人教版2019年七年级英语上册unit2 Topic 1同步测试C卷

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人教版2019年七年级上册unit2 Topic 1同步测试C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The boy has _ poor eyesight, but he has _ good sense of humour.A/, aBa, aC/, aDa, /2 . _ do you go fishing? Once a month.AHow oftenBHow longCHow farDHow soon3 . She has a round face. Her hair _ black and long.AhasBamCisDare4 . Who is that teacher?_AShe is Wan Miss.BShe is Miss Wan.CShe is twenty.DShe is teacher Wan.5 . Is Tina making dinner?. She is reading a bookAYes,she doesBNo,she doesntCYes,she isDNo,she isnt6 . Is he Alan?_.AYes,itsBNo,it isntCYes,she isDNo,he isnt7 . Each of the students in Grade Ninelooking forward toa good result in the senior middle school entrance exam. Just work hard, then your dream will come true.Ais ,haveBare, havingCis, having8 . What can I do for you?I want _ iPad for my son. He needs _.Aan; oneBa; oneCan; itDa; it9 . To stay healthy, your brain needs enoughas well as your body.AexerciseBchangeCideaDact10 . There are two_ near our school.Ashoe shopsBshoes shopsCshoes shopsDshoes shops二、完型填空Im Li Fen. I have a pen pal._name is Mary. She is from Canada. She lives in Toronto. She speaks English. She has_brother ,but she has no sisters. Her favorite_is art. Two of my good friends_pen pals,too. Lu Yangs pen pal is from_His name is Tony. Tony lives in Paris. He speaks_He has one brother and one_His favorite subject is PE. And he can play soccer very_Ding Lans pen pal is from_Her name is Wendy. Wendy can speak Chinese and English. She_no brother or sister. Her favorite subject is history.11 . AHisBMyCHerDMy12 . AnoBoneCtwoDthree13 . AbookBsubjectCactorDmovie14 . AhaveBhasCisDare15 . Athe USABthe UKCCanadaDFrance16 . AChineseBJapaneseCFrenchDEnglish17 . AcarBpencilCuncleDsister18 . AgoodBwellCniceDinteresting19 . AJapaneseBFrenchCEnglishDSingapore20 . AisBareChasDhave三、阅读单选Hello! My name is Peter. Im from Australia. Im in the USA. Im a new student. Like the food here. I often eat much food. I have breakfast at home. For breakfast, I eat eggs and apples. I dont like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different food for lunch. I eat chicken, rice and fish. I have dinner at home with my father and mother. Sometimes I eat out with our friends. We have fish, vegetables and fruit(水果).21 . Where is Peter from?AAustraliaBThe USACEnglandDChina22 . What does he eat for breakfast?AMilk and breadBEggs and applesCMilk and fruitDFish and vegetables23 . Where does Peter have lunch?AAt homeBAt schoolCWith his fatherDWith his mother24 . How is the food in the school?AGoodBDifferentCNewDOld25 . Does Peter like milk?AYes, he doesBNo, he doesntCMaybe(或许) he likes itDWe dont know四、阅读判断Wu Dong has a good friend.His name is Peter.He is from the U.S.A.Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class.They go to school five days a week.They stay at home on Saturday and Sunday.Peter likes Chinese and Chinese food. He likes eating rice cakes very much.At school they play ping pong after class.Wu Dong and Peter like making things.Now they are making a plane.They like flying planes on Sunday morning.Peter speaks English and a little Chinese.Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English.They teach each other(互相).26 . Wu Dong has an American friend.27 . They go to school from Monday to Friday.28 . They often fly planes after class.29 . Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu DongChinese.30 . Peter often eats rice cakes and he likes eating Chinese food.五、句型转换Rewrite the sentences as required。(按要求改写句子,每空一词)31 . The taxi driver has the duty for the passengers safety. (保持句意不变)The taxi driver is _ the passengers safety.32 . The new house Nicky has bought is 260 square metres. (对划线部分提问)_ is the new house Nicky has bought?33 . Mr. Jason has seldom seen a child with so much talent. (改为反义疑问句)Mr. Jason has seldom seen a child with so much talent, _?34 . Thanks to the help of his neighbors, he managed to survive the fire(保持句意不变)Thanks to the help of his neighbors, he _ surviving the fire.35 . when, good, in trouble, a, friend, you, a helping hand, always, youre, gives (连词成句)_六、填写适当的单词补全句子用所给单词的适当形式填空。36 . This is Li Ming. He _(have) big hands.37 . What are those in the box? They are(knife).38 . Does she _(have)a small mouth? Yes, she does.39 . Look! Her _ (eye)are big.40 . My hair _(be) black (黑色的) and long.七、看图识词根据句意及图片填词。41 . Kangkang has a _ head.42 . Her hair is _.43 . I have _ eyes.44 . This is my friend. He has a _ face.45 . The boy has a _ mouth.八、填写适当的句子补全对话根据对话情景,在下面对话的空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思完整、通顺。A: Hi, Lisa! Have you ever been late for school?B: Yes, I have. But only once last term.A: 56.46 . ?B: I stayed up watching the football match the night before, so I overslept the next morning.A: 57. 47 . ?B: I rushed to the bus stop without breakfast. But unfortunately, by the time I got there, the school bus had already left.A: Poor guy! 58.48 . ?B: I started walking. Luckily, my uncle drove by and gave me a ride, but I was still late. gave me a ride, but 1 was still late.A: 59.49 . B: He said I shouldnt stay up so late at night.A: Yes. He is right. 60.50 . B: Thats true. Ill go to bed before ten from now on.九、多任务混合问题51 . After a long jurney, they got to the top of the montainin the end.Aat lastBat leastCby the endDat first52 . Its a goodopportunitityto make my dream come true.AthoughtBchanceCchangeDjob53 . Dontput your foot in it, you may hurt someone.Aspeak loudlyBsing happilyCstudy hardDspeak carelessly54 . Im so hungry. Lets go and have a big meal.Forget it. Im broke.Aam surprisedBhave no moneyCam richDam hungry55 . The way I see it, you should practice speaking English as more as you can.AHow I know itBAs I knowCIn my opinionDI can see it十、材料作文56 . 根据下列表格中的信息,以“My good friend”为题,写一篇短文。要求:语言连贯,语法正确,要点齐全,省略号要适当发挥。姓名、年龄Mary, 12班级、学校七年级九班, No.1 Middle School外貌又高又苗条,留长发,戴眼镜爱好游泳,网球,经常在电视上观看网球比赛,李娜是她最喜爱的运动员和偶像梦想.My Good Friend_(注意:所有答案必须写在答题纸上)第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、句型转换1、六、填写适当的单词补全句子1、七、看图识词1、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、


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