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人教版2020版中考二模英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I like China and I can _kung fu.AmakeBdoCplayDdoing2 . Wang Meng is the _ / kptin /of the woman skating team. She won three gold medals in the Olympic Games.AcabbageBchampionCcamareDcaptain3 . You _ drive your car so fast in such bad weather and that is not responsible for yourself and people around you.AwouldntBneedntCcouldntDshouldnt4 . We tried to learn some _ /beisik/ table manners before we went to America.AbehindBbiscuitCbasketDbasic5 . (题文)do your friends often communicate with you on wechat微信?Yes. Sometimes. Its _ we enjoy doing at weekends.AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing6 . -Are those the _ books?- No, they are _ books.Awoman teachers; Jacks and MikeBwomen teachers; Jacks and MikesCwoman teachers; Jacks and MikeDwomen teachers; Jack and Mikes7 . He has _ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand.AweakestBweakerCstrongestDstronger8 . Which of the following word matches the sound /t:ns/?AchanceBchooseCchainsDchanges9 . He used to a happy life, but the life he was used to a lot recently.Alive; changingBliving; has changedClive; has changedDliving; changing10 . Im so nervous about the coming exam._ Its not that difficult.ADont be.BTake care.CJust do it.DTake it easy.11 . Remember to _ your photo tomorrow.AbringBtakeCtakingDbringing12 . -I dont know.-You can go and ask Mary.Awhen does the train arriveBif she comes or notCwhat I should buy for my sister13 . -The best _ to come to Yichang is spring.-I think so. The green water and green mountains are unforgettableAenvironmentBjourneyCtemperatureDseason14 . I think students should finish their homework first before doing other things._. Study is the first thing.AI agreeBI disagreeCI dont knowDIm not sure15 . -_? -No, it isntAIs your pen redBAre you TomCAre you a boyDAm I a girl16 . Which of the following words matches the sound /bat/?AbeatBbatCbiteDbet17 . Do you like playing basketball or volleyball? . I enjoy playing soccer.AEitherBBothCNoneDNeither18 . Whats_ matter with you, Jack? I have _ fever.A/;theBthe; theCthe; aDa; a19 . We have to learn _ words this term.Atwenty-three thousand and eight hundred and thirteen.Btwo three thousand eight hundred and thirteenCtwenty-three thousand and eight hundred thirteenDtwenty-three thousand eight hundred and thirteen20 . Lots of people in our city _ the old and the disabled. They usually offer their seats to them on buses or help them cross the road.Acare forBtake careCagree withDtake pride in21 . you spell “eraser”? E-R-A-S-E-RAHow areBWhat doCHow doDCan22 . I dont think you study _. You should study _Ahardly ; hardBhard ;hardChard; harderDharder ; hard23 . Stop cutting trees, _ the earth will become worse and worse.AandBthenCbecauseDor24 . He can _Chinese kung fu.AdoBmakeChaveDplay25 . Do you often swim,Jack?No,.I dont like swimming at all.AalwaysBusuallyCoftenDnever26 . The music is too _. Please turn it down.AloudBloudlyCquietDquietly27 . Last year I went to_on business. I had a birds eye view of the whole city at the top of the Eiffel Tower.Athe USABFranceCAustraliaDItaly28 . Not much of the _ is surprising in Guangzhou Daily today.AideasBnewsCopinionsDArticles29 . - Do you mind if I take the seat next to yours?-_. It hasnt been take yet.AOf course not.BYes, you can.CBetter not.DNo, Im afraid not.30 . He has _ for some years, but his _ still makes us very sad now.Abeen dead, death.Bdeath, deadCdied, deathDdied, dead31 . You are not /lad/ to fish in this area. Which of the following is correct for the phonetic symbol?AaloudBallowedCaroundDabout32 . -Can you run withafter school?-Sorry,I need to go to the music clubAmeBmyCI33 . (河南省)kind and helpful to the people around us, and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.ABeBBeingCTo beDBeen34 . _ wonderful film we have seen!AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow35 . This my ruler. These my books.Ais; isBis; areCare; areDare; is二、补全对话单选补全对话阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。