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人教版七年级下学期英语学科竞赛试卷D卷一、 单词拼写。 (共2题;共18分)1. (10分) (2017杭州模拟) 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The bank of England has made plans to introduce plastic banknotes to the UK.Paper notes, meaning pieces of paper money, _(use) in England for more than 300 years, but replacing them with plastic ones could be better.Plastic notes were_(one) introduced to Australia back in 1988. Since then , other countries, including Romania, Mexico and Malaysia, have also begun using money_(make) in this way.Fans of water sports find this type of money more useful and easier, as they can take it with them in the water and wont worry that it will fall apart. It is also good for people_by mistake put clothes in the washing machine_a note in the pocket.It is more hygienic(卫生的) than paper money as it absorbs _(little) bacteria(细菌). And it is stronger, too. According to a survey, _usual 5 note in the UK lasts around six months, _the $5 Australian bill lasts for an average of 40 months.A downside of plastic cash is that it costs more money_(produce). Cash and money-counting machine will also have to be adapted to accept the new money.It is expected that the Bank of England, who started printing plastic notes from 2015, will introduce the money _(slow), using the most common notes first.2. (8分) (2017八上重庆期中) 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。每空一词 , 含缩略词。Its hard to find a true friend . For most of the time , you may think you can believe(相信)someone , later he may let you down(失望).When you have some difficult times , a true friend will always be there for you . Through good times or_times , they will try to help you and make you laugh . They will understand you_you did something wrong . A friend will bring new and exciting things to your life and make your life more interesting .True friends will keep your secrets(秘密)and they believe you can also keep_secrets . When you talk to a true friend , you dont have to worry_what you may say . You can enjoy this freedom(自由)only with friends .However , Friendship is like a two-way street . To find a true friend , you may do the_thing as your friend does , too . Help your friends when they have problems and share the good things_them . Give them the same things they give to you . Sometimes friendship breaks very quickly if only one person is giving and trying to keep it .There is an old_, “ Friendship makes the hearts of all the world together ” . You will_that there is nothing better than having a true friend by your side to share life with .二、 语法填空。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共14分)3. (10分) (2018绍兴模拟) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Justin is a 16-year-old boy. He is thinking about how _(spend) his money during winter vacation. He _(save) up about 300 dollars already. He plans to buy _computer with his money but he also wants to go skating with his friends. He cant do both _he doesnt have enough money. What should Justin do?We are often in these kinds of situations. You want to see a concert _Saturday, but it is also your mothers birthday and you do not want to let _(she) down. In this case, you dont have enough time to go to both _(place). You must make a decision. You must think about _should be done first?You must consider the following questions _ (serious).*Which is more important?*Which decision needs my attention more?*Which choice would please me more?After youve answered these questions, it may be much _(easy) for you to decide what to do. So the next time you must make a decision, remember to prioritize(优先考虑).4. (1分) Could you please _ (fix) the bike for me. 5. (1分) The young man is a _(sing) popular with teenagers. 6. (1分) (2017九上江阴开学考) In 20l7 Taizhou ASTC Triathlon Asian Cup(泰州铁人三项亚州杯赛),the Chinese athlete Chen Lin finished_(two) who lost by 1 second to the Irish player Benjamin. 7. (1分) (2018八上苏州期末) Is your father a taxi driver?Yes. He wont get _in this city because he almost knows everywhere.三、 单项选择。 (共15题;共30分)8. (2分) (2017八下东莞期中) Tom often plays _ piano on Sunday, but he likes playing _ basketball. A . the, /B . /, theC . a, aD . the, a9. (2分) The boy weighed only seven pounds at birth. But now he is more than 160 pounds, the fattest in his class.A . when he was bornB . when he was two months oldC . when he died10. (2分) (2018八下罗湖期末) Jimmy, you have to make an apology for breaking the vase.I didnt do it on purpose, Mum.A . make an excuseB . say sorryC . tell a story11. (2分) You can _ an English language club to practice English. A . joinB . take part inC . inD . join in12. (2分) Excuse me, _? Sorry, I dont know. My watch(手表)is at home.A . whats upB . what time is itC . what do you doD . what would you like13. (2分) (2015八上黄冈期中) _ TV shows do you prefer, Young Mao Zedong or Where Are We Going, Dad? Neither. I like cartoons because they often make me laugh.A . WhatB . WhateverC . WhoseD . Which14. (2分) (2018安徽) The speaker showed some _ examples to make the science report easy to understand. A . awfulB . stupidC . properD . thick15. (2分) (2015七上浙江期中) Please call Tom 7782094. A . onB . inC . ofD . at16. (2分) Mr. Lee for Taiwan for his holidays the day after tomorrow.A . leavesB . is leavingC . leaving17. (2分) (2016九上海南月考) I cant move the table. Its too heavy.Let me help you. Im _.A . enough weakB . strong enoughC . enough strong 18. (2分) I cant decide which book to read. _ you read the book review?A . Why notB . LetsC . Why dontD . Perhaps19. (2分) Dont go the street when the light is red.A . acrossB . throughC . over20. (2分) They are new students and _ of them _ a new schoolbag.A . each; haveB . each; hasC . every; hasD . every; have21. (2分) (2018宿迁) _ fine weather it is! Shall we go hiking in the hills?Why not?A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a22. (2分) (2016八下灌阳期中) I have got a cough and Im not feeling well. _?A . What are you doingB . How do you like itC . Whats the matter with you四、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分) (2016九下安定月考) 补全对话A:Whats the matter,Mr Smith?B:_I cant do any work, doctor.A:Do you have a cough?B:No, I dont have a cough.A:_B:Yes, I sleep very well.A:Do you have breakfast every morning?B:No, I dont have breakfast. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin.A:Oh, I see. _You need to eat more food and have three meals a day._.B: Ok. I will do like that.A:_B:Thank you very much.A. I feel very well.B. I hope you will get better soon.C. Do you sleep well at night?D. Im not feeling well.E. And do some exercise every day.F. There is nothing serious.五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分) 阅读下面短文,从短交后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 A groundhog (土拨鼠) is a small animal that digs and lives under the ground. It is also called the woodchuck. Groundhogs live in many parts of the US.They go to 1for most of the winter like bears and some other 2. Do you know that the US has a 3named Groundhog Day? It is celebrated on 2 February.A legend (传说) says a few hundred years ago Europeans introduced Groundhog Day to America. 4the legend, the groundhog 5from his long deep sleep on 2 February, halfway between winter and spring. If he comes up from the 6and it is sunny, he will see his shadow (影子) and hell be afraid. If he sees his shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of 7weather. But if he comes up and the sky is 8, he will not see his shadow and will not be afraid. Then spring weather will come very soon.Some people believe this legend and they 9the sky on 2 February. Many people are happy if it is cloudy on that day. They think spring will come soon. But most people think it is just a 10legend. What do you think?(1)A . play B . eat C . sleep (2)A . people B . animals C . plants (3)A . book B . film C . holiday (4)A . Because of B . As for C . According to (5)A . wakes up B . grows up C . sets off (6)A . tree B . hole C . water (7)A . spring B . summer C . winter (8)A . cloudy B . rainy C . snowy (9)A . draw B . describe C . watch (10)A . terrible B . fun C . real 六、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)25. (10分) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(A)It is reported that some developed countries have shipped broken parts of computers to China. Such a thing can be found almost every day although it is against international laws. Last month Hong Kong officers found 131,000 kilograms of broken computers, TVs and phones sent from Japan.Things like these are called electronic waste, or e-waste. Dealing with them is not an easy job because dangerous poisons like mercury (汞) and lead (铅) can be round in them. Every time an old computer breaks down, it needs to be dealt with safely. But at present, broken computer parts are usually buried. It may be hundreds of years before they are really gone in the earth.Many places in China are polluted by e-waste. Guiyu in Guangdong Province is one of them. This town is named as the e-waste capital of the world. It has to deal with l.5 million kilograms of e-waste each year, from which it makes 75 million yuan. But it comes at a cost. Many of the poisons in e-waste find their way into the environment. Plastic is burned outdoors and chemical water is poured into rivers. Greenpeace, an environmental group, has found the air, the earth and the rivers in Guiyu badly polluted.The Chinese government wants the country to develop, but in a way that doesnt do harm to the environment and peoples life. This year, China passed a new environmental protection law, the strictest one we have ever had. Computer companies like Lenovo and Dell will be asked to take back their old computers. This is because the companies that make computers know best how to deal with them safely. Hopefully, the problem with e-waste will be solved in the near future.