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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第二学期英语期中(不含听力材料)英语试题D卷一、听短对话回答问题1 . Hows Jim?AHes OK.BHes ill.CHes returned home.2 . What does the woman mean?AShe will help him with what he has missedBShe will take him to the next classCShe will give him the new exam3 . ALucy.BJack.CPeter.4 . What will the mother give Dave?AA cup of coffeeBAn orangeCSome salt5 . Will the man go to the cinema with the woman tonight?AYes, he will.BNo, he wont.CYes, he wants to go.二、听长对话回答问题听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6 . What does Eric think of his family rules?AStrictBBoringCUseful7 . What does Eric have to do after breakfast?ARead a bookBBrush his teethCWash the dishes听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。8 . Which trip does the woman think is tiring?AThe trip to Mount Tai.BThe trip to Hainan.CThe trip to Hong Kong.9 . What does the woman like to do best?ASwimming.BShopping.CSkating.三、听短文回答问题第三部分听短文,回答下列各小题,短文读两遍。10 . Where did Mr. Scott live?ABehind his shopBUnder his shopCAbove his shop11 . How much money did Mr. Scott have that day?AAlmost $10,000BAlmost $ 1,000CAlmost $ 100,00012 . Why did Mr. Scott sleep with the money that night?ABecause he loved money very much.BBecause he thought it was not safe to keep it in the shop.CBecause he knew the policeman would wake him up.13 . Why did the policeman wake Mr. Scott up?ABecause he wanted Mr. Scott to turn off the lights.BBecause he wanted to surprise Mr. Scott.CBecause he wanted to ring the doorbell.14 . How did Mr. Scott feel when he heard the doorbell?AExcitedBBoredCAfraid四、补全短文6选5Wang Lei 15 . The most difficult thing about learning English is to remember new words. I study the words and remember them, but a week later I have forgotten most of them. When reading something in English, I always get into trouble when I come across a new word. There must be a better way to learn new words.Li Qiang 16 . I have been studying English for so long now, but I dont enjoy it any more. I used to like it, but now I feel that Im not making any progress, Im just not motivated any more. I wish there was something I could do to make me interested in studying English again.Fang Zhe 17 . I wish I could improve my spoken English. Every time when I take part in a group discussion or try to speak English to someone, I find it difficult to express myself. I dont know what to say and I cant think of the words I need.Huang Wei 18 . I dont like English at all. Why do we have to study English? Id rather spend more time on math and science, because I think those subjects are more important.Zhong Mei 19 . I think it is easy to remember new grammar rules. But when writing something, I always make a lot of mistakes. How can I learn to use the rules that I have learned?AHow to speak good English.BHow to put English grammar to use.CHow to master English words.DHow to learn the English rules well.E. How to realize the importance of English.F. How to get interested in English.五、完型填空Sometimes, the choices you have made prove to be wrong. Dont worry its not the end of the world! In traffic, what you do in this situation is just turn around and find a_way. Thats exactly what you should also do in real life. In your life you will find many dead ends but you will always find your way out of them.Life is not always a walk in the park. There will be uphill as well as downhill, bumps(凸块) and smooth rides. If you are not careful, a bump can make you_However, riding your life along just straight roads with no bumps can become_So, a bump can be a nice experience as well.Right or left? In your life there will be times when you have to make a_You may want to focus on your studies, so you choose to stop a hobby that youve had for years_! Before putting away the guitar or stopping your dance lessons, you should think how you could divide your time between studying and hobbies. Basically, its just a question of how to manage your time.Whatever you do in life, remember to take it easy. You dont have to run everywhere. Sometimes running make life less enjoyable. Its often better to think before taking action. So, think first and then act! Theres really no rush! You dont have to experience everything before youre 20! 20 . AbetterBshorterCfasterDwider21 . AgrowBcryCchangeDfall22 . AhelpfulBboringCluckyDdangerous23 . ABCD24 . AlivingBdecisionCmistakeDwish25 . ADrive carefulBAct immediatelyCThink againDSpeak aloud六、阅读单选Hi,boys and girls!Welcome to our museum(博物馆)Its freeYou dont have to pay any money(钱)But we have some rules for you.Please remember them and do as I say.Firstly,dont have food or drink here.You may make our museum dirty.Secondly,you can take photos here,but dont touch(触摸) the things here.Thirdly,keep quiet in the museum.Dont talk loudly.Fourthly,the museum is not open after four oclock in the afternoon.Please leave before four.Have a good time here!Thank you.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。