人教版2019-2020学年下期期末检测八年级 英语试题(I)卷

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人教版2019-2020学年下期期末检测八年级 英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This pair of Nike shoes costs me too much, about 300 yuan, but its_ of all the Nike shoes in that shop.AcheaperBthe cheapestCmore expensiveDthe most expensive2 . Not only Mr. and Mrs. Green but also their daughter _ abroad twice.Ahave goneBhave beenChas goneDhas been3 . I will tell you a secret, but you must promiseit around.Anot spreadBnot to spreadCdont spreadDto not spread4 . Linda has _ her husband for 10 years.Agotten married withBgotten married toCbeen married withDbeen married to5 . He has been working all the morning.Yes.He must himself and go on with his work after lunch.AenjoyBrelaxChelpDsee二、完型填空完形填空。My parents always told me that I couldnt dance, because it was a girls sport. But I never gave up my _ of becoming a dancing star. I practiced secretly, learning from books, movies, and shows. However, without my parents support, that dream seemed impossible to reach.One summer, my little sister Maggie was going to dance lessons. I quickly asked _ parents to allow me to take her to the lessons. What a _ chance to learn dancing!One afternoon, I was practicing a new dance in my room, when Maggie walked _. “Whats the matter, Maggie?” I stopped _.“Dennis, you are a great dancer! Can you help me?”“What is it?” I wondered.“Therell be a dancing performance in my school, _ all the boys think Im slow, and _ of them wants to be my partner. Could you dance with me for it?” She looked at me hopefully.“You can be a good dancer!” I encouraged her. “Lets show those people that they have been _ all along.”In the following months, we _ every evening, hiding from my parents. I was having a fantastic time and_ Maggie improved a lot.Finally came the big day. I became _ when I heard my parents would come to watch the performance. As the _ began, I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. We moved perfectly, shining with pride. From the cheering of the crowd, I was sure we had _. My heart was beating wildly when I saw my_ coming towards me. He put his hand on my shoulder. “Well done, Son. Though it is hard for me to admit(承认) it, it seemed that you really _ this stage(舞台). Go for it and make us proud.”Id been waiting for this moment for so long. I knew that the road ahead wasnt going to be easy, but I wouldnt give up. I wanted nothing more in life than to dance.6 . ArequestBdreamCstyleDchange7 . AmyByourChisDher8 . AsimilarBfunnyCgoodDstrange9 . AoutBawayCthroughDin10 . AdrawingBdancingCsingingDwriting11 . AbutBorCsoDif12 . AallBbothCnoneDneither13 . AmusicalBuneasyCprofessionalDwrong14 . AchattedBrestedClistedDpracticed15 . AfirstBsoonCneverDseldom16 . AshyBboredCnervousDangry17 . AmusicBlessonCmeetingDparty18 . AarrivedBattendedCsucceededDregretted19 . AfatherBmotherCsisterDclassmate20 . Aturned onBpaid forCdealt withDbelonged to“Today I will give you a special test,” said the English teacher with a smile on his face.All the students set up straight and _for the test to begin.The teacher began to _the test papers to all the students._he finished handing out the test papers,he asked them to begin.The students were very _to see that there was not a question but a black dot(圆点)in the centre of the paper.The teacher _the students surprise and said,“I want you to _about what you see there.”At the end of the class,the teacher took all the students answer sheets(答题纸)and read the answers._of them described the black dot.After reading all the answers,the teacher said,“Here everyone only paid attention to the black dot,_no one wrote about the white paper.” The whole class listened _,because they were afraid to fall in the exam.Then the teacher said,“Dont worry about your _for this test.I just want you to think about our life.The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the centre of the paper _problems in our daily life.”Our life is a _given to us by God(上帝),with love and care._,we just pay attention to the problems like illnesses and poverty(贫穷),and never see that these problems are very _compared to everything else we have in our life.So we should try to take our eyes off our problems and _each moment life gives us.21 . AsearchedBlookedCvotedDwaited22 . Ae-mailBsellCgiveDdonate23 . AAfterBBeforeCUntilDWhile24 . AhappyBsurprisedCexcitedDsad25 . AforgotBrememberedCnoticedDhated26 . AtalkBwriteChearDlearn27 . AAllBNoneCSomeDMany28 . AbecauseBalthoughCifDbut29 . AsilentlyBangrilyChappilyDquickly30 . ApresentsBmarksCsuggestionsDtasks31 . AhelpsBfindsCrepresentsDsolves32 . AproblemBgiftCmomentDdoor33 . AStillBAlsoCBesidesDThen34 . AseriousBbigCsmallDimportant35 . ArefuseBstopCwasteDenjoy三、阅读单选Beijing was the capital for six dynasties(朝代). Among many new high buildings, you still can find something different here. When you walk through the hutong you