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2000年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三组试题(时间:120分钟总分:150分)听力部分(共四大题,计30分)I.听辨单词和词组(Words and phrases)(共5小题,计5分)从下列各组单词中选出在你所听到的句子或对话中所含有的那个选项。每题只读一遍。(答案写在答题册上)1.A.October B.November C.September D.December2.A.above B.about C.along D.around3.A.mistook the bus B.missed the bus C.Mrs Kings bus D.met the bus4.A.fried B.fridge C.French D.fruit5.A.wide use B.used widely C.widely used D.usually usedII.句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分)从下列各组句子中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或最接近的选项。每题只读一遍。(答案写在答题册上)6.A.Fish and chips are popular in Scotland.B.There are fish and chips for the young in England.C.The young people like fish and chips very much in England.D.Fish and chips are for the young people in England.7.A.Mr. Brown asked the Indian man to jump the queue.B.Mr. Brown thought the Indian man was a queue jumper.C.Mr. Brown and the Indian man were queue jumpers.D.The Indian man thought Mr. Brown wasnt a queue jumper.8.A.Children in Britain often put stockings at the foot of their beds.B.British children often put stockings on their beds on Christmas Eve.C.Children often go to Britain to spend Christmas Eve.D.Children in Britain put shoes on their beds on Christmas Eve.9.A.Mary does well in maths, but not in English.B.Mary learns English and maths every week.C.Mary is good at English and maths.D.Mary is good at English, but not at maths.10.A.Miss Yang returns the students books to the readingroom in time.B.The students ask the teacher to return the books in time.C.The students return the books to Miss Yangs office in time.D.Miss Yangs students have to return the books to the library in time.III.对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分)A)你将听到一段对话和一个问题,选出能回答所提问题的选项。每题只读两遍。(答案写在答题册上)11.A.A driver. B.A worker in Tianan Men.C.A teacher. D.A conductor.12.A.In the shop. B.In the classroom.C.At home. D.On the playground.13.A.In the office. B.At home. C.In the restaurant(餐馆). D.In the shop.14.A.59 Green Field. B.59 road of Greenfield.C.59 Greyfield Road. D.95 Greenfield Road.15.A.Interesting. B.Not very well. C.Very happy. D.Very lucky.B)根据你所听到的对话,选择与其情景相符的图片。(答案写在答题册上)16.A.B.C.D.17.AB.C.D.18.A.B.C.D.19.A.B.C.D.20.A.B.C.D.IV.短文理解(Passages)(共10小题,计10分)A)根据图中所示和所听到的叙述,完成下列对话。(答案写在答题册上) Assistant(售货员):Can I help you?Mary:Yes, Im looking for clothes.Assistant:What size(尺码) do you want?Mary:_21Assistant:What colour are you looking for?Mary:Im not sure.Assistant:What about the blue one? Mary:I dont like it.Assistant:_22Mary:Mm,thats nice.Mary:_23Assistant:Yes, the changing rooms are over there.Assistant:Is it the right size?Mary:_24Have you got a smaller one?Assistant:Sorry. Thats the last one.Mary:How much is it?Assistant:_25Mary:Ill take it, please.B)你所听到的叙述是一段杰克讲述他妻子的事情,根据听到内容回答问题(答案写在答题册上)26.What does Jack think of Danielles job?27.How long can Danielle work at a time?28.What kind of people does Jacks wife often meet?29.Danielle doesnt make a lot of money every month,does she?30.How many people are there in Jacks family?笔试部分(共九大题,计120分)I.单项选择(Multiplechoice test)(共20小题,计20分)选择最佳选项。(答案写在答题册上)1.More than one person_hurt in that accident in 1980.A.has B.was C.were D.had been E.are2.Toms parents are busy_some cakes and_ready for the party tonight.A.buy;make B.selling;getting C.to get;have D.buying;to beE.buying;getting3.Mummy,could you buy me a dress like this?Certainly. We can buy_one than this,but_this.A.a better;better than B.a worse;as good asC.a cheaper;as good as D.a more expensive;not as good asE.a good;not as good as4.Kate can_your little sister because she is_girl in our class.A.look well after;the most careless B.care of;the most happyC.care;the hardest D.take good care of;the most carefulE.look at;a very careful5.Could you tell me_the film ends?They find out who the man is at last.A.when B.how soon C.why D.how E.what6.I dont know if he_tomorrow.If he_,Ill go to see him.A.leaves;gets up B.will go;will go C.will come;comesD.is arriving;leaves E.is busy;will be free7.Tell him to phone me as soon as he_.A.has gone B.gets there C.will arrive D.is going to comeE.is leaving8.We have to help her with her lessons,_we?A.dont B.havent C.have D.are E.wont9.Jones won the gold medal in the_race in the 27th Olympic Games.A.womens 100metres B.womens 100metreC.womens 100 metres D.women 100 metreE.100 metres of women10.Must we bring all the books with us?No,you_.You_bring some of them.A.cant;may B.may not;will C.mustnt;can D.wont;needE.neednt;may11.Remember,Ill be waiting for you at_gate of_cinema at seven in evening.A.a;a;the B.the;the;the C.a;the;an D.the;a;an E.the;a;the12.Everyone in the village could make shoes_,but_didnt wear their