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人教版九年级9月份阶段测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ you ever _ to Tokyo?No, not yet.AHave; beBDo; goCDo; beenDHave; been2 . The traffic was busy on our way to the train station, _ we caught the train on time at last.AalthoughBsoCbutDbecause3 . Have you got the _news about the World Cup? Yes, Im so _ because my favourite team has won again.Aexciting; excitingBexcited; excitedCexciting; excitedDexcited; exciting4 . April 15 was a sad day for France. A large fire _at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame.Abroke outBcarried outCgave outDran out5 . Remember to the lights after school.Aturn offBturn upCturn onDturn down6 . - I _ your advice very much.- You are welcome. I hope it is _ to you.Alike; unhelpful Braise; unhopefulCappreciate; helpfulDthank; hopeful7 . AspellBsevenCpencilDwe8 . Which of the following words has different sounds from the underlined letters of the word “cut”?AstudyBtruthChungry9 . Rosato do chores but she has to do them every day.Alikes.BhatesCwants10 . Next week Ill join in the oral English competition._AHave a nice day!BNo problem!CGood luck to you!DNot too bad!11 . is he? Hes my cousin.AWhoBWhatCWhereDHow12 . Sir, its true that being happy is an ability. So can you tell me _?-Yes. Just as President Xi says, “Happiness is achieved through hard work.”Ahow we can find happinessBwhy happiness is so important to usCwho can help achieve happinessDhow can we achieve our happiness13 . are you going to keep health?Im going to exercise everyday.AHowBWhyCWhere14 . (题文)(2017江苏无锡9)How can Julie say bad words about me? I thought we were good friends.Who told you that? Friends need _.AcourageBdistanceCtrustDshame15 . -Who is the girl over there?-The one with_umbrella? She is our monitor.AaBanCtheD/16 . -Did you hear that we would have _ teaching building _?-Really? Im happy to hear that.Aanother; buildBthe other; to buildCanother; builtDother; built17 . Which stress of the following words is different?AGiraffe.BPercent.CMethod.18 . Dont forget to send me short message, please. 一 _ANo, I dontBYes, IdoCNo, I wontDYes,I am二、补全对话7选5从AJ 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话。(选项中有两项是多余的)ABut do you know how to realize them?BGood luck with your exam.CThats amazing. DIm sorry to hear that.ELets study hard from now on.FI havent decided, either.GYes, Id love to.A: You know today is the Dragon Boat Festival, but you dont know its also my birthday.B: 19 . .Happy birthday to you!A: Thank you. Ill have a birthday party tonight, would you like to come?B:20 . . Thank you for inviting me. I think it will be a surprise to all our friends.A: By the way, the high school entrance exam is coming, which school would you like to go to?B: Its hard to say now. If I get good grades, Id certainly go to No. 3 High School. And you?A:21 . .But I really expect to enter No. 9 High School, because I just live near this school.B: I hope our wishes come true.A:22 . .B: Lets work harder on our exams.A: Thats right.23 . .B: Thank you. The same to you!三、完型填空Have you ever eaten a dandelion(蒲公英)? Me neither. Have you ever blown it to make a wish? Me, too. “Time to pick dandelions, Athena, Mum opened the car door and I entered with a _. My hometown is in Greece(希腊), where dandelions are _on the menu. But I didnt eat dandelions. Why did I have to _them with my family every spring? Then I said goodbye to my new friend Brigid, whose family had _moved in our neighborhood in New York. I was _Brigid didnt ask where we were going. Nobody in America ate dandelions. I always worried that _would notice us picking dandelions. We _into a wild field. Hundreds of lively yellow flowers appeared everywhere. Then we stopped our car. Dad went over to cut dandelions and put them in his bag. But I just hid in the book. _do we eat dandelions? I asked. The best food in the world. Dad answered, shaking a handful of greens. _we were ready to leave, we had enough dandelions. On the way home, Mum and Dad talked about hosting a dinner party for the new neighbors to try our _Greek food. The night of the party, Brigid arrived with her parents. Mum served _differentGreek foods. Our guests ate everything. Finally came the dandelions. Wait! I said to