Paula: Hi, Tom! You look so tired.Tom: Oh, I dont feel well today.Paula: Oh, really? _Tom: I didnt sleep well last night. I have a headache. What should I do?Paula: Well, _Tom: But I have an art lesson this afternoon. I like art best.Paula: I see, but you can have the art lesson later.Tom: Sounds reasonable. Its important to have a good rest now.Paula: Im sure youll feel better soon.Tom: _ Thanks.Paula: By the way, what did you do last night?Tom: I studied for my English test.Paula: _Tom: For about five hours. And I have to finish my reading report today.Paula: How busy you are! I am always ready to help you if you need.Tom: Im lucky enough to have a friend like you. Millions of thanks!Paula: _36 . AWhat time is it?BHow are you?CWhere did you go?DWhats up?37 . AYou should drink more water.BYou should study hard.CYou should lie down and have a rest.DYou should see the dentist.38 . AI hope so.BI dont think so.CIm afraid not.DI hope not.39 . AWhen did you study English?BHow long did you study English?CWhere did you study English?DDid you study English for a long time?40 . AThats right.BMy pleasure.CGood idea.DIt doesnt matter.三、补全短文7选5There is an old Spanish saying, Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.41 . Id say, Too many.” Our dreams should not, and cannot wait. We have to go for them now! Here are the reasons. Tomorrow is not promised. Nobody likes to talk about death, but the reality(现实)is that everybody is going to die at one point. None of us know the day, or the hour. So today is all we have,42 . Unless you take the first step, your dreams will never come true.Take action to realize your dreams. You can dream about writing a great play, but its never going to happen unless you actually put your pen to paper.43 . They require you to get your head out of the clouds, and actually do the work to make them come true. Get to it!You cant let fear win. One of the biggest dream killers is fear.44 . Just think about all the things youve wanted to do. Dont allow fear to convince(说服)you that you arent good enough. In the movie after earth, Will Smith said, “Fear is not real. It is the product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice. Choose not to let fear stop you from achieving your dreams. 45 . Imagine how much happier youll be if youre living the life you always dreamed about. The only thing that can stop you is yourself.Take control of your own happiness. Dont keep your dreams waiting. Go for them today!AYoull be much happier if you go for them.BHowever, tomorrow never ends.CLets make the decision to go for every dream, big or small, right now.DHow many times have we put off our dreams until tomorrow?EIn other words, dreams wont work unless you do.FSo many people could have achieved their dreams if they hadnt been afraid.GYou should study hard at school.四、完型填空Once there was a young businessman. He always thought that he was_ for failing so many times in doing business in different fields. In the end, he came to_Socrates, a famous philosopher(哲学家), how to succeed.Socrates said _but took him along to a river. He_pushed the young man into the river. At first, the businessman thought Socrates was joking so he didnt take it seriously. He was a good_so he floated(漂浮) himself in the water in a relaxing way. Without telling him, Socrates_into the river and pulled his head into water. At that moment, the young man got really_. The nature of saving himself made him use up all his strength to get out of Socrates and climb to the _“I nearly went to death!” The businessman _with great anger. Socratesreplied, “I just want to tell you whatever you do, do everything possible. Only like that canyou _your own success.”46 . AhappyBunluckyCunusual47 . AchallengeBteachCask48 . AsomethingBnothingCeverything49 . AsuddenlyBslowlyCangrily50 . AplayerBbusinessmanCswimmer51 . AjumpedBfellClooked52 . ApleasedBfrightenedCconfident53 . AbankBislandCtree54 . AsmiledBansweredCshouted55 . AwinBachieveCunderstand五、阅读单选Each morning a rich found a poor man sitting on a park bench(凳子). The poor man always sat there, looking at the big hotel, and the rich man lived in it. One day the rich man got out of his car and said to the poor man. “Excuse me, but I just want to know why you sit here and look at my hotel every morning.” “Sir,” said the poor man, “I am a failure, I have no money, no family, no home, I