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人教版(PEP)六年级下册英语小升初专项训练第三部分词汇:动词II-实义动词姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Please give _the crayons. ( )AupBoutC/2 . What would you like to _ ? ( )Id like some noodles.AeatBdrinkCplay3 . Im going to_ the high jump. ( )AdoBmakeChave4 . The monkey along tail. ( )AhasBisCare5 . He_ books yesterday. ( )AreadsBreadedCread6 . Lets _ to school. ( )AgoBplayCsee7 . 选出下列单词中不同类的单词。(_)1. A.hillB.wet C.countryD.earth(_)2. A.buy B.takeC.termD.bring(_)3. A.aboutB.or C.and D.but(_)4. A.hospitalB.cinemaC.park D.photo(_)5. A.plantingB.singC.cuttingD.getting8 . Maryisnt_abook,butshes _TV.( )Aseeing,readingBreading,watchingCreading,seeingDlooking,watching选出可以替代句子中画线部分的一项。9 . ZhangPenglikesdoingkungfu. ( )AgoinghikingBpenpalCtrafficlights10 . Myhouseisnexttothepethospital. ( )AgettogetherBslowdownCpostoffice11 . Mikesfatherisafootballplayer. ( )AfactoryworkerBwordbookCgostraight12 . Sarah,youshouldtakeadeepbreath. ( )AbysubwayBcounttotenCsciencemuseum13 . MyparentsandIaregoingtotakeatripthisweekend. ( )AnextweekBturnleftCpayattentionto14 . 选出与所给汉语相符的句子。(_)1.做蛋糕A. She made a cake yesterday. B. She bought a book yesterday. (_)2.在C架子上A The pens are on ShelfA B. The pens are on Shelf A.(_)3.鸡蛋和香肠A.We had eggs and sausages last night. B.We drank milk last night. (_)4. 对-是重的A The bag is light for the girl . B The bag is heavy for the girl. (_)5.吃一些苹果A.Sam ate some apples yesterday. B.Sam bought some pears yesterday.二、填空题按要求写词。15 . read(过去式)_16 . dance(现在分词)_17 . bring(过去式)_18 . sun(形容词)_19 . lesson(复数)_20 . buy(过去式)_21 . see(过去式)_22 . clean(反义词)_23 . good(副词)_24 . clever(反义词)_25 . 根据中文提示完成句子。【小题1】Look, the lion is very large and _(强壮) .【小题2】_(第二天), two men caught the lion.【小题3】Dont laugh_(大声地) in the classroom.【小题4】The lion wanted to_(出来).【小题5】The cat is small, and it looks_(软弱) .26 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。【小题1】Last Saturday we _(go) to a park.【小题2】Lets _(make) a home library.【小题3】He _(do not) want _(eat) bread for breakfast.【小题4】Look, They _(play) football in the playground.【小题5】Give _(they) some water. They are very thirsty.【小题6】We can _(find) information from books and CDs.【小题7】I _(see) him last Sunday.【小题8】_(be) you at home last Sunday?【小题9】Peter _(teach) us English last term.【小题10】Tom likes _(play) football with his friends.按要求写词。27 . help(现在分词)_28 . dish(复数)_29 . he(宾格)_30 . do(现在分词)_31 . parent(复数)_32 . too(同义词)_33 . watch(第三人称单数形式)_34 . busy(反义词)_35 . cook(现在分词)_36 . sweep(现在分词)_37 . 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。1.study _ 2.run _ 3.watch _ 4.play _5.have _ 6.eat _ 7.look _ 8.cry _9.wash _ 10.pass _三、汉译英翻译。38 . 给他发一封邮件_39 . 做一些功夫_40 . 说英文和中文_41 . 踢足球_42 . 弹钢琴_四、英汉混合43 . 英汉互译。1. 举行生日聚会_2. 当心_3. get on the bus _4. make a card_5. 在超市_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、三、汉译英1、四、英汉混合1、


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