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鲁教版中考二模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The family is too poor to send the child to school._!AWhat a pityBThats OKCDont do it again.2 . Nowadays, people use mobile phones too much. I feel the same. We must realize the importance of changing that.AhardlyBproperlyCexactlyDclearly3 . I _ a letter from him this morning. I felt very excited.AwroteBreceived CsentDread4 . I _ the streets in our neighborhood this time yesterday when you called me.Awas cleaningBhave cleanedCam cleaningDwould clean5 . Man landed on the moon in 1969 for the first time.Have you ever heard _ it?AonBtoCofDfrom6 . My father and mother are my_.AparentBgrandparentCparentsDfriend7 . Im going to buy a car. Any advice, Charlie?Well, it depends on _. If money isnt a problem, you can buy a BMW.Awhen you will buy oneBhow much you can affordCwhat color you likeDwhere you are driving8 . Must we wear our school uniform this afternoon?No, you_.All of us will go on an outing.AmustntBcantCneedntDcouldnt9 . People are _ building a paper factory near here because of the pollution.AforBwithCbeyondDagainst10 . Do you mean that he should prepare for his exam one month ahead of time ?Sure,Anyway,_.Aactions speak louder than wordsBbetter late than neverCa good beginning is half doneDthe early bird catches the worm(虫子)11 . -Doyoulikemath?-Yes,itsdifficultinteresting.AandBorCbutDbecause12 . Did your parents go to climb Mount. Tai last Sunday?No, they _went to a movie.AbothBallCeitherDeach13 . -Was your trip exciting?-Wait a minute, my photos taken there will show _,Awhat the trip was likeBhow did we go thereCwhere we goDwhen did we meet14 . Although our plane met with a storm, it landedAsafelyBsuddenlyCsecretlyDheavily二、完型填空Most kids have dogs or cats or fish as pets, but Betty has a_.The mouses name is Augustus. She likes mice _ they are small, easy to take care of and _. When her friends come over to her _,they dont like her mouse. They think a mouse is_.It was time to feed Augustus one day, but it was difficult to_ him.He wasnt in his little room. How did he get_? After hours of_Augustus around the house, Betty put up notices (告示) on the road. Her_ took them off. Hey! Why did you do that? ”Betty _.“I lost my dog so Im going to put my notice up. And_cares about a mouse, her neighbour said.Betty didnt let her neighbours words discourage (使泄气) her. She kept _“Lost Mouse” notice. Betty then heard ashout. “Oh,its a mouse!”someone cried out_ .Betty followed the shout and it led her to the_shop. She found Augustus eating in the_.She got him and held him happily.15 . AbirdBcatCdogDmouse16 . AbecauseBwhyCwhenDif17 . AlazyBcuteCuglyDbig18 . AschoolBhouseCfamilyDclass19 . AkindBgoodCfatDterrible20 . AfeedBfindCseeDhelp21 . AinBupCdownDout22 . Alooking forBwaiting forClistening toDhearing of23 . AneighbourBfriendCclassmateDparent24 . AspokeBtoldCaskedDanswered25 . AeverybodyBanybodyCnobodyDsomebody26 . Agetting upBlooking upCputting upDturning up27 . AcarefullyBloudCslowlyDearly28 . AdrinkBflowerCfoodDbook29 . AlibraryBbankCshopDrestaurant三、阅读单选Hollywood is a neighbourhood in Los Angeles,California. It used to be the historical centre of movie studios and movie stars. And the word Hollywood is often used as a metonymy(转喻)of American cinema, But these are only memories. Hollywood isnt quite the same as it used to be. Costs have gone up and confidence has gone down. Movie-makers are afraid to spend their money on expensive new ideas.Hollywood is facing big challenges! The film industry is changing fast. Teenagers will go out to see the movies. The theatre is a good place to meet friends away from home. Older people mostly stay at home to watch drama series,like Dynasty. These soap operas,as they are called,show rich,powerful families living in beautiful houses and wearing beautiful clothes. But the actors and the actresses are nearly middle-aged.Though soap operas keep the movie-makers of Hollywood in business,big movies are still being made in America. But more and more of them are made outside Hollywood. New York is the most important new centre, and there are many others as well. Movie-makers have realized that they dont need Hollywood any more. They use modern cameras and real houses instead of expensively made copies in a studio. Other states, especially Florida and Texas, are working hard to take the film business away from California. They are offering better working conditions and lower cost.30 . The second paragraph mainly tells us about .Aactors and actresses at all agesBsoap operasCwhat teenagers likeDHollywoods challenges31 . is one of the most important film centres in America now.ANew YorkBHollywoodCFloridaDTexas32 . Now movie-makers use instead of expensively made copies in a studio.Acheaper thingsBolder actorsCreal thingsDold things33 . The rest title for this passage is .AMovies Americans likeBHollywood is facing big challengesCAmerican new movie industryDFilm industries in AmericaSummer is here ! Its time to take the tent and walk into the forest for a fun weekend of camping.Whether (无论) you go for a week or a weekend with your family or friends, the first thing you need to remember is safety when camping.Always tell someone what your plans are, where you are going, what time you will be back