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人教版2019-2020年度八年级下期中英语试卷(带解析)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Hello, may I speak to professor Li?- This is Li. _?AWho are youBWho is thatCWhat are youDWhat is that2 . What time do you get up ?I get up at 6:45(意思是)_Aa quarter to sevenBa quarter past sixCa quarter to sixDa quarter past seven3 . We had to _our discussion because one of us suddenly got ill.Atake offBturn off.Cbreak offDput off4 . The train arrived _ Nanjing at 6:00 _ the afternoon of September 15th.Aat, inBin, inCin, onDat, on5 . How dirty your rooms are! You need to _. Aput them upBcall them up Cclean them up Dgive them up6 . -How hardworking the boy next door is!-Yes. I always hear him _ every evening.Aplays the violinBplaying violinCplay the violinDto play the violin7 . How long can I _ the book? Two weeks.AborrowBhaveClendDkeep8 . Its raining! When did it start? I dont know exactly. In fact, it _ all this afternoon.AlastsBlastedChas lastedDwill last二、完型填空Jack is my best friend. Weve been friends for 10 years. We were both born in 1991, so we are at the same_We both study at a school_Taizhou Middle School. Jack is an easy-going person and he often makes friends_without too much trouble. Jack and I often share our own secrets between us, so we are_to each other.When I feel worried or unhappy, I can always go to him. A famous saying goes like this: A friend in5is a friend indeed. In some way, bad things always test our friendship. If someone is really your lifelong friend, then he or she will give us enough_and necessary help. Do you agree?Every day, after class, we often go to the school library. Therere tens of thousands of books and magazines. The school library_good service(服务), for example the air-conditioner(空调)is always on and_drinks are always ready to give you freshness(新鲜). Rich people always donate large sums(大量)of money to support the library. Everybody is happy about it. During the Reading Week, we always invite our friends to_interesting books. Every year, we have two long holidays. When were on_, we usually go to different places together. In a word, its lucky to have such a friend sharing interesting things together.9 . AageByearColdDages10 . AnameBnamedCcallDis called11 . AdifficultBhardChardlyDeasily12 . AlyingBsmilingCwrongDtrue13 . AsadnessBneedChappinessDsorrow14 . AtrustBmoneyCtimeDfood15 . Agives toBtakesCbringsDoffers16 . AexpensiveBfree(免费的)CmostDleast17 . AtalkBspeak withCsayDdiscuss18 . AvacationsBholidayCholidaysDa vacation三、阅读单选At this moment in different places of the world people are doing different things. In Beijing its early morning. People are sleeping.In London people are leaving work to go home. They are waiting for buses or running for trains. Some people are driving their cars. Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to the pubs(酒吧) to have a drink.In Moscow(莫斯科) its evening and people are having supper at home or in restaurants. Some are going to watch a ballet(芭蕾舞). Some are drinking in the pubs.In Los Angeles(洛杉矶) its morning. People are working in their offices. Children are starting their lessons.New York is midday now. People arent working but having lunch. They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or Coke. Some people are seeing friends or shopping.19 . When children in Los Angeles are starting their lessons, people in BeijingareAplaying basketballBseeing filmsChaving lessonsDsleeping20 . From the passage, we can see the time in New York now is.A600B900C1000D120021 . When the time in London is 6:00 p.m., itsin Moscow.A8:00 p.m.B9:00 p.m.C8:00 a.m.D9:00 a.m.Shanghais Maglev Train(磁悬浮列车) runs from Longyang to Pudong International Airport(国际机场). The whole trip takes about 8 minutes.TicketsEconomy Class9(普通座)VIPSingle Trip (单程)50yuan100yuanRound Trip(往返)80yuan160yuanTimeFirst TrainLongyang Road Station6:45Airport Station7:02Last TrainLongyang Road Station21:40Airport Station21:42Children at or under 120 cm tall dont need to buy tickets to take the train, but they cannot take the train by themselves. Children above 124 cm must buy a full-price ticket.If you buy a round ticket, you can get on the train at Longyang Road Station or Pudong Airport Station, and get off at the other station. The return part of the ticket must be used on the same day.22 . It takes aboutto travel from Longyang to Pudong International Airport by the Maglev Train.Afive minutesBsix minutesCeight minutesDnine minutes23 . Mr. Lin wants to go to Pudong International Airport with his daughter who is 125cm tall. He should payfor the economy class ticket.A50 yuanB100 yuanC150 yuanD200 yuan24 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?AChildren at 120 cm tall need a ticket to take the train.BA boy who is 130 cm tall can take Shanghai Maglev Train by himself.CA passenger who buys a round trip ticket can take the train back at any time.DThe first train from Airport Station to Longyang Road Station leaves at6:45.Sheridan is a town in Indiana, USA. There are lots of trees near the public schools in the town. Their leaves turn sunlight into energy (能量).In Sheridan, the sun not just provides energy for plants. It keeps schools running, too. The schools use solar panels (太阳能电池板) to turn sunlight into energy.The science behind solar energy is not new. But Sheridan Community Schools is the first school district (学区) in Indiana to be completely solar-powered. The district finished putting in solar panels for all three of its schools in 2016. Some of the panels can turn to follow the sun across the sky.In 2008, fewer than 1,000 schools used solar power. By 2014, there were 3,727 schools with solar panels in the USA. These numbers come from a report by the Solar Foundation. Roxie Brown, a program director there, said that the number of schools with solar panels has continued to go up since 2014.Solar energy has some advantages over other energy sources (来源). Sunlight is a renewable source, which means it wont run out. Solar panels dont harm the environment. Also, sunlight is free. So by using solar power, schools can save money on energy costs.Brown thinks more schools should run on solar energy.