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人教版2019-2020学年八年级3月月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Excuse me,you seen the film yet?Yes, Iit last night.Ahave; seeBhave; have seenChave; seenDhave; saw2 . What will you be_?Im not sure. Maybe Ill be a doctor.Aright nowBat the momentCmorningDin the future3 . He _ his hometown two years ago. That is to say he _ his hometown for two years.Aleaves; has leftBleft; has come toCleaves; has gone toDleft; has been away from4 . -Have you _some new ideas, Mike?-Yeah. But just a minute. Ill tell you later.Acaught up withBtaken up withCmade up withDcome up with5 . When _ Henry _ Hainan Island?Next Sunday.Ais; visitBdo; visitCis; going to visitDdoes; visit6 . The car_ the tree, and the driver_ his leg.Ahit; hurtBhurt; hitChurt; hurtDhit; hit7 . He wrote a card to thank me for _ from him danger.AsavedBsaveCsavingDsaves8 . _blog is it? Annas.AWhoseBWhoCWhichDWhat9 . - I cant find my purse. Have you seen it?- I _ it just now. But now it _.Asaw; has goneBsaw ;is goingChave seen; has gone.10 . My parents gave me _useful suggestion on how to make friends.AaBanCthe11 . Xishuangbanna which _ its beautiful scenery makes me really excited.Ais known asBregards asCis famous forDconsiders as12 . You are a good boy.!AThank youBOKCThats all rightDIm fine, too13 . What _ your parent _ at that time yesterday?Ais;doingBare;doingCwas;doingDwere;doing14 . Your new computer looks really cool! Thank you. However, I only $200 for it.ApaidBspentCcost .15 . The victim had been deadthe morning of Feb.25.Aon B. in C. since D. by二、完型填空To many mountain climbers, Qomolangma is one of the most popular choices because it rises the highest and is the most famous in the world. But it is very_to climb. The thick clouds, freezing weather conditions, heavy storms and thin air prevent climbers from getting to the_.However, Qomolangma still_thousands of climbers from all over the world to risk their lives there. They want to face the challenges by themselves and never_ trying to achieve their dreams. Over the years, some climbers had_ it to reach the top. It shows that humans can be stronger than the forces of nature sometimes.16 . AcorrectBdangerousCeasy.17 . AmountainBplaceCtop18 . AinterestsBhelpsCstops19 . Acheer upBcall upCgive up20 . AmadeBriskedCknown三、阅读单选Hi, guys! Last week I read a book called Rabbits in Australia. Rabbits look cute, but when they enter in large numbers, its a problem. In Australia, rabbits have crowded into the land. They eat the plants that farmers grow. They eat the plants other animals need to eat, so other animals find it hard to live.These days Im reading Moby Dick. Its considered to be the Great American Novel, or one of the greatest novels of all time. The story takes place on a whaling ship that sails the seas to find Moby Lick, a very large whale.Well, I love detective stories. Last month I read The Stolen Letter. The writer brings me into the story of his characters lives. He also introduces a sense of mystery in the story. It keeps me interested until the very end of the story.21 . What are Amy, Daniel and Simon talking about?AListening.BSpeaking.CReading.DWriting.22 . The rabbits in the book Rabbits in Australia _.Aare very cuteBare in small numbersCcause a problemDfind it hard to live in Australia23 . What type of book is Moby Dick?AScience.BNovel.CDetective story.DTravel.24 . What do we know about the book The Stolen Letter?AIts set in Australia.BIts about the writers life.CIts story happens on a ship.DTheres a sense of mystery in it.Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big. And they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap(捕蝇草).The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of a book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. The fly cannot get out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the plant eats the fly.Why do plants do it? Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air, and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesnt have all these important things, especially nitrogen(氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meat to get what they need. Lets hope that some of the bigger plants dont get the same idea!25 . The Venus flytrap is a kind of _.AmeatBbookCplantDanimal26 . The Venus flytrap grows in _.Amost parts of the worldBdry parts of the United StatesCsome parts of South AfricaDwet parts of the United Kingdom27 . Some plants eat animal meat because _.Asome animals do harm to othersBmany animals are delicious to eatCplants want to get what they need from animal meatDplants want to protect themselves against dangerous animals28 . We can probably find the passage in a book about _.AhealthBhistoryCcultureDscienceAliceinWonderlandChapter 2Alice was not hurt, so she jumped to her feet in a moment. She looked up, and found the White Rabbit was still in sight. She was close behind it when she turned the comer, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen. She found herself in a long, low hall.There were doors all around the hall, but they were all locked.Alice walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again.Suddenly, she came upon a little threelegged table. There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key, and Alices first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall.But, alas! Either the locks were too large, or the key was too small. However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before and behind it was a little door.She tried the little golden key in the lock, and she was pleased to find it fitted!29 . The hall where Alice stayed is .Along and lowBbig and highCwide and low30 . What did Alice want to do when she got to the hall?AShe wanted to know how to get some foodBShe wanted to know where her sister wasCShe wanted to find out how to get out again31 . Where did Alice find the tiny golden key?ABC32 . How did Alice feel when the gold key fitted into a lock?ATired.BShocked.CHappy.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。33 . Go _(cross) the bridge, and you can find the hospital on your right.34 . Where is your bedroom?Its on the _ (two) floor.35 . Look! The _(child)are playing games under the tree.36 . Turn right at the first _(cross)and youll see the hospital.37 . Its 6:30 a.m. Some students are _(run)on the playground.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。38 . We were_(win) when we_(win)the basketball game.39 . The story of the actor was_(make)up.40 . It usually plays a role in_(exercise)our minds.41 . Everybody_(try)to look for their things now.42 . We should take study_(serious)五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子43 . 我的妈妈经常帮助我学习数学。My mother often _ me _ my math.44 . 辛迪想加入运动俱乐部。Cindy wants _ the sports club.45 . 我们需要一位老师教美术。We need a teacher _ art.46 . 你善于和孩子打交道吗?_ you _ children?47 . 咱们唱歌、跳舞吧!Lets _ and _!六、填空Almost all of us have unpleasant habits. We all want to get rid of (摆脱)them, but we dont know proper ways. Heres some advice.1.Write down all the reasons why you want to stop some behavior. Look at the reasons very often.2.Its clever to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits. If you get angry easily, for example, you can go out for a walk.3.Decide what youll do to reward (奖励) yourself if you really get rid of your bad habits.4.If you get too heavy, keep junk food out of your house.5.Bad habits develop over years, so you cant get rid of them very soon. So you should be patient.6.Dont be afraid to ask others for support. You can talk to your friends, family or other people. When you talk to them, they might be able to provide some advice that you cant get from yourself .How to Get Rid of Bad HabitsMake a listWrite down48 . you want to get rid of your bad habits.Join in some activitiesYoud better do something else when you want to stop your bad habits.Give yourself a rewardDecide how to reward yourself if you49 . in getting rid of your bad habits.Keep off your badhabitsStay away from50 . if you want to be thinner.Be patientIts51 . to get rid of a bad habit in a short time.Ask for helpWhen you talk to others, they may give you52 . 七、材料作文53 . 书面表达2019年寒假马上就要到了,同学们想互相交流寒假打算。假如下表是你去年和今年即将来临的寒假生活比较,请你根据表格内容用英语写一篇交流稿。timeactivitiesfeelingsLast yearStay at home to do homework;use the Internet ;sometimes go to the cinema stay at home-boringThis yearTake up cooking ;travel with my parents to Hainan;go to my classmates birthday party.Work-tiringTraveling-relaxingParty-happy注意:1.文章必须包括表格中的内容(可适当发挥);2.80词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数)Winter vacation is coming.What are you going to do during your winter vacation ?I still remember my last winter vacation.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、五、完成句子1、六、填空1、七、材料作文1、

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