sleep on the bench, and every night I dream(梦想) that one day Ill sleep in that hotel.” The rich man said, “Tonight your dream will come true. I will pay for the best room in that hotel for you for a month.”A few days, the rich man went by the poor mans room to ask how he was enjoying himself. To his surprise, he found that the man went back to his park bench, he moved out of the hotel. When the rich man asked why, the poor man said, “You see, when I am down here sleeping on my bench, I dream I am up there, in that big hotel. Its a good dream. But when I was up there, I dreamed I was back to this cold bench, it was a terrible dream, and I couldnt get any sleep at all.”56 . The poor man lived in _ before he met the rich man.Athe hotelBhis homeCthe parkDthe car57 . Every morning, the poor man sat on the bench and _.Awaited for the rich manBlooked at the rich mans hotelClooked at the rich mans carDenjoyed the clean air58 . What is the meaning of the underlined word “failure”?A胜利者B作者C乞丐D失败者59 . The poor man moved out of the hotel because _.Ahe didnt want to live in such a fine roomBhe didnt like the rich manChe couldnt pay for the roomDhe couldnt get any sleep at all there60 . In the end, the poor man found it _ to sleep in the hotel.AterribleBniceCexpensiveDusualI saved the grain carefully and finally had enough to plant. I built a wall around my garden to keep the wild goats away.Then when my crop produced its fruit, the birds found it. The birds were not afraid of my dog at all. I shot them but as soon as I walked away, they returned. At last, I killed some birds and hung them among the crop, hoping they would make the birds afraid and fly away, which turned out to be successful. By harvest time, I had nearly two bushels of rice and two and a half bushels of wheat.With my new grain (谷物) to store, I found a new problem. The fine grain ran through my baskets. It took me nearly two months to dry two ugly pots (容器)- one for rice and one for wheat.Next I formed a clay oven and made some other tools from hard wood and cloth to bake bread. I made and baked bread in my oven. I spent the third year on the island in farming and baking.Soon after that, I began to think of my days sailing in a tidy boat with Xury. I wished to have a boat and explore the island by sea.I tried to turn over the ships boat that I had seen washed up, but failed. I still decided to have a boat. So I chose a strong tree and spent weeks cutting it down. Then it took me months to turn it from tree to boat.When it was time to set off, I realized I had made my boat too far from the nearest stream. The boat was far too heavy for me to move. I tried bringing the water to the boat instead of the boat to the water. I soon saw it would take me twenty years of work.I celebrated my fourth year on the island with two boats, but I was no closer to a sea journey.-Taken from The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe61 . Paragraph 2 mainly tells us_.Ahow much rice and wheat I harvestedBhow many tools I made to bake breadChow I protected my crop from the birdsDhow I kept the wild goats away from my crop62 . What does “a new problem” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AHow to plant grain.BHow to make pots.CHow to fix the baskets.DHow to store grain.63 . What can we infer(推断) from the passage?AI managed to turn over the ships boat.BI spent months bringing the boat to the nearest stream.CI tried to solve the problems with my courage and wisdom.DI spent the third year on the island in farming and baking.Families and schools have some rules, Some students think they are important(重要的) and always obey them, but others dont. Mary and her cousin Jane are American girls. They are good children in the same school.They think obeying the rules is very important. One day Mary gets an idea. She wants to make a book of rules. She says.” I think the book can help Jane, our brothers, sisters and me to be good children. If he or she doesnt obey the rules, he or she has to sit at the door for five minutes.”The two girls begin writing the book of rules. There are some school rules like Do your homework, Don t be late for school There are also some interesting rules in it, such as, No eating other peoples