2020年人教新目标版英语七年级上册Unit 9 单元检测卷(I)卷

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2020年人教新目标版英语七年级上册Unit 9 单元检测卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ will the meeting begin? In half an hour.AHow longBHow oftenCHow manyDHow soon2 . -Why do you like rainy days?-The air becomes _ after the rain.AfreshBmeaninglessCcrowdedDserious3 . _ is your music teacher?Miss Han.AWhenBWhatCWhoDWhy4 . We can see more police than usual at the crossings _ snowy days.AinBatConDWith5 . Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it _.AdryBopenCquietDclean6 . (题文)一_is your birthday?-Its_June 15th.AWhat;inBHow;inCWhen;on7 . I have a computer, I dont play computer games on it.AbutBsoCorDand8 . Ive got a ticket for the basketball game tonight.Cool! How _ you _ it?Ahad,gotBdid,getCwere,gettingDwill,get9 . _ is that boy? He is Tom.AWhoBWhereCHow10 . My uncle is used tofor the children in poor areas.Araise moneyBraised moneyCraising moneyDraises money二、补全短文6选5Hello! Im Gina. Im a middle school student. Its nice to meet you here. Let me tell you something about my family. There are five people in my family. They are my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and me.11 . His name is Jack Smith. So our last name is Smith. He works in a big factory and he goes to work by car.12 . Her name is Mary. She teaches in our school but she doesnt teach us. All her students like her very much.13 . He is Tom Smith. My mother often calls him Tommy. He works in a shop near our home.14 . Her name is Jane Smith. Her first name is Jane. She is a middle school student. She is good at English.15 . My sister and I are in the same school. But she is in Grade Three and Im in Grade One. We go to school in our mothers car every day.AMy mother is a teacher. BIm also a student. CMy brother is a teacher.DMy father is a worker.EMy sister is a student. FMy brother is a worker, too.三、完型填空What day do you like? I like FridayI have _ classes in the morning and _ my classes are greatMy _ class is English. Its interesting and funThe second class is ChineseIt is easy _ me and I like it very muchMy Chinese teacher,Mrs. Li,always_ Chinese is very usefulThats for sure! Then I have two math classesI think math is really difficultBut my math teacher,Mr. Zhang,is a very nice man_always helps meP.E. is the last classI can play ping-pong and have a good_ in the classSo we all_ P.E. We have lunch _ schoolI always eat chicken and carrots for lunchI dont have hamburgers or ice-creamBecause I dont want to be_.16 . AfiveBfourthCfourDfifth17 . AeveryBthisCsomeDall18 . AbestBfavoriteCfirstD1ast19 . AatBforCwithDon20 . AthinkBsaysCknowsDasks21 . AHeBSheCHisDHer22 . AsubjectBclassCtimeDday23 . AlikeBhaveCdoDget24 . AinBtoCfromDafter25 . AhealthyBtidyColdDfat四、阅读单选(题文)Hi,my name is Jean.I am twelve years old.I am a student in a middle school.I like music.And I also like baseball and basketball very much.Do you like them?My birthday is on June 2nd.Every year I have a birthday party at home.I invite many of my friends to it.And I also get lots of gifts.How do you celebrate your birthday?Do you have a party for your birthday every year?And can you get any gifts on your birthday?26 . (小题1)How old is Jean?A10.B11.C12.D13.27 . (小题2)What does Jean like?AMusic.BBaseball.CBasketball.DAll of the above.28 . (小题3)When is Jeans birthday?Its on _AJune 2ndBJune 3rdCJuly 2ndDJuly 3rd29 . (小题4)What does the underlined word “invite” mean in Chinese?A拒绝B邀请C希望D乞求30 . (小题5)Does Jean get lots of gifts?ANo,she doesnt.BYes,she does.CNo,she isnt.DYes,she gets a gift.五、阅读判断Im Michael,an American boy . I speak English but I can speak a little Chinese .I like eating out .My favorite food is Chinese food. I often drink milk for breakfast .I have a good friend, Kangkang ,a Chinese boy.He speaks Chinese but he cant speak English at all. I help him with his English .He likes English very much .His favorite food is Sichuan food .He has rice and vegetables for breakfast . 阅读判断,对(T),错(F)。1.Michael is from America.2.Michael speaks Chinese well .3.Michaels favorite food is Chinese food .4.Kangkang can speak English and helps Michael with Chinese.5.Kangkang eats rice and vegetables for breakfast .31 . _32 . _33 . _34 . _35 . _六、完成句子根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。36 . My father is going to a_ the meeting in Shanghai next Monday.37 . People hope the w_ between the two countries will stop quickly, so the people can live peacefully.38 . Without any help, his father managed to repair the car all by h_ .39 . “Do you _(意识到)that this is the third time youve forgotten?” She said angrily.40 . If you have a headache, you should lie down and _(休息).七、用单词的正确形式完成句子从括号内选出一个合适的单词完成句子41 . Mr Smith and three_ (other/others)teachers went there.42 . Scientists have _ (discovered/found)some strange plants under the sea.43 . Its_ (possible/impossible)for the girl to finish the work.She needs help.44 . Dont eat_ (such/so)many hamburgers a day.Its bad for your health.45 . The weather in Hainan is different from_ (that/it)in Jilin.八、多任务混合问题Hello, everyone! Im new here. My name is(1)Gina. Im twelve years old. In my family, there are six people: my grandfather, my grandmother, my father, my mother, my sister and I. I live in Beijing now. I am a student in No. 4 Middle School. (2)I have a student ID card, and its number is 4968. My telephone number is 535-4567. You can call me. 任务一: 对画线(1)处的句子提问。46 . _任务二: 回答下列问题。47 . How old is Gina? _48 . Whats Ginas telephone number? _任务三: 将(2)处画线句子译成汉语。49 . _任务四: 选词填空。50 . There are _ people in Ginas family.AfiveBsixCtwoDfourV根据短文内容完成下列各题Da Shan,a Canadian,is perhaps one of Chinas most famousforeigners(A)He speaks Chinese wellHe was born in 1965He(B)started to learn Chinese when he studied at TorontoUniversityIn order to remember more Chinese words,(C)wrote,he,them,often,on,cards,down,smallBut he wouldonly remember words he met with while reading,listening ortalking in the following two weeks“Theres no use learningwords that dont appear often,”he said“And the best way tolearn a foreign language is to keep using it and understand theculture behind it,or youll forget everything quicklyDa Shan says it is important to get into the languageenvironment(D)与中国朋友交谈has helped him learn not onlythe words,but also the country and its people51 . 将(A)处画线的句子译成汉语。52 . 用适当的词替换(B)处画线的单词。53 . 将(C)连词成句。54 . 将(D)处的短语译成英语。55 . 回答问题。What does Da Shan think is the best way to 1earn a foreignlanguage?九、书信作文56 . (题文) 书面表达。假如你叫林涛,你的笔友Tom从英国给你写了一封信,信中谈了他在英国学校中的学习情况以及他本人的一些爱好。请你给他回信,信中谈谈你所在学校的学校情况,如:你在几年级、学习什么科目、你最喜欢哪门功课、最喜爱哪项体育运动等。不少于60个单词。_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全短文6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、阅读判断1、六、完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、八、多任务混合问题1、2、九、书信作文1、


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