牛津译林版八年级英语上册:Unit4 单元试题

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牛津译林版八年级英语上册:Unit4 单元试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Can I _ your flashlight?-Sure, but you mustnt _ it to others.Alend; borrowBborrow; lendCprovide; borrow2 . He coughed day and night. His wife asked him to stop smoking.Agiving upBgoing onCgive upDto go on3 . Kate felt _ talking in front of people because she enjoyed making speeches.AfunnyBexcitedCworriedDnervous4 . Lets _ and _ football now!Ato go; to playBgo; playCto go; playDgo; to play5 . Im uncertain when they will_.AreachBarriveCarrive atDget to6 . What a nice model plane!Thanks. I made it with a 3D printer by _.AmeBhimCyourselfDmyself7 . Jennyget up late, but now shegetting up early.Aused tobe used toBused tois used toCuses tois used toDuse tois used to8 . The English word WTO _ “The World Trade Organization”.AstandsBstands forCinstead ofDtidy up9 . The little girl _ the kite in the tree, but she was not tall enough to _ it.Areached for; reachBreached for; reached outCreached out; reached forDreached; reached for10 . If you _blue and yellow, you will make green.AputBmixCgetDcut11 . Sally often leaves _ school after a _ breakfast.Afrom; fastBfrom; fastlyCfor; quicklyDfor; quick12 . -I often listen to the song song Rainbow. -So do I . It beautiful.AfeelsBsmellsCsoundsDlooks13 . Mary _ me to hang out with her.AdecidedBrequestedCsuggested14 . He is _ and he has an _ sister.Aten-year-old;eight years oldBten years old;eight-year-oldCten year old;eight-years-oldDten-year-old;eight year old15 . We still dont know the result of the exam, and well have to wait two days.AotherBanotherCthe otherDothers16 . Harry invited methe film Aqua man with him last weekend.AseeBsawCseeingDto see17 . 一Mum, the Chinese medicine tastes .一But, dear, it is good for your health.AgoodBwellCterribleDterribly18 . If your alarm clock doesnt _ in the morning, you will be late.Aget offBgo offCto go offDgo out19 . Chen Long and Zhen Zidan have much _. And they often play similar roles in the movies.Ain commonBin factCthe same asDsuch as20 . Zhao Jian is asas Wu Li .They are both 160cm .AtallBtallerCtallestDthe tallest二、完型填空Carson was having dinner with his mother and sisters one evening. Suddenly his younger sister asked, “_ does it look like that outside?” Everyone looked out of the window on the north side of the kitchen. They saw the sun in a blue sky. Then, they looked out of the window on the south side of the kitchen. They saw a dark sky _ big,grey clouds. Next,they heard the tornado siren(龙卷风报警).That meant a tornado was coming. They all knew that during a tornado,the _ place to be is underground. _ ,they had a basement (地下室).They all ran quickly into the basement. Suddenly, Carson remembered the pet cat, Pete. Mum, we _ Pete!” Carson yelled, “ I will go upstairs and find him!” But his mother said, “No, Carson! Its too dangerous. The tornado is coming, you have to stay down here.” All at once they _ the very loud noise of a very strong wind. It was _ loud that although they were screaming, they could not even hear their own screams. Everyone was very scared.Just _ seconds later,it was finished. The tornado went away and everyone was safe. Carson ran upstairs and found that the house was _ damaged and Pete was gone. He began to cry went outside. He saw that all the trees were knocked down _ one. And at the top of the tree, there was Pete, looking at Carson and waiting for him to help him down.21 . AHowBWhatCWhyDWhere22 . AwithBhaveChasDhaving23 . AsafeBsafestCsafelyDsafety24 . ALuckyBLuckCLuckilyDUnlucky25 . AforgotBleftCleaveDforget26 . Aheard aboutBheardClistened toDheard of27 . AveryBsuchCtooDso28 . Aa few ofBa littleCa fewDa little of29 . AbadBbadlyCworseDworst30 . AbesidesBexceptCexpectDbeside三、阅读单选When I was a child in Minnesota, watermelon was too expensive for my family. One of my fathers friends, Bernie,was a rich businessman (商人).He had a large store in Saint Paul.Every summer, when the first watermelons arrived, Bernie would give us a call. My father and I would go to Bernies place. We would sit on the dock (码头)happily and get ready for a big meal.Bernie would take a big watermelon out,cut it up,give us both a big piece and sit down next to us.Then