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人教九年级全册英语Unit12单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . My English was poor because I hadnt learned it _ I came here.Aas soon asBafterCbeforeDwhenever2 . (题文)Liu Xiang announced the retirement (退役) in Shanghai _ May 17, 2015.AinBonCatDsince3 . The sad mother sat on the roadside, shouting _ she was crying.AwhatBwhenCasDwhich4 . 一Is there going to a football match tomorrow afternoon?一Yes But dont forget we are going to a class meetingAbe; beBhave; haveCbe; haveDhave; be5 . . _ of the students in Class 6 have lunch at school.ATwo fifthBOne thirdsCThree fifthDThree quarters6 . His father collected all her diaries and _later.Apublished themBhad published themChad them publishedDhas published them7 . I like _ to people and _ books.Ato talk, readingBtalking, readingCtalk, readDtalk, to talk8 . Does Helen take the subway to school?No, she doesnt. She goes .Aby busBtake the busCride the busDwalk9 . Trainers are light and they are _among young people.AimportantBbeautifulCcomfortableDpopular10 . The earthquake let_people homeless.Atwo thousandsBthousands ofCtwo thousands ofDtwo thousand of11 . Han Mei _ us in the game at last.AjoinsBjoinCjoinedDjoining12 . Actor Orson Welles described _ in his famous trick.Awhere had aliens landedBwhere aliens had landedCwhere will aliens landDwhere aliens will land13 . How long can I _ the VCD? A week.AborrowBbuyCkeep14 . Good newsWe are going to have a_holidayBut I dont think two weeks_enoughAtwo weeks:isBtwoweek;isCtwoweek;areDtwo weeks;are15 . -How long have you _ the map?-For two years. I _ it in the market two years ago.Abought; hadBhad; boughtChad; hadDbought; bought二、完型填空A 14yearold boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.Dean Bluey from Dallas, Texas, is a school boy who has much _ in computers. One day, he _ an email to a friend on the Internet. Suddenly he received a message saying“Help!Pain! Help!”The message was from Finland,_ kilometers away from America.“I didnt know _ I should do,” Dean said to a reporter afterwards.“It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.” So Dean did nothing at first. _ the message kept coming.“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,” Dean explained. He _ and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library.She was ill. What was _there was no phone around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean got in touch _ the police immediately. And they realized that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance rushed to the library._, she was still alive and was sent to hospital quickly.“Im glad shes OK,” Dean said.“Its hard to believe, but_ saved her life.”16 . AinterestBinterestedCinterestingDinterests17 . AsentBsendsCwas sendingDis sending18 . AthousandBthousand ofCthousandsDthousands of19 . AhowBwhatCwhereDwhen20 . ASoBAndCButDAs21 . AtelephonedBrepliedCfoundDtalked22 . AbetterBworseCharderDeasier23 . AwithBonCtoDat24 . AHardlyBHappilyCLuckilyDCarefully25 . AgirlsBdoctorsCthe policeDemail三、阅读单选You may know the English letters A, B and C. But do you know there are people called ABC? You may like eating bananas. But do you know there is such a thing a “banana person”? How strange! Are these people from “another earth”? No, they are just Chinese people like you and me.ABC means American-born Chinese. An ABC is a Chinese, but was born in the United States. Sometimes, people call an ABC a “banana person”. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So, when a person is a banana, he or she is white inside-thinking like a Westerner and yellow outside-looking like a Chinese.Do you know why? Usually, ABCs know little about China or the Chinese language. Some of them dont speak Chinese. Also, they are not interested in Chinese politics.But if ABCs can not speak Chinese, can we still call them Chinese people? Yes, of course. They are Chinese. They are overseas Chinese. These people may be citizens (公民) of another country like the US, Canada or Singapore. But they have Chineseblood. Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China. They all have black eyes and black hair. But they are not Chinese citizens. They are not people of the Peoples Republic of China. For example, we all know the famous scientist, C.N.Yang(杨振宁). He got the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1957. Chinese people love him. But he is an American citizen.26 . “ABC” in this passage means “_”.Athree English lettersBa kind of bananaCChinese born in AmericaDAmericans born in China27 . Chinese in Western countries are called “banana persons” because_.Atheir bodies are white inside but yellow outsideBthey think like Westerners but look like ChineseCthey were born in China but got to study in AmericaDthey like to eat bananas28 . The underlined word “blood” may probably mean_.A国籍B血统C爱心D皮肤29 . This passage mainly talks about_.Adifferent kind of bananasBthe life story of ABCCC.N.Yang the Noble PrizeDoverseas ChineseAs a well-known Chinese TV hostess, Dong Qing is now hosting two cultural shows, Chinese Poetry Conference and Readers. The two shows are encouraging people to love traditional culture and find the beauty of life.Dong was born in a highly educated family in 1973. she had a great love for traditional literature(文学)from an early age. In 2015 when she was about to study in the U.S, Dong received an invitation from the director of Chinese Poetry Conference asking her to be the hostess. Because of her passion for traditional literature, Dong accepted the job.The contest interests me very much. Hosting it is a process of learning about poetry and performing, said Dong. To her great joy, the show has become more and more popular.Under the slogan(口号)”Reading touches peoples hearts”, the new TV show Readers has become a success. It invites famous guests from all walks of life to read something. Dong works as both hostess and producer.Readers became a turning point in Dong s 21 years of hosting She said it brought her quite ahuge challenge”.There is no shortcut(捷径) in this world. If you want to be a good host, you need to make thorough preparations, said the beautiful hostess. The charm of life lies in its unknown, so we just have to try and keep going.30 . What shows is Dong Qing hosting now?AReaders.BChinese Poetry Conference.CChinese poetry Conference and Readers.DThe Voice of China.31 . Where did Dong Qing decide to study in 2015?AIn FranceBIn EnglandCIn JapanDIn America32 . What does Dong Qing do at present?AAn actressBA singerCA hostessDA hostess and producer33 . The underlined word “passion” in the second paragraph probably means “great _”.AloveBjoyCsurpriseDpride34 . Whats the best title (题目)for the text?AFind the Beauty of LifeBHow to Be a Successful TV HostessCReading Touches Peoples HeartsDDong Qinga Talented Lady四、根据首字母、中文提示填空单词拼写(词汇运用)35 . Its too terrible. I cant s_ them.36 . They are twins. They have many things in c_.37 . Quite a f_ students like eating junk food.38 . We think news is more e_ than sitcoms.39 . My grandpa is in good h_ because he exercises every day.40 . A_ he is very old, he still exercises every day.41 . Can you find out the d_ between the twins.42 . My father told a joke last night. It made me l_ a lot.43 . The Yellow River is the second l_ river in China44 . He doesnt m_ my using his new computer.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文with took idea all had It was May Day. Lucy was at home. She45 . no classes. After breakfast, she said to her mother, “ Mom, can you go to the cinema 46 . me?”“Thats a good47 . ,” said her mother. Then they48 . a bus to the cinema. There were many people in the cinema. “Look, mom, my two classmates are looking for their seats.”Lucy was very happy to meet her classmates there. They49 . had a great time.六、回答问题Last week, Jim had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he cleaned his room and washed his hair. In the afternoon, he did his homework. Its very difficult. It took him about three hours. In the evening, he visited his friend David. They were talking happily. On Sunday morning, Jim went to the library. He read a math book. Then in the afternoon he practised(练习)English with his sister. On Sunday evening he watched a great football match(比赛).50 . What did Jim do on Saturday morning?_51 . How long did it take Jim to do his homework?_52 . Who did Jim visit on Saturday evening?_53 . Did Jim practise English on Sunday morning?_54 . When did Jim watch a great football match?_七、看图作文55 . 假如你是来自英国伯明翰(Birmingham)中学的交换生Tony,来成都华明中学一周了。请根据思维导图写一封邮件向父母汇报自己的学习生活情况。要求:1. 语句通顺,语法正确。2. 包含思维导图上所有要点。3. 字数:90左右。_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、回答问题1、七、看图作文1、


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