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人教版九年级下学期第一次学业调研英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Kates grandmother lives in a house_, but she doesnt feel _.Aalone; aloneBlonely; lonelyCalone; lonelyDlonely; alone2 . Have you finished you homework?Yes, I have finished it.Aalready ,yetByet , alreadyCyet ,yetDalready ,already3 . We will visit the Summer Palace _ there is a heavy rain tomorrow.-OK! Boating on the lake must be great fun.AifBas soon asCunlessDsince4 . Liangliang, _ 11-year-old boy, crosses the river every school day.A/BaCanDthe5 . _?Yes, please. I want a white shirt.ACan I help youBWhat do you wantCCan you help me6 . Do the dishes,Tom, or I will tell Mom!-Mind your own_,Mary!AactionBwayCbusinessDduty7 . -Where is your grandpa?-He _ Canada and _ Toronto for a month.Ahas been to, has been inBhas gone to, has been inChas been in, has been toDhas gone to, has been to8 . Please _ these books to your school.AbringBtakeCgetDfinish9 . 下午遇到老师,应该怎么样打招呼?_AHow old are you?BGood morning!CGood afternoon!DGood night!二、完型填空One day a snake was looking for food. She found a _ and went into it. “Hooray!” It was a house for mice. She said to _ happily. There, she saw some little babies of mice. “They are good dinner for me!”She came to them and asked, “Where are your parents?” The babies _, “They went for food.” “Food! Good!” said the snake. “Come on and _ me. I came here to see your parents and tell them not _ the peoples grain any longer or I will _ you all.” The little mice _ their own safety. “Dont be afraid. My body is like the hole. It is a safe place. _ I open my mouth, you can come into it one by one. Then we will _ your parents coming back. Are you clear?” The little babies came into the snake from her mouth one by one.A moment later, the mices parents came back _ some grain. Just then they found a snake in their room. “Who are you? Why did you come into my house? Where are our _?” asked the mices parents. The snake answered _, “I am a judge of the people. I knew you did a lot of _ deeds. You often steal lots of food of the people. Today, I _ to sentence you to death. Your babies have been in my body. _ want to see them?” With these words, the snake flew at the mice.10 . AhotelBholeCcountryDvillage11 . AsheBherCherselfDhers12 . AansweredBtoldCspokeDdescribed13 . Alook afterBget upCfind outDlisten to14 . Ato borrowBto lendCto stealDto keep15 . AgiveBkillCprotectDbring16 . Aworried aboutBknew aboutCtalked aboutDlearned about17 . AWhyBWhereCWhenDWhich18 . Alook forBthank forCcare forDwait for19 . AinBfromConDwith20 . AbabiesBgrainCfoodDparents21 . AreallyBfriendlyCcoollyDhardly22 . AgoodBbadCstrangeDrelaxing23 . AgotBcameChappenedDwent24 . ANoBNot toCNotDDont三、阅读单选Yesterday Mark read a letter from World Travel Service. Then he finished the information paper below on the right.World Travel ServiceDear Mark,Congratulations! You have won a free four-week trip to another country. Now you must decide where you want to go and what you want to do. Please read this information paper carefully, and finish it. After the trip, you must write a report about your trp.Yours sincerely,John FoleyJohn FoleyManagerWorld Travel serviceInformationYou may choose*Go to a country:Britain Canada Japan Australia*Stay:with a familyin a hotel in a school*Study a language:English French Japanese German*Study one subject:Computers Business History Science*Have two sports:football basketball horse ridingclimbing skating badminton*Do another two things:Visit a big city spend a day at a beachVisit a science museumMark根据材料内容选择最佳答案。25 . How long will Marks trip last?AFour weeksBTwo monthCAbout a year.DWe dont know26 . From the letter, we know John Foley _.Ais a travelerBis the head of World Travel ServiceClikes writing lettersDlikes going to foreign countries27 . Mark _.Ais going to study Japanese during the tripBmust write a report after the tripCshould have some sports before the tripDwill pay for the trip28 . Mark will go to _.AFranceBBritainCAustraliaDCanada29 . Mark will probably write something about _ in his report.Aa day at a beachBa science museumCbusiness in that countryDbasketball in that countryThere is an old dog in Mr. Smiths family. The dogs name is Buddy. When Buddy was young, he could run fast and catch many animals. Mr. Smith loved him very much. Now, Buddy is old and weak.One day, Mr. Smith and Buddy walked into the forest. Buddy saw a pig and caught it, but he was too old and weak and the pig ran away at last. They didnt get anything that day and went home.Mr. Smith was not happy. He said to Mrs. Smith, “Buddy is too old. He doesnt catch anything today.” Mrs. Smith answered, “Buddy didnt do anything wrong (错误的). Its natural for him to get old. For many years, he helped us catch animals and feed our family. So we shouldnt be angry (生气的) with him.”Then Mr. Smith knew he was wrong. He said, “I shouldnt dislike him for being old. I will love him and be good to him just as before.”30 . What is Buddy?AA dog.BA mouse.CA cat.DA hen.31 . Why didnt Buddy catch the