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冀教版2019-2020学年七年级下学期期末英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My name is Lingling, _ my English name is Carla.Nice to meet you, Lingling.AandBbutCsoDor2 . I seem _ left my book at home.Ato havingBto haveChavingDhave3 . AyellowBbrownCwindowDknow4 . Look at the smog(雾霾). _ bad weather it is!AHowBHow aCWhat aDWhat5 . -Are these Helens pencils?-Yes, they are _.AshesBherChisDhers6 . My sister Julia isyears old and today is herbirthday.Anine; nineBninth; ninthCnine; ninthDninth; nine7 . I finishedthe book yesterday evening.AseeingBwatchingCreadingDlooking8 . The jacket is nice (好看的)._.AThank youBGoodCOK9 . (题文) How big your classroom is ! Of course. Our classroom isyours.Aas three times long asBas long as three timesCthree times as long asDthree times as longer as10 . (题文)Are you going to come? _. Ill see how I feel.AAlreadyBFinallyCInsteadDPerhaps11 . Li Hua, did you buy _special when travelling in England?No. Most of the products are made in China. I just bought some books.AnothingBeverythingCanything12 . Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?There _ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.Awill beBwasCis going to haveDis13 . Volunteers from Lantian Saving Team have saved many travelers in the mountains. _ they are!AHow great a manBHow great menCWhat a great manDWhat great men14 . (题文)The girl is singing along the music.AwithBtoConDfor15 . Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?AForget.BPrevent.CMethod.二、完型填空A famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon animal-Mickey Mouse. Mickey first _ in a cartoon in New York in 1982. Walt Disney was the father of Mickey. He made lots of cartoons with Mickey. Many people around the world love the mouse with two _ ears. He was so popular because he was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger and solve the problems all by himself. In Disneys early films, Mickey was _, he lost his house and girlfriend, Minnie. _, he never gave up his efforts and always won at last. Most people want to be like him. Now Mickey Mouse is still one of the most popular _ characters in the world.16 . A. ran out B. hung out C. came out17 . A. large and round B. small and short C. long and white18 . A. rich B. happy C. unlucky19 . A. Also B. However C. So20 . A. cartoon B. play C. novel三、阅读单选For centuries, the bodys blood has been connected closely with the feelings. People who show no human emotions or feelings are said to be cold-blooded.Cold can affect other parts of the body. But the expression get cold feet has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do. For example, you agree to be CEO of a company. But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned (辞职), and all the work of the company will be your responsibility (责任). You are likely to get cold feet about being CEO when you understand the situation.The expression “give someone the cold shoulder” probably comes from the physical act of turning your back toward someone, instead of speaking to him face to face. You may give the cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise (遵守诺言) he made to you, or to someone who has lied about you to others.“A cold fish”is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone. Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted. He or she will never feel sorry for those in bad situation.“Out in the cold” means not getting something that everybody else got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raisehe was left out in the cold. And it is not a pleasant place to be.21 . How many expressions about cold are mentioned in the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DSeven.22 . If you get cold feet, it means “ _”Ayour feet are very coldByou offer much of yourself to anyoneCyou miss something that everybody else gotDyou are afraid to do something you have decided to do23 . You may think of an unfriendly person as “ _”Aa cold fishBthe cold feetCthe cold shoulderDbeing out in the cold24 . Whats the passage mainly about?AWays of making friends.BAdvice on keeping warm.CExpressions connected with cold.DOpinions about cold-hearted people.阅读下列短文,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。25 . _ found a set of keys.A.Dale B. Alice C.Wei Qing26 . Bob lost his _.A. phone B. schoolbag C. dictionary27 . If you find a dictionary, you can call_.A.4367825 B.19901106 C. 1382421507928 . Bills notebook is _.A.under the tree B. in Room 406 C.on the teachers desk29 . From the notice (布告) we know _.A. Bobs jacket is black.B. Mr. Bush found Bills notebook.C. Alices English dictionary is new.A dog cant speak any words,but it can talkIt has feeling just as you doSometimes it may feel angry or afraidWatch a dog closely,and you can find out how it feelsYou can see what it is trying to tell youWhen you afraid,you may look downWhen a dog is afraid,it may run awayWhen you are angry with other people,you stare at(凝视) themAn angry dog also staresSometimes the hair along its back stands upDo you feel guilt when you do something you shouldnt do?Dogs can feel guiltytooSometimes when I come home,my dog gives me a guilty lookThen I know he did something wrongDogs need love and careSome dogs are very unhappy when they are alone for a long timeSome dogs even snap(撕咬) if they dont get enough careYou may have a dog or you may know a dogTake care of it well if you want to have fun with itTake it on walksDont make it do too many thingsTry not to punish(惩罚) it again and again for doing the same thing. Always remember,a dog has needs and feelings just as you doTalk to a dog,and it will talk to you30 . When a dog is afraid, it may _.Alook downBstareCstand upDrun away31 . When _, you know that it is angry.Aa dog runs away from youBa dogs hair stands upCa dog moves his tailDa dog stares at you32 . The word guilty in the reading probably means “_”AexcitedBsorryCscaredDhappy33 . If a dog snaps at things , it may feel _.AlonelyBfrightenedCsleepyDexcited34 . What does the writer mainly want to tell us?ANever leave your dog aloneBNever punish your dogCTry to be kind to dogsDTeach your dog to do work for you.