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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Most of the artists_ to the party were from South Africa.AinviteBto inviteCinvitedDinviting2 . _ do you like the Grand Theatre?Its wonderful.AwhatBHowCWhichDWhen3 . 一Whats in your pencil-box?There _ a ruler and six pencils in it.AareBisChaveDhas4 . Li Ao, one of my favourite Chinese writer, _ earlier this year. He was a man who was never afraid of any power.Apassed downBpassed onCpassed offDpassed away5 . Peter, we need to clean the house. _ you please help us record the notes?AMustBCouldntCCouldDCant6 . After a long walk in the sun, they wanted to drink _.Asomething coldBnothing coldCcold anything7 . (题文)We stopped _, but there was not any sound.Ato listenBlistensClistenDlistening8 . Well stay at home and watch TV if it_ tomorrow.Awont be fineBdoesnt fineCisnt fineDwont fine9 . _ he is only 4 years old,he is able to play the piano very wellAifBalthoughCunlessDuntil10 . No one knows the man_is standing out the gateAwhomBwhichCwhoDwhose11 . The children are having fun _ on the beach.AplayBplaysCplayedDplaying12 . Can you help the old womanher glasses? She cantit.Afind, findBlook for, look forCfind, look forDlook for, find13 . Did you have a great time in Tibet?Come and have a look. My photos will show you_.Ahow was the tripBwhy we go thereChow did we go thereDwhat the trip was like14 . Do you mind if I smoke here, madam?. Its not allowed in public, you know.AYoud better notBNever mindCOf course notDAll right15 . Is that girl in purple your sister? It _ be. Shes gone to London a week before.AcantBwontCmustntDneednt16 . - Why didnt you go to Toms birthday party?- Sorry, _.AI wasnt invitedBI didnt invitedCI cant inviteDI arent invited17 . Every year, _ kids in Africa die of hunger, what can we do for them?Aten thousandsBthousand ofCthousands of18 . What a lovely toy car it is! _you please tell me whose it is?It is my little brothers.AShouldBNeedCCould19 . _ is important _ careful with fire.AThat; beBIt; toCIt; to beDThat; to be20 . How _ good news can you find _ todays newspaper? _.Amany, in, NoneBmuch, of, No oneCmuch, in, NothingDmuch, in, None21 . The fish you bought yesterday smells _. Youd better throw it away.AgoodBbadCwellDbadly22 . Harbin is really a beautiful city and therere many places of interest.So it is. Im going to stay here for _ two days.AotherBmoreCanotherDelse23 . She is often seen _ the old woman.AhelpBhelpingCto helpDhelp to24 . Tom is a tall manshort hair.AofBwithChasDhave25 . He thought_ too much trouble to own a robot.Ait sBthisCthatDit26 . (题文)Well done,boy!Itake pride in youThank you,sirAam angry withBam kind toCam proud ofDam strict with27 . Have you ever _ the news in todays newspaper?Not yet. What happened?Alooked forBplayed withCwritten toDread about28 . - Mom, can I play computer games for a while?- _ your homework _.AUntil, will be finishedBUntil, is finishedCNot until, will be finishedDNot until, is finished29 . - Hi, Linda. How about going shopping this weekend?- Im afraid I cant. My car is broken and it needs _ .ArepairedBrepairCrepairingDto repair30 . Its half past four. School is over. The children_ games happily on the playground.AplayBare playingCplayedDhave played二、完型填空When you hear the word “scientist”, what do you think of? Many people think scientists are people in clean white coats who work in labs. And some scientists do work in labs. But there are _ scientist who work in woods and jungles. These scientists are called “animal behavior (行为) scientists”, and they study animals as they live in nature.Why dont these scientists catch animals and study them in zoos? The _ is in the word “behavior”. Animals behavior scientists want to learn _ animal behave in their wild homes. When animals live in cages (笼子) or in zoos, they do not act the same as they do when they are _ . They may fight _ each other, or they may not eat, or they may not raise (抚养) their babies as they usually would. To see real animal behavior, scientists must go where the animals _ .So animal behavior scientists go into the jungles, the woods or the desert. There , their most important _ are their eyes and ears. They watch and listen to the animals very_ . They write down everything that happened in notebook. _they live near the animals, the scientists are careful not to frighten them. If the scientists are lucky, the animals will _ no attention to them. Then the scientists can see how the animals really live.The behavior scientists hope what theyve learned about animal behavior can provide clues (提供线索) to help people learn to live together more happily.31 . AanotherBotherCothersDthe other32 . AanswerBquestionCproblemDtext33 . AwhenBwhereChowDwhy34 . AhappyBfreeCsadDangry35 . AofBamongCforDwith36 . AliveBrunCplayDeat37 . AmachinesBtoolsCthoughtsDways38 . AtrulyBcarefullyCwonderfullyDnicely39 . AButBUnlessCThoughDAs if40 . ApayBspendCtakeDcost三、阅读单选This is a song millions of Americans will hear this New Years Eve. It is called Auld Lang Syne (友谊地久天长). It is the traditional music played during the New Years celebration. It tells about the need to remember old friends.The words “Auld Lang Syne” mean “old long since”. No one knows who wrote the poem first. However, a version(译文) by Scottish poet Robert Bums was published (出版) in 1796. The words and music we know today first appeared in a songbook three years later.The song is played in the United States mainly on New Years Eve. The version (译文) you are hearing today is by the Washington Saxophone Quartet. As we end our program with Auld Lang Syne. I would like to wish all of our radio friends a very Happy New Year! This is Buddy Thomas.41 . Where is this passage from?AA newspaper.BA magazine.CA TV program.DA radio program.42 . Who is introducing Auld Lang Syne to us?ARobert Bums.BThe