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鲁教版中考模拟英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ I finish the work today?No, you neednt.AMustBMayCCanDNeed2 . - What did Lucy ask just now ?- She asked _.Aif there will be a meeting.Bwhen the meeting will beginCif would there be a meetingDwhen the meeting would begin3 . Where is Mr. Wu? He together with his students _ singing by the lake .Ais practisingBare practisingCwill practiseDwould practise4 . Would you like to visit the library with me this afternoon?Sorry,I it a few times.AvisitBam visitingChave visitedDwill visit5 . Which would you like, milk _ tea?AorBandCbutDwith6 . A talk about H7N9in this school next week.Awill be heldBwill heldChas heldDhas been held7 . -_ is it from your home to the supermarket? -About ten minutes walkAHow longBHow farCHow muchDHow many8 . My sister is a clerk(职员). _ works (工作)in a bank (银行).AIBSheCYouDHe9 . We all know that the Anti-Japanese War_ in 1937 and _ for eight years.Awas broken out; was lastedBbroke out; lastedCbroke out; was lastedDwas broken out; lasted10 . The new actor was very nervous when he stood on the stage and his heart _ so fast at that time.Ais beatingBwas beatingCwill beatDbeat11 . Our school trip is _May.AinBonCat12 . I dont know when Jim _ . Ill meet him at the airport when he_ .Awill return; returnBreturns; will returnCreturned; returnedDwill return; returns二、完型填空Dear Sigmund FriendMy name is Simon and I am a Grade 9 student. I am crazy_football! I love_football, reading about football, and of course, playing football. My dream_I have_friends, and we always play football together at school or in the park after school. We like staying out late to play football. We often play for three hours or more and forget when to stop. Then I_trouble at home because my parents do not allow me to play outside after 6 p.m. I really do not understand why they are so strict. I feel stressed and angry_I believe it is important for us to spend some time on our hobbies. They can help us relax and make our lives_I wish I could have my parents_Is it bad to stay out late to play football? Should I spend less time on it? I really do not know_Can you please advise me how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies? Thanks a lot.Best wishesSimon13 . AforBwithCofDabout14 . AwatchingBseeingClooking atDlooking15 . Aam to beBis to beCis to beingDare to be16 . AbookBworkCadviceDschool17 . AmuchBnot anyCfewDplenty of18 . Aget inBget intoCget onDget off19 . Afrom time to timeBfrom times to timesCbetween time and timeDbetween times and times20 . Amuch interestingBmore interestedCmore interestingDthe most interesting21 . AsupportBsupportedCsupportingDsupports22 . Awhy to doBwhen to doCwhat to doDwhere to do三、阅读单选If you go to an American middle school on Wednesday morning, you will hear kids talking about the American idol(美国偶像)show from the night before. Some have called it the most influential show in the history of television.American Idol has been extremely successful in the country since 2002. The show was number one for six years! The most popular episode(剧集)had nearly 38 millionviewers. But why is the show so popular?The idea of the show is this: everyday people get a chance to show their singing talents to the world and become an “American Idol”, a famous pop star. Anyone in the country(between the ages of 15 and 28) can have a trya chance of becoming world famous.In fact, everyday people are the ones who are allowed on the show. If you are a professional singeryou cannot be an American Idol. The winners are regular people from small townspeople who sang in churches or bars(酒吧)but had bigger dreams.The winners of the contest dont get a prize of money. Instead, they get to record an album. Famous stars such as Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood gained fame(获得名声) from winning the show. So, it seems the contest really works.It is the idea that anyone can be a super star that draws people to this program. All those hours of practicing in front of the mirror could lead to fame and fortune(财富).Even you could be the next “American Idol”.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。23 . On Wednesday morning, US middle school kids often _.Aplay ball games to keep fitBwatch the American Idol showCtalk about TV showsDperform on TV shows24 . The underlined word “viewers” means _ in Chinese.A听众B观众C评委D制片人25 . According to the story, only _ allowed on the show.Aprofessional singersBfamous pop starsCprimary school kidsDordinary people26 . _ attracts people to watch and take part in the shows.AThe prize of lots of moneyBThe idea that anyone can be a pop starCThe chance to record an albumDThe dream of becoming a professional27 . What does the story mainly tell us about?AHow US kids spend their spare time.BWhy the American Idol show is so popular.CWhat Americas most successful show is.DHow the American Idol show creates pop stars.My dream schoolAt 10 a.m., we go to the music room for the first lesson of the day. My friends and I sing ourfavourite songs. After the music class, its time to go to the computer room. The teacher teaches us some new computer games. Then it is time for lunch. There is an “English Day” in the dining hall, so we talk in English and eat English food. Then I have some ice cream. School food is really good. After lunch I go to the gym (体育馆) for sport. A famous basketball player teaches us how to play basketball. I think I do it very well. But football is my favorite game. Then we go to the school cinema. We watch Jurassic Park (侏罗纪公园) to help us with our homework on dinosaurs (恐龙). After the film it is time to get on the school bus to go home. I have some noodles after I get home. Then I do my homework and read Harry Potter. What a happy dream school day!28 . The first lesson is _.AmusicBartCfootballDbasketball29 . The boys basketball coach (教练) is _.Athe boy himselfBa policemanCa famous basketball playerDa common (普通的) teacher30 . The film is_ .AJurassic ParkBHarry PotterCMickey MouseDWho Moved My Cheese31 . What DOESNT the writer do in his dream school day?AHave