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空用汉语提示完成单词35 . I wouldnt lose courage even if I should _(失败)ten times.36 . Do they have the _(必要的)skills to support the solution?37 . Think it over and let me know _(是否)you agree with me.38 . He likes to write in the morning,so thats his _(理由).39 . The little girls toy car was broken,can you help her to _(修复)it?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所恰单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)40 . The school provides students with various after-school activities to _ their life. (rich)41 . The teachers are pleased with Mary because her papers are _ clean. (spot)42 . Weve got a Three-day holiday, _ New Years Day. (include)43 . Many things left by the ancient _ in tombs have been brought to light. (Egypt)44 . The fish are _ from the birds mouths to a big basket. (move)45 . The little boy was asked to spend much time _ many poems. (memory)46 . It was _to ask my brother for money- he didnt have any. (use)47 . You often make mistakes when you jump to _. (conclude)六、完成句子根据汉语意思,完成下列句子每空一词。48 . 去购物如何?What about _ _?49 . 这是我这学期第三次打羽毛球赢了他。This is the third time that _ _ him in badminton this term.50 . 我太穷买不起车。Im not _ _ to buy a car.51 . 通常是妈妈做家务。_ are usually _ by Mum.52 . 近来可好?How is _ _ ?53 . 十年以后,我能自己赚钱Ill be _ _ make money by myself in ten years.54 . 你介意我把门打开吗?Would you mind _ _ the door ?55 . 我对这本书很感兴趣。This book _ _ very much.56 . 英语老师说我进步很大。The English teacher said that I had _ great _.57 . 那要看明天的天气如何。That _ _ what the weather will be like tomorrow.七、单词填空When I was small, my mum used to give the family something special for meals-she would make breakfast food for dinner.I still remember one night my mum put some bread in front of my dad, something very burnt. I w58 . to see if anybody noticed. To my surprise, my dad just took his bread, smiled at my mum and then turned to ask me how my day at school had been. Ive forgotten what I told him that night. But I do remember watching him put some butter on that bread. He ate it up as u59 . , every single bite.After dinner, my mum said s60 . to my dad for burning the bread. And I never forget what he said, “I love burnt bread, dear. It doesnt matter at all”Later that night, I went to kiss Dad good night. I asked him if he r61 . liked his bread burnt. He held me in arms and said, “Your mum worked very hard all day. Shes really tired. And you see-a bit of burnt food never hurts anyone!”Now I know life is not perfect. Nobody is perfect, e62 . . As for me, I often forget birthdays or some other special days. But Ive learned something important over these years. What we really need is the u63 . of each other, whether between a husband and wife, a parent and child or just between two friends. This is the key to a happy life.So dont get angry if the bread gets burnt. Remember, burnt bread never hurts anyone. Be kind to those around you and a happier life will surely come closer to you.八、填空第一节阅读短文,根据其内容完成文后的句子。Can you imagine a sea of sand three times bigger than India? This is the Sahara Desert, the largest desert in the world. It covers 11countries in North Africa and is over 9 million square kilometers.In the Sahara, temperatures are very different during the day and at night. It is much hotter during the day than at night. During the day, the hottest time is between 2 pm and 4 pm-when temperatures rise to 33C. But it is very cold at night, the coldest time is at 4 am, when temperatures fall to -1C.Because of the extreme temperatures in the desert, it is a very difficult place to survive(幸存).Marco Rivera, our survival expert, has some tips.Take warm clothes and a blanket. You will need a hat, long trousers and a thick sweater to keep you warm at night. During the day, cover your body, head and face. Clothes protect you from the sun and keep water in your body. You will also need a warm blanket at night. It can get coldrapidly. When the temperature drops, it can be a shock and make you feel even colder.Try to drink some water at least once every hour. You need your water to last as long as possible. Drink only what you need. If you eat, you will get thirsty and your water will run out soon. You can eat a little, but only to stop you from feeling very hungry. Eat a small amount offood slowly.Its important to stay out of the sun during the day. Make a hole under your car and lie there. This will keep you cool and help you sleep. Find a warm place to sleep at night. A small place near a tree or a rock will be the warmest, But be careful before you decide where to sleep. Dangerous animals like snakes also like to sleep in these places. Look carefully for animals before you lie down.64 . The Sahara, the worlds largest desert, is more than_in size.65 . In the Sahara. The_between the day and the night is pretty big.66 . In Paragraph 4, Marco Rivera tells us_are necessary for our survival in the Sahara.67 . We should _at least once every hour and try to make our water last longer in the Sahara.68 . In the Sahara, we should stay out of the sun during the day and find_to sleep at night.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、


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