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冀教版2019-2020学年中考模拟白卷英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . ANovember 18thBNovember 19thCNovember 20thDNovember 21th2 . How much will the man pay for four shirts?A$4.B$7.C$14.3 . AIts snowy.BIts cloudy.CIts sunny.4 . How long is the shopping mall open?A10 hours.B12 hours.C11 hours.5 . How long has the woman been here?AFor 10 minutes.BFor 20minutes.CFor 15 minutes.二、听长对话回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6 . Whats the womans problem?AShe feels nervous about the test.BShe doesnt work hard.CShe has never taken any test.7 . What is the mans suggestion for getting good results in exams?ATalking with others.BOften taking tests.CAlways working hard.听对话,回答下列小题。8 . Which TV set will the woman buy, a big one or a small one?AA small one.BA big one.CBoth of them.9 . How much will the TV set cost the woman?A2,500 yuan.B2,400 yuan.CMore than 2,500 yuan.三、听句子选答语10 . ASo they do.BNot at all.CI dont know.11 . ANothing serious.BWell done!CIts great!12 . AYes, I am.BYes, we are.CYes, you are.13 . AIts really fun.BOn Friday.CA welcome party.14 . AIt doesnt matter.BSo do I.CI have no idea.四、听短文回答问题听独白,完成下面小题。15 . What is the passage about?AA summer camp.BA walking tour.CA sports center.16 . When can they go swimming?AOn Wednesday afternoon.BOn Friday afternoon.COn Sunday morning.17 . Where will they go for a day trip on Saturday?ALondon.BOxford.CLocal sports center.18 . Whom can you ask if you need any help?AChris.BMary.CMartin.五、补全短文6选5下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的首句,选项中有一项是多余选项。Dear daughter,You are a wonderful person and your mother and I love you. It will not be long before you leave school to make your way in the world. Can I give you some friendly advice? Here are some things that you should never do.19 . We. think you look great. Please be happy with the person you are and the body you have. Eat we, take exercise and be healthy. Some girls become upset because they have to try to lose weight or get the perfect shape. You look fine.20 . Never spend money more than your income and save a little every month. Dont borrow others money if possible.21 . You are great in achieving things, so dont look down on yourself. When things go wrong, never stop believing n yourself. Some girls get upset and lose confidence, and then all kinds of problems will follow.22 . We are very proud of what you have done so far. You should be proud, too. Keep doing well. Keep trying our best at everything you do.23 . Whatever happens in life, your family will still be your family. Whatever difficulties you meet, you can always talk to us and we will try to help you. We are here for you.Love,DadANever be afraid of failure.BNever give less than your best.CNever spend your money more than your income.DNever forget that your parents love you.ENever look down on yourself.FNever get upset with your looks.六、完型填空Whats the most_things in your life? Is it money, Power(力量), knowledge(知识), health or something_? Im sure most of us will say_is the most important. If we want to do something great, we should_good health. It is just like one of the keys_the door of success(成功)._should we do? In fact, there are so many_to keep healthy. For example, we should eat_Its not good for us to eat only one or two kinds of food which we like better. We should eat_kinds of good food. We need to eat fruits and vegetables_and eat meat less_sports is also important. It can make us stronger_stronger day by day. Whats more, we can learn teamwork(合作) from it and enjoy_at the same time. We should get rid of (摆脱)bad habits, like drinking, smoking, playing computer games too often.Lets work hard on keeping healthy. I_that our lives will become happier if_has good health.24 . AbeautifulBimportantCcarefulDinteresting25 . AothersBotherCthe otherDelse26 . AmoneyBhealthCpowerDknowledge27 . AhaveBholdCkeepDget28 . AonBatCtoDof29 . AHowBWhatCWhyDWhich30 . AthingsBideasCwaysDsports31 . AunhealthyBhealthCunhealthilyDhealthily32 . AallBbothCthreeDeach33 . AmanyBmuchCmoreDmost34 . APracticingBStayingCDoingDMaking35 . AorBbutCthenDand36 . AusBourselvesCmyselfDitself37 . AbelieveBdecideCplanDhope38 . AsomeoneBanyoneCeveryoneDno one七、阅读单选Among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the oldest one is the Great Pyramid of Giza. There are three large pyramids at Giza, outside the modern capital of Egypt, Cairo. The largest and most famous one is called the Great Pyramid. The workers built it as a tomb (坟墓) for the Pharaoh Khufu (法老胡夫).It took more than twenty years to build the Great Pyramid. When it was built, the pyramid was about 146.5 metres high. Over the years it has lost about eight metres off its top.The pyramid is made of large stone blocks (石块) 2,300,000 of them! Each of these blocks weighs over 2,000 kilograms. The ancient Egyptians did not have any modern machines. How did they build the pyramid? The pyramid shows that the ancient people were_and had great skills.People once thought that the Egyptians made slaves (奴隶) do all the work on the Great Pyramid. But in fact, they used farmers.39 . From the passage we can learn that _.AGiza is the modern capital of EgyptBthere are only three pyramids in EgyptCthe Pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid by himselfDthe Great Pyramid was built (被建) as a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu40 . According to the passage, the height of the Great Pyramid may be_ metres now.A146.5B138. 5C154.5D156. 541 . What does the underlined word “intelligent” mean in Chinese?A聪明的B辛苦的C诚实的D热情的42 . In fact, the Egyptians used _ to build the pyramid.AmachinesBslavesCfarmersDchildren43 . What is the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo invite people to visit the Great Pyramid.BTo give information about the Great Pyramid.CTo describe his or her trip to the Great Pyramid.DTo tell how he or she feels about the Great Pyramid.Food is very important . Everyone needs to eat well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is knowledge(知识).When we are very young, we start getting knowledge. Young children like watching and listening . Color pictures especially interest them. When children are older, they enjoy reading. When something interests them, they love asking questions.Our minds, like our bodies ,always need the best food. Studying on our own brings the most knowledge. If someone is always telling us answers, we never learn well. When we study correctly and get knowledge on our own, we learn more and understand better.44 . Why does everyone need to eat well ? It can help people _?Ato be healthyBto study wellCto enjoy learningDto like color pictures45 . What kind of food do our minds need?_APicturesBBooksCRiceDKnowledge46 . You wont learn well, if you _.Astudy on your ownBstudy correctlyCask questionsDare always told the answersJune came and the hottest month of the year began. A lot of travelers came to the city by the sea. All of the hotels were full except(除了)Mr. Johnsons. All the rooms were the cheapest in the city but few people stayed there. The fire(火灾) broke out(发生) three times in a year and four travelers died in the accidents. Most workers left there and found jobs in the other hotels. Mr. Johnson had to do most work himself.It was eleven oclock. Most rooms were still empty. Mr. Johnson worked for the whole day and was very tired. He went to close the front door when a young man came in, with a big bag in his hand.What can I do for you, sir? asked Mr Johnson. The cheapest room in your hotel. OK, said Mr Johnson, but its on the top floor.It doesnt matter. I think you have a lift(电梯) in your hotel.”Of course, sir, said Mr Johnson.Itll take you right there. By the way, may I keep your bag for you?No, thanks. Theres nothing expensive in it but a long rope(绳子).” Oh? What do you bring it with you for?Im afraid another fire will happen in your hotel. If it does, Ill throw the rope out of the window so that I ll be able to escape from(逃脱).”Yes?Mr Johnson said in surprise. So you have to pay for the bill(账单) before you go to your room.”47 . Most workers left the hotel because _.AMr Johnson paid them lessBit was dangerous to work for Mr JohnsonCsome travelers stayed thereDit was too hot there in summer48 . _, so most rooms were empty.AThe travelers liked to stay outside.BThe travelers went out for supper.CA