(1) The e-waste found in Hong Kong last month was from .A . FranceB . JapanC . GermanyD . Australia(2) The underlined word buried probably means in the passage.A . 焚烧B . 降解C . 回收D . 掩埋(3) The town of Guiyu in Guangdong ProvinceA . is the e-capital of the worldB . has serious e-waste pollutionC . deals with the e-waste safelyD . spends much money on e-waste(4) This year, the Chinese government .A . tried to change peoples lifeB . closed some computer companiesC . made a new environmental protection lawD . asked people to hand in their old computers(5) The passage is mainly about .A . the ways to deal with e-wasteB . the cost of burning e-wasteC . the e-waste problem in ChinaD . the need to pass a law against e-waste26. (8分) (2019连云港) 阅读理解 The human body is a machine that can raise lots of interesting questions. Why, for example, are yawns (呵欠) contagious (传染的)? Whats up with ice-cream headaches? Here are answers to these and other questions about our bodies.Why do I get a headache when I eat ice cream too quickly?Scientists arent exactly sure what causes the brain freeze when we eat ice cream or other super cold foods too quickly, though some believe its the result of changed blood .flow in the nervous system. Blood vessels in the head tighten to stop the loss of body heat and then relax to let blood flow rise; that sudden rush of blood is what causes the headache. You can improve an ice-cream headache by rapidly rubbing your tongue across the roof of your mouth to help warm up things.What causes my stomach to make a low continuous noise when Im hungry?Actually, your stomach makes noise whether youre hungry or full; you just hear it more clearly when youre hungry. Think of your digestive tract(消化道)as a really long tube lined with smooth muscle tissue. These muscles move food, fluids and gas through your digestive tract. _. It can make you feel embarrassed(尴尬的)but is nothing to worry about.Why do I blush when Im embarrassed?When youre embarrassed, your brain releases a shot of adrenaline(肾上腺素), which makes your heart race and blood vessels become larger in size. All this happens to increase blood flow and oxygen delivery throughout the body in a fight-or-flight reaction(对抗反应). There are a lot of tiny blood vessels in your face, which turn noticeably redder from this sudden rush of blood. As for the actual function of blushing, researchers are still trying to find that one out.Why are yawns contagious?Have you ever yawned in front of someone, only to have them yawn right back? Its a common thing, but researchers dont have a good explanation for it. They do, however, know this happens only with humans and chimpanzees(黑猩猩). A bigger question puzzling scientists is why we yawn at all. It used to be thought that yawning showed that oxygen to the brain was not enough, but thats just a myth. A growing body of research now shows that yawning is natures way of keeping our brains cool.(1) What is the meaning of the underlined word tighten? A . 变松B . 变紧C . 变短D . 变长(2) Which of the following sentences can be filled in the blank? A . And thats what youre hearing when your stomach makes noise.B . And thats why youre so hungry when your stomach is emptyC . And thats what makes you feel uncomfortable when youre full.D . And thats how it makes a difference to your digestive tract.(3) Which of the following statements is TRUE? A . There is no way for you to improve an ice-cream headache.B . Researchers have found out the actual function of blushing.C . Your stomach makes noise only when you are hungry.D . Researchers dont have a good explanation for why yawns are contagious.(4) What is the best title of the passage? A . Some Interesting FactsB . Our Strange BodyC . Some Useful DiscoveriesD . Our Amazing Feelings七、 任务型阅读。 (共3题;共33分)27. (10分) 阅读理解 When my brother and I were children, we spent a few weeks each summer in the countryside with our uncle. He was a geologist and loved to go on long walks to find stones to add to his collection at the university. More often than not, we followed him.One day, we left early and this time, our uncle gave us two backpacks. You can help me carry the samples(样本), he explained.Sure, why not? The whole day, we walked around the countryside, and every now and then, our uncle put stones in our bags. We were a bit surprised that sometimes he also took some stones out from our bags, but thought he had just found better samples.We reached the house in the late afternoon. The backpacks were so heavy that we were really tired out when we put them on the ground. Yet our uncles backpack was half-empty.Why did you give us so many stones? we asked. I didnt. You did, he said, waiting for a while before continuing. You did not know it, but I made you go through a little attitude(态度) test today.What do you mean an attitude test? we wanted to know.It is something someone once did to me. You see, I listened to every word you said. And whenever you complained(抱怨) about anyone or anything, I added a stone to your bags. And whenever you talked about something in an attitude of positive thinking, I took out a stone. And now look at your backpacks. We did. They were full. I hope you remember this little attitude test. You see, your negative(负面的) thoughts are like stones. You carry them in your mind just like those stones in a backpack. The more negative thoughts you have, the heavier your mind is. So look at those bags and start paying attention to what you say and how you say things.This little lesson was one of the most important I ever had. And I remember my uncle with great love for teaching us one of the most important lessons in life-the power of attitude.(1) A geologist is a person who . A . grows plantsB . studies the earthC . sells stonesD . draws pictures(2) What did the writer and his brother often do when staying with their uncle in the countryside? A . They often followed him to collect stones.B . They often followed him to his university.C . They often studied the stones with him.D . They often took long walks to enjoy nature.(3) When the writer and his brother returned home late in the afternoon, . A . they were tired but happy that they had helped their uncleB . they wished they could collect more sample stonesC . they found that their bags were filled with stonesD . they were angry to find their uncles bag half-empty(4) How did the uncle explain the attitude test to the author? A . By giving examples of good stones.B . By asking questions about the stones.C . By using famous sayings about stones.D . By comparing negative thoughts to stones.(5) This article is mainly written to tell us that . A . we should do science tests from time to timeB . we should spend more time collecting storiesC . we should be more positive when facing difficultiesD . we should pay more attention to our backpacks28. (5分) (2018南充) 阅读短文,根据短文内容,在短文后的空格里填入最恰当的单词(每空限填一词)。One of the biggest mistakes a person can make is to try not to make mistakes. As you make decisions in your life, you will very likely make some mistakes. But making mistakes is a big part of how you gain(获得) experience.A simple example. You do poorly on a test because you didnt study hard enough. One bad test is not the end of the world, but it can quickly teach you that if you dont study, you wont do well.Mistakes sometimes lead to arguments(争论) between people. But if you learn to understand things from another persons point of view, you will be able to learn very quickly from the mistakes you make and the mistakes you think other people have made. You can turn mistakes into opportunities(机会) .For example, if you learn to understand others feelings and problems, you will understand the people you work with much better instead of getting angry. And you will learn to talk about problems and be more patient with people you dont agree witha friend, or a mate in your workroom or company.So next time you think youve made a mistake, stop and ask yourself what youve learned from it, and what you will do differently in the future.Show me the person in the room who has made a lot of mistakes, and Ill show you the person who has probably learned a lot.Everyone makes _Viewpoints( 观点)ExamplesIt is a big mistake to try not to make mistakes. You can gain experience from mistakes.One bad test can teach you that you will do badly unless you work _.Learn to understand things from another persons point of view.Learn from your own mistakes and _mistakes.If you understand others, you will be more patient with people you _ with.If you make a mistake next time, ask yourself what to do differently in the future.Conclusion: Mistakes are just a part of _. Learn from mistakes.29. (18分) 任务型阅读Students in Japan are trying a new kind of travelling. In the p


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