牛津版英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 8 同步练习(1)B卷

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牛津版英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 8 同步练习(1)B卷_第1页
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牛津版英语九年级上册Module 4 Unit 8 同步练习(1)B卷 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The store _ school things _ the students. A . sell; toB . buy; fromC . sells; toD . buys; from2. (2分)Maybe you can catch the last bus. _. If not, Ill have to walk home.A . Good jobB . Just so soC . Not at allD . I hope so3. (2分) Come on, Jack, or well be late, OK, Mum. I am coming.A . Come backB . Take upC . Hurry up4. (2分)Im going to spend my summer vacation in Paris. Could you please _ my cat? A . keepB . take careC . washD . feed5. (2分)Why are you training so hard, Jim?Theres a basketball match next week. Our class will play _ Class Five.A . atB . toC . aboutD . against6. (2分)The book is _ for him to read A . enough easyB . easy enoughC . too easyD . easily7. (2分)Qinghe Park is quite beautiful with a river running _ it and there are many bridges _ the river. A . through, onB . across, onC . through, overD . across, over8. (2分)There is something wrong with Katies watch. She wants to get it _. A . repairingB . repairedC . repairD . to repair9. (2分)My parents are proud of my progress in English. A . are pleased withB . take pride inC . are good at10. (2分)_ a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself. A . Try onB . Get onC . Turn onD . Put on11. (2分) Dad, I get A grades in all my subjects this term.一 Well done, Lucy. I am_ of you.A . proudB . ashamedC . aware12. (2分)Nowadays, people can get a lot of on the Internet.A . informationsB . informationC . message13. (2分)一 Samuel Langhorne Clemens wrote many books under the _ “Mark Twain”.一 Yes. And I think hes a great writer.A . nameB . penC . place14. (2分)Now, I have no _ your new dress. I am _listening to light music.A . interested in, interest inB . interest in, interested inC . interested on, interest onD . interest on, interested on15. (2分)He makes a little money every month.So he cant _ to live in a big flat.A . affordB . decideC . wait二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。July 20th, 1969 was an important day. Two Americans1 on the moon. Their2 were Armstrong and Aldrin. They went there in a3. Its name was Apollo.Apollo left the earth4 July 16th and went three hundred and eighty-five thousand kilometers. It5 the two Americans three days to get there. On July 20th, the spaceship landed in the Sea of Tranquility (安静的世界). Armstrong6 stepped onto (踏上) the moon. The two men walked on the surface of it. They7 up some rocks and put them in the spaceship. They jumped up and down. They were8 after their walk. So they had a rest.On July 21th, Apolloleft the moon and9 to the earth. Three days10 it came down in the Pacific Ocean (太平洋). A ship took the men to America.(1)A . went B . took C . landed D . got (2)A . name B . names C . spaceship D . brothers (3)A . bus B . ship C . plane D . spaceship (4)A . on B . in C . about D . before (5)A . takes B . spent C . took D . spend (6)A . first B . one C . second D . last (7)A . pick B . look C . picked D . looked (8)A . happy B . tired C . proud D . magical (9)A . go B . back C . come D . returned (10)A . later B . before C . late D . ago 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)17. (8分)阅读理解Steven is six years old. He gets some money from his mother every week. He buys a lot of things from the shops, but he doesnt really need them, and he puts them everywhere. One day his mother gives him a notebook and says, “Now, Steven, when you buy things, write their names down in the notebook, and also write down how much they are. Then you can look at it again when your money is all gone (花光了), and you dont waste (浪费) so much money next time.”After a week, Steven says to his mother, “Do you know, Mum, before I spend any money now, I really stop and think!” His mother is very happy and thinks, “Well, my son knows the value (价值) of money now.” But then she hears him say, “Mum, before I buy something, I always ask myself, Can I spell (拼写) that word and put it down in my notebook? ”(1)Who gives Steven money every week? A . His father.B . His mother.C . His teacher.D . His parents.(2)Why does Stevens mother give him a notebook? A . She wants him to play with it.B . Steven asks her to buy one for him.C . She wants him to write down the name and how much it is after he buys something.D . Steven needs one to do his homework.(3)Why is Stevens mother happy? A . She thinks that her son doesnt waste money now.B . She thinks that her son knows how to buy the notebook.C . Her son stops to think how to write the name of the thing before he buys it.D . She thinks that her son doesnt buy anything.(4)What does Steven stop to think about before he spends any money? A . Which to buy.B . What he really needs.C . Which is nice.D . How to spell the name of the thing.(5)How does Stevens mother feel at last? A . Angry.B . Happy.C . Wonderful.D . Glad.18. (8分)阅读理解CChina becomes more and more popular with people from many foreign(外国的)countries. Many foreigners now think of China if they are planning to move overseas. A survey found out which they thought to be the most wonderful cities in China. Here are the results.No.1 of the “top ten best cities to live in China 2016” is Shanghai. Its not surprising at all, is it ? Most foreigners always find Shanghai friendly, beautiful and full of interesting things to see and do. Foreigners can find a lot of jobs there. But its quite expensive to live in Shanghai.No.2 is Beijing. Though the weather there is not good, Beijing is Chinas political(政治), culture and educational center. There are many big places of interest, like the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven. Its quite easy to live in Beijing. You can easily get almost everything you need there.Guess which No.3 city is? Its Shenzhen. Its a modern city where many foreigners do business there. If you like a more relaxing lifestyle, you can think about somewhere like Hangzhou, Suzhou or Chengdu. If you like a sea lifestyle, Xiamen or Qingdao would be great. They are all on the list of top ten, too. Whats more, Nanjing and Tianjin are also on the top 10. Which city do you like?(1)Which is the first most beautiful city in China? A . BeijingB . ShanghaiC . ShenzhenD . Hangzhou(2)Whats not good if you live in Shanghai? A . The weather isnt good.B . People in Shanghai are unfriendly.C . There is something beautiful and interesting to see and do.D . The prices of things are very high.(3)Why is living in Beijing easy? A . Beijing is Chinas political, cultural and educational center.B . There are many big places of interest.C . You can get almost everything you need there easily.D . Everyone wants to live in Beijing .(4)What is the Chinese meaning of “overseas”? A . 海外B . 海边C . 亚洲D . 海洋(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . China becomes more and more popular with all the foreigners.B . Foreigners can get good jobs easily in China.C . There is the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.D . If you like a more relaxing lifestyle, you will go to Xiamen or Qingdao.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)Students arent_ (allow) to eat in class.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)根据对话内容,用括号内所给词的适当形式完成对话A:Mark,what do you think _(be)a good part-time job for a student?B:Its hard to say_(you,ever,work)at a restaurant?A:Yes,I _(work)at several restaurantsI _(have)a job as a dishwasher(洗碗工)last autumn.B:I _(already,work)at a lot of restaurant. But I _(never;have)a dishwasher jobHow _(you,like)your job as a dishwasher?A:I _(not,like)it very muchB:Where _(you,do)your part-time job now?A:I _(not,have)a job right now六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)假设上周日是植树节,你和几个朋友到人民公园植树。请根据以下表格的内容提示,写一篇70词左右的英语文章,描述一下当天的情况。 时间上周日地点人民公园植树过程1. 到达公园后,Tom和Tim先挖了洞;2. 我把小树苗放进洞里,然后把土填到洞里;3. Lucy和Lily起为小树苗浇水。感受疲劳但开心,希望小树苗快快长大。【参考词汇】人民公园 Peoples Park小树苗 young trees第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20-1、六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)21-1、


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