Brigid. But it was too _. You ate the dandelions! I told her. We both _, and she ate another bite. _, she said. Mum was smiling at us. After dinner. Brigid and I went to the backyard and lay on the grass. The stars reminded me of dandelions in the soft field. I closed my eyes and made a _: to be as open-minded as my family and my new friend.24 . AbagBbookCmenuDflower25 . AeverBneverCalwaysDhardly26 . ApickBplantCwatchDwater27 . AquicklyBquietlyCfinallyDrecently28 . AsadBgladCproudDdisappointed29 . AanyoneBsomeoneCeveryoneDno one30 . AranBflewCdroveDwalked31 . AHowBWhyCWhenDWhere32 . AWhenBSinceCUnlessDAlthough33 . AnewBfastCexpensiveDtraditional34 . AitBherChimDthem35 . AlateBearlyCluckyDquick36 . AbowedBshookClaughedDgreeted37 . ABe carefulBNever mindCNot badDYou re welcome38 . AwishBreportCspeechDSuggestion四、阅读单选Mary is an African elephant.Now she is 16 years old.She lives in the zoo.Mary has produced more than 50 drawings since last year.She has made over $2,500 for the zoo.Zoo leaders said Mary first showed the art ability (能力) about 4 years ago.Zoo workers watched her make the marks (痕迹) in the sand with her trunk (象鼻).She rubbed out (抹去) the marks,then made the new ones.The zoo workers gave her brushes and paints.Soon Mary was drawing pictures.Newspaper reporters wrote about Mary,and then people went to buy her pictures.And in this way she made a lot of money for the zoo by drawing.This is how Mary does the drawing.A zoo worker holds different color paints and Mary touches the colors she wants.Then the worker gives her chosen color to the brushes in her trunk and Mary begins to paint.39 . Mary is .Aa girlBa zoo workerCa zoo leaderDan elephant from Africa40 . She has made over for the zoo.A$50B$2,500C$16D$441 . Mary first learned to draw pictures .Awhen she was 4 years oldBto make moneyCin the sand with her trunkDwhen she was 16 years old42 . wrote about Mary,and then people went to buy her pictures.ANewspaper reportersBA magazineCA history textbookDAn advertisement43 . Mary rubbed out the marks she had made in order to .Aplease the visitorsBmake other onesCask for more brushes and paintsDclean her trunkChoose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)Mr Testtube has found three interesting articles at the website wwwglobalfuncom for his studentsCambridge Universitysdoctor of chocolateCambridge University is looking for someone to study the method of preserving chocolates in hot weatherIt is a sweet job for a sweet toothHowever,the person needs to be good at mathChocolate has a melting point close to our body temperatureFor that reason,chocolate melts easily in hot weatherYou might think the advertisement from Cambridge University is ridiculous,but if there is really adoctor of chocolate,he or she will help people a lotOne logo(商标)isnt too expensive to print because it doesnt need much ink,but printing a large number of logos could cost a lotIn order to save money and energy,an American design company made small changes to some famous brands,such as Nike,McDonalds and Starbucks,to cut the costThe design company retained the main body of these logos,but left an empty space insideThe logos look almost the same,but in this way,the famous brands could save 39percent of the ink during the printing processLets hope other companies will take this adviceThe measure will save them money and use less energy,tooFunny menu for childrenDining out with children can be an unpleasant experience for most parents,because kids are always running round the entire restaurant,sayingI dont know what I wantorIm not hungryBut now,a Maryland restaurant has created theKid FriendliesmenuIt translates childrens words into meals to help parents order for their kidsA father said,As a dad,I think this is on the moneyHere is the menuKid FriendliesI dont know.