and who will be with.Never go alone . Its better to have someone with you. Make sure you have everything you need before you go out . You can writer them down on a piece of paper and put them one by one into your schoolbag.Know some first aid and carry a first aid kit(急救包)with you.Know the area you are camping in and how to get back homeIf youre not sure about your camping abilities(能力),take an adult with you.Never go out into the forests without knowing the area ,the animals you might meet or the rulers for camping in the area.You can learn more about camping and what you might need to take with you on our website.34 . The passage is for the children who want to go for a camp in a .AmountainBforestCcountrysideDpark35 . The underlined word “safety” means “ ”?Athe food you will takeBthe way you will chooseCthe condition(状况) of not being in dangerDthe communication with your family36 . How many pieces of advice does the passage give?AFourBFiveCSixDSeven37 . What does the passage mainly talk about?AAbout the safety when campingBThe first aid when campingCA fun weekendDSummer plansThis is my story. It is the beginning of the second semester and a new year in eighth grade. I was over at my best friend Christinas house. Yet again, she was listening to her favorite CD-Dream Street. When I got to her room she turned down her music and we talked about it. She said that she was the best DS fan ever. I said theyre OK and I like the music. Then she went on to say that I wasnt a “true” fan, so I left her house and walked home. The next day I found a note in my locker(衣物柜). It was from Christina. It said, “I do not consider you as one of my friends. You are a liar.”After that dreadful day it got worse. I didnt smile, or even talk to my other friends. I completely shut myself off from the world. I just didnt understand what went wrong. Finally after a few days, some of my friends got together and came to me. They tried their best to comfort me and make me smile.The time that I realized something very important was that night. After several sleepless nights, I suddenly realized that I was loved, and I had other friends, I could get over it. Quickly, I turned on my light and started writing a letter to each of my friends. I wrote about the good times and how much I cared about them. I told what was happening to me, why I was so upset, and I thanked each of them for helping me. The next day I gave my friends the letters. When they finished reading them, they thanked me and gave me a big hug. I realized that I needed to be strong and how friends could help with your problems and help you heal.38 . From the reading we know _.AChristina is a good studentBthe writer and Christina are still good friendsCthe writer did something wrong to her friendsDthe writer learned a good lesson from the experience39 . Which of the following is closest to the word “liar”?AHonest peopleBFoolish peopleCDishonest peopleDShy people40 . How old is the writer most probably?A8-10B12-14C16-18DOver 2041 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AFriends should learn from each other.BThe writer gets on well with other students.CGood friends should have similar hobby.DThe writer had a fight with Christina.42 . The best title for the reading is _.ATrouble in FriendshipBBreak off FriendshipCThe lost FriendshipDTrue FriendshipQIGONGMake you healthyRelax your body and mindExercise gentlyClasses open to BeginnersThe art of Qigong started in China, thousands of years ago.10 per classSaturday & Sunday afternoonsTel: 7564349Watercolorat Harbor HouseA fun place to learnhow to use watercolors!For adults only 8 per classIf you are 50 or over,its FREE!Mondays: 6:30 pm-8:00pmThursdays: 8:00 am-10:00amTel: 8743236WEAWomen-only English classesWe hold weekly-Englishclasses for newcomersfrom other countries!Mondays 10:30am-12:30amWednesdays 6:30pm-8:30pmFriendly and relaxed,all our classes are free!(Tel: 9203346)43 . Which of the following says that can make you healthy?AQigong.BWatercolor.CWea.DAll of the three.44 . If an office lady needs to improve (提高) her English, she can call _.A7564349B8743236C9652313D920334645 . If your mother is 52 years old. How much does your mother need to pay if she wants to have 10 classes of Watercolor?A100 pounds.B80 pounds.CFree.D50 pounds四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(单句首字母填空)46 . He is very poor and cant a_ a new car.47 . He looks very old. The p_ of life is too heavy for him.48 . The factory produces machines with good q_.49 . Its important for teenagers to set up correct v_ and life goals.50 . He gets angry easily. We often tell him not to be so i_.51 . The car is too expensive and I cant a_ it.52 . Many children are under too much p_, so they feel stressed out.53 . This is the best clothing store. It has good q_ clothes.54 . This book will be of great v_ to him in his study.55 . Ken doesnt like Victor. Every time Victor speaks, Ken listens to him i_.56 . The bike is too expensive. I cant a_ it.57 . Many children are under too much p_.They are busy all day.58 . We think he will be a good monitor because he has many good personal q_.59 . The dictionary that my father bought for me many years ago is still of great v_.60 . Dont be so i_! The bus will be here soon.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Word transformation:61 . Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most _areas in Japanese life. (complete)The first prize was awarded to the youngest _.Due to the lack of strong _, Baidu has a monopoly in the domestic search market.62 . Finding a good job is of great _ nowadays. (important)It was an _ job and paid very little.63 . He finally realized the _ of the big furniture, for he just owned a small house. (use)64 . Students from tropical countries are often _for the British climate. (prepare)Construction will begin as soon as _ are completed.65 . We should learn how to mark a book_ while reading.(intelligence)66 . Automic energy is considered as one of the greatest _ of the mankind (discover)Scientists around the world are working to_ a cure for H7N9.67 . One of natures_creatures is the tiny poison dart frog. (die)68 . She was hot and sweat _ into her eyes. (drip)69 . More than just fun, future kitchens will be _ friendly.(environment)70 . The government will punish the companies that use energy _.(waste)71 . He was_ about his sources of income. (quiz)72 . Emergency crews could face total darkness and extreme storms, racing against time as the oil puts_ polar bears, seals and other wildlife at risk.(danger)73 . He said market economy should be further _ in China in order to foster entrepreneurship and innovation.(strength)74 . It could be one among the legions of salesmen, responsible for cheating hundreds of Hong Kong residents out of their life _.(safe)75 . Vacations have_ and the work week has shortened. (long)用所给单词的适当形式填空76 . Listen!She _(sing)a song.77 . What are you doing?I _(run).78 . Do you like _(play)basketball?79 . I would like _(go)to see movies.80 . I usually _(get)up at 6:30 in the morning.81 . Lets go _(shop)tomorrow.82 . You are _(grow)so fast.六、完成句子Complete the sentences with the given Chinese(用括号中所给汉语完成下列句子):83 . He promised that he would not smoke _.(不再)84 . The maths problem is so difficult _.(没有人能够算出来)85 . We have given up many hobbies _.(包括旅游和运动)86 . Tom worked very hard and he _.(成功通过了考试)87 . Mom told Lisa to make sure _ when she was alone at home.(门和窗都安全地锁好了)七、信息归纳New ways to pay: third party online paymentDo you shop online with websites like Taobao? When you make an order on Taobao, the money you pay doesnt go directly to the seller. Instead, it goes to Alipay first, which keeps your money for a while. After you receive your goods and click the “confirm receipt” button, Alipay then gives the money to the seller.This process is called “third party online payment.” There is a transfer station, or a third account(中转站或第三方账户), between sellers and buyers to make online shopping safe. Buyers dont need to worry about paying for goods and then receiving nothing. Sellers also avoid risking receiving no money after sending out goods.These transfer stations are usually set up by payment companies such as Alipay, Tenpay and Yeepay. Among them, Aliay is the biggest in China. It has more than 270 million active users according to Xinhua.While most online sellers and shoppers like the third party online payment system, banks are not very happy. That is because companies like Alipay are fighting over money with the banks. Users can invest in financial products (投资金融产品) through Alipay and make money. Thus lots of people choose to put money in Alipay rather than in banks.But WeChat payment is not the same. WeChat doesnt have its own account. When paying through WeChat, buyers money goes directly to the sellers. Thats why so many people are excited about sending and receiving “red packets”, or gift money to their friends on WeChat.Both Alipay and WeChat payments are trying to draw more users and make online shopping easier. New payment methods such as quick response codes (二维码) have become popular too. Two companies are also developing and improving payments through fingerprints.New ways to pay: third party online paymentBasic information of third party online payment* For online pament, the money goes to Alipay first, which doesnt give it to the online seller 88 . the receipt is confirmed.* this process is called “third party online payment”.* There are many online payment companies and Alipay is the biggest.* It is super popular among people to receive and 89 . out “red packets” on WeChat because the money goes directly to their friends.* Banks are 90 . with such a payment system, because these online payment companies are fighting over money with the banks.Advantages & development of third party online payment*Sellers avoid the 91 . of receiving no money after sending out goods.* Shoppers neednt worry about paying for goods but receiving nothing.* Online payment companies, 92 . it is Alipay or WeChat payment are trying to make online shopping easier and safer to draw more users.* New online payment methods are sure to appear and be accepted.八、书信作文93 . (题文)假设你是李明。上周日你的班里举行了一次毕业聚会。请根据以下提示,给你的英国笔友 Robert 写一封邮件,向他描述聚会的情况及谈谈你当时的感受。要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;2必须包含所给提示,并进行适当发挥;3词数 80左右。(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Hi Robert,We had a graduation party last Sunday_Do you have such a party? Please write soon.Yours,Li Ming第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、信息归纳1、八、书信作文1、


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