英语八年级下冀教版Unit 6 lesson 35课件

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Lesson 35 The Dream Team,教学重点:,教学难点:,本课关于介绍跳水项目的文章的理解 了解跳水项目的发展史,1. 一些固定用法的理解和掌握 2. 著名跳水健将的介绍的理解,1. Which sports team do you like best? Why? 2. What is the most important part of a team?,Think about it!,Can you dive?,There are eight-five kinds of dives off the platform. Diving is one of the most popular events at the Olympics.,Chinas Diving Dream Team,1. Won many gold medals in diving since 1984. 2. At 2000 Olympics won five of the eight diving events. 3. The most victories. 4. Other countries want to catch up with China. 5. Canada and US want Chinese diving coaches.,At the 1992 Olympics, the U.S. basketball team defeated all the other teams and won the gold medal. People called them the Dream Team. They had a great influence on people everywhere-not just in the Olympic Games. A dream team is considered to be the greatest team in its field. There are many dream teams in the world of sports. Canadas dream team plays on ice-its the countrys ice hockey team. For Brazil, it might be the mens volleyball or soccer team. What is Chinas dream team? Many people would say that its the diving team. The team won the most gold medals for China in the most recent Olympics. China also has dream teams in ping-pong and badminton. Time after time, these teams have won gold medals for China.,Listen to the tape:,However, there is more to a dream team than winning gold medals. A dream team has not only the best players and the best coach, but also the best team spirit. All of the players must work hard and do their best for the team. By working together, they perform better, and they never give up. Thats what makes a dream team!,Listen to the tape:,你知道什么叫梦之队吗?,追溯“梦之队”的起源应当是1992年乔丹所率领的那支美国明星篮球队,在巴塞罗那奥运会上他们所向披靡,即便是在冠亚军决赛中也超出了对手30分之多。对于所有的对手来说,他们的技术和战术出神入化,俨然一群梦幻组合,自此“梦之队”的称呼名声大噪。,北京奥运会中国体育梦之队,梦一队:中国乒乓球队,梦二队:中国跳水队,梦三队:中国体操队,梦四队:中国举重队,梦五队:中国射击队,梦六队:中国羽毛球队,梦七队:中国蹦床队,梦八队:中国男子足球队,Quick Quiz! Diving has not always been an Olympic sport. What year did diving begin at the Olympics? What new type of diving began at the 2000 Olympics?,Diving became on Olympic event in 1904.,Synchronized diving. In this event, two divers dive together. They dive at the same time.,HOMEWORK,Lets Do It!,Talk about the 2008 Olympics with a partner. Try using the following phrases or any others you can think of: dream team, catch up with, notanymore, good luck, give up.,SEE YOU,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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