own shoes.A.himself;they B.oneself;one C.themselves;they D.themselves;none E.oneself;ones13.Why did they help Mrs Brown with her work?Because she was_.A.an old friend of them B.a good friend of theirsC.one of their friend D.the friend of themE.the one of their friends14.The girl is afraid_her teacher,and she doesnt want to sit_the classroom.A.of;in front of B.for;at the front ofC.at;before D.for;in front of E.of;in the front of15.Mr. Brown_to Leeds.He_there for two days.A.goes;was B.has gone;has beenC.has left,will be D.has visited;has goneE.had gone;will be16.There_an American film “Titanic” in this cinema next Sunday.A.puts on B.will have C.is going to have D.has E.is going to be17.This picture is too old. Please_and_ a new one.A.take it off;put off B.put it up;take downC.put it down;take up D.take it down;put upE.bring it out;put away18.Which of the two sweaters will you choose?_.They look nearly the same,and I just need one.A.Both B.None C.All D.Neither E.Either19.The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than_made in America.A.ones B.those C.such D.that E.this20.I dont like chicken_fish.I dont like chicken,I like fish.A.but;but B.and;and C.or;but D.or;andE.or;orII.情景对话(Situational dialogues)(共10小题,计10分)A)根据上、下文选择最佳选项。(答案写在答题册上)21.You havent travelled to Changbaishan,have you?No,I havent._ A.I found two animals in it. B.I have two tickets for the new film.C.I bought a new bike. D.How I wish to go there!22.Its so hot in the room._Not at all.Id be happy to.A.Isnt it very cold today? B.Have you bought the kite to me?C.Would you mind opening the window? D.Are you feeling ill today?23.Where are you working now?I am working for a newspaper.Ive been there for five years._In No.2 Middle School.A.What are you going to be? B.How did you get to the school?C.Where did you work before that? D.Why do you start work so early?24.Is Henry in,Madam?Sorry,he is out._OK.A.What day is his birthday? B.Can I leave him a message?C.He must be ill. D.Did he buy the blue shirt?25.The following sentences are from a dialogue.Which is the right order?_ .a.I like it very much.It is nice and warm.b.I agree.Thats because it is spring now.c.Hi,Mr Zhang!Nice to meet you!d.Nice to meet you,too!How do you like the weather here?A.dbac B.abcd C.bacd D.cdabB)根据情景,选择最佳选项补全对话。(答案写在答题册上)Tom:That wasn,t a bad meal.Mary:26_.It was very nice of you, Tom. Now, I really must go home.Tom:Oh,27_.Mary:No, really, Tom,28_.Tom:Well, look,Mary. What about Saturday?29_? We can go down the river on the boat and have a picnic.Mary:Saturday? Thats the twentyninth. Let me see.30_.Saturday, the twentyninth.of June. hmm. Well, all right, then. See you on the twentyninth.Tom:See you.26.A.I forgot my watch B.No, it was very goodC.I want to go skating D.Its going to rain27.A.let me take you home B.its only ten oclockC.its too late today D.see you next Saturday28.A.I have finished my homework B.The music is very niceC.I have lost my new book D.I must be off29.A.Do you have a friend thereB.Would you like to go out with me on SaturdayC.Are you good at speaking English D.How many days are there in a month30.A.Heres my diary B.This is a mapC.Its raining today D.Its time for lunchIII.完形填空(Cloze test)(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3140各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(答案写在答题册上)Linda Evans was a wellknown writer of childrens stories, who lived in a fine old house in Devon. Usually she worked at home, in her quiet31_. Long before her books became popular, she had tried to teach 32_ how to use a computer, and now she typed(打字) all her stories on her Apple Mac Computer. But sometimes she had to 33_to get some books from the library or have a meeting . She didnt like being away, because she was very worried about burglars(盗贼). So she was very careful. Just before leaving, she always put a full cup of coffee on the kitchen table, and left the radio playing, to make a burglar think there was 34_at home.One day she came back after a day out, and saw at once that someone had been there. There was only a little 35_left in the cup, and the radio was off. But when she looked at her computer, she saw it was 36_, and someone had typed in 37_. She had no idea who had got in, or how, because none of the doors or windows were broken. But she sat down to read the story, and it was a very good one. “Ill use it in my next book!” she said38_.The next month she had to go to London. She put a pot of coffee and a plate of sandwiches on the table. When she returned, the coffee and sandwiches had 39_. She ran to the computer. This time there was only 40_on the screen. “ITS NOT YOURSTORY, ITS MINE!”it said.31.A.classes B.lessons C.classroom D.study32.A.the students B.herself C.the burglar D.her children33.A.leave the house B.have a rest C.give a message D.buy a computer34.A.nobody B.a computer C.a burglar D.someone35.A.a book B.the radio C.coffee D.an apple36.A.on B.off C.broken D.over37.A.nothing B.a picture C.a letter D.a new story38.A.carefully B.sadly C.happily D.badly39.A.brought B.broken C.gone D.eaten40.A.a piece of paper B.a message C.a new story D.nothingIV. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共30小题,计30分)A)选择题:阅读下列短文,从每题所给四个选项中选择正确答案。(答案写在答题册上)(A)In the summer of 1980 a Spanish tourist, Gaspar Carner, went to Great Britain on holiday. When he was travelling in Scotland, he decided(决定) to visit Loch Ness, the famous(著名的) lake where people say there is a monster(怪物). But while he was going across the lake in a boat, his bag fell into the water. In the bag were his passport, car keys, pen, and all his money. Loch Ness is 150 metres deep, so he didnt expect to see the bag again!Fourteen years later, in 1994, some scientists decided to explore(探索) the lake. They looked for the Loch Ness monster. Suddenly one of them saw something black in the water. They carefully went nearer. They thought the black thing was the monster. They went nearer and nearer. It was a bag. They took the bag out of the lake. They found that the photo on the passport was still clear. One of the scientists knew Gaspar Carner. So the bag was returned to him.41.Carner visited Loch Ness.A.on business B.on holiday C.for exploring D.for money42.Why is the lake famous? Because.A.its very deep B.theres a bag in itC.there may be a monster D.its in Scotland43.Whats in Carners bag?.A.A monster B.Something black C.Many useful things D.photo44.How did the explorers know the bag was Carners?.A.Carner recognised(认出) the bag B.One of the explorers knew CarnerC.Carner was very famous D.They expected it was the monster(B)In England,many children go to nursery school from the age of about three,but these schools are not compulsory.Compulsory education begins at the age of five,when children go to primary school.Primary education takes six years,then pupils go to secondary school.After six years of secondary education,pupils take the General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE) examination.Most pupils take about eight subjects in this exam. Compulsory education ends at sixteen. Some people choose to stay at secondary school for a further two years and then take the Advanced Level General Certificate of Education(Alevel )examination.Students can take three or four subjects in this exam.Other people leave school at sixteen and go to colleges for further education. Education in England has had many changes in the last ten years.Another new change took place in September 2000,in 6th Forms where students will have study four or five subjects at Slevel for their first year and then choose 3 in their second year to study at Alevel( Slevel is not as difficult as Alevel). Higher education begins at eighteen and usually takes three or four years.Students go to universities,polytechnic schools or colleges of higher education.45.The compulsory education in England needs_years.A.2 B.9 C.12 D.1846.Compulsory education means_.A.children can choose any school B.every child must go to schoolC.the school education D.the education for the children47.Pupils will have to take GCSE exams_.A.when they go to primary school B.during their secondary school yearsC.after they finish schooling D.before they go to secondary school48.If a student wants to stay at a secondary school for two more years of further study,hellhave to take a(n)_exam.A.final B.AlevelC.GCSE D.secondary school49.Some students in 6th Forms can choose four to five subjects at _exam.A.S-level B.A-level C.GCSE D.all-level(C)根据下列所给图片的提示重新安排整个故事的顺序,并选择正确答案。 was a cold, dark night in November, and it was raining. It was six oclock and people were going home from work. Diana left her bank in a hurry, but she wasnt going home. She was driving to her friend Daniels house to have dinner.a.Suddenly she hit something in the road. Shestopped, and got out of the car. It was a cat, but itwas dead. So she got back in the car. b.Diana went on with her drive.She looked in themirror and saw a black truck behind her. It was verynear. She began to feel a bit afraid. It was followingher! Then the seven oclock news started on the radio.