2020年外研版英语七年级上册Module 2 Unit 3 同步检测卷(I)卷

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2020年外研版英语七年级上册Module 2 Unit 3 同步检测卷(I)卷_第1页
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2020年外研版英语七年级上册Module 2 Unit 3 同步检测卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ is Mr White and _ is my father.AThis;thoseBThat;theseCThese;theseDThis;this2 . Where is Hainan Island? Itsthe southChina.AonforBoninCinofDinfor3 . There _ a football match in the playground this afternoon.Ais going to haveBis going toCis going to beDwill have4 . My brother is reading books _ the tree now.AinBforCofDunder5 . I saw him _ football on my way home.AplaysBplayingCplayedDto play6 . Do you need yogurt to make this kind of food?Yes,but only _.AlittleBa littleCfewDa few7 . There _ many flowers in our school yard. They look very nice.AisBareCwasDwere8 . Alice doesnt know Lisa very well, but she wants to make_with Lisa.Athe friendBfriendsCfriendDa friend9 . The fridges are on sale in the supermarket today.Really? Lets go and buy for our new kitchen.AoneBitCthatDthem10 . After school, we usually play _ basketball for half _ hour on the playground.Athe; /Bthe; theC/; anD/; a二、补全短文5选5Believe it or not, soap changes life in Combodia(柬埔寨). A group named Eco-soap Bank collects used soap from hotels and turns it into new bars to give out for free.Samir Lakhani, from the United States, started this project three years ago11 . There he watched a mother give her baby a bath using detergent(洗衣粉). He learned that many people in Cambodia were very poor and didnt have soap.12 . Lakhanis idea was to make the best of used soap. Each year, many tourist visit Cambodia.13 . A hotel can produce 150 pounds (about 68kg) of soap waste every month. So Lakhani went from hotel, asking them to give away the used soap. His project grew. It later became the Eco-soap Bank. The group takes the used soap to recycling factories.14 . Eco-soap Bank gives soap to Cambodians. And the project has helped many Cambodians get better hygiene(卫生), reported Time for Kid.15 . He wants to start Eco-soap Bank in every tourist attraction(旅游景点) around the world. All in all, he wants to help people take their health into their own hands-one bar of soap at a time.AHe wanted to help solve the problem.BBut Lakhani has a bigger plan.CThe countrys hotels use a lot of soap.DIn 2014, he visited Cambodia in Southeast Asia for the first time.EThere, workers make the used soap into new soap.三、完型填空In our kitchen, theres a wooden table and three chairs. The chair for my dad is always _.Thanksgiving Day is coming. How can I be thankful without my dad? Every night I go to sleep, whispering, Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow.That morning, the smell of coffee_ me. I run into the kitchen. There he is. Dad lifts me onto his shoulders. Hows my boy? Youve got so big that I can_ lift you up anymore.Mum says shes going to make an apple pie for dads homecoming dinner. Go to the shelf and get that jar of apples for me, please, Jimmy. Thats the_ jar of apples on shelf.Every time I passed the shelf, I looked at the jar, _for dad to come home earlier. My mouth waters just at the word apple.I take the jar from the shelf and run to my dad and mum, so _ to be with them. But then I stumble and _. When I put out my hand to steady(稳住)myself, the jar drops through my_. It is broken, and bits of apple fly everywhere.Then I hear my mums steps and_ Are you hurt? She checks me for cuts. Thats the last jar weve been saving to welcome dad home with weeks of no dessert. I want her to shout at me, but all she said was Dont worry. I am going to make my Mama Sugar Pie_ apple.16 . AbrokenBemptyCseatedDbig17 . AwakesBsupportsCkillsDdrives18 . AeasilyBseldomCalwaysDhardly19 . AfirstBlastCbestDbiggest20 . AlookingBthankingChopingDplanning21 . AboredBsurprisedCexcitedDtired22 . Afall overBrun awayCjump upDset off23 . AfingersBshouldersCchairsDshelves24 . AtheoryBopinionCvoiceDanswer25 . AwithBaroundCbesidesDwithout四、阅读单选Scientists think that most animals cant see colours. The world is black and white to them. To find out if dogs could see colours,scientists gave dogs food every time they played a certain piece of music. The dog got ready to cat only when they heard this piece of music. They did not get ready to eat when they heard other piece of music. Then the scientists gave the dogs food every time they showed them a certain colour. The dogs got ready to eat when they saw this colour. The scientists thenshowed the dogs another