will really love this old capital.A hutong is narrow lane between the outer walls of houses. The main buildings in a hutong are siheyuan-buildings with houses around a yard.If you come and go through the narrow hutong, you will get a feel for the heart of old Beijing. It is a place of peace, and its not like the noisy city. Usually, you can see groups of older people sitting together and playing cards or Chinese chess.The hutong is an important element (元素) of Beijing. Most of them were built during the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The oldest hutong is Sanmiao Street, which is more than 900 years old.The hutong shows the culture of ordinary Beijingers. The people of Beijing used to enjoy a big dinner with their neighbors in the hutong. Neighbors and friends are never too far away to hear a shout.There are lanes that are similar to hutong in other parts of China. But they have different names. For example, in Shanghai, people call these lanes linong. While in Hunan, people call them xiangzi.36 . Beijing used to be the capital ofdynasties.AthreeBfourCfiveDsix37 . The underlined word “lane” means in Chinese.A马路B街道C巷道D捷径38 . Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ALiving in a hutong is comfortable but noisy.BMost of hutong in Beijing were built more than 900 years ago.CBeijingers are difficult to get each others help because they live too far away.DDifferent places have different names of hutong in China.39 . Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?AOld Capital CultureHutongBThe History of HutongCBeijingers Living ConditionDWhat Is HutongYouth, friendship and love are the main themes of this years Chinese movies, such as So Young(致青春) and American Dreams in China(中国合伙人). Tiny Times(小时代), one of the most popular movies this summer, also has the same features.The movie was based on author and director Guo Jingmings novel of the same name. It tells a story about four girls who come from different backgrounds and of different personalities. Since it was shown on June 27, Tiny Times has made 483 million yuan at the box office. The sequel(续集) of it was shown on Aug 8 and it has also been a big box office hit.Cao Yuhan, 13, a high school student at Beijing Jianhua Experimental School, is a big fan of the movie. “Im deeply touched by their friendship,” Cao said. “When Nan Xiwang is in trouble, the other three girls try their best to help her, even running barefoot (光脚)in the snow. However, not everyone has had good things to say. The peoples Daily said that the film went too far in encouraging youths to become materialistic(物质至上主义的). Film commentator Raymond Zhou wrote on his online blog that “Buying luxury goods (奢侈品)seems as a way to express love or friendship, and the word money is repeated over and over again. Song Kexin, 14, a high school student at Zhida Middle School in Taiyuan, Shanxi, shows a typical example of a fans attitude(态度). And thats to look for the positive value. “That movie is a little far from our daily life. My friends and I are not having parties every day,” Song said, “But I admire Tang Wanrus optimistic attitude(乐观态度). Shes always looking at the bright side of life. I should learn from her.”40 . Which is NOT one of the main themes of this years Chinese movies?AYouthBLoveCWarDFriendship41 . According to the article, the movie Tiny Times _.Ais more popular than the other two moviesBwas made from Guo Jingmings novelCtells about four girls with similar personalitiesDopened in Chinese cinemas on August 842 . What does film commentator Zhou Liming think of the movie?AThe four girls friendship is touching.BIt encourages the young to work hard.CIt has many advertisements for luxury goods.DIt shows money expresses love or friendship.43 . Song Kexin admires Tang Wanru because of Tangs _.Aoptimistic attitudeBrich family backgroundCgood looksDexcellent grades at schoolMy father died when I was five. It was hard on us all. My brother, who is eight years older than me, began to take care of my mother and me.He took on more responsibilities than expected. I remember he made sure the rubbish was taken out, and the yard was cleaned. He did on his own, without being told to do so.Because of my fathers death, mom had to get a full time job. Brother would get me up for school and make me breakfast. While I was eating, he would lay out my clothes, ,make my bed, and gather my school books up.Hand in hand we would walk to the bus stop. As we waited, he would play games my father used to play with me. When we returned from school, we were alone for about half an hour, until mom was home from work. Before I did my homework, he would sit me down with three cookies and a glass of milk. Then he would prepare something for mom to cook dinner.Mom would greet us with a hug and kiss. This was our time to have some fun outside. This was my brothers time to be a kid.One Saturday