人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show第一课时 section B

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人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show第一课时 section B_第1页
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人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show第一课时 section B_第3页
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人教版八年级上英语同步练习2Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show第一课时 section B姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The old man lived alone all his life and he _a rainy winter evening.Apassed away inBpast away inCpassed away onDpast away on2 . -What are you _? -I cant find my dictionary.Alooking atBlooking downClooking forDlooking like3 . -If you dont know the way in the street, you can ask the police _ help.-No, we still need to buy a map before we start the tripAofBaboutCforDwith4 . Jim is really a nice boy.I agree with you. He never_ others.Akeeps in touch withBtakes care ofCmakes fun of5 . We promise _ rubbish on the ground.Ato leaveBto not leaveCto throwDnot to leave6 . Wei Gang won the tennis game last Sunday.Its hard to _ a boy with only one arm can play tennis so well.AimagineBexpectCwonderDplan7 . Its good manners to be _ while watching the raising of our national flag.AhappyBseriousCkindDgenerous8 . Would you like _ with me?Ago surfingBgo surfCto go surfing9 . The white _is only two dollars, so Ill take it for my brother.AshoesBsocksCskirtDhat10 . -In the past five years, China has played an important role in the Belt and Road.-It has_ many nations a great chance to communicate.AofferedBsupportedCincludedDdirected二、补全对话7选5根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。Becky:Welcome back to “The Problem Line”Okay,its time for another call.11 . David:Hello!This is David.Becky:Hi,David.Welcome to “The Problem Line”.12 . David:Well,Im having problems with my mom.When we talk about something,we always argue.Becky:13 . Its impolite.David:I know,but she plans everything for me.I cant even decide what to wear on weekends.Becky:Thats too bad.14 . David:I tried,but she never listened.She thinks I should listen to her because Im her child.Becky:Well,thats a difficult problem.15 . Linda:Hello,Im Linda.I think David should ask his teacher for help.Perhaps his mother will listen to his teacher.David:OK.Ill have a try.Thank you!AHi,whereareyoufrom?BHello,whoscalling?CYoushouldlearnfromthem.DDearlisteners,whocangivehimsomesuggestions?EWhynothaveagoodtalkwithher?FYoushouldntarguewithyourmom.GWhatsyourproblem?三、阅读单选Season two of Where Are We Going, Dad? A reality show on Hunan TV is even more fun and colorful than the first. Weve been able to watch different kinds of father-son/daughter relationships unfold. This time around we see the families at their most happy and awful moments.Dad: Huang Lei, 43Daughter: Huang Yici (Duo Duo), 8Huang Lei, among his many jobsactor, director, singer and lectureis also a farther. He couldnt be more patient when it comes to take care of his daughter Duo Duo. As the oldest kid in the show, Duo Duo is smart, thoughtful and wise beyond her years. Together, theyre the pair with the most positive energy on the show.Dad: Lu Yi, 38Daughter: Lu Yuxuan (Beir), 5As the most stylish father in the show, actor Lu Yi certainly knows how to look handsome. We often see him wearing fashionable clothes, and matching outfits with his daughter Beir. But as a dad, sometimes his ability is not equal to his willing. Fortunately, Beir is an obedient child who behaves well.Dad: Francis Ng, 53Son: Feynman Ng, 5These two have the traditional father-son relationship, where the father is serious and the son is obeyed by only a glance._” is the best way to describe this actor from Hong Kong, especially when we see him giving Feynman encouragement and support. Feynman is s a strong and independent boy who always tries to hold back his tears in front of the camera.Dad: Yang Wei, 34Son: Yang Wenchang , 4As a father, the former world champion gymnast isnt as powerful as he was in competition. Yang has showed us his soft, patient and quiet side. Yangs good life skills make it quite easy for him to look after his son on his own. Yang Wenchang, on the other hand, is a perfect example of the saying “like father, like son”.Dad: Gary Chaw, 34Son: Joe Chaw, 5Daughter: Grace Chaw, 3It is the most dramatic group on the show. Malaysian singer Gary Chaw may not be so great at parenting, but he certainly knows how to play with his children. The brother and sister are sweet, bright and lovely. Even Gary Chaw tears up a few times, this are what family is for: Family laughs together, cries together and shares with each other their most memorable moments.16 . How many children are there in the Season two of Where Are We Going, Dad?A4.B5.C6.D7.17 . Which family is the most in style?AHuang Lei and his daughter.BLu Yi and his daughter.CFrancis and his son.DGary Chaw with his son and daughter.18 . Whats the meaning of the underlined expression?A铁骨柔情.B和蔼可亲.C通情达理.D心宽.体胖.19 . Who is probably a quiet kid?AHuang Yici.BLu Yuxuan.CYang Wenchang.DGrace Chaw.四、句型转换句型转换20 . It had stopped raining when I woke up this morning. (改一般疑问句)_ it _ raining when I woke up this morning ?21 . By the time I got up, my sister had taken a shower.(就划线部分提问)_your sister done by the time you got up?22 . I bought the bike ten years ago.(改同义句)I _ the bike since ten years ago.23 . Tom cut his finger just now. (改一般疑问句)_ Tom _ his finger just now?24 . Its very late. Why not take a taxi ? (改同意句)Its very late. _ taking a taxi ?25 . Dont forget to close the window when you leave.(改同意句)_ close the window when you leave.26 . How about telling stories to cheer up the sick kids ? (改为同义句)_ tell stories to cheer up the sick kids ?27 . We should save water. (改同义句)Water should _ by us.28 . There is a little water in the river.(就划线部分提问)_water is there in the river ?29 . Please take good care of my pet, _ ? (改反义疑问句)五、填写适当的单词补全句子30 . The result of the game was u_ and nobody believed it.31 . After a careful d_ they decided to put off the meeting.32 . The old man is s_ ill.33 . The fire began at eight and soon it was out of _(控制)34 . At last,they s_ in finishing that hard work.35 . Who won the p_ for the best performer?36 . They announced that their new product had many _(优点)37 . No matter how difficult the situation is, we must keep _(we) cool38 . The company cant afford _-_(回收利用) the waste water39 . To cut down the air pollution ,we should ride our bikes instead of _ (drive) cars.六、完成句子40 . My sweater_on the bed.41 . _your shorts blue?No, they_42 . What color _his shoes?They_ black.43 . How much_her yellow sweater?It_20 dollars,44 . How much_the red socks?They_5 yuan.45 . _ the white shirt cheap?No, it_七、用单词的正确形式完成句子.根据句意,从方框中选择合适的短语填空take action;from time to time;a bit;used to;change a lot;play cards;turn. into;in some ways;move to;over the yearstake action;from time to time;a bit;used to;change a lot;play cards;turn. into;in some ways;move to;over the years46 . I studied in that school 10 years ago, but people_it_a factory already.47 . Nanjing Underground is changing the life in the city_.48 . The Smiths_ Canada two years ago. But we still keep in touch with each other.49 . My grandfather often_with his friends in his free time.50 . We should_to protect the Yellow River.51 . He has moved to a new area, but he still visits us_.52 . I always feel_lonely when I stay at home alone.53 . People have built a lot of buildings and factories in my home town_.54 . Our school_ since I left there six years ago.55 . Daniel_ play with me after school,but one week ago he moved to a new city far away from here.八、英汉互译:单词/短语一、词组互译56 . give a concert_57 . 美裔非洲人_58 . 有强烈的地方特色_59 . attend the concert_60 . make up music_61 . a music show_62 . 以传统方式_63 . have a lasting value_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话7选51、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、填写适当的单词补全句子1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、英汉互译:单词/短语1、


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