few travelers died in Mr. Johnsons hotel.DMr. Johnson was bad to the travelers49 . The young man went in the hotel to _.Aput his bag thereBlook for somethingCtalk to Mr. JohnsonDstay for night50 . The young man took a long rope with him so that _.Ahe could easily leave the hotel if it was on fireBhe could pay nothing for the roomChe could go to work early the next morningDhe could not lose anything51 . Mr Johnson asked the young man to pay because he was afraid _.Athe young man could dieBthe young man would not pay any money and leaveCthe young man could take something awayDhis hotel would be on fire again八、听对话给图片排序你将听到5个句子,根据所听到的内容,从A-F六个选项中选出相应的图片。每个句子读两遍。A. B. C. D. E. F. 52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _56 . _九、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示填写单词57 . My sister isnt in her _ (房间)now.58 . _ (在哪里)is my ID card?Its in your schoolbag.59 . Ms. Gao is _ (他们的) English teacher.60 . Kate has a nice _ (帽子).61 . I _ (认为)the pen is Helens.十、完成句子62 . 如果你想和她成为朋友,你必须诚实。If you want to _ with her, you must _ honest.63 . 你可以忽略细节,只告诉我们主要的事情就行了。You can _ the details, just tell us the main facts.64 . 除了足球,我们还有很多业余爱好有共同点。We have a lot of hobbies _ football.65 . 摇滚使我紧张。Rock _ me _.66 . 上周,考试不及格使他发疯。Last week, failing the exam _ him _.十一、语法填空Florence Nightingale was a nurse who saved many people in the 19th century. She was named after the city of Florence in Italy.Florence was 67 . unusual young woman for her time, because she didnt want to go to parties and get married. She wanted to be a nurse and help people. Her family 68 . (not) want her to become a nurse because hospitals then were dirty, horrible places.69 . the age of thirty-one, Florence went to Germany and learned all about nursing. It was hard work, 70 . she loved it.In 1854, lots of British soldiers went to fight in the Crimean War. Army hospitals were filled with injured people, but there 71 . (be) no nurses and many soldiers died. Florence and a team of nurses went to help.Florence worked 20 hours a day to make the hospital 72 . (clean) and safer place. She brought fresh food, she cleaned the beds and she used clean bandages on the wounded soldiers, so fewer 73 . (man) were dying.At night, Florence talked to the injured soldiers and helped them 74 . (write) letters to their families. They called her the lady with the lamp, 75 . she always carried a lamp.When Florence returned to England, people called her a hero. Queen Victoria wrote her a letter to say thanks, She 76 . (give)the honor(荣誉)-Order of Merit, becoming the first woman to receive it.十二、多任务混合问题One of Chinas most famous art forms is the 200-year-old Jingxi (Beijing Opera). It is not only a treasure of the Chinese nation but also a cultural symbol of China.Beijing Opera is an art on stage that includes singing, dancing, acting and acrobatics (杂技动作). Beijing Opera uses special imagery in creating the characters. All roles are divided according to sex, personality, age, profession and social status (地位). Hangdang is the general term for role types in Beijing Opera. There are four types of roles in Beijing Opera today, namely, the sheng, dan, jing and chou. The sheng is the male protagonist (主角), the dan is the female protagonist, the jing (painted face) is a male supporting role with different characteristics. And chou (clown) is a comic or negative figure for the protagonist. The four role types come from the large number of roles of earlier stages in the history of Beijing Opera.There are many schools of Beijing Opera, with different styles. The music is beautiful, and the stage is bright and colorful.77 . 把文中画线句子翻译成汉语。_78 . 根据短文内容写出“a male supporting role”的汉语意思。_79 . How does Beijing Opera create the characters? _80 . How are all roles divided? _十三、话题作文81 . 成长过程中,我们都会遇到各种问题,比如学习上遇到困难,与朋友产生矛盾,或者因不做家务而与父母发生争执等等。请谈一谈你曾经遇到过的问题,以及你的解决办法。要求:1.不少于80词。2.语言通顺、表达准确、条理清楚、书写规范。3.文中不得出现真实的姓名和班级。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听长对话回答问题1、2、三、听句子选答语1、2、3、4、5、四、听短文回答问题1、五、补全短文6选51、六、完型填空1、七、阅读单选1、2、3、八、听对话给图片排序1、九、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、十、完成句子1、十一、语法填空1、十二、多任务混合问题1、十三、话题作文1、


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