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2019版人教新目标版九年级第七单元(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Young people today_ posting wonderful articles and beautiful photos onto the micromessage(微信)to share with friends.Aare afraid ofBare used toCare worriedDused to2 . As a doctor , you should be patient _all the patients.AinBwithConDof3 . The doctor told me_ too much meat.Adont eat Bnot eatCno eatingDnot to eat4 . My English teacher is very nice.Her name is Anna Smith.Anna is her_.Afirst nameBlast nameCfamily name5 . Sydney Opera House was a _ of Australia.AhouseBparkCsymbolDrock6 . On my birthday I want to _ and I hope it can come true.Amake a wishBhave a showerCtake a walkDhave a party7 . The coat _ soft and it can _ me warm.Agets; letBfeels; keepCfeels; let8 . You cant expect_good grades if you dont study hard.AgetBto getCgetting9 . Can you _ Mary to me?Yes, she is of medium height with short hair.AlearnBwriteCdescribeDfight10 . - Listen! _.- Oh, lets go to the classroom.AThere goes the bell.BThere is a bell.CThere the bell go.11 . Theres a new _ on Quancheng Road. Lets go _.Sounds good.Alibrary, readingBpool, fishingCsupermarket, shoppingDdining hall, swimming12 . Amys father is very angry because he thinks his daughter shouldnt get her ears _.Abe pierceBpiercedCto pierceDpierce13 . The flight to Sidney will take offan hour. Please check in right now.AonBinCatDto14 . Most of the students went out of the classroom. Only _ boys are waiting for you.Acouple ofBlot ofCa littleDa couple of15 . My teacher was _ angry that she couldnt say a word.AtooBveryCso二、补全短文5选5阅读下面短文,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,每个选项只有用一次。Lets Learn About Water!Did you know that people can only use less than 1% of all the water on the Earth? 16 . .So it is important that we use our water wisely and dont waste it.There are many simple things we can do to save water.Turn off the tap(龙头). Just by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime, you can save up to 8 gallons of water! 17 . . Turn off the tap! Put the plates in the dishwasher(洗碗机).Take a shower instead of filling up a bathtub(浴缸). 18 . To save even more water, keep your shower under five minutes long-try timing yourself with a clock next time!Fix the leak(裂缝). 19 . . That would be like flushing(冲洗) your toilet more than 50 times for no reason!Water your yard in a clever way.The best time to water your yard is in the early morning or late evening when its cool outside. Also, when youre helping your parents water the yard, make sure not to water the plants too much-remember that a little sprinkle(洒) goes a long way!Who needs a hose(橡皮软管)? 20 . . A hose can waste 6 gallons per minute if you leave it running, but using a bucket and sponge only uses a few gallons!AIf your toilet has a leak, you could be wasting about 200 gallons of water every day.BThe same is true when you wash dishes.CWashing your bike or car with a bucket and sponge instead of a hose saves a lot of water.DIt uses much less water.EAnd we cant drink the rest, wash with it, or use it to water plants.三、阅读单选Driving in the U.S. can be difficult to understand not just because of all the rules and laws that drivers must follow, but also because of driving customs. Many people in the U.S. really depend on their cars to get to work and school. In fact most American workers spend an hour driving to work each day. In order to drive in the U.S., you have to go to your local Department of Motor Vehicles first, and take a written test to get your learners permit. If you pass this test, you can practice driving so you can pass a road test and get your license. The Department of Motor Vehicles has free booklets you can get to study for your learners permit. You can also get the information online and even take a practice written exam. To prepare for the road test, you can have a friend teach you to drive or pay to take classes at a driving school. You cannot, however, practice driving by yourself. If you are caught driving with only a learners permit, you can get into trouble with the law.Once you get your drivers license in one state, you can use it to drive in all of the United States. Wherever you drive, you will see signs posted along the road showing the speed limit. These numbers are not a suggestion. Generally you can drive faster on a highway than on local streets. Local police use special equipment to discover your speed. If they discover you are speeding or driving over the speed limit, police can stop you and give you a ticket. You will have to pay a fine which may be more than $100. The lines painted on the road are not just to keep cars in their lanes. They send a message. For example, a double solid yellow line means that it is against the law to pass another car here.21 . During learning how to drive, you shouldnt_.Aread the booklets DMV providesBhave a friend teach youCtake classes at a driving schoolDdrive alone22 . The underlined word “it” refers to_.Ayour learners permitByour drivers licenseCthe lawDthe car23 . If you are caught driving over the speed limit, _.Ayour drivers license will be taken awayByou will be given a warningCyou will have to pay a fine $100 or moreDyou cannot drive your car anymore24 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AMost Americans go to work in their cars every day.BIf you only have a learners permit, you cant drive it by