- Triple Layer PB&J 2.50I dont care. - Grilled Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich 3.50I am not hungry. - Basket of Chicken Tenders 7.00I dont want that. - Kids Fries 3.50What? - Cheese Quesadilla 4.5044 . From the first article,we can know chocolate melts easily when it is nearA30B25C37D1545 . The underlineddoctor of chocolate,in the first article probably meansa person whoAstudies how to make good chocolate in hot weatherBknows how to keep chocolate in a good condition,especially in hot weatherClooks after people who have toothache because of eating too much chocolateDlikes eating sweet chocolate and is good at chemistry as well46 . matches the logo of Nike after some small changes made by a design companyABCD47 . has made up a special menu for those parents with kids dining out togetherAMcDonaldsBAn American design companyCA Maryland restaurantDStarbucks48 . A parent may probably orderif his child doesnt mind what to eatABasket of Chicken TendersBGrilled Peanut Butter & Banana SandwichCTriple Layer PB&JDCheese Quesadilla49 . The best title of the second article may beAA design companyBWays to print a logoCLogos of famous brandsDLess ink less wasteEveryone should get enough sleep. If a student doesnt sleep well at night, he wont study well and he cant listen to the teacher carefully in class. For a driver, it is easier for him to have an accident (事故) if he is tired. Good sleep is also important for your health. Without good sleep, a person may become ill.It is hard for some people to sleep well. A lot of things can help you get a good nights sleep. First, doing some exercise will help you sleep. Walking, running and bike riding are good ways. Other good ways are playing ball games, such as basketball, soccer or tennis. However, you must not do these just before bedtime.Second, before you go to bed, you shouldnt drink coffee or any soft drinks. It is also not a good idea to eat sweets. But drinking a cup of warm milk may help you to sleep.Third, you can take a warm bath or listen to quiet music before you go to bed. Many people find that they are helpful to sleep.Follow the advice above and have a good sleep every day. Then you can wake up happily in the morning andmaintainyour health.50 . The first paragraph(第一段) mainly tells us _.Astudents should sleep wellBsleeping well is importantCtired drivers mustnt driveDHow we can stay healthy51 . Just before bedtime, _ will NOT help you to sleep well.Alistening to quiet musicBhaving a warm bathCdrinking some warm milkDplaying football52 . What does the word maintain mean in Chinese?A保持B预测C损害D担心生词提示:valid有效的SIDE A No.293083Student Bus CardName: LilianFrom: April1st,2014To: June30th,2014Price: $180College: University of ChichesterNot valid for travel unless its used in the bus companies ofStagecoacn, Season, Goldrider and Busabout in the UKSIDE B No.293083Thank you for travelling withIf the card is found, please return to any Stagecoach driver.53 . The card is used for_.Ataking a taxiBtravelling by trainCtaking a busDentering the college54 . Lilian is_.Aa bus driverBa university studentCa teacher in a collegeDa middle school student55 . The card can be used in any of the four_.AcitiesBcollegesCuniversitiesDcompanies56 . According to the reading material, if you find a lost card, you can _.Asell itBphone LilianCuse it for travellingDgive it back to any Stagecoach driver57 . You can not find _in the card.ALilians ageBthe priceCthe card numberDthe time limit五、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to envy(羡慕,妒忌)those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country road in their free time.In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents will always take good care of your life and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct(纠正)it, and when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, too. All these are your happiness. If you notice these things, you can find that happiness is always around you.58 . Happiness is always around rich people.59 . People are happy because they can walk on the country road in their free time.60 . When you get success, people around you will help you correct it.61 . When you are in trouble, your friends will help you. We can say “You are happy.”62 . You can find our happiness everywhere if you notice good things.