26 . These are some rules for a _.AstoreBparkCschoolDmuseum27 . Whats the Chinese meaning of the word “free” in the passage?A免费的B迅速的C高兴的D安静的28 . Students can _ in the museum.Ahave food and drinkBtake photosCtouch the thingsDtalk loudly29 . Students can stay in the museum _.Aall dayBbefore 4:00 am.Cbefore 4:00 pm.Dafter 4:00 pm.30 . Which of the following is right?AStudents have to pay for some money.BThe museum has five rules for students.CThe speaker is a teacher.DThe speaker hopes the students have a good time in the museum.CLike many people ,I have no clear idea about heroes . A t some point , we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is.Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics (特点) which give us courage and make us want to learn from them.A hero does something worth (值) talking about, A hero has a special story to tell and people think highly of it. But a hero is not just person with great fame (声誉).A hero has power(力量) larger than himself . Some people want to live like a hero. And they have to experience life with new and further meaning .A sure test for would- be heroes is what or whom they serve. What do they want to live and die for? If their answer suggests they serve only own fames, they may be famous persons but not heroes.A hero has a vision from the mountain top .He has the power to move people . He creates new possibility. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of Britain, Without Martin Luther King .Jr, Americans might take different parks , and shop in different stores of the different colors of their skins.There might be changes in society without a hero, but the speed of the change would be rather slow . Thanks to heroes in history ,they make the society develop so rapidly.31 . According to this passage , a hero is a person who always _Agives us courageBthinks highly of others Cshares great famesDstands on the mountain top32 . I f you want to live like a hero , you should _|Aexperience a new and meaningful lifeBlisten to something worth talking aboutCserve your own fame and try to be famousDknow where and how you want to live and die33 . The underlined word” vision” in the passage means_A风景B想象C远见D形象34 . Black people in American used to _ before Martin Luther King Jr.Ashop at the whites storeBdrive buses with the whiteCtake walks in the whites parkDeat in restaurants without the white35 . What can we learn from the passage ?Awe dont need heroes anymore at some point now Bheroes are all the same though different in cultureCpeople get power from heroes to move to a new placeDour society has developed faster because of heroes in history.For years I wanted a flower garden. Id spend hours thinking of different things I could plant that would look nice together. But then we had Matthew. And Marvin. And the twins, Alisa and Alan. And then Helen. Five children. I was too busy raising them to grow a garden.Money was tight, as well as time. Often when my children were little, one of them would want something that cost too much, and Id have to say, Do you see a money tree outside? Money doesnt grow on trees, you know. Finally, all five got through high school and college and were off on their own. I started thinking again about having a garden. Then, one spring morning, on Mothers Day, I was working in my kitchen. Suddenly, I looked out of the window and there was a new tree, planted right in my yard. I thought it must be a weeping willow(垂柳), because I saw things blowing around on all its branches. Then I put my glasses on - and I couldnt believe what I saw. There was a money tree in my yard! I went outside to look. It was true! There were dollar bills, one hundred of them, taped all over that tree. There was also a note among them: Thank you for your time,Mom, we love you. later my children bought me tools, ornaments(装饰物), a sunflower ,stepping stone and gardening books. That was three years ago. My gardens now very pretty, just like I wanted. When I go out and take care of my flowers, I dont seem to miss my children as much as I once did. It feels like theyre right there with me. I live in a city where winters are long and cold, and summers are way too short. But every year now, when winter sets in, I look out my window and think of the flowers Ill see next spring in my little garden. I think about what my children did for me, and I get tears in my eyes - every time. Im still not sure that money grows on trees. But I know love does!36 . The woman saw _in the garden.Aa weeping willowBa flowerCa money treeDa pair of glasses37 . What does the sentence “Do you see a money tree outside” Money doesnt grow on trees really means?AThere is a money tree outsideBIts not easy to make moneyCIm really busyDDont dream in the daytime38 . The underlined word “them” in the fourth paragraph refers to _.AtreesBmy childrenCbranchesDdollar bills39 . From the fifth paragraph ,we can infer that_Aher husband died when she was youngBShe was alone but not