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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Dont you know each other?I dont remember _ him anywhere.Ato seeBseeingCto lookDlooking2 . When shall we meet again?Make it day you like. Its all the same to me.AoneBanyCanother3 . You should _ your children from playing with fire. Its dangerous.AencourageBpreventCallowDwarn4 . Its rather cold in most of south China _ in spring.Aon timeBat a timeCat timesDall the time5 . (题文) - What volunteer work would you like to do ?- I d like to _the sick people in the hospital .Amake upBstay upCcheer upDput up6 . -This isstory Ive told you about several times.-Its great. Ive never heardmore moving one.Athe, a B. the, the C. a, a D. a, the7 . She gets scared easily,so it is not good to invite her to watch _.Aromantic filmBhorror filmsCdocumentariesDcartoons8 . Mona tries her best to study hard in order not to _ her parents _.Akeep, downBcut ,downCput, downDlet, down9 . We should do more work with _ money and _ workers.Afewer, less Bless, fewerCfewer, moreDmore, less10 . -I _ take an English exam next Tuesday.-_ you have taken everything you need.Aam going, Make sureBwill, Make outCam going to, Make upDwill, Make sure11 . If you like the ice-cream , you may have as _as you can.AmuchBmanyCmoreDlittle12 . Could you please_ on the light? I am looking for my pen.Ato turnBturnsCturnDturned13 . What do you think of the lecture(演讲) of Li yangs Crazy English?I think its _, but someone thinks its much too _.Awonderful enough; boredBenough wonderful; boringCwonderful enough; boringDenough wonderful; bored14 . The number of students in our class _ 30, and now a number of students_ planting trees on the hill.Aare; areBis; areCis; is15 . I think Betty is very helpful._ She always gives her seat to others on the bus.AI agree.BIm afraid not.CReally?DWhy not?16 . Theres not so much time, so she goes to school after a _ breakfast.AquickBquicklyCfastDslow17 . The old woman has no children. She lives by_.AherBherselfChersDshe18 . He could hardly work alone, _?Acould heBcouldnt heCdidnt heDdid he19 . Modern science has found that _ one is using chopsticks, over 30 joints and over 50 muscles(肌肉)are used.AwhileBsinceCalthoughDunless二、阅读单选Marie Kondo is an expert(专家)on organizing and cleaning. She knows how to clear away unused or unimportant things, known as clutter. She wrote a book called “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”, which is a best-seller around the world.Marie Kondo says people can improve their life by changing the way they think about all their things-everything from books and photos to clothes.This is not the first time an organizing expert has written a book on clutter. They say wonderful things will happen when you organize your home. One book says that if you throw out 50 things from your home, you will truly find your life. Another book says that if you throw clutter away, you will also lose weight. And you can even get a better job, more money and a happy family if you organize the things. “Your self-perception(自我认知)is improved by living in a clean and tidy room,” she said. “This can change lifestyles and even your looks.”Marie Kondo teaches a way of organizing. If the object(物品)was meaningful to you, you thank it before throwing or giving it away. In her book, Ms. Kondo suggests that you touch the object and ask one simple question, “Does it bring me joy?” If it doesnt, you give it away so that it may give joy to someone else.20 . What does the underlined word “clutter” in Paragraph 1 refer to?AMarie Kondo.BThe best-seller.CUnused or unimportant things.DExpert on organizing and cleaning.21 . The text is especially useful for those who care about .Atheir body shapeBtheir healthy dietCtheir home buyingDtheir home environment22 . According to the passage an organized home can help people .a. truly find lifeb. make more friendsc. give joy to othersd. lose weighte. improve self-perception f. educate kidsAa-b-c-dBa-c-d-eCc-d-e-fDa-b-e-f23 . What can be the best title for the text?AOrganize your home and change your life.BHow can you lose weight?CRead the useful book and change your life.DHow can you live a better life?Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)A small boy finds a pea. The pea says to him,“I want to go to a place where I can bring happiness to others.”Then the boy puts the pea in a flower pot.The flower pots owner is poor. The daughter of the family has been ill for years. One day, the little girl finds a bud in the flower pot. The bud stretches out its leaves, which seems to tell the little girl: You will get better!Mum says to the girl,“I hope my daughter will grow up like this little pea plant!” Mum puts a stick there and ties a string so that the plant can grow along it. From then on, the little girl always talks with the little plant and sings songs for it. The pea plant grows day by day. Little by little the girl also gets well.Finally, the pea plant blooms. It has beautiful pink flowers. The little girl kisses it. She smiles healthily and happily. Mum says,“Thank you, pea plant! You make my daughter happy and help her fight the sickness and get well!”The little boy passes by the window. The pea flower waves its branches, and seems to say:Look! I fulfilled my promise!24 . According to Paragraph1, the pea wants to .Astay with the boyBfly to the skyCbring happiness to othersDgo to a rich family25 . The owner of the flower pot .Agrows many pea plantsBgives the boy some plantsCdoesnt like the peaDis poor and has a sick daughter26 . The little girls mum .Athrows the pea plant awayBthinks the pea plant is very helpfulCbuys her daughter lots of flowersDthinks her daughter wont live long27 . Which is True according to the passage?AThe sick girl doesnt like to stay with the pea.BDay by day, the little girl finally gets well.CThe boy never meets the pea after he puts it in a flower pot.DThe little girl puts a stick beside the pea plant.28 . What does the underlined word “fulfilled”mean?A许下B遗忘C违背D实现Whats on TV?6:00 Lets talk! Guest: Animal expert Jim PorterCartoonsNewsNews7:00 Cooking with CathyTonight: Chicken with mushrooms.Movie “A laugh a Minute”(1955)James Rayburn.Spin for Dollars!Farm Report7:30 Double Trouble(comedy)The twins disrupt the high school dance.Wall Street Today: Stock Market Report8:00 NBA Basketball. Teams to be announcedMovie “At days End”(1981)Michael Collier, Julie Romer.Drama set in World War.News Special“Saving Our Waterways: Pollution in the Mississippi”.29 . If you were a housewife, which program would probably interest you most?ALets Talk!BWall Street Today.CCooking with Cathy.DFarm Report.30 . If youd like to watch something about pollution, you could turn on the TV to.AChannel 5 at 6:00BChannel 9 at 8:00CChannel 8 at 7:00DChannel 3 at 7:3031 . Which is most probably the News Channel?A3.B5.C8.D9.