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人教版九年级3月能力训练英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Shrek is a monster in a cartoon film.The film is famous _Aall over the worldBall the worldCall through the worldDall above2 . Its going to rain.Youd better take an umbrella,you may get wet.AbutBandCorDso3 . What are you going to do this weekend, Mike? I _ fishing with my uncle unless it _. Ago, rains Bgo, will rainCwill go, rains Dwill go, will rain4 . I like the clothes in the shop very much. They look so cool and they are much_ than the ones in other shops.Amore cheaperBmore expensiveCcheaperDexpensive5 . The number of the students in our school _ in the last few years.Ahas fallenBhad fallenCfellDhas fell6 . Could you please _the music? My baby is sleeping.Sorry. I will do it right away.Aopen upBturn downCdrop byDdress up7 . Where is my baseball?Is _ on the bed?AthatBthisCitDthey8 . Shall we ask more friends to help raise money for charity?Good idea. As an old saying goes, _.Amany hands make light workBtoo many cooks spoil the brothCdont put all your eggs in one basketDit is better to be safe than sorry9 . -Would you like to go to the amusement park?- If Jim does, _.AI go, tooBso will ICneither will IDso do I10 . Not everyone knew about the Hong Kong singer Deng Ziqi, some even thought she was nobody, but she_ to be a great singer and won a lot of fans.Aturned onBturned offCturned toDturned out11 . It was clever _ the boy to work _ the maths problems in less than ten minutes.Afor; outBof; outCfor; onDof; on12 . The bad weather yesterday morning prevented all the planes _ off.Ato takeBtakeCtakingDto taking13 . The rest of students in the classroom _my classmates.AisBareCbeDam14 . -What do you think of _ show in Ocean Park?-I should say it was _ great success.Athe; /Bthe; aCan; aDan;/二、完型填空Jills school held a Coming-of-age Ceremony(成人礼) for Grade Eight students. Every student received a letter from their parents. Heres the letter Jill received: Dear Baby,Its your _ day, so please take this letter and the gift. Its important to us that you realize we love you and we are proud of you.We will never forget how lovely you were as a child. We loved putting your sleepy body over our shoulders when you were too _ to walk, raising you high in the air, and reading kids books to you on the bookstore floor. You were, and still are, an angel.You are hardworking, caring and loving. When we think of you as a young lady, we think of your _ heart. Its your heart that has sent clothes and books to poor kids, that has made you a volunteer at the animal hospital nearby, that helps you care for family and friends in need. Because of these, we have chosen a locket(项链坠)with _ hearts as a parents gift to their soon-to-be-fourteen daughter. One heart has a picture of you and us together inside. We hope you remember we love you and will love you forever. The second heart is made of jade(玉)with the Chinese “Fu”. We want your life to be full of _. The third heart represents(代表)your beauty, inside and out. From now on, you are not a little kid any more. We hope youll continue with everything nice in you and, at the same time, grow strong.Love,Daddy and Mom15 . AfirstBbigCluckyDsurprising16 . AhungryBthirstyCtiredDhot17 . AbeautifulBstrongCbraveDtrue18 . AtwoBthreeCfourDfive19 . Afriendship and careBexcitement and funCsuccess and loveDhappiness and luck三、阅读单选(题文)A family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot(闲置的地皮). One day, some workers came to start building a house there.The familys 5-year-old daughter took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day watching the workers. They talked with her, let her sit with them when they had coffee and lunch breaks. They also gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.At the end of the first week, they even gave her an envelope(信封)with ten dollars. The little girl took this home to her mother. Her mother told her to take her“pay”to the bank the next day to start_.When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the clerk was surprised and asked the little girl what she did. The little girl said,“I worked last week to build the new house next door to us.”“Oh,” said the clerk, “and will you be working to build the house again this week, too?”The little girl said, “Yes, of course.”20 . (小题1)What did the workers want to build on the vacant lot?A. A bank. B. A hospital. C. A house.21 . (小题2)Which of the following activities didnt the workers do?A. Talked with the girl.B. Sang with the girl.C. Gave the girl little jobs here and there.22 . (小题3)What did the workers think of the girl?A. They disliked her.B. They liked her.C. They hated her.23 . (小题4)What do the underlined words mean in Chinese?A. 