“The sun is Earths energy source,” she says. “Were trying to make it the energy source for our houses, cars and schools, too.”But using solar energy isnt always easy. Solar panels can be expensive to put in. The panels also take up space. But for many schools, going solar is worth it.25 . What does the underlined word“It”refer to?AA plant.BThe sun.CA district.DThe solar panel.26 . Sheridan Community Schools put in solar panels _.Ain 2008Bfor all its schoolsCwith the help of the Solar FoundationDtogether with other 1,000 schools in the USA27 . According to Roxie Brown, the number of schools with solar panels _.Ahas risenBhas fallenCis too smallDis large enough28 . What does the underlined word “renewable” mean in Chinese?A可开发的B可替代的C可再生的D可加工的四、用所给单词的正确形式填空29 . The government has taken action. Now there is _pollution in the river.30 . Sandy is planning to hold a party to celebrate her fathers _birthday.31 . I was happy that I finished my job _.32 . Millies grandparents live in a flat not far from _, she can often see them.33 . Peter and Judy keep in touch by _ emails.用所给词的适当形式填空34 . When the traffic lights are red, we must stop _ (walk).35 . Please pay attention to _ (spell) the new words, boys and girls.36 . Lucy went out today without _ (tell) me where she was going.37 . A large number of students _ (like) PE best of all the subjects.38 . After the whole days work, Mr. King is a bit _ (tire).五、用单词的正确形式完成句子短文填空(10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。注意:每个词只能用一次。每空限填一词,有些词需要做相应的变化。其中有两个多余选项。mean they read one by however for get clear because you sentenceWhen you read in a foreign language, the _39 . _ thing you need to do is to put your dictionary away. When people are learning to read in another language, they depend too much on _40 . _ dictionaries. This is the biggest mistake most people make. Try to read _41 . _ main idea , and dont worry about the words you dont know .If you come across a new word , try to keep _42 . _ ,often you can guess the _43 . _ of the word from the context (上下文 ). Take a look, for example, at the following two _44 . _:The movie is ijjish .I laughed really hard.Do you want to _45 . _ your dictionary when you see the word “ijjish”? If you look “ ijjish ”up in the dictionary , you will be disappointed , _46 . _ you cannot find “ ijjish” in the dictionary . _47 . _, if you go on reading, the next sentence will make the meaning _48 . _ for you.六、单词填空If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. If you dont, you may get lost. If you do get lost, this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are. Dont try to f_ your friends. Let them find you. You can help them to find you by s_ in one place.There is another way to help your friends or o_people to find you. Give them a signal(信号)outing or whistling(吹口哨)three times. Stop. Then shout or whistle three times a_. Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep o_ shouting or whistling, always three times together. When people hear you, they will g_two shouts or two whistles. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help.If you dont think that you will get help before n_ comes, try to make a small room with branches.The most important thing to do when you are lost stay in one place.49 . _50 . _51 . _52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _七、填空56 . Tom is a ten-year-old boy. He likes sports very much. His parents want him to spend some time teaming skating skills during the coming winter vacation.57 . Wang Lin is a university graduate. He is looking for a suitable job now. He majors in marketing and computer. He does pretty well in all his schoolwork.58 . The Green family is going out to have dinner this Sunday evening. They would like to try something different and delicious for a change.59 . Wei Hua is a beautiful girl. She wants to find a job. She used to work in a big office. She works hard and she is good at typing.60 . Mr. Yang works on a large farm which is far away from his home. He decides to buy a car. Bur he doesnt have much moneyAMeijia Restaurant PicnicAre you tired of having the same food every day? Why not enjoy our picnic? You will be able to taste many new kinds of food. They are nice and cheap. Come and spend your weekend evening outside with us.BCar for SaleA used Mazda car is on sale! It is in good conditions and costs only 50,000 Yuan. Anyone who wants to buy it can call Mr. Liu at 8383-5689.COral English CollegeProvide classes for students of all levels. Beginners will have a course for 3 months, with good oral training, listening practice, reading and writing.DBondy Winter CampTeach students skating, skiing, ice dance, ice-hockey and other winter sports. Primary school students and middle school students can join it.E. Office Clerks NeededWe need a few office clerks who should have at least 3 years work experience and be able to type at least 60 words in a minute, good-looking and hard-working. Please apply to Dihe Business, 108 Wanyan street.F. Sports ExpressThere will be a basketball match between China and Australia at the city gym. It will start at 7:30 this Saturday evening. Lets support Wang Zhizhi, Yi Jianlian and other stars.G. King CompanyProviding good pay to two marketing managers. College degree and good computer skills are necessary. Address: No. 68, Huangshan Road.八、看图作文61 . 书面表达假设联合国教科文组织正在举行“保护地球”英文征文活动,请以“Save the Earth!”为题写一篇短文投稿。内容要点包括:现状1. 地球变脏、变暖;2. 动植物处于危险之中;原因1. 砍伐森林、杀戮动物;2.(其他原因,请至少列出一个)建议保护地球,从我做起;1. 不吃野生动物;2. 使用纸的双面;3.(其他建议,请至少列出一个)注意:1. 词数80左右。短文须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数;2. 短文中不要出现具体的学校姓名和人名;Save the earthOur earth was healthy and beautiful in the past._I hope our earth will become more and more beautiful.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、填空1、八、看图作文1、


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