2020年外研版英语七年级上册Module 7 Unit 1 同步检测卷B卷

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2020年外研版英语七年级上册Module 7 Unit 1 同步检测卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Were so busy that we forget to feed the fishes. I think the fishes will be _ if we dont feed them today.Ado forBdid forCdone forDdone with2 . (题文)-The old woman wants us _ her with the housework.-I think we should help her.AhelpBto helpChelpsDhelping3 . Thank you for giving us some useful advice _ how to deal _ the problems.Aon; withBabout; toCto; aboutDwith; of4 . I can write my homework _ the computer.AonBinCatDwith5 . She _ in the sports meeting and won the first prize.Atook partBjoinsCattendedDentered6 . Children in the poor village expect to have a different future by studying hard.AthinkBhopeClook forward7 . Whats this?_ .AThis a rulerBIts redCIts a rulerDIts OK8 . You can find your ID card _ the Lost & Found.AatBinConDunder9 . Mum wants to watch the CCTV news. Lets _ the TV.Aturn downBturn offCturn toDturn on10 . -How long have you been in London? -_.AThree timesBI was there for a weekCIve just arrivedDId been there for a month二、句型转换改写句子(同义句改写注意宾语从句、被动语态、同义短语和句式的转化)11 . My uncle is walking the dog in the park. (改为否定句)My uncle_ the dog in the park.12 . I have already been to the World Expo with my parents.(改为一般疑问句)_ you been to the World Expo with your parents_?13 . The teacher asked me, Will you be a volunteer in Yushu? (改写句子,句意不变)The teacher asked me if_ be a volunteer in Yushu.14 . People will care for the environment if they realize the importance of protecting it.(同上)The environment will_ for if people realize_ it is to protect it.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据提示写出单词的正确形式15 . I often I _ (学习) English with my friend.16 . Our school has a new machine to p_ (打印) our homework.17 . After a long walk, _ (final) he arrives at the station.18 . Jim usually _ (use) the Internet to write reports.19 . The great bridge _ (connect) the two cities.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式补全句子,每空一词。20 . Lets _ (play) game.21 . He _ (watch) basketball game on TV.22 . Thats their _ (one) lesson .23 . Bill is a good friend of _ (I).24 . Hello everyone, my _ (name) Lisa.25 . Are _ (this) Peters books ?26 . Jim is the _ (nine) to come to the party.27 . We have a _ (real) busy term.28 . You speak English very _ (good).Thank you.29 . Please take the basketball to _ (they).五、完成句子完成句子30 . 只要你不放弃,你的梦想总有一天会实现的。As long as you dont _, your dream will come true one day.31 . 人们从那开始庆祝国庆节。People have celebrated the National Day _.32 . 上周末我和朋友们玩得很开心。I _ with my friends last weekends.33 . 昨天迈克出去的时候忘记关灯了。Yesterday, Mike forgot to _ the lights when he went out.34 . 大雨过后,这座楼向下倾斜。After the heavy rain, the building _.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整通顺。每空只填一词(有两词多余)nod imagine promise another stomach full water terrible delicious fill present politeRandy couldnt wait to get to school. It was his history teacher, Mrs. Andersons birthday, and she 35 . the class a special treat to help her celebrate. Mrs. Anderson was good at cooking. She could make delicious cakes and cookies.Randys mouth36 . as he walked into the room.Mrs. Anderson had a long covered holder on her desk and the room smelled 37 . . Mrs. Anderson said, As promised I have a special treat for you today.Wait, Mrs. Anderson, Olivia said, We have to sing happy birthday first. Randy really wanted to see what Mrs. Anderson had made. But the class always sang on someones birthday.So Randy sang along,38 . cakes and cookies the whole time.Finally it was time to eat. Mrs. Anderson said, I wanted to share something really special with you, so I made my grandmothers famous blueberry muffins.Blueberry, Randy didnt like blueberries.Mrs. Anderson walked around the room, giving out the muffins. When she got to Randys desk, he 39 . said,No, thanks. I dont like blueberries.As a birthday40 . to me, do you think you could at least try one. Mrs. Anderson said.You could pick the blueberries out if youd like.Randy put his hand on his41 . . He was really hungry.He watched his classmates eat the muffins and hear them say how delicious the muffins were. He decided to have a try.So he42 . . Mrs. Anderson gave one muffin to him. Randy tasted a little and smiled.Hey, its good. He took43 . big bite with several blueberries.Im glad you like them. Randy, Mrs. Anderson said.Randy tried to say Youre welcome with his mouth 44 . of blueberry muffin.七、语法填空用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式。I work in a cleaning company. Usually people call us, and we45 . (provide) house cleaning service. One day, I got a call from a man named David. “I want to help an old man. He just had surgery(手术)and is still ill. Can I pay for it without letting him know? “he asked. David was a very kind man. He called us because he was46 . (worry) about his neighbor, Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith just came back from the hospital. His house was in a mess, but he couldnt do any47 . (chore).Even48 . (sweep) the floor was difficult for him. He didnt tell his children because he didnt want them to waste their time taking care of him. David wanted to help Mr. Smith without bringing him any49 . (stress).And then we asked David what would happen if Mr. Smith would refuse 50 . (let) us come into his house. “I have to at least try, and anyway, I really want to help him,” he said. 51 . (luck),Mr. Smith let us in and our workers did a good job. Since we promised David not to tell his name, we 52 . (tell) too much to Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith was touched by the gift from someone he didnt know. Sometimes we dont expect 53 . (depend) on others, because we are afraid of letting them get into trouble. However, there is always someone who cares for you and tries his 54 . (good) to help you.八、回答问题After two weeks of talks in Paris, 195 countries reached a global agreement on Dec. 12, 2015 to deal with the climate change. Its the first time in history that most of the worlds countries, rich or poor, promised to take action on the climate change.The agreement sets the long-term goal of limiting the global temperature to less than 2 above the levels in the 1800s. If the warming gets above 2, there will be serious problems on the Earth like natural disasters.The agreement also asks countries to make voluntary promises based on each countrys economy, politics and technology. For developed countries, they will do even more. They have a plan to offer over $100 billion to help poorer countries develop clean energy like water and wind power.There are also some legally binding rules. Countries need to set national goals for cutting green-house gas(GHG)emissions every five years. And they will publicly report their progress every five years starting in 2023.However, the Paris Agreement alone wont solve global warming. The future also depends on how well each country will carry out their promises.55 . Whats the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement?_56 . Should the US undertake more responsibilities in solving the problem of global warming? Why?_57 . What percent of GHG emissions did industry and buildings cause?_58 . Which factor influences GHG emissions mostly?_59 . How do you like the Paris Agreement? What will you do to protect the environment?_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、句型转换1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、语法填空1、八、回答问题1、


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