we three would put our faces into the watermelon,eating it happily.In my fathers eyes,Bernie was a real rich man.I always thought it was because he was a successful businessman.Later I learned that it was not Bernies money that made my father think like that.My father thought he was rich because of the way he lived his life.Bernie knew when to stop working,get together with friends and enjoy his“watermelon.Some of us,no matter(不管)how much money we have,will never be free enough to eat our“watermelon.If you dont take the time to sit on the“dockand enjoy lifes small pleasures,your work is probably injuringyour life.When I grew up,because I was too busy making money as a doctor,I forgot the lesson I once learned on the dock.Well,now Ive relearned(重新学习)it.Though Im still busy working as a doctor,I will try to slow down and take the time to enjoy the small pleasures of my life.31 . Which of the following is TRUE about Bernie?AHe grew watermelons.BHe was not rich.CHe had a large store.DHe had few friends.32 . When the writer and his father stayed in Bernies place,they felt_.AworriedBhappyCfunnyDsurprised33 . What does the underlined wordinjuringin Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?A丰富B改善C危害D反抗34 . What does the writer do?AA doctor.BA teacher.CA scientist.DA businessman.35 . What can we learn from the passage?AIt is not easy to make true friends.BOne has to have a dream and go for it.CEating too many watermelons is bad for our health.DOne should take some time to enjoy the small pleasures of life.36 . 请根据书虫A Christmas Carol的内容选择正确答案。【小题1】WhatstherelationshipbetweenScroogeandMarley?Aclassmates.Bneighbors.Cbusinesspartners.Dthestudentandteacher【小题2】WhatdidScroogeusetobelike?AkindBactiveCmeanDoutgoing【小题3】WhowastheonethatScroogeusedtolove?AMarleyBBelleCBobDGold【小题4】What didScroogesend toBobCratchitonChristmasmorning?AtheturkeyBthegoldcoinCtheChristmasspiritsDthebill【小题5】Intheendof thestory,whatdidScroogewantto doon Christmas Day?ATopayBobtwiceasmuch.BTocatchBobarrivinglateforwork.CTobemadatBob.DTomakeBobdomorework.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,写出括号内所给单词的适当形式。37 . What do you think of their _(speak) at the meeting yesterday? They are very wonderful.38 . -There is a lot of smoke coming out of the old building there. - Really? It should be a fire, most _(probable).39 . The man in black over there has an apartment in _ (center) London.40 . Man _ (remain) a hunter for thousands of years, ie before beginning to cultivate crops, etc.五、完成句子(A) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译。41 . 你介意把电视关掉吗?Would you mind _the TV?42 . 旧社会工人们每天要工作十多个小时。Workers were _ work for over ten hours every day in old days.43 . 坐飞机要比坐公交车快得多_taking the bus, taking the plan is much faster.44 . 很多青少年由于过重的作业负担而得不到足够的睡眠。A large number of teenagers cant get enough sleep_ too much homework45 . 我不知道怎样与他相处融洽。_46 . 不要把手机借给别人。_47 . 我想去日本观光。_六、填空Dear Alice,How are you? Im in a new school this term. This school is big and nice. There are about 300 students in my school. I like the teachers. Theyre all kind to me. My classmates are polite and helpful. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English.There are trees, flowers and grass in my school. Its very beautiful. Behind my school, theres a small river. We often go fishing there.We have no classes at the weekend. Sometimes I go to play football or basketball with my classmates. Sometimes I stay at home and read some interesting books. Sometimes I go shopping with my parents. We all like China.Please e-mail me soon.Yours Kate48 . Is This an e-mail from Kate to Alice?49 . Where is Kate this term.?50 . What does Kates classmates teach her?51 . What does Kate do sometimes at the weekend?52 . Whats behind Kates school?七、书信作文53 . 第二节书面表达假如你是国际学校的学生李华,你的同学Tom写了一封邮件询问你暑假的安排,请给Tom回封邮件,告知你的计划,并邀请他来黄石游玩。内容包括:1、读几本好书;2、参加社会实践活动;3、帮父母做家务;4、和朋友一起锻炼;5、邀请Tom。注意: 1、词数80左右;2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3、文中不能出现与本人相关信息;4、开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词忙:有意义的 meaningful经典文学作品classic literature works社会实践活动social practice activitiesDear Tom,Im very happy to hear from you. _第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、填空1、七、书信作文1、


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