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人教版2019-2020学年九年级下学期期中考试英语试题D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Wheres the medicine? Ive looked everywhere for it.-Oh, its on the top shelf. Mum put there to make sure little Tom _ it.Awouldnt reachBhavent reachedCwont touchDhadnt touched2 . He knows a lot, he is just a child.AhoweverBthoughCand3 . Would you like some apples?_.ANo,thanksBNo,I wouldntCYes,pleaseDA and C4 . Would you tell me _?Awhen are they going to set outBwhen they are going to set outCwhen were you going to set outDwhen they were going to set out5 . Its dangerous to play your cellphone while walking in the street because you _be knocked by a car.AmustBshouldCmay6 . May I ask _? Maybe I can help you find it.Awhat are you looking forBwhat are you lookingCwhat you are looking forDwhat you are looking7 . 一 _unusual music he is playing!一Yes, all of the students are losing themselves in it.AHowBHow anCWhatDWhat an8 . You will believe me if you go and see the pyramids(金字塔)_ yourselves.AbyBtoCwithDfor9 . Many students dont know how todifficulties in their studies.I think they should ask the teacher for help.Aplay withBdeal withCtalk withDgo with10 . There was a report _ Jiangsu Sainty Football Club on CCTV-5 yesterday. Yes. And it included an interview _ their coach, Gao Hongbo.Afor; withBabout; byCon; withDby; on11 . There are only_new words in the article, but I know_of them.Asome; allBlots of; a fewCa few; noneDfew; none12 . Can I _the phone _the school?.Abring, toBbring, /Ctake, inDplay, on13 . Yesterday I didnt watch TV and I didnt see the film,_AtooBalsoCas wellDeither二、完型填空完形填空,阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。What grade can an 11-year-old boy be in? In Grade 5 or 6, right?_11-year-old Carson Huey-You is in a university(大学) now. And he is good at his_He surprises (让吃惊) all his classmates and teachers. Many people are_about him in the university now. But Carson doesnt think much of their surprised(感到吃惊的)_Carson hopes to_new things and make new friends in the university. His mother goes to classes with him because he is too_Carson is very clever. His mother, Claretta Huey-You, says numbers and Maths are_so difficult for him. He_Chinese at home, but English at school. Carson is not a bookworm(书虫). Sometimes he is just a_Like many other children, he has many_, such as playing computer games and playing the piano.Now all the teachers and students like this young student.14 . AAndBSoCButDBecause15 . AactivitiesBlessonsCgamesDsports16 . AlookingBreadingCtalkingDlistening17 . AeyesBheadsCearsDlegs18 . AlearnBmakeCchatDshow19 . AstrongBtallCcleverDyoung20 . AsometimesBalwaysCusuallyDnever21 . AspeaksBsaysCstartsDstops22 . AchildBstudentCparentDteacher23 . AclassesBhobbiesCfriendsDsubjects三、阅读单选A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery(外科手术). He found the boys father waiting worriedly.On seeing him, the father cried out, “Why did you take all this time to come? Dont you know that my son is in danger? Dont you have any sense of duty?”The doctor said, “I am sorry. I wasnt in the hospital and I came as fast as I could and now, I wish you could calm down so that I can do my work quietly.”“Calm down? What if your son was in this room right now? If you son dies while you are waiting for a doctor, what will you do?” said the father angrily. The doctor smiled and replied. “Well do our best and you should also pray(祈祷)for your son.”Before long, the doctor went out, saying happily, “Thank goodness! Your son is saved!” And without waiting for the fathers reply, he ran away, saying, “If you have any question, ask the nurse.”