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北师大版中考三模英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . What time does he _ TV?At eight oclock.AwatchesBwatchCwatchingDsee2 . Tom isnt good _music but he is talented _ art.Aat, withBfor, inCat, inDfor, with3 . _Would you mind my sitting beside you? _,its for my daughter.ACertainlyBYoud better not.CYoure welcomeDOf course not4 . The old man didnt tell us his age.So we dont know_.Ahow old he isBwhat his Job isCwhere he is fromDwhy he is happy5 . Its difficult to live in a foreign country, _if you cant speak the language.AdirectlyBespeciallyCusuallyDpolitely6 . He likes drawing pictures. Art is his favorite_.AsubjectBmathCMusicDscience7 . (题文)Excuse me, can you play tennis with me?一Yes. Im_now.AbusyBfreeCcoolDhappy8 . When are we going to see the movie Pirates of the Caribbean 5, this Saturday or Sunday?_ is OK. Im free this weekend.AEitherBBothCNeitherDEach9 . I cant find my English book.Well,you can ask the teacher _ help.AforBinCatDto10 . I took her bag instead of mine _Aby mistakesBby mistakeCwith mistakeDwith mistakes二、补全对话7选5阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。A: Hello, Liu Ning!B: 11 . A: Do you know Mary?B: 12 . Where does she come from? A: She comes from England. B: 13 . A: Shes tall. And she has long blond hair. B: 14 . A: Her T-shirt is yellow, and her pants are white. B: 15 . A: Yes, we are.AWhat color are her clothes?BHello, Wang Yang!CExcuse me, do you know her?DSorry, I dont know her.EWhat does she look like?FHow is she?GAre you good friends?三、补全短文7选5Learning vocabulary doesnt have to be boring. Many students have problems with vocabulary. 16 . Repeated encounters(反复遇见)The usual way of “memorizing” new material is repeating it. However, simply repeating a word seems to have little effect. 17 . Interval review(间隔复习) Its better to distribute (分配) memory work over a period of time rather than do it in a period. 18 . Learning and reviewing can help you remember more easily and more efficiently. 19 . Putting words into use helps add them to your memory. You should try your best to use them in your daily life.Learn it in interesting ways 20 . But it might be interesting. You can try learning English words in many different ways. Thanks to the Internet, there are more interesting ways to get the job done.AUse it or lose it.BRemembering words isnt difficult.CLearning words can be really boring.DThere are many new words in a unit.EThis is known as the rule of distributed practice.FHere are some good ways about how to memorize words.GBut the repetition is effective:repetition of encounters with a word.四、完型填空A kindergarten teacher decided to have her class play a game. The teacher told each student to bring a plastic bag with a few potatoes in it to school. Each student would “name their potatoes after people they did not like._,the number of potatoes would be _ depending on how many people each student hated. The next day,with their potatoes,all the students went to school _the game. Some kids had just one or two potatoes,while others had as many as five or six. The teacher then told the children that they would have to carry their potatoes with_ wherever they went for one week. Several days_Some of the students started to complain(抱怨),as their potatoes began to rot(腐烂)and _bad. The students who carried_potatoes began to get unsatisfied with the heavy bags. One week later,the game_The teacher asked,How did you _ carrying around your potatoes for a week?”The students complained once again. The teacher simply smiled and said,This is what its like to carry hatred(仇恨)in your heart. You have to carry it with you wherever you go. If you cant tolerate(容忍)carrying rotten potatoes for one week,how can you imagine having _in your heart for a whole lifetime?Forgive others and move on with your life.”21 . AHoweverBIn a wordCThereforeDAfter all22 . AdifferentBsimilarCthe sameDsmall23 . Ato watchBto join inCto winDto lose24 . AitBthatCthemDschool bags25 . Apassed byBpassed onCpassedDwalked by26 . AtasteBsmellCsoundDfeel27 . AfewBsomeCmoreDany28 . AcontinuedBwas doneCbeganDwas over29 . Afeel likeBlook likeCenjoyDjust like30 . AloveBhappinessCfriendshipDhate五、阅读单选Air is always around us. It is around us when we walk and play. From the time we are born, air is around us. When we sit down, it is around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air.All the animals and plants need air. Living things cant live without air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we can not live for more than a few minutes without air. We breathe in air. When we are walking or running, we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air.We live in air, but we cant see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can we make air move? Here is one way. Hold and open a book in you hand in front of your face. Close it quickly! What you feel is the air.31 . _ need air.ASome of the animalsBAll the thingsCSome of the plantsDAll the animals and plants32 . We can live for a few days _.Awithout airBwithout food or waterCwithout food or airDwithout air or water33 . We need _ air when we are asleep.AlessBnoCmostDa lot of34 . Which of the following sentences is TRUE(对的)?ASometimes we dont live in air.BAir is not around us when we go to bed.CWe can live happily without air.DWe need more air when we are working or running.35 . We live in air, but we cant _ it.AlookBseeCgetDfeel六、用单词的正确形式完成短文用单词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。Electronic (电子的) books, or e-books, have changed the way many of us read. Now electronic textbooks are 36 . the way many students learn. Many schools in Washington have begun using e-books. Rather than use a regular(正规的) textbook, its all online. “Our students are ready to use resources (资源) from different 37 . ,” said the head teacher Peter Norman. He talked about the advantages of electronic textbooks to a reporter, “The world is changing 38 . . Online textbooks are popular. Besides, electronic textbooks cost 39 . than regular textbooks. Every term our students need to pay about $150 for regular textbooks, but now they only need to 40 . about $100 on electronic textbooks. Students have different ideas about the change,41 . most like it.