“The police are looking for a murderer(杀人犯) who ranaway from a northLondon prison last night. He is verydangerous.” Now Diana was really afraid.c.At ten to seven, Diana was driving along the A1Road. Her friend Daniel was a farmer and he lived 30km north of London. She was listening to the radio,andbeginning to free herself after a hard day at the office. d.When the doorbell rang, Daniel was making dinner. He heard Diana shouting, quickly took his gun,and ran to the door. At that moment, the black truckstopped next to Dianas car. A tall man got out. Itwas Daniels father.e.She began to drive faster, but the truck drove fastertoo. It was right behind her. She left the Al Road but theblack truck followed her. Now Diana was terrified. Atlast she arrived at Daniels farm. She ran up to thehouse, and rang the doorbell. “Help,help, Daniel,”she shouted.50.Choose the right order of the whole story.A.cbaed B.cabed C.abced D.cebad51.It took Diana_to drive to her friends home.A.fifty minutes B.an hourC.more than an hour D.half an hour52.Diana became even more afraid after she_.A.hit the cat B.saw the police C.found the truck D.heard the news53.Diana worked in_.A.a bank B.a police station C.a farm D.school54.Why did the tall man stop the truck next to Dianas car ?Because_.A.he wanted to kill Diana B.he wanted to have dinner with herC.he arrived home D.he was Daniels friend55.Daniel took his gun because he wanted to.A.help Diana B.shoot his fatherC.be a policeman D.protect(保护) the house B)非选择题:阅读下列短文,根据要求完成各题。(答案写在答题册上)(D)Jaya Rajah is six, but he doesnt go to school. He studies medicine at New York University in a class of twentyyearolds.Jaya was born in Madras in Indian but now lives in a house in New York with his mother, father and brother. They can all speak English. His father is a doctor.Jaya was different from a very young age. He could count(数数) before he could say “Mummy” or “Daddy”. He could answer questions on calculus(微积分) when he was five and do algebra(几何) when he was eight. Now he studies from 8:15 to 4:00 every day at the university. Then he studies at home with his father from 6:30 to 10:00 every evening. Jaya doesnt have any friends. He never goes out in the evenings, but he sometimes watches TV. He says,“I live for one thingI want to be a doctor before I am nineteen. Other children cant understand me.”回答5658题的问题。56.Who teaches him medicine at home?57.What was Rajah very interested in when he was very young,maths or medicine?58.Why doesnt Jaya Rajah make friends?(E) Changing placesJulie Willis is an artist from San Francisco(旧金山) who moved to London in 1988.We asked her to compare(对比) life in San Francisco andLondon. Heres what she told us.1.The citiesSan Francisco is a lovely city in a beautiful bay(海湾) in the USA. Its got lots of great buildings and places. Its smaller and much more modern than London, but its less interesting. London has a lot more theatres and museums. The Americans are usually more interested in money than culture! The buildings and streets in London are very great, and the parks and markets are wonderful. London isnt as dangerous as San Francisco. I feel much safer living herenobody carries a gun. The police dont carry guns either.2.The livingPeople have a higher standard(水平) of living in San Francisco because its much less expensive than England. For example, petrol is less than half the price and things like food, clothes, and cameras are much cheaper. Its a shoppers paradise(天堂) and I always spend a lot of money buying things before I go back to London! Its a bit more expensive to rent(租) a house in London and my bills(帐单) are much bigger than they were in San Francisco. So, although my salary(薪水) in London is about the same as it was in the United States, I have to work harder to get the same quality of life as I had before.3.Public transport(公共交通)In San Francisco you can walk everywhere because it,s a small city.There,s less traffic than in London, and the public transport is great. There are cablecars to go up all the hills and electric buses which make the city much cleaner. Public transport in London is terrible and really expensive. It takes me an hour to get to work and the journey is usually stressful. Londons dirtier too and much more polluted(污染). The traffic is bad, because there are too many cars and the streets are narrow. But English drivers arent as bad as American drivers!4.The foodFood in the United States is much better. Its fresher, cheaper, and theres much more choice. Restaurants(餐厅) arent as expensive as in London and the service is much better. In some restaurants they put a clock on the table when you arrive, and if they havent served your meal in five minutes, theyll give you the food free!回答5965题的问题:59.From the whole article(文章), which city does Julie Willis like better, London or San Francisco?60.What is Julies job?61.Why do the American people have a higher standard of living than people in London?62.In what way does Julie always save her money in London?63.How far is it f


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