lunch.BSpeak English.CSwim.DPlay computer games.When you are sad, you need to find ways to deal with your sadness, youll find your own happiness.Accept (接受) your sadness. Its not a bad thing to feel sad. Try to face what is making you feel sad. Dont pretend(假装) it isnt there. And dont believe it will just go away on its own.Speak about your sadness. You dont have to tell everybody everything, but it is nice to talk to friends or family about your feelings. You may not need him or her to say a word; just having someone to listen to you is sometimes enough.Put your sadness into written words. Write down how you are feeling every day and why you think you are feeling this way. Write down how you deal with your sadness and which ways work.Take part in activities. Read a good book, listen to musiC. see a movie, exercise or take a walk outside. These can help you feel relaxed and forget your sadness.See a doctor. If your sadness starts to interfere with (干扰) everyday life seriously, you should ask your doctor for help.32 . Which of the following is true?AWriting down your sadness is helpful for you to deal with it.BAlthough feeling sad is bad, our sadness can go away on its own.CWhen you tell your friends about your feelings, they must say something.33 . How many kinds of activities are mentioned in Paragraph 5?AFour. B. Five C. Six34 . What should we do if we cant go on with our everyday life because of sadness?AAccept your sadness.BTake part in activities.CAsk your doctor for advice.35 . The best title (标题) of the article should be_.AWays to deal with sadnessBSadness in our lifeCHow to get happinessCome to this great store and have a look. Some interesting things are on sale (减价出售).Colored PencilsThere are 50 colors in total.They are made from reforested wood (可再生林木). Price:US $7(US $12)White Model PlaneIt is easy to fly.It is suitable for beginners.Price:US$17(US $19)Girls Pink TentIt has light weight and is easy to fit together and take down.There are small holes in the windows.These holes let the air in and keep the bugs out.Price:US $24 (US $39)Wooden NumbersThere are numbers from 0 to 20 in different colors.There are 5 math signs.They can make learning fun.Price:US $11 (US $12)36 . How much are the colored pencils?A$24.B$7.C$17.D$11.37 . What color is the model plane?APink.BBlue.CGreen.DWhite.38 . Which of the following is NOT true?AColored pencils have 50 colors.BThe windows of the tent have holes.CThe model plane is difficult for beginners.DIt is interesting for children to learn with wooden numbers.39 . Sandys favorite color is pink. She will go to a summer camp. Which one can her parents buy for her?AA girls tent.BSome colored pencils.CA model plane.DSome wooden numbers.40 . Tony has 20 dollars.What can he buy?AA tent.BA model plane.CColored pencils and a model plane.DA tent and wooden numbers.四、回答问题阅读下面短文及图表,按要求完成所给任务,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。Parents with high expectations for their children are nothing new to Chinese kids. However, people often dont realize that children also have expectations for their parents. What expectations do Chinese children have for parent-child relationships?China Youth & Children Research Center did a survey on this topic in the United States, Japan, South Korea and China. The survey found that 83.8 percent of Chinese children want to be friends with their parents, the greatest amount among the four countries. This means that they want a more equal(平等的) relationship with their parents.According to China Youth Daily, traditional Chinese values (价值观) such as respecting ones elders and the concept of hierarchy (等级观念) are preventing parents from becoming friends with their children. Many Chinese parents criticize (批评) and push their children, as there is lots of competition in school. It requires efforts from both parents and children to create a friendship in family. As children, what can you do to create a pleasant atmosphere (氛围) at home and make friends with your parents? Read on to find out. Tips to make home a happy placeHow can we get along better with our parents, and at the same time, grow into adults ourselves? Here are some tips.Act like an adultIf you want your parents to give you more freedom, you should show them that youre ready to be treated differently. For example, learn to use self-control. Show them that you can manage your time well.Open your heartUS psychologist (心理学家) Carl E. Pickhard wrote in Psychology Today that sharing feelings with our parents can lead to positive changes, while not sharing them can cause misunderstandings.Care for your parentsDo something nice or helpful for your parents. For example, help them with some home chores, make them gifts or teach them some computer skills. Their trust in you will grow.More results from the surveyChinaUSJapanSouth KoreaKids often talk to their parents57.7%81.0%81.7%79.0%Kids think their parents understand them80.6%86.8%89.0%93.3%Kids have arguments with their parents 82.1%75.6%72.0%75.0%Kids have the most arguments with their parents because of Schoolwork(55.8%)Chores(20.0%)Schoolwork(43.4%)Schoolwork(44.7%)Source:CHINA YOUTH&CHILDREAN RESEARCH CENTER.201841 . What percent of Chinese children want to be friends with their parents?_42 . What are preventing Chinese parents from making friends with their children?_43 . Why do many Chinese parents criticize or push their children?_44 . According to the chart, do children in China have worse relationship than those in other countries?_45 . Do you have a good relationship with your parents? What do you expect them to do?_五、材料作文46 . 书面表达:小明和小华是在“手拉手”活动中结成的一对学习伙伴。前不久,小明来信向小华询问如何学好英语,请你以小华的名义给他写封回信。内容包括:1、学习英语的基本方法(listen carefully; speak much; read widely; learn.by heart; practise writing;.);2、你的体会和其他建议。要求:80词左右。信的开头与结尾已写好,不计入总词数。Dear Xiao Ming,Im glad to receive your letter. In your letter you asked me about how to learn English well._Yours,Xiao Hua六、话题作文47 . (题文)书面表达请向你的同学介绍一下,你都能会些什么。约30-50词。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、回答问题1、五、材料作文1、六、话题作文1、


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