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七年级英语教学设计与反思一、教学课题:人教版英语七年级上册Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag? Period 1二、教学设计思路:结合多媒体,利用图片、实物等帮助学生记忆相关物品的词汇;设置情境,帮助学生通过听说练习学会谈论物品的位置。三、教学目标:(一)知识目标掌握本课生词,学习谈论物品的位置Where is/are?Its/Theyre。(二)能力目标让学生学会如何听和谈论物品的位置。(三)情感目标1. 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。2. 通过谈论物品的位置,培养学生养成良好的生活习惯。四、教材分析:Period 1是Unit4的第一课,让学生提通过活动,学习如何表达物品的位置,并能就物品位置进行提问。五、学生分析:七年级学生活泼好动,在教学中,充分利用多媒体,图片、实物等,使英语学习与学生的实际生活更贴近,激发学生学习兴趣,同时创设交际情境,让每个学生在课堂上动起来,积极参与到教学活动中去,更好的实现教学目标,达到理想的教学效果。六、.重点及其突出方法:充分利用现代教育手段,创设交际情境,为学生提供图像和声音资源,进行语言操练和实践,加强学习效果。七、.难点及其突破方法:培养良好的语言表达习惯。发挥教师良好的示范作用,注重教师在课堂教学中对学生无意识的影响。八、教学资源:多媒体;课件;教材九、教学过程:Step 1.Organization GreetingsStep 2.Revision1. Use a pen to ask and answer between the teacher and the students, and review the key sentences in Unit3.2. Use a picture of a bag to ask students to write a lost notice and a found notice, and review the lost and found notices, then lead to the new words with the picture(1a:P19).Hold up the picture and point to the objects : table, bed , bookcase, sofa, chair, schoolbag , book, key.T: Whats this in English?S: Its a table/bed/.Encourage or help students to read the words correctly .Write them down on the blackboard.3. Quick reaction .Let the students look at the teaching picture in 1a, finish 1a, then check students answers.Step3. Lead inShow my English book and my two pens, then put them on my desk. Ask students to answer the questions: “Where is my English book?” and “Where are my pens?”.Try to ask more students similar questions:Where is your pencil?.Step3.PracticeAsk the students to look at some pictures and things in the classroom and practice talking about where things are. For example:-where is my clock? -Its on the table.Ask students to work in pairs and make conversations.Step 4.Talking about the picture(1a:P19)1. Ask the students to practice 1c in pairs.2. Let the students work in pairs and talk about where the things in the picture are on Page19 .Step 5 ListeningHave students to listen to the conversations and number the things.Check the answers . Then ask students to read the conversations after the recording.Step 6 PracticeAsk students to describe their bedrooms.For example: My cat is on the chair. My English book is on the sofa .Step7 Summary1.- Where is + 单数主语? 在哪? - Its under/ on/ in 它在下面/上面/里面。2. - Where are + 复数主语? 在哪? -Theyre under/ on/ in 它们在 下面/上面/里面。 Step 8.Homework1.Remember the new words in the period (on page 90 ) by heat.2.Practice the conversation in the picture on page 19 with your partner.3.Talk about where things are in your room.十、评价方法:评价Unit 4 ,Period 1的教学效果,可以通过以下几点:1学生是否能掌握有关物品和方位的词汇。学生是否能学会运用英语谈论物品的位置。2学生能否积极愉悦的参与到课堂教学活动中。十一、教学反思1通过本节课的学习,我深刻地体味到,初中中学英语课堂教学改革势在必行,尤其是我们农村中学。以前的教学过多的注重词汇、语法等语言知识的讲授,以教师教,学生学为主要模式,只要努力就能学好。但是,许多学生听说特别差。新课改重在培养学生浓厚的兴趣,教材设计灵活,贴近生活,重实用,能让学生感受到英语的实用性和趣味性。充分发挥学生的主体作用,使他们积极主动地参与教学活动之中。2我校地处农村,在英语学习方面没有一个好的语言氛围。每年接手新生,学生的英语基础薄弱,水平参差不齐,必须从零开始,通过一段时间的磨合,终于能赶上节奏。根据课标要求,结合教材重难点,通过讲授与学生生活密切相关的英语知识点,训练听说读写能力,让学生的学习由表及里、由浅入深,循序渐进,让学生有成就感,提高学习的积极性、主动性。最终使学生从“学会”转向“会学”“会说”。同时,尽可能多的体现学生学习的自主性和参与性,充分利用有限的教学资源,如多媒体、图画、实物等拓宽学生知识面,增强注意力,注意培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高教学效果。再次,增强学生学习英语课的热情和自信心。在教学中多关心性格内向、胆小,在学习时缺乏自信心,不敢回答问题的学生,常体贴,勤鼓励他们。课堂上应纠正学生语言错误尽可能委婉一些,防止学生自尊心、自信心受到伤害,挫伤他学习外语的积极性。对学生要有信心,多鼓励,多创建问题情境,尽最大可能促进学生能力发展。


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