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人教版2019-2020年度八年级上期中英语试卷(带解析)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When my father saw my finished project, he smiled and said, “_”.AYou are welcomeBNot at allCExcuse meDWell done2 . As the saying goes,the moon_ always be full .AcantBshouldntCmustnt3 . Their life will be_ if there are _children in a family.Aricher; lessBpoorer; fewerCricher; fewer4 . What kind of noodles would you like?_ noodles please.ABeef and tomatoesBBeef and tomatoCA small bowl ofDA large bowl of5 . Look! They_ beach volleyball on the beach.AplayingBare playingCplaysDplay6 . -I dont like the pants. Theyre too long.-What about this _?AoneBonesCpair7 . Walkthe white building and gothe street。Then you will find the parkApass;crossBpast;crossCpast;acrossDpass;across8 . Do you often play _ piano?Yes. I want to be _ musician like Lang Lang.Athe; aBa; theCthe; an9 . When _ you born?AdoBwereCwasDare10 . (题文)-Where _my books?- _ on the bed.Ais; ItsBis; TheyreCare; ItsDare; Theyre11 . The Chinese students have_weeks _in the summer than American students.Aless ,onBfewer onCless offDfewer,off12 . - Id like you to tell me something about the Great Wall.- You are lucky. Not only Daniel but I there.Ahas beenBhave been Chas goneDhave gone13 . Please give me a piece of paper_.Ato writeBto write onCwriting14 . Is there a fruit shop _ the neighborhood?Yes, its _ Center Street _ the right.Aon; on; inBin; on; inCon; down; toDin; on; on15 . -_ geography, please.- GEOGRAPHY !AThisBSpellCWhatDWhats16 . What colour _the apple?AisBareC/Ddo17 . -Your jacket is very nice.-_.AWhere?BNo.CThank you.18 . Nobody can stop me _ working hard at English.AforBonCfromDin二、阅读单选19 . The movie is about two_.Acats BkidsCpersonsDtickets20 . If Jim and Bob want to see the movie in the evening, they have to pay_.A6.50B9.00C11.00D13.0021 . Which of the following is NOT true according to the ad?AChildren may like Crazy Cats.BThe movie will be on for 6 years.CThe movie will be shown 5 times a day.DWe can see the movie at 10:00 on June 18th.Britain was once covered by thick forests, home to many animals which no longer live here. There were wolves, bears and wild cattle with less than four million people. They lived in small villages protected by wooden walls from the animals outside. However, all this changed. Now Britains population has increased to 65 million. Three-quarters of Britain consists of fields, towns or cities. Although 25% of land is countryside,new methods of farming mean that there are fewer birds and small animals than ever before. Britain is one of the few countries in the world without a large wild carnivore(食肉动物).Some people want to change this. Some say that Britain needs to become more natural again and suggest trees and plants that once grew in Britain should be allowed to grow again. They even say that large wild animals which have not lived in Britain should be helped to return and live wild. They call this “rewilding”.Not everyone agrees. In the last twenty years, over one million trees have been planted and there are plans for morebut wild animals? Some people ask if wolves will attack sheep or even humans. They are also angry that rewilding might mean an end to walking in the hills many people enjoy. So far, there are no wolves or bears in Britains forestsbut soon there might be!22 . Why does Britain have fewer wild animals?ATheir living conditions are destroyed by humans.BThey are being killed by their natural enemies.CThe number of large animals is increasing.DPeople there dont like wild animals.23 . What does the underlined word “rewilding” probably mean?AProtecting wild animals.BReturning wild animals to Britain.CPlanting more green plants.DHelping wild animals live better.24 . What is the main idea of the last paragraph?ASome people are against rewilding.BPeople plan to plant more trees.CWild animals will be back to Britain.DWild animals do harm to humans.25 . Which of the following can be the best title?ACausing UK GreenerBWolves Returning to UKCSaving Wildlife in BritainDMaking Britain Wild again阅读选择 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Miss Li is a teacher. She teaches in a middle school. She gets up at half past five in the morning. She has breakfast at 6:00. After that she goes to school by bike. She gets there very early. She cleans her desks and chairs for other teachers. Classes begin at 8:00. She and the other teachers work hard. She goes home at 4:00 in the afternoon. Then she does some housework. After dinner she checks the students homework. She goes to bed at about ten.26 . Miss Li works .Ain a shopBin a middle schoolCin a factory27 . She gets up at in the morning.A5:l0B5:20C5:3028 . She goes to work .Aby busBby bikeCon foot29 . She does some housework .Aat 4:00Bbefore 4:00Cafter 4:0030 . After supper she .Areads booksBchecks the students homeworkCgoes to bedI usually get up at 5:00. I make coffee, go to my desk and work. When my boys get up, Im theirs. I follow the min to the kitchen and make them breakfast. While theyre eating, I make their lunch, pick out their school clothes and get the little one dressed.My wife takes them to school. I bring them home. I am not the only father at the school gate. The boys and I walk the 12 blocks home unless the weather is terrible. Then we take the subway. I remind them of looking out, like an animal looking after their babies.At home, they play on the computer and the little one will draw, sometimes for hours. When their mother comes home, they run to her. She has been in the official day and tired, but her attention is all on them.I have made dinner. We sit down and eat together. After they do their homework, Karen takes them to bed. I listen to the noise of the boys and their mothers voice.One afternoon when we were on the way home from school, the boys and I stopped at the clothing store. The saleswoman looked at the boys and said to me in a low voice, “Youre Mr. Mom, arent you?” I felt very angry. Im not Mr. Mom. Thats not how I look at