Washington Saxophone Quartet.CBuddy Thomas.DThe passage doesnt tell us.43 . When is Auld Lang Syne mainly played in the USA according to the passage?AOn New Years Eve.BOn Christmas Eve.COn weekends.DOn holidays.44 . When did the words and music of Auld Lang Syne we know today first appear?AIn 1790.BIn 1793.CIn 1796.DIn 1799.45 . Whats Auld Lang Syne about?AIts about the history of Scotland.BIts about an old Scottish poet.CIts about the need to remember old friends.DIts about the wishes to the radio friends.Im Tom. Im an American boy. Im thirteen years old. Im studying in a middle school. I have a good friend. His names Jim Green. He is from (来自) England. Hes thirteen, too. My sister is Ann Smith. She is ten. She has a round face(圆的脸) and a small nose. She is very nice. She is a student, too. We are in the same school, but we are in different grades. Im in Class 3, Grade 7. Shes in Grade 4. Our Chinese teacher is from China. She is Miss Gao .She teaches us Chinese and tells us stories about China .She has big eyes and long hair. She is really beautiful. We all like (喜欢) her very much.46 . _ come from America.ATom and JimBTom and AnnCJim and AnnDTom, Jim and Ann47 . Tom and Ann are in different _ .AschoolsBschoolCgradesDgrade48 . Ann has _ .Aa long face and a small noseBa round face and a big noseCa round face and a small noseDa short face and a small nose49 . Who does the word “her” refer to(指代)?AJimBTomCAnnDMiss GaoA young man went to see a wise man, saying that after graduation, he set goals for himself, but years later he still achieved nothing. The wise man was reading in the small house by the river, when the young man found him. With a smile, the wise man heard the young man s words, and said to him, Come to help me boil a pot of water first! The young man saw a big pitcher 水罐) standing in the corner, next to a small fire stove(炉子),but he found no firewood in the stove, so he went out for it.He came back with some dead wood, filled up the pot with water and put on the stove. He put some firewood in the stove and burned up, but because the pot was too large, when the wood burned out, the water did not boil. Then he ran off to get firewood. When he went back, the water had nearly turned cold. This time he became smart, so he was not eager (急切的)to light the fire, but went out to look for some firewood again. Because the firewood was well prepared, the water boiled pretty soon.The wise man suddenly asked him, If there is not enough firewood, how should you boil the water? The young man thought for a moment and shook his head. The wise man said, If so, pour out some water of the pot! The young man nodded thoughtfully. The wise man continued, You had so many things you want at first and set too many goals, just as the large pot was filled with too much water but you didnt have enough firewood, so you couldnt boil water, and if you wanted to make the water boil ,youd better empty some of the water. The young man saw his light suddenly. When he went hack he removed many listed goals from his plan, leaving only a few recent ones, while with the snare time he studied all kinds of hobbies. A few years later, his goals came true.50 . The young went to see the wise man because he_AgraduatedBset goalsCachieved nothingDheard about him51 . The wise man asked the young man to_Afind firewoodBboil waterClight the fire stoveDfill the pot52 . The water didnt boil because_Athe young man was not wiseBthere was not enough firewoodCit turned cold soonDthe stove didnt work well53 . The wise man advised the young man to boil the water by_Agoing to find more firewoodBasking for another persons helpCfilling the pot with more waterDemptying some of the water54 . What did the young man finally realize?AHe should take up some hobbies.BHe shouldnt set many goals.CThe wise man was a good teacher.DNo one can succeed easily.四、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences:55 . He didnt buy many vegetables in the supermarket.(保持句意不变) He_a_vegetables in the supermarket.56 . Jim usually went to school by bike when he was 14 years old.(保持愿意)Jim usually_when he was 14 years old.57 . There are a lot of people in Shanghai.(改为否定句) There_people in Shanghai.58 . David liked winter best of the four season.(划线提问)_season_David like best of the four season?59 . There is little milk in the bottle.( 反义疑问句)There is little milk in the bottle,_?60 . the passengers, hurt, neither, was , in , nor, the accident, the driver(连词成句)_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。61 . What a pity! Sue lost the game because the _ (weigh) of her shoes made it difficult for her to run fast.62 . The effect of this kind of medicine needs _ (far) study before it can be widely used.63 . The little dog is dying, but I am _ (help) to do anything for it.64 . Keep _(try) and you will find you can remember things better.65 . It rained heavily and the wind blew a lot. And the weather is even_ (terrible) today.66 . _(luck), he didnt miss the last bus to his office at last.67 . My sister and I learned to swim by _(we) when we were young.68 . Everybody agreed that Johns jokes were _ (funny) of all.69 . As we know, there are some differences between American English and _ (Britain) English.70 . When we got home, we couldnt wait _(turn) on the TV. But the match was over.六、材料作文71 . 书面表达根据以下提示,写一篇介绍我的朋友张阳的短文。基本情况张阳,阳光中学九年级二班学生兴趣爱好1. 喜欢阅读。每周花七个多小时阅读各种类型的书,因为2.喜欢观鸟。每年统计两次鸟儿的数量,以研究鸟儿在数量方面的变化。优秀事迹上个月把零花钱捐给了希望工程未来梦想1. 希望成为连接家乡到上海路段的高铁总工程师2. 每个人为保护环境都可以做一些改变。如:.(举1例)要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)必须包括表格中所有的相关信息,并适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数);4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Zhang Yang is a student in Sunshine Middle School._第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、材料作文1、


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