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人教版2019年牛津英语七年级上册期中试卷2B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I want to be engineer(工程师)when I grow up(长大).AaBanCthe2 . When was Judy born(出生)? She was born _ 2002.AinBonCatDof3 . Eating lots of vegetables and enough meat can_you healthy all the time.AhaveBgetCkeepDstay4 . Being heavy is bad for peoples health, I think youre a little heavy. You should eat _ meat and _ vegetables.Afew; manyBlittle; muchCfewer; moreDless; more5 . It is important for himall the subjects well.AstudyBto studyCstudiesDstudying6 . The doctor worked for .Atwo more hourBtwo another hourCmore two hourDanother two hours7 . 一Our monitor, Lin Tao, keeps all his things in good order.一Thats true. Hes so ,and we should learn from him.AcreativeBgenerousCmodestDorganized8 . Do you know how to _ a banana milk shake? Sorry, I dont know.AbuyBwriteCmake9 . Dont play _ fire. Its dangerous.AaboutBwithC/Dfor10 . Look, the man looks like Mr Green. It _ be him, for he _ America since last week and hasnt returned.Acant; has gone toBmay not; has been inCmustnt; has gone toDcant; has been in11 . -If wetake environment problems seriously, the earthworse and worse.-I agree.Adont, will beBwill not, will beCarent, will notDdont, is12 . The music is wonderful because we can_ it.AdanceBdancingCdance withDdance to13 . The robot can help me sweep the floor. _ smart invention it is!AHowBWhatCWhat aDHow a14 . _the old watch doesnt work well, my grandpa still keeps it as a treasure.AIfBWhenCBecauseDAlthough15 . Ann, the clothes are dry. Could you help me _ them?AmakeBfoldCdoDwash16 . -Excuse me, how can I get to Xingmei Cinema?- _.ATake a No. 5 bus to BailianBI dont think soCIts a modern cinemaDYoure welcome17 . Tom didnt go to school yesterdayhe was illAasBsoCbecauseDwhile18 . After the earthquake,soldiers went to Sichuan to help the people there.Atwo thousandsBthousand ofCthousands ofDthousands19 . Lucy _ at home and read _ interesting book.Astay, anBstayed, anCstays, aDstayed, a20 . I wonder _ youll water this kind of flower.Every other day.Ahow oftenBhow longChow soonDhow much二、阅读单选Zadie climbs up into the loft and finds her old skateboard in the corner next to an old trunk .She takes it downstairs .“Dad”she says as she walks into the kitchen.Have you got any oil? Her father looks up from his newspaper“Why do you need it?”he asks. I want to use my skate board again. Then while her father is oiling her skateboard. Eric comes inHey.Zadie. I can take Scamp for a walk today. he says. Zadie looks superised.Eric never takes Scamp out. You have to stay relaxed for the final. he says. But Zadie has to practise her skateboard.“Thanks Eric, thats a really nice idea,But I can take Scamp for a walk really ”So with her hetmet,her body armour.her skateboard and Scamp.Zadie steps out into the rain.Scamp runs happily down the road, barking and wigging its tail. Then he stops and looks around, confused.Wheres Zadie ?She always skates along in front of him. Scamp looks back and sees her on the skateboard. She isnt having an easy time. This is terrible, thinks Zadie, “it feels really weird using a skateboard again. But I have to be good on Saturday. I have to win. She wipes the rain from her face, and tries to go fast. Zadie races along and turns at the corner. But the skateboard skids on the wet pavement.She loses her balance and.21 . Where is Zadies old skateboard?AIts in the corner to an old trunk downstairsBIts in the old trunk downstairs.Clts in the kitchen to an old trunk upstairs.DIts in the corner to an old trunk in the loft.22 . Why does Zadie step out into the rain?Ashe can take Scamp for a walk in the rain.BScamp can run happily down the road in the rain.CShe has to practise more in the rain because she wants to win.DShe can stay relaxed for the final in the rain.23 . Which of the following is not true?AHer father is reading his newspaper when Zadie is looking for her skateboard.BShe loses her balance and she will fall down.CEric likes Scamp and often takes Scamp for a walkDToday Zadie skates behind Scamp because she isnt having an easy time.三、句型转换Complete the following sentence as required. (根据所给要求,改写下列句子)24 . He apologized to me for being late for the meeting this morning.(保持原意)He_ an _to me for being late for the meeting this morning.25 . Im sure that John will come here.(改为否定句)Im _ sure _John will come here.26 . The foreigner is having a friendly talk with the girl in red.(划线提问)_ is the foreigner having a friendly talk with?27 . Who is playing the piano at the moment?(改为被动语态)_ whom is the piano _ played at the moment?28 . Zero is made to write big numbers and to calculate more easily.(保持原意)Zero makes _ to write big numbers and to calculate.29 . You can take the underground to the new square. You can drive your car there, too.(两句合并为一句)You can _take the underground _drive a car to the new square.30 . tea, that, is, have been grown, without, comes from, the use of any chemicals, plants, that, This(连词成句)_四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):31 . Look!The shop_ are selling things to customers. (assistant)32 . What do you_ do at weekends, Jack? (usual)33 . When I grow up, Id like to be an English_. (teach)34 . I would like to be a_ in the future. (post)35 . Policemen promise to make our city a _ place. (safety)36 . As we all know, a doctor makes sick people_. (good).五、根据音标写单词Complete the sentences according to the given phonetic transcriptions(根据所给音标完成句子):37 . Its very_/ju: sfl/to buy an English and Chinese dictionary.38 . He is always in_/salns/at a class meeting.39 . Would you please give us an_/gzmpl/?40 . We should do something for the_/hmls/people.41 . _/fstl/, we need to mix the milk and an egg together.