myself. The boys have a mother, a wonderful mother. She works outside the home, I work in the home. We are parents together. Im a father!31 . The first paragraph talks about_.Awhat the children have for breakfastBhow busy the man is in the morningCwhy the man cooks lunchDwhen the children go to school32 . We know from the second paragraph that_.Athey take the subway to school when the weather is badBthe man drives a car and his wife walks to workCthe man goes to meet the boys before school is overDit doesnt take them long to arrive home33 . Paragraph 3 tells us that _.Athe childrens mother is very strict with themBthe mans wife works in an office very near the schoolCthe childrens mother used to be back hours later than them.Dthe man has three or more children and the youngest loves drawing34 . We learn from the last two paragraphs_.Awhat the saleswoman said has hurt the man a lotBbefore the children get to sleep, the mans wife tells storiesCwhat the man hast o do from morning to night everydayDthe mans wife is Karen and she talks a lot35 . This passage tells us_.Anever to call a man Mr. MomBthe man doesnt enjoy working at homeCsomething about the childrens school lifeDwhat kind of people the man and his wife areThere was a pilot and four people in a small plane. Suddenly there was something wrong with the machine while it was flying in the air. The plane began to fall down. The pilot told the people there were only four parachutes (降落伞). They all became worried and started to make excuses.“I must go,” said the pilot, taking one of the parachutes and jumped out. The first person stood up, “Im a doctor,” he said. “I help people live longer and I save lives.” He took a parachute and jumped out.The next person said, “I must have a parachute. I am a very clever person. I have to attend an important match. I know I will win the game because Ill be the cleverest person there.” He picked up a pack and jumped out.Two men were left-an old businessman and a young mountain climber. At this time the plane was going down fast. The businessman said, “ Young man, I am old but you are still young. You take the last parachute.” The young mountain climber smiled. “Dont worry,” He said. “ We can both jump out because there are still two parachutes. Just now the clever man jumped out with my backpack.”36 . All the people became worried because_.Athey couldnt find the parachutesBthey saw the pilot jump out firstCthey were afraid the plane would be broken and knew there were not enough parachutes for each person. DThere was too much smoke and they couldnt jump out from the plane.37 . The clever man jumped out with_.Aa parachuteBnothingCthe backpack of the climbersDtwo parachutes38 . All the people thought of themselves except_.Athe pilotBthe clever manCthe doctorDthe businessman39 . Who do you think was the most kind-hearted man? Athe pilot、Bthe mountain climberCthe businessmanDthe doctor三、填写适当的句子补全对话完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)40 . 让我们明天去看电影吧。_ go to see a movie tomorrow.41 . 到集合的时间了。_ get together42 . 放学后去公园散步怎样?_ going for a walk in the park after school?43 . 我每天都花半小时步行上学。_ to walk to school every day.44 . 直到昨晚很晚爸爸回了家他才去睡觉。He_his father came back home late last night.四、句子配对从栏中找出与栏相应的答语。 45 . I think rock music is too noisy.ACertainly not.46 . May I ask you some questions?AHave a good trip.47 . Would you mind teaching me?AGreat! Thats my favorite.48 . What a lovely day! Shall we go swimming?ASure, go ahead.49 . We are going to Hainan.AI agree with you .50 . Well travel to Mount Huang the following week._! And youd better take a raincoat with _. It rains a lot.ASounds good, youBHave a good time, yourselvesCHave a nice trip, youDGood idea, yourselves五、单词填空阅读下面短文, 然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。As 2020 is coming, students are heading into the new year with new resolutions to “ be a better me ”.Alice, 16: As the 51 . (著名的) saying goes, “ Books are the ladder of human progress.”Reading more helps me learn better. So now I 52 . (承诺) to read as many good books as possible in 2020.Frank, 15: The new year is coming, and its me to learn from the past, I always had trouble in finishing my to-do list on time, and finally could 53 . (几乎不) make my resolutions come true. My past 54 . ( 经历 ) have taught me that I should make my resolutions55 . (细致地). I hope everything will be better with each passing day.David, 15: My resolution is about my own personal 56 . (改进). Im going to take up a new hobby. Im going to learn to dance, and57 . (没有什么) can stop me.Cindy, 16: As for the resolutions this year, I will go to bed early to get 58 . (充足的) sleep every night. I think I will be59 . (能够) to study hard and do well at school.When I am upset, I will solve my problem through60 . (分享) with my parents or friends and asking them for help.六、填空任务型阅读American people are busy with their work and most of them feel stressed out (有压力的),so they try to find ways to relax. They like spending their time on different sports. They also spend their time watching different kinds of television programs or reading books. Sometimes they invite(邀请)their friends over for dinner . Some even spend their free time making their homes and gardens more beautiful.They also love going on holidays. They have a two-or-three-week holiday every year. Every summer , Americans travel to different places of interest. They enjoy their lives in different ways. Now taking trips in their cars is becoming more and more popular among Americans.任务型阅读:根据短文内容,填写下列表格。How Do Americans Relax Themselves ?Spend their time doing different _61 . _._62 . _TV or read books.Invite their friends over for _63 . _sometimes.Try to make their homes and gardens more beautiful in their _64 . _time.Take trips to different places of interest on _65 . _七、看图作文66 . 看图写短文:10根据图片内容写一篇约70个词的短文。要求内容完整,语句通顺,符合语法。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、5、三、填写适当的句子补全对话1、四、句子配对1、2、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、看图作文1、


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