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Lets spell,My home,我的家,Unit 4,Lets chant,Study, study, go to the study, read a book. Bathroom, bathroom, go to the bathroom, take a shower. Bedroom, bedroom, go to the bedroom, have a nap. Living room, living room, go to the living room, watch TV. Kitchen, kitchen, go to the kitchen, have a snack.,nos,cap,cap,nos,hat,hat,bit,hop,hop,tip,tip,bit,e,e,e,e,e,e,a-e,a,i-e,i,o-e,o,/ei/,/,/i/,/ai/,/u/,/,us up jump mum,study duck bus cut,Can you read?,/,我发现,u的发音是?,你还能想出其他含有“u” 单词吗?,c,t,b,p,m,s,t,s,m,l,b,Try to read,Excuse me. Can I use your cute ?,excuse,use,cute,Lets say,u s e,z,ju:,use a pen,用钢笔,k,ju:,t,c u t e,a cute cat,excuse,Excuse me. I lost my cat.,i,k,z,ju:,ks,What do they have in common? 看一看,读一读,找一找这些单词的共同点。,use,cute,excuse,P.40,/ ju: /,我发现,u-e的发音是?,Make the words,你会说,我会拼!,Lets spell,u e,Lets spell,t,ute,ute, ute, ute,u e,mume buse fune cute,u-e,cut,fun,u,bus,mum,同学们,快来帮帮单词宝宝吧!他们该坐哪辆车呢?,cute,but,huge,us,fun,mute,run,duke,u,/ju:/,/,u-e,u,我 会 读,说句excuse,借车use。,举着gun,瞄准sun,不停run,真是fun。,The duck is .,Can I your pen?,我 会 写,Choose the different ones. 选出不同类的一项。,( )1. A. excuse B. cute C. cut ( ) 2. A. study B. use C. tube ( )3. A. bus B. cute C. duck ( )4. A. fun B. up C. mule ( )5. A. but B. pute C.dug,C,C,B,A,B,( )1.A.bus B. use ( )2.A.duke B. duck ( )3.A.cute B. cut ( )4.A.tube B. up ( )5.A.nut B. dude ( )6.A.but B. mule,Listen and choose. 选出你听到的单词。,B,B,B,A,A,A,P40,Listen, circle and say.,听第一遍录音圈字母,第二遍录音拼写单词。,Enjoy a story,Duck and Mule,(管子),(小虫),(坚果),cute,cut,us,use,fun,tube,bug,mud,nut,mute,rug,cube,duke,excuse,tub,cute,cut,us,use,fun,tube,tub,bug,nut,mute,rug,cube,duke,excuse,A,B,nut(坚果),Duck,Mule,mud,a i o u,e,-e -e -e -e,Summary,u-e ju: cute u duck,Summary,a-e ei cake a cat,i-e ai like i i big,o-e u note o dog,l_ke t_be s_t p_p b_ke p_ke h_t l_ck,Dictation(听写),a,u,i,u,i,o,1.根据听到的单词填入字母a,i,o,u.,o,a,2.写出你听到的单词。,pute,but,take,site,bat,sit,note,lot,Homework,口头作业: 1.跟读书P40 Lets spell 三个单词。 2.搜集并朗读含u-e的单词。 3.表演故事“Cute and Duck”。 笔头作业: 抄写书本P40 Listen, circle and write的 四个单词,每个4遍。 ,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,同学们,来学校和回家的路上要注意安全,


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