一个基金账户 B. 一个储蓄账户 C. 一个股票账户24 . (小题5)Which of the following is TRUE about the girl?A. She wanted to become a worker.B. She learnt to make a lot of money.C. She thought she was important.The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly held image of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels. An important new study into teenage attitudes (态度) surprisingly shows that their family life is happier than it has ever been in the past. “We were surprised by just how positive (积极的) todays young people seem to be about their families,” said one member of the research team. “Theyre expected to be rebellious(叛逆的)and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds; they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. Theres discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. They dont want to rock the boat.” So it seems that these parents are much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends. “My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,” says 17-year-old Daniel LaSalle. “I always tell them when Im going out clubbing. When they know what Im doing, theyre fine with it.” Susan Cromer, who is now 21, agrees. “Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call talk or discussion. For example, when Id done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that.”Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is possible that the idea of teenage rebellion(叛逆)is not based on real facts. A researcher explains, “Teenagers were thought to be different from others in a part of time in our social history. But to our surprise, they say they are getting on well with their parents. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled.” 25 . The study shows that teenagers dont want to _.Ashare family dutiesBcause trouble in their familiesCgo boating with their familyDmake family decisions26 . Compared with parents of 30 years ago, todays parents _. Ago to clubs more often with their childrenBare much stricter with their childrenCcare less about their childrens lifeDgive their children more freedom27 . According to the writer, teenage rebellion _. Amay be a wrong opinionBis common at presentClived only in the 1960sDwas caused by changes in families28 . Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?ADiscussion in family.BTeenage education in family.CHarmony in family.DTeenage trouble in family.Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our restaurant. Everything here is cheap and delicious. For breakfast, you can eat porridge, eggs and vegetable noodles. For lunch and dinner, you can have rice, dumplings, different kinds of meat and vegetables. There are also some drinks for you. Come and have a meal, please. Its a good place to enjoy yourselves. Now, Lets have a look at all the food in our restaurant.Breakfast: porridge($1.00), egg($1.00), noodles($3.50$5.50).lunch anddinner:rice($2.00),dumplings($5.00),cabbage($7.00),carrots($8.00), potatoes($8.00), chicken($13.00), fish($15.00), mutton($20.00), green tea($3.00), iced tea($4.00), orange juice($4.00).Business hours: Mon.Fri. 6:00 am9:30 pm; Sat.Sun. 6:30 am10:30 pm.29 . You can have a meal in the restaurant at .A6:00 every morningB6:20 on Saturday morningC10:00 every eveningD9:45 on Sunday night30 . If you have rice, cabbage, fish and green tea for lunch, you need to pay .A$25B$26C$27D$2831 . If Amy goes to the restaurant with $24 for lunch. She can order rice, potatoes, chicken and.Aan eggBiced teaCgreen teaDorange juice32 . The speaker in the passage may be .Aan actorBa waiterCa teacherDa visitorIt is reported that fossils( 化石 )found in China are from an totally new type of dinosaur( 恐龙)that belonged to the same family as the giants diplodocus(梁龙)which have died out and only can be seen in pictures. The fossils were first discovered in 2004 by a farmer in Lingwu, a small town in the west of China. Since then, a group of people led by Xu Xing, an expert from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have dug up the whole or parts of skeletons(骷髅)from between seven and 10 dinosaurs. Xu and researchers from two English universities have published the first study of the 174-million-year-old fossils in the journal Nature. The animal that died out long ago belonged to the diplodocus family, which are a group of ancient animals including the huge 25- meter-long diplodocus. Xu named the dinosaur Lingwulong Shenqi(meaning Lingwu amazing dragon)after the town where the fossils were discovered. Lingwulong was a bit smaller than others with a short neck. It was about 11 to 17 meters and had a long tail and strong legs. Lingwulong is the first diplodocus