every day.In our everyday life, we can do many things to stop waste from happening. Usually we can try to use the same thing more than once, such as sharing your books with your friends or using both sides of paper. And we must remember to turn off the water taps when we finish washing, or we can put little signs of “Please save water ” on the water tapsnever leave the tap running after using it. Also we should try not to order more food than we need and so on. Little by little, everything will be changed. Waste can be stopped one day if we do our best.根据短文内容,用简洁的句子或短语完成下列表格ProblemsWe are short of fresh water.73 . 74 . Ways to stop wasteTry to reuse something.75 . 76 . 除了文中提到的方法和建议外,你一定还有许多好方法,请写一条与大家分享77 . 九、书信作文78 . 书面表达假如你是王朋,你在美国的笔友杰克(Jack)来信告诉你说他总是觉得很疲惫,导致上课不能集中精力听讲。请你根据下面的英文提示词,给他写封回信,向他提一些建议,信的开头和结尾已给出。英文提示词:should, help, exercise, keep healthy, sleep, try要求:1. 英文提示词供选用;2. 70词左右,已给出部分不计入总词数。Dear Jack, I am sorry to hear that you often feel tired. Let me give you some advice. _Yours, Wang Peng第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、选用适当的单词补全对话1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、书信作文1、


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