“Couldnt he wait some minutes so that I can ask about my sons condition(状况)?” shouted the father. The nurse answered,with tears in her eyes. “His son died yesterday in a road accident. He was at the burial(葬礼)when we called him for your sons surgery. And since he saved your son, he left to finish his sons burial ”24 . What was the boys father doing when the doctor arrived?AHe was looking after the boy.BHe was shouting angrily at the nurse.CHe was waiting worriedly.DTears were coming down his face.25 . What does the underlined phrase “calm down” mean in Chinese?A镇静B喊叫C尊重D倾诉26 . How was the boys surgery?AHe died.BHe was savedCHe was still in danger.DHe had to wait for the result.27 . Why did the doctor leave at last?ATo look after the boy.BNot to answer the boys father.CTo finish his sons burial. DTo care for his own son.28 . Which words can be used to describe the doctor?ASmart and brave.BQuiet and strict.CPatient but proudDHelpful and selfless(无私的).Here is the Wall Paper stuck on the back wall of the classroom. It is a place for the students to introduce their favorite books to the class. This week its Anns Groups turn to post their book introductions.Whats Your Favorite BookTimI like the book The Wandering Earth. It first attracted my attention when I saw the movie based on the book during the spring festival. It is a science fiction about driving the earth away from the solar system. I really enjoy seeing what the world will be like when it comes to the end. I think its one of the most creative science fictions written by a Chinese writer.AnnThe Innocents Abroad is a travel book by the American author Mark Twain published in 1869. It describes a journey of a group of American travelers in 1867. It was the best-selling of Twains works during his lifetime, as well as one of the best-selling travel books of all time.SaraMy favorite book is Linnea in Monets Garden. Its a story about a little girl visiting Monets art in museums. She also visits the artists home and gardens. What I like most is that the full-color photos of Monets famous paintings.BenGrand Canyon(峡谷) is an introduction to the natural history of the canyon. If you like geography, Im sure youll like it. You can find lots of amazing photos in the book. Its perfect for young travelers, campers, and observers of the natural world, especially for those planning a trip to the Southwest.29 . The Wall Paper allows the students to_.Ashare the books they likeBlearn about different studentsCintroduce their favorite moviesDshow their reading experience30 . If one likes travelling, which two of the books can be chosen?AThe Wandering Earth and Grand Canyon.BThe Wandering Earth and Linnea in Monets Garden.CThe Innocents Abroad and Grand Canyon.DThe Innocents Abroad and Linnea in Monets Garden.31 . What do we know about the book The Wandering Earth from Tim? AIt was published during the spring festival.BIt describes the solar system.CIt is a book about making a movie.DIt is written by a Chinese writer.32 . Which student is a fan of art?ABenBTimCAnnDSara33 . In how many books can you find many great photos?AOneBTwoCThreeDFour四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子。每空一词。34 . You should be _(有责任心的)for your work.35 . The bicycles they produced were not up to _(标准).36 . My mother is _(体贴人的)and she does everything for me.37 . There were four people _(在前面)of me at the doctors.38 . The _(翅膀)of a crow can never cover up the sun.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空39 . -Are you all right, Linda? You _(not seem) to be as cheerful as you normally are.-To be honest, Ive just had a really bad day.40 . -Has Mike decided what to do when he leaves school?-Everything is planned. He _(have) a holiday for a few weeks before he takes a robot course.41 . -Excuse me, when can I get my car back? -Not until it_(repair) next week.42 . Post it in no time. The company you want to work in _(expect) your reply43 . John, you_(grow) up, why not make decisions mainly by yourself?44 . - I regret_(not visit) the Palace Museum when I was in Beijing.- It is a big pity.用所给词的适当形式填空。45 . When he was a child, his mother often _ (worry) about his health.46 . We have different _ (kind) of butterflies in our museum.47 . I got lost in the countryside. _ (lucky), an old man helped me.48 . The movie was really _ (scared). I wont want to see it again.49 . My favorite place is the library because I enjoy _ (read) there.50 . Its good to relax by _ (use) the Internet or watching game shows.51 . Gina always gets _ (good) grades than I do, so maybe she should help me more.52 . He is _ (talent) in music. He wants to be a singer in the future.53 . How many _ (hour) do you sleep every night?Nine.54 . I like basketball very much, I play it _ (two) a week.六、完成句子完成句子55 . 你经常收到你网友的来信吗?Do you often_ your e-friend?56 . 我们必须停止污染环境。We must _ the environment.57 . 学校给我们提供了宽敞洁净的教室。