人教版(PEP)小升初英语专题复习语法专练 : 介词和连词 (含解析)

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人教版(PEP)小升初英语专题复习语法专练 : 介词和连词 (含解析)_第1页
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人教版(PEP)小升初英语专题复习语法专练 : 介词和连词 (含解析)_第2页
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人教版(PEP)小升初英语专题复习语法专练 : 介词和连词 (含解析)_第3页
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人教版(PEP)小升初英语专题复习语法专练 : 介词和连词 (含解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Our house is very _.( )Anear schoolBnear the schoolCnext school2 . This is my pen pal _ Canada. ( )AonBwithCfrom3 . Welcome _ my home.AtoBinCat4 . I get a red packet _ my brother. ( )AtoBfromCfor5 . All these books are _ the girls. ( )AforBatCwith6 . I like vegetables _ not onions. ( )AandBbutCor7 . I had a lovely day _Sunday. ( )AinBatCon8 . Dont run on the ferry, Mike! ( )OK. Mike is .Ain the classroomBon the way home9 . I like to _ at home. ( )Adrive a carBwork on the computerCgo shopping10 . He invented this bicycle _1839.AonBwithCin11 . What do you do _ home?( )AatBinCon12 . The library is at Xinhua Street.Itsthe hospital and the supermarket. ( )AnextBaboveCbetween13 . _ do you like autumn? ( )_ I can pick apples.AWhy; ButBWhen; AndCWhy; Because14 . I like summer best _ Childrens Day. ( )AbecauseBbecause ofCso15 . Were going to have a picnic. ( )ABC16 . Sam is really good _ basketball. ( )AinBatCon17 . He _ to the station this morning and was_ for the train. ( )Ahurry, in timeBhurries, on timeChurried, in time18 . Whats on the desk? ( )A在屋顶上B在书桌上19 . The dinosaurs are big _ tall. ( )AbutBandCabout20 . Is this the library? ( )AYes, it does.BNo, it isnt.CYes, I do.21 . he like some vegetables? ( )ADoingBDoCDoes22 . Im reading a letter _Lucy. ( )AfromBatCin23 . Look at theseVictor hasaunt and two unclesAphotos; aBphotos; anCphotoes; the根据句子内容,选择对应的图片。24 . My brother works in a pet hospital. ( )ABC25 . Im going to see a 3D film about the Robot World. ( )ABC26 . Tom usually goes to school by subway. ( )ABC27 . Lucys father is a businessman. ( )ABC28 . Im very happy to have a pen pal. ( )ABC29 . _ October, I went to Hainan with my father. ( )AOnBAtCIn30 . There is not much water _ Earth.( )AonBon theCbetween31 . Whats _ the schoolbag? ( )AinBonCfrom32 . Im different from my twin sister. I love dancing, _ she is interested in reading. ( )AsoBorCbutDand33 . -_isintheclassroom? ( )-Manydesksandchairs.AHowBWhereCWhat34 . I likes Mike. But Mike never talks _me. ( )AbuyBtoCsangDsing35 . Ann brings the dog the party. ( )AinBtoCwith36 . Childrens Day isJune. ( )AinBatCon37 . Its warm _ windy. ( )AandBonCto38 . The train _ Shanghai is leaving. ( )AwithBforCat39 . Dont _ anybody. Its not right. ( )AhelpBlaugh atClike40 . Lets_. ( )Aput up itBput it upCput up41 . 选择正确的中文翻译(只填序号)( ) 1. Where is the cat? ( ) 2. It is under the chair.( ) 3. behind the tree( ) 4. on your desk( ) 5. Be my friend, OK?42 . The school is _ the right. ( )AatBinCon43 . Thegirloftentalks_thephonewithhermother. ( )AtoBonCwith44 . I often go to work _. ( )Aride my bikeBby bikeCby a bikeDon bike45 . I come home _ a football match. ( )AatBforCfrom46 . Lingling had some noodles_ dinner. ( )AforBtoCon47 . Merry Christmas! Here is a present _ you. ( )Thank you, Lili.AonBforCto48 . Welcome_ ourschool! ( )AonBinCto49 . Yong Ling is good_ football. ( )AatBtoCfor50 . Where is the smoke _?( )AinBfromCat51 . Happy Mothers Day! A present_ you! ( )AforBtoCin52 . I want you all forward together.AleanBleansCto lean53 . We can learn _ about the history of Tianjin. ( )Aa little of BmanyCmuchDa few54 . We say thank you _ all the good _ we have. ( )Afor; thingBfrom; thingsCfor; thingsDfrom; thing二、填空题55 . Read and choose.AatByourClikeDinEdo1. I play football at 4 oclock _ the afternoon. (_)2. I have lunch _ 12.(_)3.- Do you like Art? - Yes, I _.(_)4. She doesnt _ this T- shirt.(_)5.- What do you like?- I like _ bike.(_)56 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What can you see?I can see _ (a) orange.2. Mr. White has some _ (candy).3. Ted is _ (I) classmate.4. What colour _ (be) your pencils?5. Can you hear some _ (bus)?6. Taste the apple. How is _ (it)?看图片,选单词或词组。playground teachers office library art room music room57 . _58 . _59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . 选择合适的单词填空ApigsBhaveCinDon E.under1.Three _are eating vegetables.2.There is an elephant _the photo.3.There are five girls _the bike.4.There is a girl _the tree.5.Lets _a look.63 . Read and write.用正确的介词填空。1. Were going to row a boat _ Sunday afternoon.2. Sanya is _ the south _ China.3. Do you have a good plan _ the weekend?4. Tom is weak _ English and Maths. He doesnt like school.5. The students want to know _ wild geese.6. This film is fun. Its _ monkeys.7. There are some words _ the back of the paper.用所给词适当形式填空。64 . Mr Chen will be our new _(China) teacher.65 . What do you have on _(Friday)?66 . What would you like _(drink)?67 . He can _(play) ping-pong.68 . There _(be) two bananas on the plate.69 . Read and choose(在括号内写上相应单词的编号):1. There _ ten green frogs.2. Hello, I _ swim in summer.3. Do you _ dolls?4. My father _ tall and fat. 5. Good morning. I _ Danny.三、匹配题70 . 为下列图片选择合适的描述语。1. (_) 2. (_) 3. (_) 4. (_)AThis is Hyde Park. Its very beautiful.BWhat is it?Its a train. The train is very long.CThis is Big Ben. Its very old and very tall.DThis is Tower Bridge. Its very famous and very beautiful.71 . 选词填空,完成句子。(每词限用一次)sunny hot summer weather friend are beach lovely photo in(1) Im _ Beijing.(2) In Australia, Christmas is in _.(3) In July, its _ and sunny.(4) I go to the _ with my mother.(5) Hows the _ in May?(6) This is a _ of mine.(7) How _ you?(8) The dog is so _.(9) This is my _ Amy.(10) Look at the sun. Its shining. Today is a _ day.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、三、匹配题1、2、


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