“I dont have to carry a textbook around, so that is nice,” said a high school student 42 . Melanie Reuter. Maria didnt 43 . . She said, “I dont like it because the Internet sometimes doesnt work.”Some students dont have a 44 . or cant go online at home. Stephen is one of them. But he said, “I can go to the 45 . or a friends house to surf the Internet.”七、信息匹配阅读下列五个软件的功能,将其与上面图片相匹配。其中一项为多余选项。ABCDEF26.Speaking English is important. SpeakingPal is one of the best apps for English learners to practice speaking. It allows users to chat with thousands of native English speakers. In short, Learn English, Speak English.27.Speaking English is easy, but writing it is often much more difficult. If you start to learn it, you will find you may get a lot of words misspelled. If you dont want this to happen, We suggest you should try it and correct your English spelling easily.28.In Learn English Video, youll find two thousand best videos offered on topics such as UK food and culture, everyday life and famous stories and poems. It can improve your English listening skills quickly.29.The free toppopular Kobo Reading App gives you right to Kobos ebook store with 4 million ebooks and magazines. Join millions of readers worldwide and read easily on your mobile phone or computer.30.It is a very good friend for children under three years old. Kids can learn to speak and draw pictures with the help of this app.46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _八、信息归纳阅读短文,然后在文后思维导图内完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个词,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through the air like an airplane! Bees can fly because they have wings. They use their wings to fly. Bees can fly fast. Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down. They need to fly to get to the flowers!Bees can have three colors. They can be yellow, red and orange. All bees are black in some places.Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And, they have a stinger. The stinger is used to defend against enemies. They also have six legs. They use their legs to stand and climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect pollen.Bees live in many places. They live in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America and South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is Antarctica! I understand why they dont live in Antarctica. Its too cold!Most of the time, bees are nice to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not bother you. Have fun watching the bees this summer!Bee Special features ,Insects 51 . Bee All bees are black in some places, yellow, red and orange 52 . Bee A stinger ,a body ,a head53 . Bee In Africa, Australia, Asia and so on54 . Bee The exception55 . 九、回答问题Answer the questions.Dear Grandma and Grandpa,As you may have heard from my parents, Im in China right now on a cultural exchange program. Im enjoying my time here very much. I have made new friends here, many of whom are locals. Through my interaction(相互交流)with them, Ive noticed some interesting cultural differences. One of the most obvious(明显的)cultural differences is the size of food portions in restaurants. Back home in America, the food portions are usually larger than those Ive seen in China. Were even used to seeing super-sized dishes in some restaurants.However, in Asia, food portions are generally not extremely large. Im must encouraged to eat until Im full and enjoy different kinds of food. Eating out in Asia is often a big social affair(社交活动). People here eat out a lot. There are all kinds of restaurants. And there are food stands and food carts-even on the sidewalk(人行道).Another interesting aspect of eating out is the way food is served. Back home in America, each diner orders their own meal. When people eat out in Asia, they usually order food to share. Nearly every time I eat out with friends in China, each of us has our own bowl of rice or noodles, and we share the rest of the dishes. This is an excellent way to try new foods! One thing that makes me confused is the way people pay for food at a restaurant.In the U.S. we often ask for separate(分开的)checks, so we each pay for our own meal. But here, if diners decide to pay separately, they typically dont request separate checks. Instead, they give money to one person who pays the bill. People also dont tip the server. Instead, there is often a service charge added to the bill.I hope you are doing well. Ill write you again! Love, Margare56 . Margaret has made many local friends during her cultural exchange program, hasnt she? _57 . Whats the culture difference in the size of food portions between China and America? _58 . Why do people in Asia like eating out a lot? _59 . What does Margaret think of the way food is served in China? _60 . How do people usually pay the bill in America? _61 . Do you like the way of eating out in China or in America? Why?_十、材料作文62 . 书面表达假如你叫肖鹏,是英语学习小组组长。英语课上老师要求展开小组调查,内容包括爱好、理想职业及原因,然后由各组组长在班内汇报。请你根据表格内容提示,介绍本组成员及自己的情况,写一篇80词左右的调查汇报。SurveyNamesHobbiesDream jobsReasonsYi Kewritingwriterbring her pleasure and successZheng Yongtravellingguideexperience different life and learn about different culturesMeng Xinlooking after animalsWWF workerhelp animals live in peaceI (Xiao Peng).要求:1.语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;2.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Boys and girls,Everyone has hobbies and dreams.Now let me share ours with you.I hope we enjoy our hobbies and our dreams can come true.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、补全短文7选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、信息匹配1、八、信息归纳1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、


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