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词(每空一词)。32 . We should_ (鼓励) children to solve problems by themselves.33 . Mr. Smith lives on the _ (第十二) floor, and the lift can take you there.34 . Thirty people _(包括)six children went to visit the museum.35 . Trail walker is a good _(机会) for people to learn team spirit.36 . Its not right of you not to _(原谅) others for their mistakes.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空37 . Its well-known that glasses are made of _ (glass).38 . Today Im going to tell you something about the _ (environment) protection:39 . Sheep eat _ (leaf) and _ (grass).40 . In the USA, people cant avoid buying _ (product) made in China.41 . _ (postman) always wear green uniforms.42 . English is _ (wide) used in the world.43 . To avoid _ (get) to school late, youd better get up early.44 . China is _ (know) for its tea.45 . Look! There is a pair of _ (glove) on the sofa.46 . There are so many famous _ (brand). He doesnt know which one to choose.五、单词填空Euro Disney was opened in 1992 i47 . Paris. It is also known as Disneyland Paris. It lies 32 kilometres e48 . of Paris. About 50 million visitors come from a49 . to see Mickey and Donald every y50 . . So it makes a lot of money and a lot of friends from foreign countries!But Euro Disney had a h51 . time in the beginning. Some people in Parisb52 . that the park would influence their culture in a bad way. And about 3,000 French workerss53 . their jobs at the park because they felt it was wrong to speak English while working.Later people began to l54 . it. Many people who have been to the p55 . return with their friends later. Now it is even m56 . popular than the Eiffel Tower.六、填空阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后小题空格里填入一个最恰当的单词注意:每个空格只填1个单词。In todays world, its natural to feel tired sometimes during those long working days. Luckily, there are some things you can do to fight tiredness.If you arent drinking plenty of water by now, you should! But remember that juice, soft drinks and the likes arent what you should drink if you are tired, because they are full of sugar that in fact causes you to lose much water from your body. Water is king, so make a habit to drink a glass of water whenever you feel tired. You can put a full glass of water next to you, you will remember to take a sip (啜一口) here and there throughout your activity. Youll be surprised how quickly drinking water can get rid of your tiredness.Sometimes you feel tired because you arent active, especially when you have to work at a computer or sit at a desk all day. Movement, any type of movement in exercise, can help you. Moving your body creates an increased blood flow which in return increases your energy and defeats (战胜) tiredness. Also it makes your breath deeper and then youll be more energetic immediately. So, all that you need to do is just get up, stretch (伸展) a little bit, or walk around if you can.Laughing a little can also help you fight your tiredness. You dont have to laugh out loud. Simply finding something interesting is good. So start reading some jokes on the Internet, listen to some radio shows you like, or watch some funny videos on Youku. You will notice that once you start laughing, you wont be tired any more.How to fight your 57 . WaysDetailsDrink much 58 . Dont drink juice, soft drinks and other drinks that have much 59 . when youre tired.Keep a full glass of water next to you and take a sip from time to time.60 . activeMove your 61 . , and youll be more energetic and feel 62 . tired.Get up, stretch a little bit, or walk around if it is63 . Laugh a littleIts unnecessary to 64 . loud.Just enjoy yourself by reading jokes 65 . , listening to some radio shows or 66 . funny videos.七、回答问题阅读下面的短文并用英语回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。Do you like running? Do you know FUN RUN? Today in China, young people have friends on QQ or Wechat(微信),and then they get together to run in the evening. Its a new sport.FUN RUN is good for you. First, running can help you to be healthy. Second, its easy and cheap to run. You dont need to buy any sports equipment(设备).And in the evening, you can run in a park, in the school or just on a street. Many people are very busy working or studying every day, so they dont have free time to do sports in the day. But in the evening, they have much time to run.Here are some important things for you when you want to have FUN RUN.Wear a pair of sports shoes. Listen to music if you think its boring to run.Drink some water after running.Dont run alone(单独).Its very important.67 . What is FUN RUN?68 . Why is FUN RUN good for people?69 . Do you want to have FUN RUN? Why or why not?八、书信作文70 . 书面表达。假设你是张磊,是兴化阳光中学的一名八年级学生。上周日你从报纸上看到地球俱乐部(the Earth Club)的招聘广告。请根据表格内信息写一封申请信,提出对地球目前的现状、原因以及采取的措施等方面的看法,希望能加入该俱乐部,为保护地球尽一份力。姓名张磊年级八年级性格有礼貌、乐观、诚实、有幽默感爱好英语、旅游、打篮球地球是我们的家园现状自然灾害频发,动物处于危险中原因砍伐森林,捕杀动物措施政府 ,我们.理由(自拟一条加入俱乐部的理由)要求: 1. 短文应包括表格中的全部信息,条理清楚。2. 短文中不能出现真实的姓名、学校名和地名。3.词数 100 左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear sir,I read your advertisement in the newspaper last Sunday. _Yours sincerely,Zhang Lei第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、六、填空1、七、回答问题1、八、书信作文1、


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