yourself.CWhen you get your drivers license, you cant drive on a high way.DIf you drive your car in the double solid yellow line, you are against the law.25 . The best title of the passage may be “_”.ADriving in the U.S.BDriving speedCFollowing the traffic rulesDGetting your drivers licenseThe White family came to a new big city, but Mrs. Whites son, Bob, was not happy. He didnt haveanyone to play with. “Dont worry!” said his mother. “You will soon make friends here.”One morning, there was a knock at the door. Bobs mother, Mrs. White, opened it. There stood a woman with brown hair. It was Mrs. Miller. She came to borrow two eggs. She wanted to make cakes. Mrs. Whitegave her two. In the afternoon there was another knock at the door. Mrs. White opened it and she saw a boy standing there. “My name is Jack Miller,” he said. “My mother sends you this cake and the two eggs.”“Well, thank you, Jack,” said Mrs. White. “Come in and meet my son Bob.”Look! Bob and Jack were having cake and milk. They were playing football. Now they are friends! Jacksaid, “Im glad you live next door.” Bob said, “I must thank your mother for coming to borrow eggs.”Jack laughed and told Bob, “My mother didnt want the two eggs, but she wanted to make friendswith your mother.” Bob said, “Thats a funny way to make friends. Its an easy way, too. It can work!”26 . Bob felt _ when his family moved to a new city.AunhappyBhappyCtiredDbusy27 . Mrs. Miller _ one morning.Agave Mrs. White a piece of cakeBasked Bob to play with his sonCborrowed eggs from Mrs. WhiteDlent two eggs to Mrs. White28 . In the afternoon _ had cake and milk together.AJack and Mrs. MillerBBob and his motherCMrs. White and Mrs. MillerDBob and Jack29 . Which of the following is true?AMrs. Miller is Mrs. Whites old neighbor (邻居).BMrs. Miller wants to make friends with the Whites.CThere werent any eggs in Mrs. Whites home one morning.DThere werent any eggs in Mrs. Millers home.30 . The best title of this passage is _.AOne Way to Borrow EggsBOne Way to Make CakesCOne Way to Make FriendsDHow to Make CakesAt Tripslnsider.com, we aim to provide you with the best insider secrets in the travel business and a comparison tool in the travel business. Here are some money-saving tips that wed like to share with you.Join an Airline ProgramIf you dont travel often enough to make an airline program worth it, join one. This is your best chance to get a flight upgrade ( 升级 ), even if you stay at a low point level.Hire the Weekly CarIts a bit puzzling that the companies charge more for driving less, but the weekly car is often cheaper than driving just four days. So keep the car a bit longer if you can.Get Free SouvenirsLots of free T-shirts, crossword puzzles, and postcards are lying around cruise ships. Nicely ask what kind of freebies may be chosen for souvenirs.Ask for a Corner RoomIts better to choose a corner room at the end of the day when hotels have a better sense of the rooms used. They are usually larger and quieter for the same price as ones in the middle.31 . How many suggestions does the page offer above?AThreeBFourCFiveDSix32 . If you want to live more comfortably without paying more money, which tip do you need?AJoin an Airline ProgramBHire the Weekly CarCGet Free SouvenirsDAsk for a Corner Room33 . The main purpose of the page is to.Areduce travelling costBmeet the need of every travellerChelp people travel in groupsDmake people travel with less driving四、用单词的正确形式完成短文visit,computer,do,call,open,listen,win,one,see,loveHi,everyone!Welcome to Monday Radio.Every Monday we read the best letter from our 34 . .Here is John said,“Hello,Im John.Im from Egypt and there are some35 . places in my country.In the past,people went on trips on horses.It took a long time.But now everyone goes by car.People all over the world are welcome 36 . my country.”Its time for news. 37 . ,here is some bad news.Someone took away one of the schools 38 . last night.We dont know who39 . it,but a girl called Maria 40 . a tall man outside the school at about eight oclock.The man wore black trousers.And he had a hat.Did you see him?If you did,please 41 . the police.Here is a piece of good news.The new Sports Center42 . tomorrow.In the afternoon there will be a swimming game.If you can swim,go there and try your best43 . .The first prize is a radio.Thats the end of todays news.五、填写适当的句子补全对话A:Hello,Aex! 44 . B: Im going to put up the poster(海报)on the wall.A:A poster?B:Yes.We are going to have a school party.A:45 . B:At half past six tomorrow evening.A:Oh, grcat!46 . B: Im going to wear my school uniform.A:Could I wear my jeans tothe party?B:47 . If you do,the students at the doorwont let you in.A:Really?B:Yes. Look at the poster. Here are the rules for the party.A:Well,48 . 六、材料作文49 . 假设你是Mike,请你根据下表提供的信息给你的笔友Tom写一封邮件,告诉他有关你的初中生活。注意:1词数80左右,邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;2邮件必须包括所有内容要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使其连贯、通顺;3文章中不得出现真实的人名、地名、校名等相关信息。要点:1、学校大而漂亮,有树木、花草;有三幢教学楼,所有的教室都是干净而又明亮。2、教学楼后面有一个现代化的图书馆,经常去那儿看书。3、操场在教学楼前面,非常大;放学后和同学们一起在操场上。4、早上8点上课,下午4点放学,一天上六节课。5、最喜欢的科目是英语,空余时间爱好读书,因为Dear Tom.Long time no see! Are you OK? I study in my new school for half a year. Now, Id like to tell you about my school life._Would you like to tell me about your school life?YoursMike第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、材料作文1、


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