pig?ABecause he was hungry.BBecause he was not happy.CBecause he was old and weak.DBecause he didnt want to kill it.32 . What did Mr. Smith and Buddy get that day?AA sheep.BA pig.CSome fruit.DNothing.33 . Which of the following is TRUE?ABuddy worked hard when he was young.BBuddy didnt like catching animals.CMr. Smith didnt like Buddy when it was young.DMrs. Smith was angry with Buddy.34 . What does Mr. Smith want to do?ASell Buddy to the zoo.BGive Buddy to his friend.CLeave Buddy in the forest.DLove and be good to Buddy.In Britain, people often invite friends for a meal, a party or just coffee. People who know each other very wellclose friends, family or neighborsvisit each others houses without an invitation(邀请), but usually an invitation is needed. When people invite someone to their homes, they often say, “Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday?” Answers are:“ Thanks. Wed love to. What time?” or “Im sorry. Wed love to but we have tickets for the concert.” However, it is not polite to say “No, we wouldnt!”Sometimes, the British use expressions(表达) that sound like invitations but which are not invitations. For example, “You must come over for a drink sometime.” or “Lets go out for a meal one of these days.” These are usually just polite ways of ending a talk. They are not real invitations because they dont mention(提及)a certain time or day. They just show that the person is trying to be friendly and the answers are, “Yes, that would be nice.” or “OK, yes, thanks.”So next time you hear what sounds like an invitation, listen carefully. Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?35 . It is not polite to answer the real invitation by saying “_”ASorry, wed love to but we have tickets for the concert.BThanks. Wed love to. What time?CSure. Wed like to, thanks a lot.DNo, we wouldnt!36 . If the British just want to end a talk politely, they may say, “_”AWould you like to come for dinner on Saturday?BLets go out for a meal one of these days.CLets go out for a meal on Saturday.DShall we go for a drink this afternoon?37 . The British often use “_” to answer the invitations that are not real.AYes, what time?BNo, thats not a real invitation.COK, yes, thanks.DNo, you just want to be friendly.38 . Which is the best title (标题) for the passage?ABritainBInvitationCA talk with friendsDA letter to friends四、用单词的正确形式完成句子railway board memories soft bedroom whilerailway board memories soft bedroom while39 . -Where is my quiltMorn?-It is in your_40 . This kind of train must run along a_41 . -Morncan we have supper now?-OKThe supper will be ready in a_42 . Most children like_toys43 . Those events in my childhood left me sweet_44 . Chess is a kind of_game五、单词填空假设你是志愿者, 请根据下面图示, 向在上海的外国友人介绍垃圾分类知识。每空一词。Four kinds of garbage(垃圾)in ShanghaiHello, everyone! There are 45 . kinds of garbage: recyclable, harmful, wet and dry. Garbage like glass bottles, plastics, clothes and46 . is recyclable, so we can make use of it again. Harmful garbage includes(包括)lamps, paint, batteries, lighter and other things with chemicals(化学物质)that are 47 . for our environment. 48 . garbage usually comes from the kitchen, such as vegetables, peel, flowers and food. And we should put dog waste, toilet paper, pottery and single-use products into 49 . garbage bin.If we sort our garbage, our environment will become better and better.六、多任务混合问题Mr. Smith works in an office.He is very busy and has no time to have a good rest.Every evening, when he comes from his office, hes always tired and wants to go to bed early.But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper.直到她睡着了才停止说话But its usually too late and Mr. Smith has to get up in time in the morning when she is asleep.One day the man felt terrible and couldnt go to work.He decided to go to see a doctor.And Mrs. Smith went to the hospital with him.Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman had told the doctor all and the man understood why.He wrote out a prescription(处方)And when Mr. Smith brought the medicine to the room, the doctor said to Mrs. Smith, “The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills are for you.”“For me?” the woman said in surprise.“Im fine.I dont need any medicine!” “I dont think so, madam,” said the doctor.“They are sleeping pills.Your_husband_will_soon_be_all_right_if_you_take_them.”50 . Is Mr. Smith busy in the office?_51 . Whats wrong with Mr.Smith?_52 . What will Mrs. Smith take according to the passage?_53 . 将画线句子译成英语。_54 . 将画线句子译成汉语。_七、看图作文55 . 请结合下面两幅图片所示内容,以How do you behave at school?为题写一篇短文。要点:1)请简要描述两幅图片;2)如果你受到欺负时,你该如何应对(至少 2 点);3) 针对这些校园欺凌现象,谈谈自己在学校应该如何做(至少 2 点)。注意:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)文中不得出现考生真实的姓名和学校名称;3)100 词左右,已给出的部分不计入总词数。(1(2参考词汇:beat, kick, respect, harmonious(和谐的), stop bullying (欺凌)How do you behave at school?There is something unpleasant happening at school. In Picture One,_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、单词填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、看图作文1、


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