food and Dont cry.”Both girls like the book very much. Their brothers and sisters think it is very interesting and they often do as (像) it says. Their classmates want to read it, too. Their teachers and parents want to publish(出版)it for them.64 . Mary and Jane are.Abrothers and sistersBgood children at schoolCboth from EnglandDin different schools65 . The book is about.Atheir school lifeBoutdoor activitiesCimportant rulesDschool and family rules66 . They write the book to.Amake some moneyBhelp school and family make someChelp their brothers and sisters be good childrenDask their parents to publish it67 . Their brothers and sisters think the book is.AinterestingBboringCdifficultDeasy68 . The underline word itrefers to(指代).Athe bookBthe ruleCthe schoolDthe teacher六、句型转换Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子,每空格限填一词)69 . Dogs ate meat. (改为否定句)Dogs _ meat.70 . The thieves left the things they stole on the street.(改为一般疑问句)_ the thieves _ the things they stole on the street?71 . We should be kind to animals because they are our best friends.(对划线部分提问)_should we be kind to animals?72 . The SPCA look after animals in many countries.(保持句意不变)The SPCA _animals in many countries.73 . There are clinics for sick animals in the SPCA.(改为反意疑问句)There are clinics for sick animals in the SPCA, _?74 . Youd better go home alone.(改为否定句)Youd better _ home alone.75 . Jimmy had been away from Shanghai for four days.(保持句意不变)Jimmy _ Shanghai four days _.七、完成句子根据汉语完成句子76 . 他经常收到学生的来信。He often_his students.77 . 她喜欢动物,比如猴子和长颈鹿。She likes animals, _ monkeys and giraffes.78 . 我的朋友吉姆来自美国。My friend Jim _ America.79 . 在网上查找这本书的信息困难吗?Is it difficult to _ information about the book on the Internet?80 . 那边穿红色衣服的女孩是玛丽。The girl in red _ is Mary.81 . 杯中有少量的牛奶。There is _ milk in the cup.82 . 让我们打开电视机看新闻吧。Lets _ the TV and watch the news.83 . 看看那头大象!它太高了。_ that elephant ! Its so tall.84 . 琳达喜欢在周末去购物吗?Does Linda like go shopping _?85 . 我恐怕你不能按时到校。_ you cant get to school on time.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。help, million, they, against, bad, protect, health, you, serious, action, system, buyWhat you can do about air pollutionAir pollution has become one of the most serious problems nowadays. It is especially bad for peoples health. It influences 86 . of people, not just in China but also in other countries all over the world. Its important to educate 87 . about the causes and influences of air pollution, so as to better 88 . yourself and your family.More importantly, you can take 89 . to help deal with this problem. Every little it 90 . :Take the subway or bus, walk or bike. Vehicle exhaust (废气) is responsible for (是的原因) much of local roadside pollution in cities. Most of cities have public transportation 91 . which are energy-efficient. You can use public transportation. You can also walk or ride a bike. They are also 92 . ways to exercise.If you are buying a car, look for an energy-efficient one or an electric one.Save electricity. You can save electricity by using energy-efficient LED lighting, and 93 . other energy-efficient things.Wear a mask (口罩): It will not only protect you, but also help send the message to other people that the air is 94 . polluted, and something does have to be done about it!Offer help to the organizations which work 95 . air pollution!AnoiseBshookCsomeDwhenEThoughA public house which was recently bought by Mr. Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr. Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted (闹鬼). He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange 96 . coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. 97 . Mr. Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before. When I suggested that 98 . villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr. Thompson 99 . his head. The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.九、材料作文100 . 假设王明、李兰和孙红都是第一中学的学生。每周他们都参加不同的志愿志工作:帮助孤寡老人做家务、帮助残疾人(disabled people)过马路、到敬老院(Home for the Aged)为老人唱歌、跳舞。他们为自己做的事情感到自豪。根据所给内容写一篇80词左右的短文。第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、二、补全对话单选1、三、补全短文7选51、四、完型填空1、五、阅读单选1、2、3、六、句型转换1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、九、材料作文1、


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