colour. Agtin the dogs got ready to eat. The colours were all the same to them. Colours are not all the same to the monkeys, however. For example, if we put food in a red box and do this every day,a monkey will always go to the red box to get the food. If we then put food in a blue box, the monkey wont go to it.26 . Somewanted to find out if dogs could see colours.AanimalsBdoctorsCscientistsDmonkeys27 . The scientists give the dogs food every time theyAsaw the colour redBwent to a box of foodCsaw the colour blueDplayed certain music28 . All colours are the same to.Aall animalsBscientistsCmonkeysDdogs29 . Monkeys know that red and blue areAnot the sameBthe sameCcoloursDfood30 . Dogs are different from monkeys becauseAdogs cant see any colours and monkeys canBdogs cant see more colours than monkeysCmonkeys cant see any colours and dogs canDmonkeys cant see red and blue五、句型转换按要求完成句子31 . It is cloudy in Wenzhou now.(对画线部分提问)(1) _ the weather in Wenzhou now?(2) _the weather _ in Wenzhou now?32 . There is much rain this year.(改为同义句)It _ very _ this year.33 . Tom studies math every evening.(用now改写句子)Tom_ math now.34 . The sun is bright today.(改为同义句)It_ a _ day today.35 . It often snows here in winter.(改为同义句)Theres _here in winter.36 . It is cold in Changsha now.(对画线部分提问)_ the weather _ in Changsha now?37 . My parents are cooking. (对画线部分提问)_ parents _?38 . Lucy is studying Chinese.(用every day改写句子)Lucy _ Chinese every day.39 . They are playing basketball.(改为一般疑问句)_ playing basketball?40 . She goes to_the_mountains on a vacation.(对画线部分提问)_ she _ on a vacation?六、完成句子根据汉语提示填空41 . The young driver _(死于)the wounds that he received in the road accident.42 . A fire _(发生)in the lower story during the midnight.43 . Knowing he had many enemies,he went away _(担心生命安全).44 . We also know that at least five people _(丧生)in that accident.45 . This book _(被译成)several languages since then.七、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式完成下列句子, 使句子通顺、正确fly a kite, clean, tidy up, because, cook46 . Dont leave the classroom now. You must_ your desks.47 . Where is Tony? He is _ in the park.48 . She can join the Dance Club _ she likes dancing.49 . My mother _ delicious food for us every day.50 . Zhao Jun is the_ monitor and he can make our classroom clean.八、用单词的正确形式完成短文friend, office, all, of, from, color, I, Canada, doctor, MissHi, my name is Yang Li. I am a student. My father is a 51 . My mother is an 52 . worker. We come 53 . China, but we are in54 . now. Here is a 55 . picture. Its a picture 56 . my class. The woman is 57 . English teacher. She is 58 . Green. Tom, Jenny and Wang Wei are my good 59 . . We like Canada. We like 60 . our friends here.九、回答问题Road signs are placed in special places to make sure of the safety of the drivers. These signs let drivers know how fast to drive. They also tell drivers when and where to turn or not to turn. In order to be a good driver, you should have a good knowledge of what the signs mean. Its more and more important with the increase of the car ownership(汽车所有量).A student driver will not be able to get his or her license unless he or she knows what all traffic signs mean. Many student drivers pay no attention to the speed limit sign. If you do not stay close to the speed limit, your drivers test could end unsuccessfully.One traffic control device(设施) is a “No Entry” sign. If you notice a “No Entry” sign ahead at the end of the street, you should prepare yourself to make a turn. If you enter a “No Entry” area or if you make a sudden turn, you could fail your driving test. Another device is the “Stop” sign. Some drivers dont prepare themselves to come to a stop. They either completely ignore(忽视) the sign or try to come to a stop suddenly. At times, a driver will only slow down without coming to a complete stop. These mistakes could cause you to fail your driving test. All road and traffic signs should be followed. You should not only obey these rules while taking a driving test, but also obey them anytime when you are driving.(Chart I) (Chart II)61 . What should we know if we want to be a good driver according to the passage?_62 . Is the number of car ownership and growth rate increasing all the time?_63 . Which sign do many student drivers pay no attention to?_64 . How much did the growth rate of cars decrease by from 2010 to 2014?_65 . Have you ever broken the traffic rules? What will you do in the future?_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、回答问题1、


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