人教版八年级上册英语unit9 第5课时 测试

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人教版八年级上册英语unit9 第5课时 测试姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空My name is Laura. It is the end of the school holidays where I am posted as a language assistant in _. I spent most of the holidays _ round France and I spent the last couple of days at a music festival. This music festival_ every year during the April school holidays.This was the first music festival I have been to in France and it was great. It was very _ from any music festivals I have been to in England. It was in muddy(泥泞的) field where it rained!The favorite actor that I saw was Mika. He produced a lot of music when I was a teenager, so it was great to relive (再体验) some happy_ from when I was younger. Mika is half French and his music is in French and English. All of his songs are very happy, and they are great to dance _ !The music festival was full of young and old people, and it was great to see _ , such a varied(多样的) audience. Music festivals in the UK are usually_by young adults.I am very glad that I got to experience a French music festival. And it is _ in my top ten best experiences of things I have done in France. There were lots of different types of music at the festival. And it was great to listen to new music and _ another side of French culture.1 . AFranceBEnglandCAustraliaDCanada2 . AtravelingBstudyingCfightingDperforming3 . Atakes offBtakes inCtakes placeDtakes away4 . AperfectBfascinatingCabsentDdifferent5 . AmemoriesBlanguagesCfriendsDrelatives6 . AonBforCtoDat7 . AherByouCthemDus8 . AinvitedBattendedCsolvedDrefused9 . AseriouslyBwiselyCawfullyDcertainly10 . AintroduceBconsiderClearnDreview二、用单词的正确形式完成句子foggy, hit, grown, if, hardly, fine11 . An earthquake _ the area yesterday. Luckily few people were hurt.12 . I will go with you _you are telling me the truth.13 . The rice _ in South China tastes good.14 . I_ have any spare time for my hobbies.15 . I dont like _ days. I cant see things clearly at all!三、用单词的正确形式完成短文protect, outing, chance, cancel, paintingsWe are sorry to tell you that the school has to 16 . the trip this Sunday because of the heavy rain. Instead of going for an 17 . , we will take you to visit the Capital Museum on that day. In the museum, you can see some old famous 18 . , enjoy various valuable exhibits, and listen to the guides vivid introduction. I believe it will be a good 19 . for you to learn about the history and culture of Beijing.While visiting the museum, you are expected to obey the following rules. First, all the exhibits mustnt be touched. Then, to 20 . the exhibits, flashlights cant be used when taking photos.第 3 页 共 3 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、三、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、


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