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. wasting B. taken away C. rebuilt D. taken up E. failedMy passion(激情)had been63 . . I lost heart and had no idea what I would become. After eight months of suffering, something had to change. Instead of sitting around and64 . my days. I began to work with local community service projects. By volunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant or kids. I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months. I found a new interest. Little by little, I stepped out of the shadow and65 . my confidence.Sometimes, challenges in life will get in our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to get past these challenges. My suffering was a challenge that 66 . to stop me from reaching success. Today, Im a very confident and optimistic(乐观的)person.七、填写适当的句子补全对话67 . She insisted on _ (send) the sick boy to hospital at once.68 . How long _ he _ (keep) the book since he borrowed it from the library?69 . We _ (learn) over 2,000 English words by the end of last term.70 . I hear that the result of the exam _ (announce) next week.71 . Love Ship is about a woman who _ (fall) in love with a man when she travels.72 . If the walls of your room _ (paint) blue, youll feel calm and peaceful.73 . The Green family _ (have) dinner when the doorbell rang. 八、选用适当的单词补全对话填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A:Good morning, Ann. You look weak. Whats the 74 . ?B:Its hard for me to breathe. A:How long have you been like this?B:75 . about two weeks ago.A:What has happened?B:There a medicine factory and two paper factories near our home. The air has been polluted and got worse76 . before. A:Sounds terrible. Pollution always causes so many problems.B:Im going to leave here and move to a better place.A:Well, I think we should write a letter to the newspaper about the problems. 77 . better go to see a doctor as well.B: Good idea. And I think with the help of media(媒体), people will pay 78 . to our environment.A: I cant agree with you more. Lets take action.九、填空The game of curling(冰壶) is more than 500 years old. But curling did not appear as an Olympic sport until the 1998 Winter Games with both mens and womens championships. At the games, two teams play against each other at a time. The game is played on ice, and the two teams take turns pushing 19.1-kilogram stones towards several concentric (同心的) rings or circles. Their aim is to get the stones as close to the center of the rings as possible. One game is made up of 10“ends”. During each end, each four-person team “throws” eight stones. Team members sweep the ice clean in front of each stone to control the stones direction and the stones speed(速度). The team with the fewest points at the end of the game,is the loser.阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词。79 . _80 . _81 . _82 . _83 . _十、多任务混合问题Jimmy is a 14yearold boy from America.He hates doing chores,but he has to do a lot every week.他需要每天打扫他的卧室。On Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays he has to take out the rubbish.On weekends he has to help his father to wash the car.Sometimes he has to look after his little sister and brother.Mario is Jimmys foreign friend.He comes from Singapore.He doesnt need to do any housework at home.Only girls help to do chores in Marios house.Marios sisters wash the clothes and clean the rooms.Marios mother cooks meals every day,and his sisters help their mother sometimes.When Jimmy talks with Mario about chores,he feels very unlucky and sad.Doing chores is too boring,so Jimmy hopes to make a robot to help him do chores in the future.Then how is he going to do that?He is very good at science,and he decides to work harder to make his dream come true.根据短文内容,完成下面的任务。1小题为任务一:将画线句子译为英语。2小题和3小题为任务二:回答下面的问题。4小题和5小题为任务三:判断下面句子的正(T)误(F)。84 . _85 . What does Jimmy have to do on weekends?_86 . Who helps to do chores in Marios house?_87 . Jimmy and Mario are both from the United States.88 . Jimmy wants to make a robot to help him do chores in the future.十一、书信作文89 . 作文假如你是Millie, 在No. 1 School 学习,请你给你的表妹Sandy 介绍你学校的情况并期待她来参观,请根据以下要点写一封信。要点:1. 坐落在山脚下,安静,位于南京西北部。2.空气新鲜,花草树木环绕校园,美不胜收。占地面积大约是20,000平方米。3. 是学习的好地方,数千学生在这学习,老师们总是乐于帮助你们解决各种问题。4. 距离市中15公里,乘地铁到这儿大概半个小时。5. 你爱学校,因为、(1-2句作适当发挥)要求:1. 包括所有要点,第五点请用1-2句作适当发挥。2. 语句流畅,字迹工整。3. 词数在100词左右。Dear Sandy,I study at No. 1 School. Id like to tell you something about my school. _Welcome to my school!第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、阅读判断1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填写适当的句子补全对话1、八、选用适当的单词补全对话1、九、填空1、十、多任务混合问题1、十一、书信作文1、


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