at all lonelyCShe wasnt caring for her kids any longerDShe liked her garden better that her kids40 . The best title of the passage is_AMy Money TreeBMoney Grows on a TreeCLove in WinterDMy kids and IBill Fuller, the postman, whistled(吹口哨) cheerfully as he pushed his bike up the hill towards Mrs Dunleys house. His work for the day was almost finished. His bag, usually quite heavy when he set out on his road, was empty now except for the letter that he had to deliver(递送) to Mrs Dunley. She lived over a mile from that village so that, when Bill had a letter for her, he always finished his days work much later. He did not mind this, however, because she never failed to ask him in for a cup of tea.When Bill entered the gate of Mrs Dunleys house, he was surprised not to find her working in the garden. She usually spent most afternoons there when the weather was fine. Bill went straight round to the back of the house, thinking that she might be in the kitchen. The door was locked and the curtains were drawn. He returned to the front of the house and knocked hard on the door. There was no answer. Bill thought that this was very strange because he knew that Mrs Dunley hardly left the house.Just then, he noticed that her bottle of milk, which was delivered early in the morning, was still on the doorstep. This worried him. If Mrs Dunley had not taken in her milk, perhaps she was ill. Bill walked round the house until he found an open window. He squeezed(挤) through it. Then he went into the hall. There he almost fell over Mrs Dunley, who was lying at the foot of the stairs unconscious(昏迷不醒的). Realizing that there was little he could do for her, Bill rushed out of the house, stopped a passing car and told the driver to telephone for an ambulance(救护车) as soon as he got to the village.41 . What did Mrs Dunley usually do with Bill?AShe usually asked him to have a cup of tea.BShe usually had a talk with him.CShe usually asked him to dinner.DShe usually asked him to buy some tea.42 . The thing that especially worried Bill was _.Afinding the back door locked and the curtains drawnBseeing the bottle of milk on the doorstepCnot getting any answer when he knocked on the doorDnot finding Mrs Dunley in the garden43 . How did Bill get help for Mrs Dunley?AHe stopped a passing car and took her to the hospital.BHe himself telephoned for an ambulance.CHe stopped a car and asked the driver to telephone for an ambulance.DHe asked the driver to take her to the hospital.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写44 . My sister likes_(深色的)colours but my mother doesnt.45 . Does she like the_(紫色的)blouse?46 . Whose is this pair of_(手套)?Jacks.47 . The_(女士的)boots look great on Mrs Wang.48 . Here are some _(设计)for a new building.49 . Whos that_(精干的)man? He is our maths teacher.50 . My design_(包括)a shirt, trousers and a pair of shoes.51 . I want to_ my holiday on the beach(海边)of the sea. Wish you a happy time.52 . I want to be a_ when I grow up.Is it because you can wear many modern clothes?53 . The ice(冰)in the river is very_We can go skating(滑冰)on itIm afraid its not thick(厚)enough. Its dangerous to skate on it.八、单词填空Do you like animals? Do you want to keep animals? Yes, many people like animals and want to keep a lovely animal as a p 54 . . Its a pity that they dont have a suitable place to keep them. However, keeping fish may be the best choice. Why keep them?People keep dogs and cats because they enjoy their friendship. Fish can not be friendly, but they have beautiful shapes and colors. Its a pleasure to watch as they swim i 55 . their tank(水槽).What do they need?First of all, the fish need a suitable(合适的)tank, and you must fill the tank w 56 . suitable water. It is also good for t 57 . to have a few water plants in the tank to keep the water pure (纯净). Putting a few snails (蜗牛) in the tank is a good i58 . . They will keep it c59 . .What about feeding them?There are many kinds of fish food t60 . you can get in the shops. Most are suitable for all kinds of fish. You should feed your fish only o61 . a day. It is important not to give them t62 . much food. Just give them as much as they can e63 . up in about 15 minutes. This will keep them healthy.九、书信作文64 . 假如你是李华,请你针对信中提到的问题提出合理的建议,并同复一封邮件。词数:60-80。Dear Sir,Im writing this letter to you because Im in trouble now. Im so worried about my daughter, Lisa. She is getting fat these days. She doesnt like to eat fruit or vegetables and never exercises. She just likes junk food. She almost eats candy every day, so she has a bad toothache. Also, she doesnt have breakfast because she usually gets up too late. I really worry about her health. Shes only thirteen. What should I do? Could you please give me some good advice or suggestions?YoursMarina_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、二、听长对话回答问题1、2、三、听短文回答问题1、四、补全短文6选51、五、完型填空1、六、阅读单选1、2、3、4、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、单词填空1、九、书信作文1、


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