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。difficult interesting list mix but talkencourage they careful become activity holdStudents at Shanming Middle School in Jiangsu often take part in activities which42 . by nearby communities(社区). Does it sound fun? Well, students have 43 . feelings. They enjoy the time outside school, but they dont find the activities interesting.Why not design44 . activities by themselves? Some students got this idea and soon 35 students joined the project.They first thought of activity ideas and45 . them in an “activity menu”. They included visiting science museums and companies, watching movies and basketball competitions.“The menu looked great, 46 . we soon found problems,” said Wang Ziming, one of the designers.First they needed a place to hold the 47 . . The students decided to talk to the officials of the local government to be allowed to use the district stadium.“We first presented the benefits of these community activities to 48 . ,” said Wang.“Then we promised wed use the stadium 49 . and clean it afterwards.”The local government agreed that they could use the stadium and some sports equipment once a month.The students also deigned a virtual(虚拟的) bank50 . volunteering. Students who volunteered as librarians or cleaners would be rewarded with “gold coins”. A certain number of coins gave them free entry to entertainment events such as watching a movie.Up to now, this special activity menu 51 . popular in the communities. The students are happy with this.七、单词填空Strawberries look nice, but light pressure can make them out of shape, so you have to be a lot 52 . (careful) when picking them than picking apples. Nowadays, there are many young people who are just like strawberries. They 53 . (easy) break down when they face difficulties. There is 54 . interesting name for them strawberry kids.Why are they so easy to break down? Many are the only child in their family. They are used to 55 . (receive) help with anything from their parents in their daily life. They hardly get scolded at home and always feel good about 56 . . Whats more, many schools care more about 57 . (student) grades instead of developing their personality. As a result, students get good grades 58 . they are not mentally strong enough.An expert said, “59 . you are in trouble and whatever trouble you are in, dont ask for help too quickly. You should make an effort 60 . (solve) the problems first on your own. 61 . the help of sports and social activities, you will become mentally strong.”62 . (grow) up is not just a happy process. Pains also go along. The most important thing is to face the pains and learn from them.八、回答问题Almost every day, we discuss the topic(话题) of health, especially(尤其是) for kids. But what is health? “Health” means eating well, getting enough exercise, and having a healthy weight. Here is some advice that can help you keep healthy. Eat different kinds of foods, especially fruit and vegetables. We all know that eating fruit and vegetables can help us stay healthy, but many of us only eat our favorite foods. Remember that we can only eat different kinds of food to get the nutrition(营养).Drink water and milk most often. Everyone knows that water is important. Besides(除了) that, kids need plenty of calcium(钙) to grow strong bones, and milk has a lot of it. Every day, you should drink at least three cups of milk when you are 9 years old or older. You should also try to have less sugary drinks, like soda and cola, because they have no important nutrition.Listen to your body. When you are eating, notice how your body feels. When your stomach feels comfortably full, stop eating. If you eat too much too often, it can make you feel unhealthy and fat.Limit(限制)screen time. Whats screen time? Its the amount (数量)of time you spend watching TV, movies, and playing computer games. The more time you spend on these sitting-down activities, the less time you will spend playing sports, like basketball, and doing other activities like bike riding and swimming. Try to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time. 回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过8个词。63 . How can you get the nutrition?_64 . Why should we try to have less sugary drinks?_65 . How will it make you feel if you eat too much too often?_66 . What will happen if we spend more time on these sitting-down activities? _67 . What is the passage mainly about?_九、材料作文68 . 书面表达。根据下表所提供的信息,写一篇40词左右的英语短文,介绍你的朋友Paul。参考词汇:friend朋友;birthday生日;telephone number电话号码;favorite最喜爱的;chicken鸡肉十、其他Foreigners who visit China always enjoy Chinese_. But _ the English on the menu is poor to understand, maybe they will lose some interests.For example, how about “three-yellow-chicken” and “red lion head”? Or “ants climbing trees”? Theyre all on menus. But what do they _?In fact, there are so many strange English menus in many Beijing restaurants. As a foreigner, you certainly wonder what “three-yellow-chicken” is and you are not brave enough to eat some ants even if they can climb trees! These are not the correct translations(翻译) of the dishes. _ last year, some Beijing restaurants have started using the new English _. It will help foreign guests better _the dishes on the menus.69 . AchildrenBfoodCparksDhistory70 . AalthoughBifCuntilDbefore71 . AunderstandBcallCmeanDlike72 . ASinceBForCWhenD/73 . AmenuBbookCdictionaryDservice74 . AtalkBunderstandClaughDnotice第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、阅读单选1、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、根据音标写单词1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、十、其他1、


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