in June several years later, my mother and I were at a store where the Fathers Day cards were sold. I stared at the cards. Mom said, Cindy, I know this is hard time for you.No, mom. Thats not it. Why dont they have Brothers Day cards?She smiled, Youre right, your brother has exactly been a father to you. Go ahead to choosea card.I did so, and on Fathers Day, my mother and I sat my brother down and gave him the card.As he read it, I saw the tears in his eyes. Mom said, Son, your father is proud of you, seeing that he raised a good man, and that you do your best to fill his shoes. We love you and thank you.44 . Who asked the brother to take on more responsibilities?AThe father.BThe mother.CHe himself.DCindy.45 . What did the brother do for the whole family? He got Cindy up for school. He prepared for dinner. He did the dishes every day. He gathered up Cindys books. He played games with Cindy. He helped Cindy with the homework.ABCD46 . Cindys brother returned to be a kid when _.Ahe played games with her at the bus stop.Bthey stayed home alone waiting for mom.Che offered delicious cookies and milk.Dthey had fun outside after mom came back.47 . While reading the card, Cindys brother felt _.AdownBembarrassedCmovedDangry48 . Whats the best title for the passage?.AMy ChildhoodBMy Second FatherCA Valuable CardDA Careful BrotherTo understand why the Earth is warming up, first of all, we need to understand why it is warm. Our planet is covered with atmosphere(大气)Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and reaches the Earth. The Sun heats up the Earths surface. When the heat rises into the air, it is stopped by some special gases in the atmosphere like CO2, the heat returns to the Earth and keeps it warm.Power stations and cars release so many green-house gases every day. So we can help stop global warming by using less electric things such as turning off lights when we leave a room, asking our parents to turn down the heating in our house to save energy. We can also stop global warming by finding other ways of transportation. For example, ride a bicycle or walk instead of going by car. Another way to help stop global warming is to plant and care for trees. Because trees take in C02 , they are our best friends when fighting against global warming.The problem of global warming cannot be solved in a day. It may take a long time to find clean energy, such as wind energy. It may take a long time to plant the trees again which were cut down. But every little thing each person can do to save energy and our forests will help. Think about our planet. Think about ways we can help make the Earth a safe and comfortable place for the future.49 . What does the underlined word “it” refer to in paragraph 1?AThe Earth.BThe atmosphere.CThe heat.DThe sunlight.50 . According to the passage,_ can help to fight against global warming.Apower stations and carsBtreesCelectric thingsDspecial gases like C0251 . What can we learn from the passage?AThe problem of global warming will be solved soon.BWe can never save energy and our forests.COnly the sunlight makes the Earth warming up.DTo find clean energy will help solve the problem of global warming.52 . What does release mean?ArelaxBreflexCgive offDgive away四、根据首字母、中文提示填空.词汇运用53 . Now, pedestrians(行人) will be _(罚款) 50 yuan if they run red lights.54 . Many people in poor areas dont have the money for medical _(治疗).55 . Do you know what the _(教练) are talking about over there?56 . Would you like to go to the _(西北) of China to teach poor children as a volunteer?57 . Why are they _(挖) holes over there?Because they want to plant trees.五、短文改错Nick is my good friend. He is 12 years old. He is a English boy. He is on China now. He speaks(说)English and French. He favorite subject is science. He likes Chinese, too. He says he can speak a little Chinese, and he can t write(写) in Chinese. Nick love sports, too. He likes play soccer best. He plays it on weekends. He says he can play very good. He doesnt like physics. He thinks its too difficult. Nick has a small family. There are eight people in his family. He has two brothers and two sister. They are Bob, Tim, Jane and Susan. They is very happy.58 . _59 . _60 . _61 . _62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . _67 . _六、材料作文68 . 书面表达71. 假如你是Amy,一个来自美国的交换生。你想写信告诉你的朋友Sally这个学期的生活以及对接下来的中国新年的打算。请根据以下信息完成这封信。时间内容这个学期交了一个好朋友Lily;游览了神仙居;参加了一个美食派对;提高了中文水平中国新年除夕夜看春晚,吃大餐;春节看电影一辈子的姐弟参考词汇:Fairyland神仙居;Spring Festival Gala春晚;New Years Eve除夕夜;SiblingForever一辈子的姐弟注意:(1)包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;(2)词数:80左右;(3)信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Sally,How is everything going? I had a great time in Xianju. _I hope you can come to Xianju soon and Ill show you around. Best wishes,Amy第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、短文改错1、六、材料作文1、


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