discovered in East Asia. Before the discovery,scientist thought those animals never got into Aisa because of an inland sea.Philip Mannion,the writer of the study,said “The inland sea may have seen less of barrier ( 障碍 )than we once thought,or it could have been seasonal.”33 . Who plays the leading role in the digging up of the fossils?AA farmer in Ningxia Hui autonomous region.BPhilip Mannion.CAn expert from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.DSome British researchers.34 . How did scientists name the newly found dinosaur?ABy its size.BBy the place it was found.CBy chance.DBy its appearance.35 . What does the new type of dinosaur look like?AVery small with a long neck.BThe largest with long legs.CAbout 25meters long with a long tail.DAbout 15meters long with strong legs.36 . Scientists think the insland sea_ .Astops animals from going into East AsiaBmight have been in some seasonsCmight have been all year roundDhas never been on the earth37 . Which of the following might be the best title for the text?AA new discoveryBA new member of the dinosaur familyCsome skeletons of the dinosaurDOne of the oldest dinosaurs四、根据首字母、中文提示填空词汇填空38 . It is r_ that a new hospital will be built near here.39 . His heart beat so fast that he could hardly b_ .40 . In fact,we just spent c_ of days with the parents of those who studied here.41 . The hairdresser was charged with k_ the millionaires son.42 . Does he have any criminal records for t_?43 . The news was later _(证实)by the government.44 . Wherever you are,you can _(联系)me on this number.45 . It was said that a _(珠宝)shop had been robbed.46 . It is well-known that no _(指纹)are the same in the world.47 . He found his wallet _(被偷)when he got off the bus.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。48 . To celebrate the wedding, Nick says hell have his house _(paint).49 . How was your trip to Hong Kong? It couldnt be worse. We _(keep) at the airport for at least 5 hours.50 . Jenny _(chat) with her friends, so I just nodded to her and went away.51 . Young people keep their hands on the phone whenever they go, even while they _(eat).52 . Well, thats the best way I could think of _(reach) an agreement with the customers.53 . When the wind of change _(blow) some build walls, while others build windmills(风车).六、完成句子根据所给中文完成英文句子,每空词数不限。54 . 在聚会快要结束的时候,他站起来唱了一首歌。_ the party, he stood up and sang a song.55 . Betty很有时间观念,她上学从不迟到。Betty _ and she is never late for school.56 . 他快速地浏览试卷,但是什么都没写。He _ the exam paper, but didnt write anything.57 . 他比我在夏天休更少星期的假。He _ in summer than I.58 . 我的英语老师任何时候都面带微笑,看上去很开心。My English teacher _ and looks very happy.七、填空About the importance of good health, nobody can explain better than your doctor. They are the people who really know the importance of keeping fit and healthy. I am saying this because my doctor is an angel. Every time I put on an extra pound, he will remind me of what it is happening to my body. If we do not need to visit any doctor, we thing we are very healthy. But that is not true. We may look healthy but we dont know clearly what is happening inside. However, there are many different ways we can make sure that we look inside as good as we do outside.The first and easiest step is keeping a good idea, a balanced diet.Next is sleeping well. Sleep early. Make sure you get nine hours of sleep.Do not skip your breakfast. It is one of the most important meals of the day. Eat your regular meals, and it will do you good to eat healthily even during breaks.Exercise your body every day. Go for a swim, or walk, or just play a game of football or tennis.Try your best not to get stressed because its bad for your health.Remember to keep washing your hands, and then you wont catch any infection.Get away from your bad habit. Dont smoke. Some wine does your body good while most of it does harm. Be wise and dont drink too much.59 . to Keep Fit and Stay HealthyFoodKeep a60 . and balanced diet.Eat regular meals.61 . is one of the most important meals of the day, so you must eat it every day.62 . Sleep63 . , and you should sleep for64 . hours every day.ExerciseDo65 . every day.RelaxingYou mustnt get66 . Good67 . Dont68 . and dont drink too much wine.八、材料作文69 . (B)现在养宠物狗已成为很多人生活中的一部分,请你写一篇短文谈一谈对养宠物狗的看法,内容须含利弊两方面。提示:1. 养宠物狗可给人带来快乐,消减孤独与烦恼,陪伴并帮助家人解决一些困难等。2. 养宠物狗会占用很多时间。宠物狗有一定危险性,有时会伤害孩子。另外,它会给家人和邻居带来噪音,污染周围环境等。注意:不要将上述所给的提示直接译成英文,要适当发挥或调整。 词数约80左右。(句首已给出的部分不计入总词数)How Do You Like Pet Dogs?Every morning, we can see many kinds of pet dogs led by the persons who walk around. Pet dogs have become a part of their lives. I think _第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、完成句子1、七、填空1、八、材料作文1、


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