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仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级上学期9月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This is the best room we have. You can_ the sea if you_ out of the window.Alook; lookBlook; seeCsee; lookDsee; see2 . -Is your sister asas you? -No, she isnt. She isthan me.Aserious , funnyBmore serious, funnierCserious, funnierDserious, more funny3 . Wow! Youve got _iPhone6s._ iPhone6s is the birthday present my father bought it for me.Aa/ ABa/ TheCan/ AnDan/The4 . Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped _ at once.Awalk; tellingBentering; to speakCenter; to tellDwalking; talking5 . She sings very _because she is a singer.AgoodBbadCwellDbadly6 . I eat vegetables every day. They are _ food.AinterestingBdifficultCboringDhealthy7 . He is in good _. Hes pretty _.Ahealth, healthBhealthy, healthyChealth, healthyDhealthy, health8 . Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are ourin China. Were proudthem.Awoman astronauts; ofBwomen astronauts; ofCwomen astronauts; in9 . The population of our city is as big as _ of your city. But the area is much smaller.AitBoneCthatDthose10 . Excuse me .Could you please tell me _ my car?Sure. Park it right here. Ill help you.Ahow to stopBwhere to parkCwhen to park11 . Lingling,please _ translate the sentence _ Chinese.Atry to;withBtries to;on Ctried;inDtry to;into12 . Must I attend tomorrows meeting?Yes. The meeting is _. Besides, I have something _ to discuss with you.Aof great value; great valuableBvery valuable; of great valueCgreat valuable; of great valuableDvery value; very valuable13 . I am afraid I cant go to your party. You know, the exam is coming. Really? _.AWhat a shame!BWhat a pity!CYoure welcome.DThats nothing.14 . Which bag do you like _,the big one or the small one? The big one.AwellBbestCbetterDgood15 . Have you seen the film “Wolf Warriors ”?Yes, its well worth _. Its _ instructive that I have seen it twice.Aseeing , tooBto see, enoughCseeing , soDto see ,such二、补全对话7选5请根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出最佳选项,使对话完整通顺,选项中有两项为多余选项。A:Hi,can I help you?B:Yes, please.16 . .A:Do you love animals?B:17 . .A:Great. 18 . .B:Yes, I do. I dont go to school on weekends.A:Well. You can come to the zoo at 9 oclock this Sunday.B:I can get there on time.19 . .A:You can learn the habits of some animals first.B:20 . I think Im lucky.A:Welcome to join us.B:Thanks. Lets work together to help animals .AThat sounds great.BWhat do I have to do there?CIm doing my homework now.DI want to join the Animal Club.EHow far do you live from the zoo?FDo you have time to go to the zoo on weekends?GYes I love animals and I know a lot about them.三、完型填空Do you remember the name of your kindergarten(幼儿园) teacher? I do. Her name was Mrs White.I dont remember much about_we learned in her class, but my mother once told me that we_write a lot. And I would bring back what I wrote and she could see there were so many mistakes_no red corrections. And always a star. Sometimes even a Good! It worried my mother, so one day she went to_Mrs White and asked her why she_corrected my mistakes.And my mother says Mrs White said “The children are just_to get excited about using words, about forming sentences. I dont want to lose the interests with red ink(墨水)_and grammar can wait. The wonder of_wont. ”.Maybe she didnt say it exactly like that at that moment. And what my mother gave me was the main idea of what she could remember.I_now and think Mrs White must have been a rather_teacher. She encouraged joy, wonder and excitement even if our expression of it was_. Because she believed a bud(花蕾)once nipped(掐断) never opens.I used to misspell “beautiful” a lot. Never could quite remember that the e went_the a. It annoyed my teacher in high school very much. If I was going to use the word so often, she considered the_I could do was spell it right. Finally the es and as were in their right places. Am glad I didnt wait on them though. Pretty is_to spell but it doesnt hold as much as you mean sometimes.And_Mrs White I had no worries about writing what I meant. Because Life isnt Pretty. Its Baeutiful.21 . AwhereBwhatCwhyDwhen22 . Aliked toBsupposed toCused toDhappened to23 . AButBSoCAndDBecause24 . AchatBcriticizeCshowDmeet25 . AoftenBalwaysCneverDsometimes26 . AbeginningBstaringCthinkingDopening27 . ASpeakingBReadingCListeningDSpelling28 . AexamsBwordsCexercisesDhomework29 . Alook forwardBlook afterClook forDlook back30 . AexcellentBstrictChardworkingDcareless31 . ArightBwrongCgoodDbad32 . AbehindBafterCbeforeDbelow33 . AbestBworstCmostDleast34 . AeasyBeasierCfunnyDfunnier35 . Athink ofBcome up withCthanks toDremind of四、阅读单选More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe thats why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new allaround you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit (受益) from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You dont even have to ride all the way.Folding (折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travellers.Health Benefits of Bicycling:It helps to prevent heart diseases.Bicycling helps to control your weight.A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.Bicycling can improve your mood (心情).Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.Bicycling is healthier than driving.36 . When you are riding your bicycle around your neighbourhood, you may.Apollute the environment aroundBfind something you didnt noticeCgo everywhere and use a little oilDget off your bike and begin to work37 . If you travel with a folding bike, you can fold it and.Aget out of the carBtake it onto a trainCput it in your purseDgo on airline websites38 . One of the benefits from bicycling is that.Ayou can fold the bicycleByou will be friendly to othersCyou will be more relaxedDyou may get fatter and fatter39 . Which is TRUE according to the passage?ABicycling is enjoyable exercise for people.BDriving cars is healthier than riding bikes.CRiding a bike pollutes your neighbourhood.DCommon bikes are welcomed by all airlines.据材料内容选择最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。40 . If you want to be a tutor, you can call_.A293-7742B555-3721C667-8973D556-382641 . People who like dancing can come at_.A7:45 p.m.B11:45 a.m.C12:15 p.m.D2:00 p.m.42 . Ms. Martin really needs a_.AtutorBmusicianCcleanerDdancer43 . Julia can _, she wants to be a band member.AdanceBspeak EnglishCplay the violinDplay the guitar44 . Who will the tutor help?AMrs. Johansson BEmilyCMrs. Johanssons daughterDMrs. Johanssons son五、阅读判断If you travel in Europe, youd better choose Italy as a good place to visit,because Italy is a very famous country with a long history, and there are many interesting cities in this country. There are three million people each year that visit Pisa. Its known for the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The tower looks as if it might fall at any time. In fact, some visitors stop at the tower just long enough to take a picture, then they hurry away. The tower has 294 steps. Visitors who can climb to the top and come down will feel like heroes.Engineers say that the visitors are safe, though the tower does lean. This tower has been leaning for about eight hundred years. And it leans a tiny bit more every year. If this keeps on. the tower will fall at last. But many engineers are trying their best to keep the tower standing as long as possible.Judge the following statements True(T) or False(F).45 . Italy is famous for a long history and many interesting cities.46 . Standing near the tower is dangerous.47 . People visit Pisa because a tower has fallen down.48 . The tower will fall if it keeps on leading .49 . The tower was built more than 800 years ago.六、句型转换按要求完成句子50 . His new car cost him over one thousand pounds. (对画线部分提问)_ his new car_?51 . Tom looks like his father.(改为同义句) Tom _his father.52 . There is nobody here except me. (改为同义句)There is nobody here_ me.53 . London is full of visitors during May and June. (改为同义句)London _ visitors during May and June.54 . The twins have something in common. (改为一般疑问句)_the twins_in common?七、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空cut up;turn on;eat;honey;put55 . The Greens like _sandwiches with lettuce.56 . Can you help me _ these tomatoes?57 . Next, you need to_ all these things into the blender.58 . Put two spoons of_into the water. Itll be very sweet.59 . _ the machine(机器)and wait for some time.八、语法填空Positive(积极的) people are usually happy. They often have a lot of friends. When they have a problem, they try to change the problem i60 . a chance. They believe things always work out. But can positive thinking really make someones life better? Many scientists are studying positive thinking. They are finding out some very interesting information.Your HealthThe Mayo Clinic is a famous medical organization in the United States. It studies many things, including positive thinking. Their research proves that positive thinking has many advantages. First, positive thinking61 . good health. Positive people dont worry about the bad events in life, so they stay healthy. Positive people are62 . likely to exercise and eat healthy foods. Because of this, they dont usually get sick and dont have many health problems.At workDr.Michael is a professor in Germany. His research shows that positive people do well in jobs. There are several reasons for this. Positive people are creative. They dont expect63 . to help them with problems. They solve problems themselves. And positive people dont give up. They keep trying to learn new things.Becoming PositiveIn the past, scientists thought attitude64 . changed. Now, many psychologists think people can become more positive. There are many different ways to change. Here are some examples. First, think about good events in your life. At the end of a day, ask, “What good things happened to me today?”Think about these things for a few minutes. Second, find interesting65 . to do. Laugh at a funny movie or read a good book. Finally, always try new things. For example, you can talk to people you dont know or shop in a different store. Do different things every day.A Good LifeLife can be66 . sometimes. Dont give up or be negative. Take action. Think about the future and make a plan. You can learn to be positive.九、话题作文67 . Writing(作文)Write at least 60 words according to the given topic “Protecting Our Environment”.(以“保护我们的环境”为题写话,要求语句正确通顺,内容连贯,词数不少于60个。)Suggested points:*What do you think of our environment now?*What will you do to help to protect our environment?Protecting Our Environment_第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、阅读判断1、六、句型转换1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、语法填空1、九、话题作文1、


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