Our school_ us_ big and clean classrooms.58 . 我们班有45个学生。_ 45 students in our class.59 . 对每一个人来说,每天喝足够的水是很重要的。It is _everyone_enough water everyday.60 . 我每次去沙滩都能玩得开心。Every time I go to the beach, I can _there.61 . 我愿意和来自世界各地的人们交朋友Id like to _ people from all over the world七、句子配对从栏中选出与栏匹配的选项。 62 . Where is Maria? AYes he did.63 . Have you jumped rope?. BShe has gone abroad.64 . Whatthe populatiou of the world? COf course. Id love to.65 . Mickael got lost just now,didnt he ?DNo, I havent.66 . Would you like to be a greener person.EIts about 6. 8 billion.八、填空Japanese schools have many different after-school clubs for the students. Here are some popular club activities in Japanese schools.Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan. The rules of the game in Japan are the same as the rules in America, Many children play baseball at school.Ping-pong is also very popular. Both boys and girls like to play it. When you play ping-pong, you have to watch the ball and the person you are playing with carefully. Your eyes are just as important as your hands.Origami(折纸)is a traditional Japanese art. It is also famous in the world. You can learn to make all kinds of things , like birds, boxes and toys. Japanese students learn origami at school. Every student knows how to make a few things.Playing computer is also a popular after-school activity. Japanese schools all have good computer rooms. They are open after school. Students can play learning games there . They can also learn to talk with others by e-mails.Popular After-school Club Activities in JapanBaseballThe rules of playing it are67 . the rules in America.Ping-pongWhen you play it, you should watch 68 . and the person you are playing with carefully.OrigamaIt is a 69 . Japanese art. Students learn it 70 . and they can make a few things.ComputerStudents can 71 . learning games and learn to send e-mails in computer rooms.九、多任务混合问题Recently a specialist(专家) in teenager studies does some research on teenage problems. He thinks parents shouldnt be blamed of themselves because there is nothing they can do to deal with the teenage problem. Whatever they do, sometimes a wonderful, kind and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal.Ive seen friends deal withitin all kinds of different ways. One strict mother insisted that her son, should stand up, open doors and shake hands like a gentleman whenever anyone entered the room. I saw him last week when I visited them. Lying on the sofa, he made no attempt to turn off the loud TV he was watching as I walked in. His mother was angry. “I dont know what to do with him these days,” she said. “Hes forgotten all the manners we taught him.”He hasnt forgotten them. Hes just decided that hes not going to use them. She said that she would like to throw him down from the sofa onto the floor.Another good friend of mine let her two daughters climb all over the furniture, reach across the table, stare at me and say, “I dont like your dress, its ugly.” One of the daughters has recently been driven out of school. The other has left home.“Where did we go wrong?” Her parents are now very sad. Probably nothing is wrong with the parents.72 . This text is most probably written by_.AA specialist in teenager studiesBa headmaster of a middle schoolCa parent with teenage childrenDa doctor for mental health problems73 . The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to _.Athe change of the children from good to badBthe way that parents often blame themselvesCthe opinion that a child has of his parentsDthe advice that parents want their children to follow74 . The boy on the sofa would most probably be described as _.AlazyBquietCunusualDrude75 . What is the authors opinion about the sudden change in teenage children?AParents have no choice but to try to accept it.BParents should pay more attention to the change.CParents should work more closely with school teachers.DParents are a fault for the change in their children.十、材料作文76 . 书面表达Tom 是你的好朋友,根据下面Tom的时间表(见答题卡),以Toms School day为题写一篇短文,描述一下Tom一天的生活和学习情况。要求:中心明确、语句通顺。不少于60词。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、六、完成句子1、七、句子配对1、八、填空1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、


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